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RE7 PSVR Impressions


It's ABSOLUTELY CRAZY and a totally different experience. It's amazing!

I was going to buy RE7 in a few months for a cheaper price. But then I played the first hour (a good friend bought it day 1) on PSVR. Crazy! Crazy, crazy, crazy! Bought it immediately.

If you have a PSVR headset and if you are a horror fan, PLAY IT ON PSVR FIRST!
Man, shit will blow you away. It's so intense and scary.... beautiful :D


Oh, one negative, some of the cutscene where you're grabbed and thrown are a bit rubbish in VR. What you're seeing doesn't tally with what you're feeling and the impact of the scene is lost a bit.

On the flip side, having a knife held in your face suddenly becomes incredibly menacing.

Pro isn't that much of a bump in power so I doubt the visual fidelity will be that much higher though.

It's a very big difference in almost every PSVR game. It supersamples games by default, while some adds a ton of graphical enhancements and/or better framerate.

PSVR is pretty much unplayable on the regular PS4 for me after making the switch.
So when camera control is taken away from you it fades to black instead, or am I misinterpreting that?

Mixed reality vids, stat.
Fades to black very very quick, they improved greatly from the demo because it was like a whole second I felt and it wasn't scary because you knew something was happening. In the full version you can miss it if you blink and one of the first times it happened I yelled in horror and almost had a heart attack, great transition.


Played the first hour and so far I'm impressed graphics range from crappy to ok. Zero sickness and I have propper turning enabled.
It's ABSOLUTELY CRAZY and a totally different experience. It's amazing!

I was going to buy RE7 in a few months for a cheaper price. But then I played the first hour (a good friend bought it day 1) on PSVR. Crazy! Crazy, crazy, crazy! Bought it immediately.

If you have a PSVR headset and if you are a horror fan, PLAY IT ON PSVR FIRST!
Man, shit will blow you away. It's so intense and scary.... beautiful :D

Just stop. Q1 is already so busy and i don't have a cent left :p
RE7 + PSVR needs to be advertised more.


Played it in VR on a pro. Really great. It almost feels like the game was designed with VR in mind with all the objects that shoot right towards your face or characters trying to stab you in the face. Those moments feel amazing in VR.


Percormance and gameplay is awesome, there are some horribly distracting low quality assets everywhere though.

Even with a Pro, I was left yearning for a PS5 so I can have the graphics from the normal version of the game in VR.

In VR it doesn't look half as good as that.

The textures of the lawnmower and windows in the crawl space were legit PS2 level graphics, and that video doesn't mention that fact at all.

That's odd, my experience has been the opposite - the video is representative of my time with it in vr. I wonder if the pro improvements are pushed toward vr more than standard play
I had fucked up nightmares specific to what I experienced in the game last night after playing for a few hours, and that was only on a 24" monitor. The tension and horror in VR has to be one hell of an experience. I'm looking forward to trying it.


It's amazing. First area looks like absolute shit( awful textures, shadows and you also could see where 3D geometry ends and 2D background starts in a few spots ). To be fair i tried the same area without headset and it did not look much better. Once you enter that house tho...

Blackouts and 2D cutscenes are distracting but not a deal breaker at all. I really wish this game had some kind of hand tracking( why the fuck sony does not allow navigation controller to be used with PSVR i have no clue, their excuses are pathetic and even their upcoming gun controller for Far Point has analogue stick for movement IIRC )

If Vive/Oculus version has full motion tracking in a year it will be something absolutely insane.

Please add support for these bad boys Sony/Capcom
Game always looked like it was built for VR and it shows.
i love it on my ps pro, short sessions (30min max). Probably never going to play it on my tv.
Played two and a half hours in VR on my pro so far. I won't be playing the game on my TV.

First AAA VR game. There is nothing else that comes close. I'm in a dentists chair in real life right now so I can't say much else, but I will do a standard stupid long impressions thing later.

I bought psvr and a pro for this game. Zero regrets. I haven't played anything quite like it.
The size of an actual TV in the real world is like the size of the fireplace or a furniture in the VR environment.
A little surface(TV picture) is stretched to the whole environment.

IMO the actual graphical downgrade is actually much lesser than it seems to be.
And obviously I prefer the VR graphics if this term includes the whole picture I experience (3D,size etc)

As for the game, I played the demo and immersion is insane.

Regular PS4 here.


Do you guys anticipate the Rift/Vive version is going to deliver a significant upgrade in visuals over the PSVR version?
Wanted to play the full game in VR, no motion sickness or anything but I peaced the hell out when
Mia comes crawling up the stairs.

Sense of presence is amazing though, well played Capcom! The bar has been set.


Do you guys anticipate the Rift/Vive version is going to deliver a significant upgrade in visuals over the PSVR version?

Naturally. But the PSVR with Pro is already very competent in IQ. Assets and lighting are the things I expect improvements for from PC VR.


I keep debating whether I should play through the whole game on non-VR first, then fire up VR when trying the harder unlocked difficulty.

Or is it better to go VR the whole way so that the jump scares are more memorable? It's a tough call for me, especially considering how damn nice the visuals are on a 4K OLED.


It's interesting to me that I haven't seen a single person complaining about motion sickness with this game considering how skittish most VR developers are about giving you direct character movement in first person
It's interesting to me that I haven't seen a single person complaining about motion sickness with this game considering how skittish most VR developers are about giving you direct character movement in first person

I don't know how they did it different exactly, but I haven't had a single moment of nausea with RE7, vs say, here they lie, which I can't play for more than about 15 minutes without having no choice but to stop.

That said, I also had to stop both times I've played RE7 so far after short periods because the atmosphere is so terrifying.
It's interesting to me that I haven't seen a single person complaining about motion sickness with this game considering how skittish most VR developers are about giving you direct character movement in first person

I was able to play this game longer than any other game in VR without getting sick. Head movement having no jitter and being able to move in intervals with the right stick helps a lot. I have trouble going through doorways for whatever reason though, seems like I always have to clip through the side of the door in order to get in.


I keep debating whether I should play through the whole game on non-VR first, then fire up VR when trying the harder unlocked difficulty.

Or is it better to go VR the whole way so that the jump scares are more memorable? It's a tough call for me, especially considering how damn nice the visuals are on a 4K OLED.

VR first of course. There won't be a second "1st time playing RE7 in VR".
It's freaking amazing. The sense of dread is unparalleled in any medium.
Only problem is I can only play like 2 hours at a time lol


Good Art™
I only played the demo 3 days ago and was pretty disappointed. I mean some of it is like a "everything you shouldn't do with VR" guide.

You DO NOT change my point of view in first person view -_- They do it all the time for no reason. Push X on some object to interact, BOOM, you're suddenly at an other place with no idea where you're looking at. I even missed completely a "cut scene" cause of that. When we find the 3rd guy in the VHS, i was walking around looking at the room when the script triggered and put me in front of him, and instead of looking at his dead face i watched a wall in the other direction, then turned my head but it was too late lol.

Also i'm surprised of some things. It's like.. Every game experimenting with VR for the last 2 years got some things, like the fact that it's really important to interact with your environment. But here you interact with nothing and you push X from 1 meter away to play with objects.

It's like they wanted to keep the bad ergonomic that was the mark of RE, but in VR, making it not too interactive but rather constrained.

Also in the demo the graphics are good to me, the texture, the light, but the aliasing (on a vanilla PS4) is awful. Everything flickers everywhere.


Also i'm surprised of some things. It's like.. Every game experimenting with VR for the last 2 years got some things, like the fact that it's really important to interact with your environment. But here you interact with nothing and you push X from 1 meter away to play with objects.

It's like they wanted to keep the bad ergonomic that was the mark of RE, but in VR, making it not too interactive but rather constrained.

On PSVR the move controllers are not very good so I'm happy they went with just the dualshock controls.


It's been pretty amazing. I wasn't sure I could handle it, both in terms of motion sickness and scare factor. I got up to the 'garage' before calling it a night, but yeah I think I'll continue the playthrough in VR.

I played around at the start trying to find the best VR options. Think I got them right first off, which is great as I've had no motion sickness issues.

Aiming is great!

It looks pretty bad at first, when you're outside, but once you get inside it gets better.

Really impressed with it. :)


I just hated how the VR in the demo rarely showed the character's hands when interacting with objects. Is the final game's VR much more immersive?

You see them when you hold a weapon and in most "cut-scenes", but shelves and small doors open instantly. You see the hands when you press yourself to a door and stuff also.

I think it's a nice compromise that makes the game play as quick as possible.


I'm playing exclusively on my PSVR and Pro, I'm about an hour and change in (second tape recorder), and it's pretty easy to call this the best VR game ever made. Nothing else even comes close to matching this realisation of VR's power to completely transport you into another world. After RE7, it's hard not to say VR's greatest trick is actually putting you somewhere you don't want to be. This is VR's first, full fat, all-in AAA title, and it's pretty damn amazing.

It's bizarre way to describe it, but it's like having a lucid nightmare of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: you're conscious of it, of how scared you are, and you're able to wake up when you want, but you're still curious to keep going, to see what's around the next corner. To see just how scared you can get before its too much. It's certainly not for everyone - I've got rock solid VR legs, and love being terrified - but it's a ride unlike anything else. Playing it outside of VR just wouldn't have the same impact.

In terms of how it holds up compared to other VR experiences on PSVR, the IQ on the Pro is a pretty big step up from the OG PS4. The biggest difference seems to be higher rendering resolution and better AA, clearing up the jaggies, and making everything significantly sharper. It's by no means perfect - the hair on key NPCs is still aliased to hell and back, for example - but the jump is immediate, and very noticeable. The lighting seems better, too, with higher quality shadows, and what feels like richer colours, though it's honestly hard to accurately compare across my two systems. The OG PS4 is still totally acceptable, but the Pro is unquestionably, significantly better, and clearly the "proper" experience, given the IQ on the OG PS4.

The head tracking is also really good. The last VR experience I played was Battlefront, and the tracking felt hit or miss with that, so I was still quite "aware" of the tracking. Here, it's really solid, and I forgot about it pretty quickly. Peeking around corners, learning closer to things, all organic and without ever thinking about "gaming" the game for an advantage by shifting around. It feels very appropriate, given the content. This is how VR games should be.

With all that said, if you get motion sickness, this game is going to ruin you. Even with all the comfort settings, it's breaking a lot of the "rules" of VR, so I expect this is going to be borderline unplayable for people very sensitive to it. YMMV.

I'll post some more impressions tomorrow, but so far, this is hard not to label as VR's first "must buy". Incredible achievement.


The demo was a total nopefest for me, on a scary level rather than a nausea level, it's worth adding. Just a really real, really unsettling environment to inhabit. I don't think I will be buying this game :(

Props to Capcom though.

I feel the same way with the scares. Total nope the whole way. But I will be buying the game, even if I can only stand to play sans headset, primarily to support Capcom and say thank you for supporting VR on a major AAA title.


Played some more a few minutes ago. This is the best experience so far on PSVR so far. I only got to the dinner scene with the Bakers. The immersion is truly unique. I don't know how Capcom did it but they completely nailed it.


Played it on Pro with PSVR.

The immersion is absolutely unmatched. Exceptional.

But I got nauseous after 15 min and had to stop. A bit depressing really cause the time before nausea was fantastic.

Fuck me...


Really at a crossroads with this one. This was a big reason I got a PSVR so as excited as I was, I switched over to non-VR just to see. Game looks nice on a Pro/4K combo and the surround is another big plus. It's just not scary.

I don't know what to do, folks.
Demo made me so motion sick that I sold my PSVR. I'll try it again when they figure that issue out. I've heard some companies have an idea of what needs to be done. We shall see.

For now playing the game without VR and it is incredible.
When I got the game I booted it up in VR mode just to check it out. I invited some friends over so they could laugh at me for crapping my pants. But I was convinced I would play the game on TV after that, because of it's length. But that first session in VR was so good, I could not turn back. For instance the sequence in the beginning
where you go through the water felt like I was actually up to my neck into the water.
I did not have that feeling while playing it from the TV.
It's immersive, it's good looking (ps pro), It's frightening... it's the best PS VR game to date! I eventually played some bits in "normal" tv mode, but that was mostly when I had less time to play and was too lazy to set up the VR.
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