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R2-D2 or BB-8?

What is best in life?

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BB-8? Oh, he’s...kinda cute and all, but, well, I think a droid should be strong, so he could stand up for himself… and protect the woman/man/protocol droid he loves.

Don't you think?


R2 is such a boss he commands his own troops

R2 is great, no doubt. But...BB-8 is so adorable I actually went out and bought a toy version. I don't think I ever done for that for a movie before.


BB-8 is love. That lighter scene inside the Falcon with Finn was so awesome. R2-D2 is okay, I like him too. I can't stand C-3PO and Jar Jar, absolutely horrible characters.


Fun fact: In Mexico BB-8 is pronounced Bebocho, that sounds like big baby in an endearing way.

He is too cute.

Voted for Jar Jar Binks though.


R2 lost some of his cool points by appearing in the Prequels.

I'd say BB8 could dethrone R2, but hasn't quite done so yet. But I'm not willing to cast a vote for R2 at this point. BB8 is on a trajectory to likely overtake R2, but it remains to be seen whether they can keep it up.
I voted for Jar Jar in protest of C3PO not being on the list.

C3P0 is the best acted character in the series and the series is told from his and R2s perspective. He even stole every scene he was in during the latest one.

BB8 is just a glorified lighter.


I love em both, I see BB-88 as a child like robot. Which is cute. R2 is like the mischievous, yet smart teenager. I can't decide. I guess if I had to choose though, it would be R2 only because I've seen so much of him and so little of BB-8.


BB-8 got that moment where he was just barreling through everyone and booking it to get to his buddy Poe. Which was actually something that got me to care about Poe beyond him being a cool guy who flies good.
BB-8 was cute and a grand addition, but I gotta go with R2, since I'm reasonably certain he's secretly the sarcastic jackass of the series.

Space Monster

Neo Member
I like to think of everything that Threepio says is just dripping with sarcasm but nobody picks up on it.

'You [incompetent flesh sack] probably didn't recognize me because of my new arm [and because of your kind's pathetically limited sensor range]'


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I like to think of everything that Threepio says is just dripping with sarcasm but nobody picks up on it.

'You [incompetent flesh sack] probably didn't recognize me because of my new arm [and because of your kind's pathetically limited sensor range]'
After rewatching the OT recently, 3po is a bigger dick than my childhood remembers him as
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