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PSN Sale: PS+ Specials & Critic's Choice


Unconfirmed Member
Thinking about Until Dawn and Life is Strange for $40 CAD, what does Gaf think?

Definitely recommend both.

Life is Strange hit more very hard emotionally, and playing Until Dawn with few friends, passing the controller around and drinking beer, was one of my favorite gaming experiences of last year.


I tend to buy things when they're on sale, even if I don't intend on playing them soon. Picked up SOMA, Among the Sleep, The Banner Saga, and Amplitude.


After speaking with PayPal & RBC and nothing's wrong on their end, so it's clearly another Sony fuckup. I called them and they say there's no lock on my account, but it could be due to the PSN store update today (they claim it can cause PS store instability) which doesn't make much sense since I had the same issues 2-3 days ago as well (and a few months prior).

Then the guy gave the usual lecture about using PSN cards (which is not an option for me). Utter bullshit.

I had almost the exact same conversation. There's nothing wrong with my credit card, it's the store. The customer service rep kept insisting that I needed to buy PSN cards elsewhere and use them, to which I was like no, I get rewards points for using my Playstation credit card. Then, he switched tactics to insisting that my account was "locked." I managed to finally get him to escalate it to his manager, who confirmed there was no "lock" and that the guy was just lying. The manager blamed the problem on the store update and suggested trying the purchase again after 10pm Pacific. We'll see.

All in all, I probably spent an hour plus arguing with these clowns.
I want to buy Tales from the Borderland, but I only thought the Wolf Among Us was ok, not really worth it.

As much as I like Dark Souls, BB is too expensive at the non-PS+ price.


I don't get the praise, and I even like Borderlands.

The humor was incredibly dry, and missed the mark every time. All the characters were unlikable.

I'm trudging through Tales from the Borderlands (middle of the third chapter) and feel the same way, though I never played the main titles. I've fallen asleep at least four times already. The new little robo guy that joined our party is cool though.


I feel like I've meant to buy Project Cars at the last 3 sales. But with this sale and the $15/$100 promo I can finally justify the game and it's track DLC.
If you don't own SOMA, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, and Tales of the Borderlands by the conclusion of this sale, please submit your Playstation 4 to the nearest liscensced NeoGAF adoption centre in your area.


If I bought the complete telltales pack, does it come with the full version of bordlerlands? Or just the first episode, I'm not home and I don't recall


I'm almost tempted to double dip on Battlefront.. I own the PC version but I've hardly played it due to never finding games.


Need for Speed worth it at that price?

I enjoyed the game quite a bit, the FMV scenes are goofy, but the game itself is a lot of fun, the customization is very well done, and as a racing game it has some great sense of speed and some great events to play through. I recommend the game, I liked it enough to platinum it! But it may not be for everyone, for that price I think it's worth it, but maybe watch a few videos on Youtube just in case!
All the Life is Strange recommendations, I was like you guys who was on the fence about it. Bit the bullet couple of months ago and boy, aside from EP1 and 2, what a fucking borefest it was.

Seriously, don't just buy into the hype. LiS is for those who enjoy pretentious, emo-filled, lame teen drama surrounded with characters who barely got past their first period kind of story. Only get it if you like these kind of plots, I for one was hoping it'd be something different.


Too many games..
Not a bad problem.. I was going to grab LiS, SOMA and the banner saga.. But now I might switch out saga for Axiom Verge :/. What are ppls thoughts on Axiom and is this its first sale?
I bought black ops 3 deluxe (converting from disc copy), SOMA, MGS 5, and until dawn. Was able to use a 20% coupon I bought off a website as well. Weirdly enough I had used a 20% coupon back in Nov as well on battlefront deluxe, so I can confirm you can at least use two coupons on a single PSN account. It didn't let me use the current coupon on the webstore though, only on my actual PS4.

Should get back another $15 in march since I spent over $100, not bad at all.
All the Life is Strange recommendations, I was like you guys who was on the fence about it. Bit the bullet couple of months ago and boy, aside from EP1 and 2, what a fucking borefest it was.

Seriously, don't just buy into the hype. LiS is for those who enjoy pretentious, emo-filled, lame teen drama surrounded with characters who barely got past their first period kind of story. Only get it if you like these kind of plots, I for one was hoping it'd be something different.

lol. I'll counter that with: everyone just ignore the ramblings of this madman. His "opinion" is wrong.
All the Life is Strange recommendations, I was like you guys who was on the fence about it. Bit the bullet couple of months ago and boy, aside from EP1 and 2, what a fucking borefest it was.

Seriously, don't just buy into the hype. LiS is for those who enjoy pretentious, emo-filled, lame teen drama surrounded with characters who barely got past their first period kind of story. Only get it if you like these kind of plots, I for one was hoping it'd be something different.

Please don't listen to this man. If you want to simplify it like he does, you might as well label donnie darko a lame teen drama, but that would be wrong, because there is so much more to it.

Life is strange is unique, it's like an indie coming of age movie put into a game format, it will definitely leave a lasting impression on you after you finish it and it's one of the best games i've played last year. Buy it.


Please don't listen to this man. If you want to simplify it like he does, you might as well label donnie darko a lame teen drama, but that would be wrong, because there is so much more to it.

Life is strange is unique, it's like an indie coming of age movie put into a game format, it will definitely leave a lasting impression on you after you finish it and it's one of the best games i've played last year. Buy it.

I agree. If you make the effort to play through it. I think you'll find something pretty unique. It was not flawless but a neat little game
All the Life is Strange recommendations, I was like you guys who was on the fence about it. Bit the bullet couple of months ago and boy, aside from EP1 and 2, what a fucking borefest it was.

Seriously, don't just buy into the hype. LiS is for those who enjoy pretentious, emo-filled, lame teen drama surrounded with characters who barely got past their first period kind of story. Only get it if you like these kind of plots, I for one was hoping it'd be something different.
Wow, I can't say I've seen an opinion on GAF I disagree with more than this one. Sure the game has plenty of teen drama, but the real heart of the storyline is the relationship between two young women and learning to live with what life throws at you even if it sucks. It's definitely got that northwest indie movie feel, but it is incredibly well executed. The mystery plot is compelling, the characters are flawed and interesting...I would urge you to try and play episode 3 at least and see if it doesn't change your mind. Maybe you just can't identify with teenage girls or a coming of age story? If so I feel for you because Life is Strange is a fantastic experience (blows any Telltale game out of the water imo).


I did it for you


They are doing an s2

i know. i'm all for a bigger budget though :)

All the Life is Strange recommendations, I was like you guys who was on the fence about it. Bit the bullet couple of months ago and boy, aside from EP1 and 2, what a fucking borefest it was.

Seriously, don't just buy into the hype. LiS is for those who enjoy pretentious, emo-filled, lame teen drama surrounded with characters who barely got past their first period kind of story. Only get it if you like these kind of plots, I for one was hoping it'd be something different.

i can't tell if you finished the game or not. curious


Gotta love game sharing. My buddy wanted Bloodborne & Battlefront, so now I have Bloodborne & Battlefront! :D Maybe this sale isn't so bad after all.

In my defence, the PS Store clearly doesn't want my money.

When does this sale end?

The Sony rep I spoke with said March 1. That's about the only useful bit of info he gave me.
Please don't listen to this man. If you want to simplify it like he does, you might as well label donnie darko a lame teen drama, but that would be wrong, because there is so much more to it.

Life is strange is unique, it's like an indie coming of age movie put into a game format, it will definitely leave a lasting impression on you after you finish it and it's one of the best games i've played last year. Buy it.

The only lasting impression it left on me was how much boredom I found out of it after EP2.

Sorry if I came off like bashing the game, I wasn't. I merely saying it was a borefest to me and the reason I found it so boring was because of all the pretentious teen drama. Understand? No? Too bad.

Wow, I can't say I've seen an opinion on GAF I disagree with more than this one. Sure the game has plenty of teen drama, but the real heart of the storyline is the relationship between two young women and learning to live with what life throws at you even if it sucks. It's definitely got that northwest indie movie feel, but it is incredibly well executed. The mystery plot is compelling, the characters are flawed and interesting...I would urge you to try and play episode 3 at least and see if it doesn't change your mind. Maybe you just can't identify with teenage girls or a coming of age story? If so I feel for you because Life is Strange is a fantastic experience (blows any Telltale game out of the water imo).

Too bad you disagree. I disagree with your opinion too. That's how it is, what you find interesting and good is not what I found interesting either.

And please, don't have to urge me to "continue" playing the game. I've finished it.

Well just too damn bad I found the whole "Chloe this, Chloe that, Rachel this, Rachel that, omg David is gonna find, IMA keeel that sonofabish!" annoying as hell. It didn't even seem natural to me. I DON'T CARE about any of the characters because their whole life story, well... bores me. I kept rolling my eyes when they talk about their "problems" or the shit they try to throw at Max. I just can't enjoy it.

I'm not changing my opinion, if anyone does not have any interest in these kind of dramas, stay away from LiS. Otherwise, cool, enjoy it.

i can't tell if you finished the game or not. curious

Yes I have.
I bought the game in Nov 2015, after the last episode came out.

I played the first 2 episodes back to back. It was cool being able to manipulate time. Then I started EP3, half way through... I couldn't give much care about the characters anymore as I started to realize that these people are just pretentious fucks. Chloe was also starting to get annoying with her whole Rachel obsession thing.

I had to put the game down after EP3, until January of this year to play it again. EP4 was soooooo boring, at this point I didn't care about most of the characters. I had to put down the game, AGAIN... until the beginning of this month where I had a day of literally nothing to do, to slug through EP5.

After all that shit Max has went through, the game presents you with 2, A or B endings? Wow. Yeah I know, it's not so much about the ending, it's about the ride to the ending. But like I said, I was already bored to death on the way to the ending, just to be presented with 2 endings that I... well, don't care about.

Chloe can die for all I care, she was annoying. Save the people of Arcadia! Hip hip hooraaay? Oh wait, sacrifice everyone to be in a lesbian relationship with Chloe. Yaaay? Whaaaatever.

I did give the game several chances, which is why I kept going back to it despite having a gut feeling that I'll just not find it fun. It's just too bad I can't enjoy it.


I did give the game several chances, which is why I kept going back to it despite having a gut feeling that I'll just not find it fun. It's just too bad I can't enjoy it.

interesting that you thought some of the more eventful chapters (plot-wise) were the most boring. sucks that you didn't enjoy it. :(


Man, these frequent sales combined with the inflated prices of physical games in my country (70 Euros at launch and they take forever to get cheaper) are starting to make me go full digital on ps4.

The last 4 retail games I've purchased have been digital. I'll probably make an exception for the likes of Dark Souls 3 (need my physical souls collection)... but I think it's time to upgrade my HHD


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Right at the beginning Life Is Strange forces you to take a selfie, in the middle of a fucking class while the teacher is lecturing no less. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate this game.

Velocity 2X is never gonna go on sale, is it?

It was a PS+ free game if that counts.
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