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PS3 Tard pack = No wifi + No HDMI + No MemoryStick /SD/CompactFlash

There's no way I'm buying the tard pack. And, while I can afford the real thing (you know, if I saved for awhile), I can't justify spending that much on a console until at least 5 or 6 must-have titles are out.

See you in 2007, Sony.


Man...early adopters FTL. The only system i have purchased at launch was a Dreamcast, and i guess it will be my last. I'm getting a PS3 next year. Hopefully by then there will be one sku left and a settlement from the class action lawsuit the fanboys will put on Sony :p







I really don't get the split. Just one sku with no wifi (make it an addon), HDMI, and 20GB drive would be fine at $499.

Then they'd make money by selling larger HDDs, wifi addon etc like MS, but still have the HDMI output.

I wonder if the HDMI loss was to appease other Bluray members and not undercut player costs too much with the $499 machine?

If they announced accessories that would upgrade the basic to the premium pack I'd be ok with it


Junior Member
Wow. So basically everything at Sony's E3 conference last year was a lie - games and hardware - to try to get one up on Microsoft.


drohne said:
no hdmi means no blu ray movies. sony have officially screwed the pooch. i was willing to pay $500, but forget paying $600. i welcome our new microsoft overlords.

Not quite....HDCP is required for BD movies and you can do that via DVI.....So the question becomes: Does Sony plan to offer DVI cables for the multi AV output ot the PS3 retard pack?


butthole fishhooking yes
They had to drop all those extra ports in order to add vents. Vents, bitches!
so the tard pack is 58,900yen thats $537. And the 60gb is open price in Japan. So what the hell are they gonna charge for it? Me thinks over $600


You can't call it a tard pack. The Core got the name because you would have to be retarded to buy all the components seperately to make up what you get with a Premium.

You won't be going to the store and picking up a Sony branded snap on card reader and HDMI port.
Man, I still can't get over it. The $500 and $600 price points are pretty astonishingly bad but the random gimping of the "cheap" pack is just so, so bad. At first I was still vaguely considering picking up a PS3 maybe 3 years down the road, when the cheap pack hits $250... but if I get screwed out of really basic important features like memory cards and WiFi then fuck that noise, I'll stick to Wii waggling. I might even wind up with a 360 at that rate.
I assume Sony are doing software emulation, the hardware from PS1 to PS3 is too different to do it directly. Haven't heard anything official though.


Suikoguy said:
I take it your a nintendo fan, cause microsoft sure as hell does not innovate

That's bullshit. Xbox Live is certainly innovative, and their controller kicks the shit out of Dual Shock (X - insert version number here).

Sony really fucked up on multiple points IMO.

1) Price
2) Features
3) Controller
Dr_Cogent said:
That's bullshit. Xbox Live is certainly innovative, and their controller kicks the shit out of Dual Shock (X - insert version number here).

Sony really fucked up on multiple points IMO.

1) Price
2) Features
3) Controller

Force feedback aside, how do you know if that new PS3 controller is worse than 360 controller? Hands on?
Shigiloid said:
Force feedback aside, how do you know if that new PS3 controller is worse than 360 controller? Hands on?




Junior Member
Retard Pack Redefined.

Well, basically, Sony said: it's 600, boys. Ultra-hardcore will buy at launch anyway. For the most of us it just means that we have to wait. A year or two. Fine by me.
Sony is definetly headin for 10 years life cycle. Just think bigger and farther than competition.

No Rumble is bad though (however another version of DualShock maybe available for ppl who want it)
I don't think Sony have ever really innovated with anything. They've made some stuff mainstream, but I think EyeToy is the closest they've got.
TheGreatDave said:
I don't think Sony have ever really innovated with anything. They've made some stuff mainstream, but I think EyeToy is the closest they've got.

Yeah, but Logitech had a webcam with similar simple games out before EyeToy. EyeToy had better games and production values of course.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Remember when Sony KILLED Sega by releasing a comparable/better console for $100 cheaper than them, even though Sega was first to market?

wtf is Sony thinking these days?


My family has a lot of money but I still refuse to pay for this...it's crap

and guys this is just the fucking BASE console...never mind 60/70 dollar games, memory cards ect...

ugh fuck this.


Nerevar said:
Remember when Sony KILLED Sega by releasing a comparable/better console for $100 cheaper than them, even though Sega was first to market?

wtf is Sony thinking these days?

Maybe they don't see the X360 as the competition for the PS3, but instead see it as the competition for the PS2.:lol :lol

If anyone can find that Ken quote please post it.:)


SpoonyBard said:
Yeah, but Logitech had a webcam with similar simple games out before EyeToy. EyeToy had better games and production values of course.
Name something MS or Nintendo have done, 95% of the time someone else had done it before them.

Console manufacturers don't innovate, they license, repackage, and sell it to 3rd parties and consumers.

As for the PS3 "tard pack", I don't really see it as being on the same level as the X360.

The 360's core pack removes features that are part of the incentive to buy it. All Sony removes is some storage space, the premium HD output, and easy wireless network connectivity. Most consumers don't give a damn about those features. They do care if their X360 can't play their Xbox games, if they are required to buy a memory card to save, or if they have limits placed on what and how much they can download from XBL.

Basically, Sony has a system version for the casual gamer who doesn't even know what HDMI is and a version for the people who buy $2000 television. Which bracket are you in?

Unfortunately for me, I'm in the later so the $600 price point is pretty painful.
Drek said:
Name something MS or Nintendo have done, 95% of the time someone else had done it before them.

xbox live is more innovative than anything ive ever seen sony do. so is the waggle wand. which is why sony copied both of them


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Drek said:
Most consumers don't give a damn about those features.
on HDMI I agree with you.. but eventually they will.

on wifi... hell no. that stupid $99 MS wifi adapter is ALWAYS sold out at every store I go to. the DS dongle likewise. wifi is turning into a huge thing. not having to worry about wires or cabling a run to an area has caught on. my brothe-in-law has already asked me if there was a way for him to have his xbox online upstairs in his room. he's saving for a wi-fi bridge now so he can do it. running a cable never even entered his thought (nor was it an option when I mentioned it to him).

to me the wifi is the biggest thing right now, and HDMI is going to suck when people realize ow much easier HDMI devices are to connect than component ones. (integrated audio, single video cable, etc)


Nerevar said:
Remember when Sony KILLED Sega by releasing a comparable/better console for $100 cheaper than them, even though Sega was first to market?

wtf is Sony thinking these days?
Remember when Sony ACTUALLY KILLED Sega as a hardware manufacturer by releasing a comparable/better console for $100 more than them, even though Sega was first to market?

Sony does, and that happened more recently.
So what's been shown in 1080p?

Blu ray
Backwards compatible games (or was GT4HD a new game)
Web browsing (has this been mentioned at E3)
Resistance (any other PS3 games?)

If there's a few more launch titles at 1080p, I might have to save up for a 1080p set as well!
Nerevar said:
Remember when Sony KILLED Sega by releasing a comparable/better console for $100 cheaper than them, even though Sega was first to market?

wtf is Sony thinking these days?

Yes, I do. And it's the almost the same kinda pricing that rendered 3DO dead on arrival. I love Playstation, but man, this gen is completely losing me. Think I'll just by a new vid card for my PC and that's that. Not to mention, I'm not going to plunk down the money for this thing and then have the BR drive kick the bucket in 6 months to a year or have a controller or two shit the bed. Maybe I'll wait for the first unit redesign.


truffleshuffle83 said:
xbox live is more innovative than anything ive ever seen sony do. so is the waggle wand. which is why sony copied both of them
Dreamcast was an online console before the Xbox was even out. Various online/over cable gaming services were offered ages ago as well. Not to mention Battle.net, etc. on PC.

I played a lot of PC games online well before the Xbox and Xbox Live. When I first played XBL all I could think was "and they want $50 for this shit?"

Now the current XBL, thats a step forward, but charging for base gameplay is still tea bagging to the extreme. Also, Steam, while being shit, was much balihooed and out well before MS unveiled their online system. Hell, Sony basically outlined the entire concept of microtransactions ages ago as well.

XBL is good, don't get me wrong, but its an amalgamation of ideas that other companies first came up with and MS put together with quality execution. The packaging is innovative, not the concepts.

The Wiimote is also older tech. MS had their sidewinder controller, various gyroscopic mice have been made, etc.. The concepts behind it aren't new. Nintendo is just the first to execute it well in a mainstream device.

Who even knows if Sony didn't already have 6 degree tilt planned? The previous controller was oddly wheel shaped, wile it might have sucked at a lot of stuff it would have been great for driving and flight games. Also, rumble was probably already out of the controller by then, due to its small form factor.

borghe said:
to me the wifi is the biggest thing right now, and HDMI is going to suck when people realize ow much easier HDMI devices are to connect than component ones. (integrated audio, single video cable, etc)
HDMI will catch on when HDTVs do, but that probably won't have a major effect on this generation, as they're still too pricey for non-tech enthusiasts. WiFi agree is an important feature, but its a convenience feature (no wires/need of an access point) nothing more. It isn't a part of the gaming experience. Also, access points aren't that expensive, I've been running my Xbox and PS2 through one for several years, my two wireless routers only cost me $40 total (Circuit City sale). Casual people just grab the easy, grossly overpriced, solution.

I agree though, more people will buy the $600 system for WiFi than any other additional feature it offers.
Flo_Evans said:
there are FOUR lights!!


I agree it probably goes 1,2,3,4 then 1+2, 1+3, 1+4 for seven lights. But fuck for $600 give me 7 LEDs bitches.

Fuck! if it wasn't for MGS4 and GT.... hell I was planing on getting one at launch but I will probably just wait for either of those two games and then get it.

edit: just wanted to add another FUCK this FUCKIN sucks!
:lol :lol :lol :lol
Drek said:
Dreamcast was an online console before the Xbox was even out. Various online/over cable gaming services were offered ages ago as well. Not to mention Battle.net, etc. on PC.

I played a lot of PC games online well before the Xbox and Xbox Live. When I first played XBL all I could think was "and they want $50 for this shit?"

Now the current XBL, thats a step forward, but charging for base gameplay is still tea bagging to the extreme. Also, Steam, while being shit, was much balihooed and out well before MS unveiled their online system. Hell, Sony basically outlined the entire concept of microtransactions ages ago as well.

XBL is good, don't get me wrong, but its an amalgamation of ideas that other companies first came up with and MS put together with quality execution. The packaging is innovative, not the concepts.

Last Hope

Guess I am in the small minority but I think that Sony made better compromises than Microsoft. Eliminating that the PS3 is too damn expensive, the PS3 tard pack is actually a playable game system unlike the Xbox Core in which you have to buy at least a $40 memory card to actually make the thing useful.


I can't believe Sony took out the HDMI port on the cheaper SKU, as HDMI was the main reason I wanted a PS3. It's all I cared about, really. Truly f*cking unbelieveable.
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