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RE5, Dead Rising 2 and DR2: Off the Record coming to Steamworks


Am I the only one having no issues at all with GFWL.

Booted up RE5 the other day, 1-click sign-on and I got to play.

It's deserted though coop-wise.

If this means more players, then yeah great.

Really? I had no problem getting co-op done in RE5 just recently. Joined a few games, had my games joined. Though one problem is that you can get joined by people with some of the broken stuff unlocked, which is no fun.

EDIT: Also for some reason, The Mercenaries scene is a lot healthier than RE6's (although not packed or anything). It is downright impossible to find a Mercs game in RE6.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I don't get why people are going so crazy over this.
More rereleases. Why not Dragon's Dogma or something?

These aren't re-releases, they're patches. Steam is the platform in question here and the games have been available for years. Those who own retail copies won't be asked to buy the games again, either: there will be a "granting tool" (see: Borderlands) or, as is often the case, retail CD keys will be whitelisted for use on Steam (see: every game that has moved from GFWL to Steamworks).


These aren't re-releases, they're patches. Steamworks isn't a platform; Steam is, and the games have been available for years. Those who own retail copies won't be asked to buy the games again, either: there will be a "granting tool" (see: Borderlands) or, as is often the case, retail CD keys will be whitelisted for use on Steam (see: every other game that has moved from GFWL to Steamworks).

Can you hear me squealing over there? Excite!
I don't have any GFWL games installed right now so I cannot check but I'm pretty sure GFWL is still accessible. A couple of months ago there was an announcement that they would keep the servers online for the time being and I haven't heard of them shutting it down since.

Maybe if you still have a local copy of your profile, but I just put GTA4 and DR2 on a new PC over the weekend and it failed at downloading the profile every time on both games.


will be replaying dead rising 2 off the record then as soon as im done with 3 (already played through regular 2 many times)


RE 5 was the first game I got Achievements in since I didn't get a 360 till 2010. I'm still missing two of the 50, but since I got them on the PS3 version I'm not going to bother.
These aren't re-releases, they're patches. Steam is the platform in question here and the games have been available for years. Those who own retail copies won't be asked to buy the games again, either: there will be a "granting tool" (see: Borderlands) or, as is often the case, retail CD keys will be whitelisted for use on Steam (see: every game that has moved from GFWL to Steamworks).

Sweet, I was beginning to worry if my old Retail copy of RE5 would be left in the dust.
i am pleased

the real megaton would be to patch out frank's horribly fucked up model from OTR and replace it with the one from the first game though
seriously what the hell happenned there


Mods are your friend. If they release that new DLC for the PC version of DR3, I'd love to have a similar mod, because Frank's model is just as terrible there too. Looks nothing like him.




People looking for mods can browse this youtube playlist I have of various RE5 and RE6 mods: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMyoprrqVo6APdpMVkhefHTRn-94umhDn

And this mod community has most mods available: http://residentevilmodding.boards.net/

It's actually very recently that people figured out a way to import custom models into RE5.

Yes, quite a good one.

Also not sure if it counts as a mod, but if you join a random The Mercenaries game, then it is possible you'll end up in one of those 4+ player rooms lol.

That counts the same for RE6 as well.


This is great news - I played all 3 on on few months back just because of the gfwl shutdown scare.

Having the Dlc would be a plus but knowing that I will be able to play the games again under steam works in the future is good enough news for me.

Now they just need to patch street fighter x tekken and lost planet.


Well that was a surprise. Now if Namco can do the same for Dark Souls 1 then I think all of the essential GFWL titles have been saved.


Great news. :D
The only downside I see is that achievments will be reseted. On the other hand, though, more reasons to play the game again. (replaying the Professional mode though... :/)
C'mon FROM do Dark Souls, what are you waiting for?

Anyway, great news, i may give RE5 another go.
I can't even play my copy of Dark Souls on PC because of the sloppy puddle of liquid shit that is GFWL. On my new PC, GFWL is apparently incapable of downloading my profile, meaning I can't save my game.
I've looked up the issue online and tried every fix; uninstall, reinstall, flush DNS, compatibility mode, run as admin blah blah. Nothing works.

What a parasitic, less than worthless piece of crap GFWL is.
Great news. I hope for a Steamworks patch for DMC4 and the other Capcom games as well. It'd be awesome if Capcom could use this time to make a new gold release of RE5 for the PC with all the DLCs!


Great news. I hope for a Steamworks patch for DMC4 and the other Capcom games as well. It'd be awesome if Capcom could use this time to make a new gold release of RE5 for the PC with all the DLCs!

DMC4 doesn't use GFWL and is considered an amazing port. Would love to see it get achievements, but Capcom likely won't touch it.


Great news. I hope for a Steamworks patch for DMC4 and the other Capcom games as well. It'd be awesome if Capcom could use this time to make a new gold release of RE5 for the PC with all the DLCs!

DMC4 doesn't use GFWL by the way. It has no online functionality. (replied a bit late, whoops)

I wouldn't mind seeing Lost Planet Colonies and Lost Planet 2 get steamworks. And while this would be a much bigger project, I'd kill to see Dragon's Dogma finally get a PC version.
This is the best news ever. I love RE5 and I'm crossing my fingers that it gets the Gold DLC from the console versions. That would elevate Capccom to lofty heights in my eyes. Dead Rising 2 and OTR are also extremely welcome additions <3

Capcom zombie games are the best in the business and I'll be happy to play them without GFWL now.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Please don't be shit ports via QLOC like Ultra is. :( PLZ. PLZ.

Also bring Lost in Nightmares to PC. I can't really care about the other one. But Lost in Nightmares is the best DLC for Bio5. I will buy a second time if you don't include it for free with GfWL owners, Capcom.

Dead Rising 2/OTR shouldn't be bad ports since they're "optimized." No excuse if they turn out as horrible as Dead Rising 3 has. But since it's Capcom... *knock on wood*

This just leaves Dirt 3 and Dark Souls for Games for Windows Live for me.
And Halo 2 but that won't ever get off the service because LOL MICROSOFT. :(


Can someone tell me what this means? Why not play it on Xbox Live? What's the difference?

GFWL is a DRM implementation that Microsoft attempted to force on PC players about 10 years ago.
The system essentially requires several levels of online check ins that can easily fail, and has a convoluted update process in order to get working, on top of a variety of other issues.

The initiative completely crashed and burned, but, seemingly against rational thought, a few publishers bought into the system. Now, we have multiple games from a variety of publishers trapped on a DRM scheme that essentially requires multiple Microsoft wishes to drop entirely.
Now we just play the waiting game to see who puts forth the development cost to fix games the consumers have paid for.
Can someone tell me what this means? Why not play it on Xbox Live? What's the difference?
GFWL is hated by most of the PC community because it's very temperamental third-party software from Microsoft that's going to be obsolete soon. Log-in problems, having save data deleted, never being able to play games because of the service, etc. are some of the problems people have faced (including myself with Super Street Fighter IV data loss).

Since the service is shutting down in the near future, gamers have been wanting certain games to be GFWL-free, otherwise we wouldn't be able to play them once it does shut down. A lot of good games used GFWL, but over time devs have removed it and updated them with Steamworks (Valve's service. AKA Steam achievemnts, cloud saving, cards, etc.). Now it's finally RE5 and the DR games' turn.



I never tried RE5 mercs, so I'd love to get into it, and at a time when the community will be renewed, too.


Please don't be shit ports via QLOC like Ultra is. :( PLZ. PLZ.

Also bring Lost in Nightmares to PC. I can't really care about the other one. But Lost in Nightmares is the best DLC for Bio5. I will buy a second time if you don't include it for free with GfWL owners, Capcom.

Dead Rising 2/OTR shouldn't be bad ports since they're "optimized." No excuse if they turn out as horrible as Dead Rising 3 has. But since it's Capcom... *knock on wood*

This just leaves Dirt 3 and Dark Souls for Games for Windows Live for me.
And Halo 2 but that won't ever get off the service because LOL MICROSOFT. :(

Why are you talking about ports? This has nothing to do with ports. Tne games already are on PC, tney're just removing broken GFWL and putting in steamworks DRM etc. That is all.


GFWL is a DRM implementation that Microsoft attempted to force on PC players about 10 years ago.
The system essentially requires several levels of online check ins that can easily fail, and has a convoluted update process in order to get working, on top of a variety of other issues.

The initiative completely crashed and burned, but, seemingly against rational thought, a few publishers bought into the system. Now, we have multiple games from a variety of publishers trapped on a DRM scheme that essentially requires multiple Microsoft wishes to drop entirely.
Now we just play the waiting game to see who puts forth the development cost to fix games the consumers have paid for.

Actually it wasn't totally without reason. From a publisher's point of view it seemingly made for easier ports. This is what Sven from Capcom said about why they went with GFWL:

Some key points about the value of GFWL (as went into the decision making process back in the day):

1. 95% of system calls are identical to Xbox Live. That is to say, if you have an Xbox 360 version, you're 95% of the way to having a working PC SKU, and the calls that are different, aren't wildly different. No additional integration required.

2. What this also means is feature for feature mapping with console. No gaps.

3. Native development support, if needed, in Japanese, in Japan's time zone. For getting anything done with teams in Japan, this is essential.

4. SSA remains secure.

So it kinda made sense as an easier entry point for PC ports. Back in the day, Sven was very much a proponent of their PC push. So, while GFWL did suck, perhaps if he hadn't pushed for it and used those points above to get stuff greenlighted using GFWL, they might not be in the spot they are in terms of PC support. Steam would probably have gained momentum regardless of Capcom, but we might be missing even more ports than just Dragon's Dogma.


Why are you talking about ports? This has nothing to do with ports. Tne games already are on PC, tney're just removing broken GFWL and putting in steamworks DRM etc. That is all.

Likely referring to whatever happened to the matchmaking and/or netcode when they stripped out GFWL and converted it to Steam. I guess it could be considered a port to Steamworks in a sense.

Will the online be as good as Ultra Street Fighter 4

I'm hoping right now they just don't have a grasp of how Steamworks handles matchmaking or how to get it working as smoothly as what GFWL apparently made effortless, and they figure it out quick w/ Ultra. Then again SFxT is said to be bad online and is still GFWL, so who knows.
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