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RE7 PSVR Impressions

Playing on PS4 Pro, PSVR and some XP400 Headphones.

Not going to lie, this game is absolutely terrifying and I am not sure I can actually play through it all in VR. Got as far as the just passed the first VHS tape and not sure if I want to proceed.

The beginning bit outside was fine, graphics are a bit poor out there and foliage is laughable. Once inside however the graphics are great and everything looks brilliant. I have switched the VR controls to smooth motion and increased all speed up to full so I can fully control it with the right stick, luckily I am not effected by motion sickness in VR it seems.

However with all that said the atmosphere when playing in VR and with the Headphones on makes me feel like I am literally there and it is terrifying. I had to stop playing last night purely for the fact that if someone in my house would have touched me on the shoulder or something while I was playing I would without a doubt have had a heart attack there and then. There is just this constant feeling of dread that something is going to happen and I will need to change my pants.

My friends are coming round at the weekend to play it so think I will wait until then to play more. It will be their first time using VR so nothing like throwing them in at the deep end with RE7. I will try and video some reactions from their experiences, should be good for a laugh their reactions from PT and Outlast were great and this is on a completely different level.


I just got the true ending of the demo. The game is out tomorrow in Japan, I'm waiting for my copy to arrive.

My questions is, for you guys with PSVR + Pro: Is the IQ better than the demo?

I found it quite disappointing, blurry and full of jaggies. It was still awesome, gameplay wise, but switching VR off and playing it on the TV was night and day in terms of sharpness. Yeah, I know the resolution is what it is, but didn't really seem supersampled to me.


Neo Member
Yes, and not a small one.
I can't post the comparison videos/images right now seeing as i'm on mobile, but Capcom seems to have utilized the Pro very well.

Nice one, post em later when you get a chance?!

Super curious to see some actual scientific comparison!


Neo Member
Best VR game I have ever played and on a PS4 Pro.

Scared the living crap out of me, the headphones and the VR really add to it. Looks great.
Playing on PS4 Pro, PSVR and some XP400 Headphones.

Not going to lie, this game is absolutely terrifying and I am not sure I can actually play through it all in VR. Got as far as the just passed the first VHS tape and not sure if I want to proceed.

The beginning bit outside was fine, graphics are a bit poor out there and foliage is laughable. Once inside however the graphics are great and everything looks brilliant. I have switched the VR controls to smooth motion and increased all speed up to full so I can fully control it with the right stick, luckily I am not effected by motion sickness in VR it seems.

However with all that said the atmosphere when playing in VR and with the Headphones on makes me feel like I am literally there and it is terrifying. I had to stop playing last night purely for the fact that if someone in my house would have touched me on the shoulder or something while I was playing I would without a doubt have had a heart attack there and then. There is just this constant feeling of dread that something is going to happen and I will need to change my pants.

My friends are coming round at the weekend to play it so think I will wait until then to play more. It will be their first time using VR so nothing like throwing them in at the deep end with RE7. I will try and video some reactions from their experiences, should be good for a laugh their reactions from PT and Outlast were great and this is on a completely different level.

Wow....I want to experience this but I also don't want to have a heart attack and die.


I just got the true ending of the demo. The game is out tomorrow in Japan, I'm waiting for my copy to arrive.

My questions is, for you guys with PSVR + Pro: Is the IQ better than the demo?

I found it quite disappointing, blurry and full of jaggies. It was still awesome, gameplay wise, but switching VR off and playing it on the TV was night and day in terms of sharpness. Yeah, I know the resolution is what it is, but didn't really seem supersampled to me.
Feels about the same, to be honest. I suspect that's a limitation of the 1080p screen, coupled with whatever extra processing is needed for VR mode (if any). The immersion factor is there, and that's enough to offset the lower fidelity for me.
Can we get some recommended VR settings, for the controls and camera?

The VR camera is set to move at angles on default (instead of the smooth analog camera controls you are used to).

I tried playing the demo with smooth camera controls.

Almost puked after 5 minutes of playing.

Not sure if you can "fix" this in the main game, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone is playing the game in VR with "smooth" camera controls.


I ordered a Pro for this - it should be here today.

In the meantime, I started playing on my regular PS4 in VR yesterday. I think it definitely looked fine, especially indoors. However, I started on the free movement setting and it made me sick - even when I switched to the locked angles, I still wasn't feeling much better. I'm hoping when I start it again this evening on the Pro I'll be more prepared for the motion sickness.

Other VR games I've played like Rez, Thumper, and Rush of Blood haven't bothered me - I think it's obviously because of the free movement.
The VR camera is set to move at angles on default (instead of the smooth analog camera controls you are used to).

I tried playing the demo with smooth camera controls.

Almost puked after 5 minutes of playing.

Not sure if you can "fix" this in the main game, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone is playing the game in VR with "smooth" camera controls.

it happened to me as well. I play with angle, 30 degrees, and that has helped. I am 90 min in the game, loving it. I do think I will have harder time with boss fights with vR, since we are not as agile on VR as opposed to controller


I played the first 38 or so minutes last night, and can say that so far I enjoy it. Will preface by saying that I'm kind of a wimp; horror movies don't bother me too much, but I'll usually wince when I see a detailed monster or some gore.

It establishes a really strong sense of dread. I see a dark room and I don't want to go in. One of the scariest things so far is just walking into rooms. You have to move up very closely to the door and push against it. Being in VR, doing this seems to feel more compromising.

And there's always this instinct to check behind the door, but it feels a little awkward to turn fast enough to check that and keep an eye on the room. You turn in segments by default, and you can press a direction to move your view angle to wherever you've turned your head. So far this game, unlike Robinson, has not made me feel nauseated or uneasy at all, as far as interface stuff goes.

There was one point where I was investigating a noise, heard some other noises as I walked into the dark, and I actually pressed the home button to collect myself a second. So if you're worried about being scared, you've always got that out (unless they disable it later?) if you're a punk like me.

One funny bit, that was only discomforting for VR was this little ledge you climb down right at the start. The kind of thing I'd normally be throwing my character at and vaulting down, in VR became kind of intimidating. It was probably like 3 or 4 foot high, and you just jump down it. But VR made the minor impact of it feel more meaningful.

Gameplay spoilers for the first hour or so:
So far though, I haven't really dealt with much combat. I've been in like, 1 fight and it didn't feel very fluid. I didn't have much sense of whether my 'resisting' was effective, and the impact from smacking the enemy didn't seem like much.

Like I mentioned earlier, turning around feels kind of slow, and I haven't found any sort of quick turn really. So I'm worried about how it's gonna go later, when I need to run away from lots of enemies.

Also, I'm playing on a standard PS4. Grainy-ness due to lowish res is noticeable in the very first bit, while you're outside and can see trees and such in the distance. Once you're in the house I haven't realized at all. Feels like it runs fine, but I've never been one to notice in much detail.


I ordered a Pro for this - it should be here today.

In the meantime, I started playing on my regular PS4 in VR yesterday. I think it definitely looked fine, especially indoors. However, I started on the free movement setting and it made me sick - even when I switched to the locked angles, I still wasn't feeling much better. I'm hoping when I start it again this evening on the Pro I'll be more prepared for the motion sickness.

Other VR games I've played like Rez, Thumper, and Rush of Blood haven't bothered me - I think it's obviously because of the free movement.
Is there a cage view mode you can use? This may have something to do with locomotion.


I LOVE this game in VR. Put a few hours in last night, and there were times I was just admiring the atmosphere, instead of actively playing the game. Also, props to Capcom for not going for all the jump scares that they could be. So far I've found this to be my favorite VR game to date.

Man, I hope VR really catches on. This is next level stuff.

*Edit* - Played on PS4 Pro
The VR camera is set to move at angles on default (instead of the smooth analog camera controls you are used to).

I tried playing the demo with smooth camera controls.

Almost puked after 5 minutes of playing.

Not sure if you can "fix" this in the main game, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone is playing the game in VR with "smooth" camera controls.

I worked my way up to it (~1 hour at 30 degree intervals, ~1 hour at 45 degree with faster walk speed, and so on) and now it's fine at the regular mode settings (smooth turning with 4 sens) for me.
I played the first hour last night, and I thought it was pretty amazing.

Going through the forest was a rough start, because the foliage just looked like a blurry smattering of greenish-brown pixels, but everything looks a lot better once you get in the house.

I hated turning in degrees, so I opted for smooth turning. It was a bit disorienting at first, but I found that I started instinctively turning my head and rotating the camera at the same time, and it really smooths it out and makes it feel more natural. So I have had zero issues with the movement controls.

There is a lot of up-close-and-personal stuff going on with the enemies, and it is pretty intense. I'm not really finding the game very scary though. There were a few things that happened that I think was supposed to startle me, but actually made me laugh. I feel like I am in a Resident Evil haunted house rather than experiencing a nightmare, and I was wondering if this was due to VR aesthetic and if it would feel any different in 2D.

I am extremely impressed though. I was not expecting this to work very well, but my immediate impression was that this might be my favorite VR experience to date.


I LOVE this game in VR. Put a few hours in last night, and there were times I was just admiring the atmosphere, instead of actively playing the game. Also, props to Capcom for not going for all the jump scares that they could be. So far I've found this to be my favorite VR game to date.

Man, I hope VR really catches on. This is next level stuff.

*Edit* - Played on PS4 Pro

I actually wish there were more, the only proper (successful) jump scare I've had so far is when Mia
jumps out at you before pinning you to a wall with a screwdriver
. I flinched massively and it heightened that whole section which ended in my only scream/laugh so far. I'm only about 2 hours in so I'm hoping for more of those moments.


Junior Member
I'm only about 2-3 hours in, but this is definitely the best VR game I've played, The most scared i've been at a videogame, and probably one of the coolest things I've experienced.

it's tense as fuck, the house feels claustrophobic. you don't know where things are going to come from. leaning your body to peer around corners is fucking awesome.
Getting grabbed by enemies feels so .... disturbing. it accurately tricks your brain into thinking that they are not only invading your personal space, but they are about to touch you, I found myself twisting my body to avoid attacks.

There's simple moments, like entering a dark room, and you're just alone in an abyss. That was kinda terrifying. Had to keep narrating to myself to keep calm haha.
Hiding from enemies feels so immersive RE7, where it legitimately feels like he's there. you can hear him, walking around the house, I felt paralysed.
I also didn't feel much nausea. The fixed 30deg rotation really works for VR games with movement, i've found.

It's both terrifying, but also surprisingly fun, in a way normal horror games aren't.
Normally I just wanna put the game down, but with RE7 I wanna see how far they can go to scare me the adrenaline rush of experiencing this shit "first hand" overrides my will to not play the game.

It is definitely a VR Killer App imo. This shows that VR doesn't have to be short experiences.
I couldn't have said it better myself it's incredible. When your about to head in the house and it's litterally pitch black you wait. It's the most terrifying experience of my life and I fucking love it.

Anyone that has VR needs to buy this game so we can show Capcom and other big developers that we love VR. It's so imersive and I couldn't imagine playing not in VR becuase it's that good. Didnt feel any motion sickness at all.

We should be bombing Capcoms twitter with positive messages about this being in VR. Show them that we truley believe in it and are thankful for them giving it a chance becuase it's FUCKING awsome. Now Capcom make all the dlc VR and give me dat Dino crises in Vr please.


Intense and a great experience at first but the controls/camera ruined it and made myself and friends sick because of how the camera kept snapping at angles which got disorientating when things got hectic.

We didn't know that you could change the controls to smooth until the next day when I saw it on GAF and that made it much, much better.


I feel vr is an absolute game changer, especially in the horror genre. The demo convinced me when I opened the microwave in the kitchen and leaned my head in to be face to face with the cooked crow. In the full game, I regularly stop at the end of a bend in a hallway and peak around the corner with my weapon at the ready. Another example is when I'm hiding behind some rotting wooden fence or broken wall I'm actually leaning in and peaking through holes or leaning up slightly and peaking up over the top. The feeling of immersion is incredible. There is a trade off in graphical quality but it balances out with everything vr brings to the table. My second play through will be completely non vr so I'll be better able to compare and contrast the two experiences then.
When's the next VR game on this scale coming out? The impressions of this game are pushing me to pick up a VR set sooner than later. I've been on the fence for a few months now( and they've basically been OOS for nearly two months anyway, so there's that).


I ordered a Pro for this - it should be here today.

In the meantime, I started playing on my regular PS4 in VR yesterday. I think it definitely looked fine, especially indoors. However, I started on the free movement setting and it made me sick - even when I switched to the locked angles, I still wasn't feeling much better. I'm hoping when I start it again this evening on the Pro I'll be more prepared for the motion sickness.

Other VR games I've played like Rez, Thumper, and Rush of Blood haven't bothered me - I think it's obviously because of the free movement.

Almost my experience exactly. I've had the Pro for some time but my friend came over to lend me his PSVR and even though I did great with UD:ROB, Rez, and each of the demos I couldn't even get to the house without getting profoundly nauseous. Want to retry again tonight but I'll need to make some serious adjustments because that was incredibly uncomfortable.


When's the next VR game on this scale coming out? The impressions of this game are pushing me to pick up a VR set sooner than later. I've been on the fence for a few months now( and they've basically been OOS for nearly two months anyway, so there's that).

Farpoint is coming out in the next few months, supposedly. Not sure how long or in depth it'll be.

Obduction, a new game made by the creators of Myst is also coming sometime in 2017, which I'm looking forward to. I believe it's already out on Steam, so I would think it would launch in the first half of 2017.

Back on topic, I played about an hour and a half of RE7 last night, and it's totally amazing in VR. Using the 30 degree turning as the smooth camera option made me sick in the demo, and that seems to be working fine. The opening wasn't super hot, graphics wise, but once inside it's been incredible. Playing it on a PS4 Pro.

Remember to switch the FOV slider in the options, forgot to do that for the first few minutes, it really makes things more immersive!


Have VRPro, one of the most memorable gaming experiences I can remember. I played for about 2 hours yesterday and was mentally exhausted.

Taking a step back, the controls are the best I've seen for FPS movement to date. L-Stick controls forward-backward and strafing, R-Stick moves your view in 30 degree increments left or right. It works very well, especially standing as moving forward on the L-Stick will move you towards what you are looking at, and when you do use the R-Stick, its usually to re-center your screen or gives the impression that you are blinking. Very very cool. On top of that, aiming is done with your head tracking and feels super cool and accurate.

Situational moments arise frequently, you are hiding and peeking, aiming around corners with ease. I hope Farpoint has controls similar to this.

Having not played my VR after the original launch lineup, this game single-handedly re-ignited my love for VR and it's potential. This is proof to other studios that done correctly, a AAA VR game is possible.

Graphically, I played the Kitchen demo before I had a Pro, and it was still awesome. But for sure the VRPro version is running at a higher resolution, less jaggies and overall cleaner more immersive gameplay. Not required, but man is it impressive.
Playing on an OG PS4 the game doesn't look particular amazing in VR but damn is it immersive. I played for about an hour or so in VR mode and I just couldn't do it anymore. I almost shit myself multiple times. Fantastic experience but scary as shit lol.
When's the next VR game on this scale coming out? The impressions of this game are pushing me to pick up a VR set sooner than later. I've been on the fence for a few months now( and they've basically been OOS for nearly two months anyway, so there's that).

Star Trek Bridge Crew probably


Played it on Pro with PSVR.

The immersion is absolutely unmatched. Exceptional.

But I got nauseous after 15 min and had to stop. A bit depressing really cause the time before nausea was fantastic.

Fuck me...

I had this issue with the demo - and I haven't gotten a lick of motion sickness from any other VR game.

Any sense of whether the full game improves on this?
Well, I was scared even in at the Kitchen demo, so dunno If I can play this without my wife holding my hand next to me. No way I'm putting headphones on.


I had this issue with the demo - and I haven't gotten a lick of motion sickness from any other VR game.

Any sense of whether the full game improves on this?

Having experienced nausea on a number of different VR games, this was also my primary concern.

But I am happy to say that after playing two hours I had no nausea in RE7. My buddy said the only time he started to feel nausea was when he was standing and playing, as soon as he sat down he said it was gone completely..perhaps try that for anyone feeling slightly uncomfortable.

A lot of work went into the controls for RE7 VR, and on top of that, you can fine tune them to match your sensitivity to movement. Overall, this in nowhere near the DriveClubVR/TombRaider vomit comets of first-gen VR.

The only thing I need now is something to stop the lenses from fogging up cause I be sweating bullets in this house.
Playing on PS4 Pro, PSVR and some XP400 Headphones.

Not going to lie, this game is absolutely terrifying and I am not sure I can actually play through it all in VR. Got as far as the just passed the first VHS tape and not sure if I want to proceed.

The beginning bit outside was fine, graphics are a bit poor out there and foliage is laughable. Once inside however the graphics are great and everything looks brilliant. I have switched the VR controls to smooth motion and increased all speed up to full so I can fully control it with the right stick, luckily I am not effected by motion sickness in VR it seems.

However with all that said the atmosphere when playing in VR and with the Headphones on makes me feel like I am literally there and it is terrifying. I had to stop playing last night purely for the fact that if someone in my house would have touched me on the shoulder or something while I was playing I would without a doubt have had a heart attack there and then. There is just this constant feeling of dread that something is going to happen and I will need to change my pants.

My friends are coming round at the weekend to play it so think I will wait until then to play more. It will be their first time using VR so nothing like throwing them in at the deep end with RE7. I will try and video some reactions from their experiences, should be good for a laugh their reactions from PT and Outlast were great and this is on a completely different level.

you know all the jokes that are made about RE's humor and how goofy it is?

keep going. the worst part is that first hour or two and this it goes back to being stupid.
I played it for a few hours last night in VR on my pro. There were several times were I would be looking towards a dark room and say to myself "Fuck this. I'm not going in there." It was terrifying and brilliant. I can't wait to get off work and do it again.


The best VR game period. Controls are natural and not even a hint of nausea at default settings. Graphics are OK on Pro. Only gripes are items going through your head at times like when picking up a phone and
the knife ugh..
RE7 in VR is something I don't think words can even justify. I played a good 6 hours last night all in VR. Its incredible. This is going to be one of those cherished gaming memories for me.

I tried once without VR and laughed at how different it felt.
you know all the jokes that are made about RE's humor and how goofy it is?

keep going. the worst part is that first hour or two and this it goes back to being stupid.

I hope that's the case, here is a visual rundown of my experience yesterday that I posted.



Friend got me blitzed and then made me play Kitchen. I had the complete opposite reaction than expected and was loving life. It was my first time in VR. My friend cowered in fear on the couch at Mia and relented that he was unable to finish it, even sober.

I must be one of those horror astronauts.
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