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Red Dead Redemption 2 is three years old today


Great game after a few mods, otherwise feels like a full time job. Arthur is slow as fuck and the controls are heavier than dark souls and Gran Turismo, I'll keep saying it forever.


That poor butcher, he still has problems breathing to this day from the three (3) separate times i shot him in the sternum with a shotgun.


Gold Member
Had some great moments with that game, but also hated some of the mechanics. Also, the online was awful as I expected it would be.

Great encounters and side missions. Hat collecting was fun.


Gold Member
Call me a pretentious prick

You are a pretentious prick.

Come On What GIF by MOODMAN

what? he told me to
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Playing this game maxed out on PC at 3440x1440 and getting 90+ FPS was just an unbelievable experience. It honestly might be the first time I've ever played a game where, in most situations/areas, I felt like there were no technical constraints whatsoever. The graphics and lighting were nearly perfect (the only issue is the TAA, but it's not bad at 1440p) and the framerate was silky smooth. It's a game that will age extremely well and still look good in 10-15 years IMO.


Still cant believe they havnt given it the mext gen treatment, sure it doesnt need it but fuck me let gta 5 die already


I loved it when I played it and that's what matters.
But now that I look at it, it was like 10 hours too long and then had another needless 10 hours after credits


Probably the most overrated game of all time right next to BOTW

The game is visually stunning. I remember booting it up just to walk around and take in the scenery. It has the best open world of all time, masterfully designed.

But what I enjoyed ends there. Gameplay is just garbage. Shooting feels worse than GTA V and the original RDR.
The game uses auto lock on by default because they know that if you try to aim manually, oh boy, you'll have a shitty time.
And with the lock on, all you have to do is get out of cover and press R2. Thats it.

There are tutorial videos on Youtube teaching how you can tweak settings to make it a little better, but even then, it is still a mess.

Mission design is stuck in 2008. The Last of Us, considered by many as being "too cinematic/limited" has more diversity in terms of mission design than this freaking open world game.

Everytime someone says that the story is some of the best in the medium, I die a little. It's a bloated mess with no sense of direction. Going to Guarma is like some anime filler levels of bad.
Most of the time you go on missions because "I HAVE A PLAN, ARTHUR", it goes wrong, then they regroup and try another thing for money. The pacing is unbearable.

The game clearly suffered from development hell in terms of story, but the presentation and voice acting was so good that no one gave a fuck.
There was no direction like in the first RDR where your objective was clear from the start: "Kill your gang, get your family back".

Arthur was great. His development (and Dutch's) was waaay too rushed on the 3rd act, but still, awesome character.
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One of the few open world games were exploring and just generally messing around could entertain me just fine without any of the story stuff. Probably about the last 10 times I've turned the game on I've done no missions.

A lot of the current popular open world games are closer to linear games but set in an empty or very fake open world and with nothing to do outside of the fixed missions but this game is real sandbox if you want to just mess about. It's a shame that the story missions take away much of the sandbox stuff and kind of force you to do things a certain way to be honest.

The default controls are a crime against gaming but once I changed them I didn't find it clunky like a lot of folk complain about. There are some things that really annoy me like the psychic police and bounty hunters but overall I had (and still have) a great time.


Had some issues with controls, got used to them. Mission design old and rigid as fuck. Nonetheless it was an amazing game with a surprisingly great and emotional story.

Rockstar still king at open world games.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
One of the best games ever made. Between the story, the setting, the characters, the voice acting, and the sheer number of things to do the game is a masterpiece. The fact you could spend hours and hours just riding around doing random nonsense and interacting with the random stranger popups without getting bored was amazing.

I also don't think I ever had a game make me laugh, cry, and pissed so easily or so quickly either. Before you even get halfway through the game you are attached to the characters because the game does an excellent job of making the characters likeable, relatable, and/or real. Even the assholes like Bill and Micah. Especially that piece of shit Micah. You hated them, but you LOVED to hate them. You would intentionally antagonize them, laugh when they got put in their place, and you got pissed once you found out how the story ended. And then it also made you love characters. The mission with Lenny at the bar for example and how they get you to love Sean in such a short period of time only to snatch him away. It's a game of emotions not just missions. And these days that it hard to come by because most devs just copy and paste the latest and greatest rather than step outside the box to do their own thing. Certainly not many big studios like Rockstar. RDR2 is a snapshot of what is possible when you give a team with outside the box ideas a shitload of time and money to make their own thing rather than some guy in a suit telling the team what is the most profitable.

I may need to download it again and do another playthrough. I've got myself all riled up just thinking about it.


The controls and the forced slow walking in some sections could have been better but it still one of the best open world games ever made. It truly felt like an alive and living breathing world. It was the gaming version of an epic western journey and you even cared about small side characters more than I cared about the main protagonist in many games. Sadly I think it will be Rockstar's last great game.
a technical marvel, with a charismatic, fleshed out cast, and great presentation (except for that goofy ass music)... but it becomes more and more apparent over time that gameplay takes a backseat to everything else.
ultimately... memorable, but a disappointing game (like gta5).

will buy rockstar's next big boy game used.


Top3 best game ever with Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come. These three newcomers took down my favourite classics (Fallout 2, Deus Ex, Bloodlines).

I wish I could erase RDR2 from memory and replay it fresh.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Top3 best game ever with Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come. These three newcomers took down my favourite classics (Fallout 2, Deus Ex, Bloodlines).

I wish I could erase RDR2 from memory and replay it fresh.
I do too. I still remember the first time I actually left camp and went off on my own to explore. Coming across my first stranger event and my first random encounter. Getting eaten by an alligator because I thought I would investigate a boat. Being attacked by swamp cannibals. Watching a few KKK member get crushed under a falling cross.

The game is iconic.

Alan Wake

I was very impressed with it, but I never came close to finish it. Rockstar's games have never been my thing, and I knew it beforehand. But I was so curious about it that I bought it anyway. Planning on giving it a second chance during 2022.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I was very impressed with it, but I never came close to finish it. Rockstar's games have never been my thing, and I knew it beforehand. But I was so curious about it that I bought it anyway. Planning on giving it a second chance during 2022.
How far did you make it?


Gold Journalism
3 years. Wow.

I took 5 days PTO from my office (from Monday to Friday) and combined it with the weekend on either side (so 9 days off in total) to play RDR 2. Played the game for 10+ hours every day for 9 days.

No responsibilities, no errands, nothing. Felt like a kid again. One of my most favorite gaming memories ever.


Gold Member
Actually play the game in a deliberately designed and relaxed progression?
I'm playing through again now. Actually going after all Pearsons upgrades legit too. That's why I got into the camping mechanic, perfect pelt mosey on up and camp. Perfect pelt and carcass then back to camp.

I wish rockstar designed menus and inventories better though.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
My Game of the Gen, and it's crazy to think i literally took it to bestbuy to return it after spending what felt like 15 hours in Chapter 2. I was bored out of my mind and just didnt get why everything in the game was so cumbersome.

But for whatever reason, i decided not to trade it in while I was still in the BB parking lot. Came back, finished Chapter 2 which ended up being one of the most epic setpieces in the game, and once chapter 3 started the game just went from one amazing mission to another. I have been a huge fan of MGS and Uncharted games because of setpiece moments, and Rockstar topped them all. Bank robberies, mansion raids, chase sequences, train robberies, fucking charging oil fields with Indians. This game had it all.

But what blew me away the most was Arthur Morgan. easily the best protagonist in a game ever and as someone with a username Snake and a Joel Avatar, trust me it hurts to say it but its true. Arthur is written to perfection. Just an incredibly layered, deep, flawed and yet human character. He is simply wonderful.

Oh and it also helps that it is the best looking game ever made. TLOU2 probably topped it in 2020, but playing this back at launch at native 4k on an x1x was like a religious experience. I dont think i have ever played a game that clean and beautiful and ive played a lot of games at native 4k 60 fps since.
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Gold Member
I'm playing through again now. Actually going after all Pearsons upgrades legit too. That's why I got into the camping mechanic, perfect pelt mosey on up and camp. Perfect pelt and carcass then back to camp.

I wish rockstar designed menus and inventories better though.
That is my biggest pet peeve with their games. They have the worst menu, inventory management system in the business.
But what blew me away the most was Arthur Morgan. easily the best protagonist in a game ever and as someone with a username Snake and a Joel Avatar, trust me it hurts to say it but its true. Arthur is written to perfection. Just an incredibly layered, deep, flawed and yet human character. He is simply wonderful.
I could not agree more.
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absolute nugget shit of a game, lasted 4 hours. RDR1 was one of my GOATs to.
This is the true opinion. RDR1 had an ambiguous protagonist/anti-hero, great supporting characters and an interesting story.

RDR2 was an incredible looking game with predictable and boring story, lazily written characters and a protagonist who you obviously knew was a good hearted person the whole time, which made the valor system pointless.


Whoah. Had no idea but have a friend over and I’ve been watching him play the PC version on my newish since I finished RDR2 TV.

Still looks incredible and it’s his first time playing. Watching someone witness magic for the first time.

Holy fuck that angle on that TV, your friend got any neck issues lol?
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