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Puppeteer (PS3, SCEJ) announced - Gamescom

This game looks really good imo

It looks better than most of the psn 2d titles I have seen. I am not a fan of the look for a lot of games in today's 2-d planes... but

Wow at this one. I want to see more gameplay
The most impressive game of the show no doubt. A little part of me really wishes that this was a Vita title AT LEAST a cross-play/buy one at that. Surprisingly, from an SCEJ studio, this doesn't feel like a Japanese game at all, probably because of the new director. But considering the fact that Playstation All-stars wasn't revealed to have a VITA port originally, I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Woah. I genuinely thought I'd clicked on the Media Molecule thread instead! LBP similarity aside, this looks fucking fantastic.


From the youtube video.
Puppeteer is a brand new franchise developed exclusively for PlayStation 3 by SCE JAPAN Studio. Set in a magical puppeteer's theatre, this title will introduce you to a strange and fantastic world, where the environment is constantly changing. Players will enjoy a rich, dark fairytale where surprises lurk around every corner.


I <3 Puppeteer's art and atmosphere. The sound seems authentic too. Reminds me of some combo of Spirited Away, Coraline and LBP.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
This isnt a racist statement, but this overall the look and feel of it does not make one think of the Japan studio. Really feels a lot more like a western title than anything. Which is what made me scratch my head about introducing it as a Japan Studio game.

Might just be me, but something didnt feel right at all with the picture.

Anyways the game itself though does look quite nice and will make an interesting addition to the PS3 lineup.


The aesthetic does feel Japanese to me, particularly in the tiger and the witch. It's certainly not as blatantly European as LBP felt.


G***n S**n*bi
Cant wait for last guardian reveal @ TGS
good lord, Sony (in general) is on fire rolling into the tail end of the generation.

Watched the trailer from PSN last night at it looks phenomenal in motion. Just blowing me away how great games like The Last of Us, The Puppeteer, Beyond, etc. are looking. Having a hard time imagining what these teams (along with Guerilla, SuckerPunch, Sony Santa Monica, etc.) will be able to produce next gen. o_O


Post Count: 9999
The aesthetic does feel Japanese to me, particularly in the tiger and the witch. It's certainly not as blatantly European as LBP felt.

I think the main thing throwing people off here is the fact the game actually uses texture shaders.


Any confirmation if this will be a PSN title or boxed?

I really need this box on my shelf and the disc in my PS3.



It's clear that the people pulling the strings on Puppeteer have put a lot of love into it. Moore says that it has been in development for almost three years, but comes from a very small team. They started with 14 people, but now that they're in full production, about 70 are working on the game.

He stressed that this is not a PSN downloadable title, but a full Blu-ray disc release that will feature "a lot of gameplay." That's great, as I want as much of this as I can get.

The end product is beautiful. It's impressive on its own, with no other knowledge, but even more impressive after learning that no middleware or other technologies were used to create it. It was all done by hand, with everything written in-house.

One of the limitations of being set on a stage actually helps out in looks department. Being set on a stage, only a fixed camera is required, freeing up precious CPU cycles to do something else. Moore and his team decided to use this extra power to pump into a virtual full theater lighting rig, which he says lets him do "incredible things." Again, you'll have to see Puppeteer running in person to fully appreciate this, but it absolutely sparkles with its up to 140 fully volumetric lights shining in real time. Spotlights sweep overhead and highlight the action while floods and other effects really sell the stage setting.

Puppeteer is a platformer, and Moore was pretty open about it being inspired by classic platforming games, but some of the gameplay concepts that go along with this platforming are pretty strange. The game's hero is a boy named Kutaro. He has been stolen away to the moon by the Moon Bear King, turned into a puppet, and has his head eaten. Headless and lost, he has to feel around blindly to find a noggin. Again, strange.

Kutaro has the ability to find and use multiple types of weird heads in this new world he has been taken to, with each serving a very specific (and somtimes equally weird) purpose. His movement is controlled with the left analog stick, and he can jump, just as you'd expect in a platformer. Except that he's feeling around blindly, almost crawling, as he cannot see. Where his head would normally be there's only a bouncing spring.

The right stick commands a ghostly cat companion named Yin Yang that seems to serve as both a narrator and a guide for the adventure. This cat also serves as a sort of cursor, and in the demo stage's beginning, Yin Yang has to interact with several things in a room to find a head for Kutaro. Moore says that everything is clickable and touchable in this situation, and that this click/find exploration will help mix up the platforming you're doing with Kutaro.



So from all the tweets, this game and Rain are the first 2 games under Allan Becker (founder Sony Santa Monica) who moved to Japan to revamp Japan Studio games.

He is apparently an unsung hero who had his hands in numerous top tier Sony games and it looks like he will bring SCEJ a lot of good.
So from all the tweets, this game and Rain are the first 2 games under Allan Becker (founder Sony Santa Monica) who moved to Japan to revamp Japan Studio games.

He is apparently an unsung hero who had his hands in numerous top tier Sony games and it looks like he will bring SCEJ a lot of good.

I'm not sure that you can give him credit for this game. KennyLinder said that he saw a trailer for this game two years ago and it was already looking great. But the team had to put it on hold so that they could help with TLG.
Game gives me a LBP combined with Fables vibe. Can't wait to play this game. Just heard about all these Sony games today and this one just looks great. Really would like to play the game with Move I think.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I've always loved the LBP aesthetic but couldn't get over the controls... so yeah, damn this looks good. And glad to see SCEJ have a mini-renaissance after a turbulent number of years.

Japanese games cover such a diverse array of styles so I don't get the people who say "this doesn't look Japanese" (though if I didn't know I personally would have pegged it as a Media Molecule game)... seriously, some people think that every single game out of Japan features an anime style.

Sounds fascinating.

Its strikes me as the sort of game Studio Ghibli would make if they were inspired by DecapAttack.

Thumbs up for the De-cap Attack reference! I thought of that too when I saw the "losing your head" part.


Players scour the world for new heads, which all have unique abilities. The spider head allows Kutaro to interact with a giant arachnid, while a cheeseburger head lets him summon springy burgers into the world. There's no word on how many heads will be in the finished game, though creative director Gavin Moore says to think of a large number. When enemies hit Kutaro, his head rolls off, and players have three seconds to retrieve it. Otherwise, he loses one of his three lives.

You’ll take control of two characters during your adventure. There's the main hero, Kutaro, and also a ghostly cat companion named Yin Yang. The cat doesn’t seem to be entirely enthusiastic about their relationship, which could create an interesting dynamic as the story progresses.

Puppeteer's presentation allows developer to push the ps3 in ways that wouldn't have been possible in a traditional 3D game. Moore says the game's real time lighting rig contains more than 140 individual lights, and while I couldn't count them all in the demo, the game’s impressive visuals certainly make his claim seem reasonable.


Puppeteer is as weird as it is beautiful

Game director Gavin Moore showed off his newly announced PS3 title Puppeteer at gamescom this morning in a closed session. If you saw the debut trailer you'd have some idea how beautiful this game is, but screenshots and videos do no justice to seeing it in person. What you may have missed from the announcement is just how strange Puppeteer is. Moore explained both sides fully this morning in his presentation.

The end product is beautiful. It's impressive on its own, with no other knowledge, but even more impressive after learning that no middleware or other technologies were used to create it. It was all done by hand, with everything written in-house.

We were shown slides of some of the art, much of which showcased the different settings they're still working on. Moore says that he has over 500 imageboards so far, and would love to create a book to showcase them one day.

One of the limitations of being set on a stage actually helps out in looks department. Being set on a stage, only a fixed camera is required, freeing up precious CPU cycles to do something else. Moore and his team decided to use this extra power to pump into a virtual full theater lighting rig, which he says lets him do "incredible things." Again, you'll have to see Puppeteer running in person to fully appreciate this, but it absolutely sparkles with its up to 140 fully volumetric lights shining in real time. Spotlights sweep overhead and highlight the action while floods and other effects really sell the stage setting.

Puppeteer is a platformer, and Moore was pretty open about it being inspired by classic platforming games, but some of the gameplay concepts that go along with this platforming are pretty strange. The game's hero is a boy named Kutaro. He has been stolen away to the moon by the Moon Bear King, turned into a puppet, and has his head eaten. Headless and lost, he has to feel around blindly to find a noggin. Again, strange.

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