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Realistic Link design by Kyle Hefley (343 Developer)


Still want this


Can somebody embed the pictures in here? I'm on my phone.




Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Face is too blegh op. I'm all for adult/teen link, but fuck the westernization of link's face.
We should really stop the implication that making character models look like actual people is an inherently western thing. :/
Did WW Link get a similar reaction from fans when first revealed?

I mean, with a bit of tweaking, I think a "realistic" adult(age 20+) Link could very much work well.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's viewed as a western thing because of how pretty much all AAA western games are realistic at this point.
Western devs have taken advantage of the tech available to them to make things look more believable, not necessarily realistic. Like urban rat stated the majority of costumes would look ridiculous irl even if they're good cosplays.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
DmC was nothing compared to the Wind Waker backlash. Probably because the Zelda fanbase is much larger, but still, I can't think of a single character redesign that caused more wailing than WW.
Holy shit it was that bad? o_o
Western devs have taken advantage of the tech available to them to make things look more believable, not necessarily realistic. Like urban rat stated the majority of costumes would look ridiculous irl even if they're good cosplays.

But they seem to think believability is related to realism. So you aren't really seeing many AAA games come out of western studios that look like Ni no Kuni or Skyward Sword. Which is why it's not surprising that a topic like this would have a negative reaction. Many people aren't interested in seeing all games go down that realism route.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
But they seem to think believability is related to realism. So you aren't really seeing many AAA games come out of western studios that look like Ni no Kuni or Skyward Sword. Which is why it's not surprising that a topic like this would have a negative reaction. Many people aren't interested in seeing all games go down that realism route.
Believability is related to realism in some form, making things make sense logically despite being fantastical does wonders, hence the backlash when something makes no sense at all. I mean the Witcher 3 just released and I'd say that that game has just as many if not more fantastical elements than Ni No Kuni or Skyward Sword but present them in a grounded way.


so I googled that image, and found a thread at zbrushcentral.
here is a colored image:

personally, I wouldn't want to see a link like this in a game, but hey it's just an art excersice and as such it's fun.
Believability is related to realism in some form, making things make sense logically despite being fantastical does wonders, hence the backlash when something makes no sense at all. I mean the Witcher 3 just released and I'd say that that game has just as many if not more fantastical elements than Ni No Kuni or Skyward Sword but present them in a grounded way.

Can't say I saw that much backlash for non-sense for the last few Fast and Furious movies, which are multi-million successful blockbusters. Part of the charm of gaming (Especially on the East side) is having fantastical elements and suspending your disbelief in reality. Which go all beyond reason, because simply put, it's damn cool.
Believability is related to realism in some form, making things make sense logically despite being fantastical does wonders, hence the backlash when something makes no sense at all. I mean the Witcher 3 just released and I'd say that that game has just as many if not more fantastical elements than Ni No Kuni or Skyward Sword but present them in a grounded way.

Being grounded is really the last thing I want from fantasy games. What goes on in NnK and Skyward Sword is believable for those worlds. That's all that really should matter. It seems very limiting to attempt to link real world logic to a setting where characters are fighting demons and dragons.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Can't say I saw that much backlash for non-sense for the last few Fast and Furious movies, which are multi-million successful blockbusters. Part of the charm of gaming (Especially on the East side) is having fantastical elements and suspending your disbelief in reality. Which go all beyond reason, because simply put, it's damn cool.
Including something because you think it's cool is not necessarily a good way to design something, especially since it applies to most things that well look terrible and are over designed as hell. Having any sort of fantastical elements requires the audience to suspend their disbelief. F&F 6 is also a lot more self aware than things you usually see that are included because "it looks cool."

That's supposed to be a human face?

I kid, a little. Seriously that is an ugly face.

And the color makes it worse.
Well yes, human faces have wrinkles, and generally are not perfect. >_>

Being grounded is really the last thing I want from fantasy games. What goes on in NnK and Skyward Sword is believable for those worlds. That's all that really should matter. It seems very limiting to attempt to link real world logic to a setting where characters are fighting demons and dragons.
There's a difference between applying real world logic and making things believable enough that the viewer doesn't bat an eye. I'd say Zelda overtime has gone out of it's way to become more grounded actually. Link for instance doesn't do things like summoning giant fire whirlwinds with his bare hands anymore.

also, I guess it doesn't matter but it looks like the art is from 2011 so it's nothing recent.


Neo Member
Looks pretty neat. I'd have to see how the rest of the world would be rendered before I knew if I'd want to play a game with this type of artstyle, but it could be alright.

Not surprisingly, this thread turned into another thinly veiled Japan vs. West argument. Really tiring, especially since generalizing in that manner is insulting to artists on both "sides". There are very talented artists in gaming from all over the world, including Kyle Hefley. Get over your petty biases.
Looks pretty neat. I'd have to see how the rest of the world would be rendered before I knew if I'd want to play a game with this type of artstyle, but it could be alright.

Not surprisingly, this thread turned into another thinly veiled Japan vs. West argument. Really tiring, especially since generalizing in that manner is insulting to artists on both "sides". There are very talented artists in gaming from all over the world, including Kyle Hefley. Get over your petty biases.

Is it a coincidence this popped up after this topic was made?


Crossing Eden has an agenda and axe to grind to say the least based off his posting history.


Well yes, human faces have wrinkles, and generally are not perfect. >_>

Spare me your condensation, I'm fine with wrinkles and "not-perfect faces" * THAT face is ugly with a capital UGG. This is not an east west thing for me, that particular face from that particular artist is off putting to me. Sorry for not liking what you like.

*For example here's a wrinkly face I think looks great


wat. Western game devs are full of extremely talented artists. There is nothing about Link's original designs (apart from Wind Waker Link) that isn't super generic and forgettable. He's a pretty anime boy and that's it.

You're wrong. Which is why he's one of the most recognizable characters of all time. It's like... the exact opposite of generic and forgettable.


I don't know how but people managed to successfully associate "realistic" with "western idea of mediocre to downright ugly".


There's a difference between applying real world logic and making things believable enough that the viewer doesn't bat an eye. I'd say Zelda overtime has gone out of it's way to become more grounded actually. Link for instance doesn't do things like summoning giant fire whirlwinds with his bare hands anymore.

No, now he turns into a wolf or wall graffiti. Nothing to bat an eye at.

I don't know how but people managed to successfully associate "realistic" with "western idea of mediocre to downright ugly".

Yeah it's weird.
It's a well made model that accomplishes the exact thing the artist intended: a realistic portrayal of Link's classic look.

That said, the result is unbelievably goofy looking. That's because Link's outfit only works in a stylized context. I'm not saying that a more stylized look is inherently superior in all instances, but it is better suited to the more fantastical style of the Zelda games. Even the most "realistic" looking Zeldas (OoT and TP) are deeply stylized games. I'd prefer they keep it that way, especially since games of the scale of Zelda that buck the realist trend are the rare exception in the current gaming climate not the rule.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Is it a coincidence this popped up after this topic was made?


Crossing Eden has an agenda and axe to grind to say the least based off his posting history.
You should remove the tin foil hat. I was looking through artstation at the time of reading that thread and decided to make a thread about it. I would've made it regardless of the discussion in that thread.

Spare me your condensation, I'm fine with wrinkles and "not-perfect faces" * THAT face is ugly with a capital UGG. This is not an east west thing for me, that particular face from that particular artist is off putting to me. Sorry for not liking what you like.

*For example here's a wrinkly face I think looks great
I wouldn't call it ugly imho. I'm not scolding you for liking things I don't like, you seem really hostile.

No, now he turns into a wolf or wall graffiti. Nothing to bat an eye at.
While the wolf thing makes very little sense, the wall graffiti thing was given context. It didn't need a complicated explanation.


You're wrong. Which is why he's one of the most recognizable characters of all time. It's like... the exact opposite of generic and forgettable.

You could argue he's iconic simply as a Nintendo character that everyone knows. But nothing about his character, silhouette, or design really stand out as anything terribly unique or interesting. At the same time, sometimes simplicity, like his green hood, are all it takes to be memorable.

I would love to see a more mature Zelda game, certainly. I haven't had the slightest urge to play Zelda since I was a kid.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Your the one who feels the need to shout back about human faces not being perfect because I happen to think this one render has an ugly face.
I'm not shouting. ?

You could argue he's iconic simply as a Nintendo character that everyone knows. But nothing about his character, silhouette, or design really stand out as anything terribly unique or interesting. At the same time, sometimes simplicity, like his green hood, are all it takes to be memorable.

I would love to see a more mature Zelda game, certainly. I haven't had the slightest urge to play Zelda since I was a kid.
Like many of the most iconic game designs Link is iconic because he's incredibly easy to remember as a character design.


What is it with the west? We have great artist, as good as anywhere else, it just seems few of the good western artists are in gaming. Shame.

Stop looking at the AAA landscape if you're going to make idiotic generalizations like that.
Well someone is clearly a Chris Metzen and Joe Madd fan. I love his style but directly translating Joe madd fingers to 3d does not work for me.

Anyway I like the version of link in the OP. It's what a warrior should look like. Give it a nice muted pallete and I'd be down.

Just for kicks I did this paintover on my tablet because I did want to see what a younger version of this guy would look like.
Yeah, much better


But that's what they have. No matter what, Zelda is an old series and though they can market it as much as they want to the newer generation of gamers, their original and most loyal fans will be their oldest. Look at the new Star Wars movie, despite the marketing to kids and teens, they're predicting that the average movie goer for Force Awakens will be a 34 year old man. Some series however are successful and adapt to younger audiences, Pokémon is one that despite its growing demographic of fans, still pulls in younger ones. But ask yourself, amongst young kids, in their teens or younger, where does Zelda lie on their radar? Besides, if young kids can play Skyrim, I see no reason why an Adult Link and darker tone of game is suddenly unmarketable.

Let Skyrim be Skyrim and let Zelda be Zelda games. Stop pushing so hard for convergence of everything as if we don't have enough of that crap in the industry. Not everything needs to be similar to one another.
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