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Reggie: Wii U name not responsible for console's problems.


I'll say software + price + marketing

Pretty much. I've played through all of the Nintendo Land games when my friend brought it over and I still think the gamepad is really neat with a lot of potential but the combination of all these things makes the purchase less appealing (marketing not so much as the others).
I think it's a combination of things, name certainly being one of them, but I believe it's the brand and the company itself which are the biggest problem.

The name certainly has issues because it's confusing, needlessly complicated, and isn't easy to market. Add in the fact that they seem to have a bit of an issue adapting or understanding what their own focus is with the console, and it becomes more difficult.

The biggest problem with the Wii U is Nintendo itself really. What is different from the Wii U now, than with the N64 and the Gamecube? It's the same downward spiral. Wii avoided this by using motion controls and effectively targeting the casual market and bringing a previously uninterested audience to the platform. However the larger problem, which is with the Nintendo brand itself, remains. Nintendo have done a fantastic job of essentially isolating themselves from the general direction of the gaming industry, and really drilling into the minds of people that their brand isn't where you go to enjoy the variety of third party games most core gamers enjoy. That's one market which was neglected. Then you add in the problem of the casual market now having other devices such as tablets and smartphones, and it's becoming much harder for Nintendo to find that necessary audience.

The rest of the industry is quite different now. It all began from PS1, and more notably, the PS2. It was the change of consoles from just a pure gaming device to more of a media system. Then along came this past generation, and for the core gamers, online became a significant part of the package also. You essentially have Sony and Microsoft competing for this markets attention now, and they are providing consoles which are much more powerful, more media focused, yet will still retain the majority of traditional games as the rest of the industry is moving with them. This is where a lot of the gaming buzz is going to, and where a lot of the traditional industry is focused.

Nintendo is being left behind in that regard, and you can't really blame them for trying to bring another gimmick to try and compete. That's all they can do. They have a huge challenge in front of them to try and create their own distinct, and appealing brand for consumers, but it's also difficult for them to all of a sudden try and compete with Sony/Microsoft in the jack of all trades devices they're making. They lack a proper accounts system, their online infrastructure is terrible, they don't have a multi-media device, and their latest console is a little out of date, whilst also being entirely reliant on a gimmick. The other problem is that Nintendo themselves seem to have been very unprepared for HD development, so whatever advantage could have come from that, has been wasted. And to face facts, their franchises aren't strong enough to carry a console.

It's why this console is being beaten to an early grave and is struggling so much with brand, vision, focus, and general appeal.

Basically, Krillin is shit.

Fully agree. The Nintendo Brand just doesn't pull the weight they are trying to put on its shoulders.


The name is definitely not the problem. Its a host of problems. I take issue with the design of the console, making it look nearly indistinguishable from its predecessor which caused confusion, which the name exacerbated.
In my opinion the Name is definitely and without a doubt one of the many problems the console has. I hope Nintendo can fix them in the future,
It's just one part...
the stupid and confusing name
the price (still too high)
the lack of games
the lack of nintendo seal of quality (the crappy laggy OS, them letting screentearing sub 30 fps games of shame through at release)
the small hard drive
the poor battery life on the controller, because they had to save 50 cents by including a smaller battery on their overpriced console

That's a lot of problems, but the name is still one of them.

Nintendo just got incredibly arrogant and lazy with the wii U after the wii's success with casuals.
Just because the xbone drm disaster before the 180 and the ps4 paywall makes them look better by comparison, doesn't mean they still aren't arrogant.
Not the "U" is the problem but the "Wii".
The Wii brand was in decline or even dead way before the WiiU was released.

It was a stupid idea going the Wii route again, damaged brand and the hardware is an ineffective mess because they needed backward compatibility.
I just got back from lunch with a co-worker, a mother of 2 boys, 9 and 10 years old. This is the target audience, folks. I asked her if she knew what a Wii U was, and guess what? She said "Isn't it that tablet thing? I thought they were done with the Wii, but I guess now it's a portable thing like a DS? Or does it only work with the Wii?"

No idea there's more to it than the tablet part. The only thing she really did know about it is that her boys don't want one. They want the new Xbox, or possibly the new "PS".

I asked her "if it was called a 'Wii 2', would you think differently about it?" She said "Oh, is it a whole new system?"

So...she's aware of new systems from the competition, but not from Nintendo, despite being mother to 2 young boys.

Yeah, the name's not a problem.
There's a lot of problems stopping people to buy it.

1- The name, the casual buyers think is just another revision.

2- Awful game stop demos. When the Wii came out with the Excite truck demo on Gamestop people were losing their Goddamn minds. This was a time where people weren't even used to the idea of a wireless controller then it came out this thing from the future.

With the Wii U however, there's that Godawful rayman demo that I never see a kid beat (you have to do something with the touch screen but doesn't seem like anything works).

3- Lack of third party. Mass Effect 3 and Batman are great games, but those games you can get them on 360/PS3 already.
The longer this goes on, the more I head towards the conclusion that they launched too early. The timing was presumably to get a head start and because they felt like they'd be drowned out by the noise of the One/PS4 hype train.

But if they had waited all this time, they'd have been able to optimise better (none of that crazy slow menu loading for example), plus loads more time to prepare a superb launch lineup, and by showing a bit of confidence in the hardware (while remaining typically silent about the tech details), they would be riding the same wave of hype about 'next-gen' that is happening right now.

People would be aware of three next-gen consoles launching this holiday, and only the hardcore would bother to research the 'specs'. Instead, everyone thinks there are only two next-gen consoles this time. Wii U is not just last-gen because of the performance, it's last gen because it launched during last gen. It is already almost forgotten. It looks old.

So obviously it would be called the Wii 2. It still baffles me that they even considered any other name. It would have very clear marketing that this is a brand new, powerful next-gen system that should be mentioned in the same breath as Xbox One and PS4. It would be launching this holiday for $100 less than PS4, with Pikmin, Zelda and Mario all at launch. The specs would be unclear. The bullshots would be fantastic. The hype would be immense.
I just got back from lunch with a co-worker, a mother of 2 boys, 9 and 10 years old. This is the target audience, folks. I asked her if she knew what a Wii U was, and guess what? She said "Isn't it that tablet thing? I thought they were done with the Wii, but I guess now it's a portable thing like a DS? Or does it only work with the Wii?"

No idea there's more to it than the tablet part. The only thing she really did know about it is that her boys don't want one. They want the new Xbox, or possibly the new "PS".

I asked her "if it was called a 'Wii 2', would you think differently about it?" She said "Oh, is it a whole new system?"

So...she's aware of new systems from the competition, but not from Nintendo, despite being mother to 2 young boys.

Yeah, the name's not a problem.

My little brother (he's 19 and a semi casual gamer, has a ds and a wii, also plays assassin's creed and halo (but not cod thankfully) ) ended up buying a 3ds because several of his relatives and friends bought him 3ds games for his DS for his birthday. None of them knew the difference and he was too polite to return them.

He also didn't know what a wii u was when it released and thought it was a wii revision. Kid is 19, has an xbox 360, plays on my ps3 when he comes over, has a ds and a wii , and even he didn't know or care what a wii u was.
He knows what a ps4 is, he knows what a vita is (he likes my psp a lot)
I do think the name is a piece of the bigger problem.

This. I think it would have had way more sales honestly. If it had a different name other than a 'U' added onto Wii, things could have gone better.

I'm sure there was a lot of confusion towards it.With it seeming like some sort of expansion, plus the fact it looks close to the Wii in design of the console.
If WiiU was named Wii 2 it would have sold like hot cakes. Look at the iphones and galaxy.


It's the same bullshit. The same iPhone 3 of the last one.


But the name has a G on the end!


There is never any catch-all problem that describes why something doesn't perform well, usually it's a combination of things. While I definitely agree the games are the primary problem, issues such as the price for what you get, the name, the painfully slow OS for months after launch (and still it's not spectacular), a lack of diversity in the lineup or the same stuff you've seen before, no true justification yet for the Gamepad that the public cares about (sorry Nintendo's one billionth mini-game compilation, Nintendoland).

It's a combination of issues for which 'no software' is at the forefront, but does not stand alone.


That certainly explains the Vita.


Totally. I firmly believe the main reason the Vita doesn't sell is because it is in the wrong price bracket (and the market is kinda gone). Most people spending that much wants a device that can do more and don't bother getting an expensive phone AND a Vita.

It's the same bullshit. The same iPhone 3 of the last one.


But the name has a G on the end!
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPhone 5

There was never an iPhone 3 and Apple can do that because they actually market the damn device to more people than core fans.
I think it's a combination of things, name certainly being one of them, but I believe it's the brand and the company itself which are the biggest problem.

The name certainly has issues because it's confusing, needlessly complicated, and isn't easy to market. Add in the fact that they seem to have a bit of an issue adapting or understanding what their own focus is with the console, and it becomes more difficult.

The biggest problem with the Wii U is Nintendo itself really. What is different from the Wii U now, than with the N64 and the Gamecube? It's the same downward spiral. Wii avoided this by using motion controls and effectively targeting the casual market and bringing a previously uninterested audience to the platform. However the larger problem, which is with the Nintendo brand itself, remains. Nintendo have done a fantastic job of essentially isolating themselves from the general direction of the gaming industry, and really drilling into the minds of people that their brand isn't where you go to enjoy the variety of third party games most core gamers enjoy. That's one market which was neglected. Then you add in the problem of the casual market now having other devices such as tablets and smartphones, and it's becoming much harder for Nintendo to find that necessary audience.

The rest of the industry is quite different now. It all began from PS1, and more notably, the PS2. It was the change of consoles from just a pure gaming device to more of a media system. Then along came this past generation, and for the core gamers, online became a significant part of the package also. You essentially have Sony and Microsoft competing for this markets attention now, and they are providing consoles which are much more powerful, more media focused, yet will still retain the majority of traditional games as the rest of the industry is moving with them. This is where a lot of the gaming buzz is going to, and where a lot of the traditional industry is focused.

Nintendo is being left behind in that regard, and you can't really blame them for trying to bring another gimmick to try and compete. That's all they can do. They have a huge challenge in front of them to try and create their own distinct, and appealing brand for consumers, but it's also difficult for them to all of a sudden try and compete with Sony/Microsoft in the jack of all trades devices they're making. They lack a proper accounts system, their online infrastructure is terrible, they don't have a multi-media device, and their latest console is a little out of date, whilst also being entirely reliant on a gimmick. The other problem is that Nintendo themselves seem to have been very unprepared for HD development, so whatever advantage could have come from that, has been wasted. And to face facts, their franchises aren't strong enough to carry a console.

It's why this console is being beaten to an early grave and is struggling so much with brand, vision, focus, and general appeal.

Basically, Krillin is shit.

My exact sentiments. This was inevitable for Nintendo and I argued such during their E3 reveal of the Wii U. They got lucky with the flash in a pan timing of the Wii but fundamentally as a company nothing was different about the organization that produced the N64 and Gamecube. They couldn't adapt to the market change that began with the PS1 and continued to the PS2 and onward. They were able to sustain themselves with the handheld market but now that it too is evolving past them Nintendo is in a very dangerous position regardless of how much scrooge mcduck money they have in the wings.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
when that new Mario hits and the sales are still lacklustre at best what will the new excuse be ?


I can agree about the name, but at the same time I really think Nintendo fucked up the marketing.

Names don't mean much, as long as you get the messeage out properly. They weren't able to do that. Their advertisment wasn't exciting enough, didn't make people hyped for the Wii U. There was only one kinda good TV ad I saw of the Wii U (the American one).

Advertisments should have been MUCH louder, much more "in your face".

Naming it Wii 2 may have helped, but I think it would have brought many other issues with it, so Wii U is actually fine.

So no, Reggie, this time I think you're only partly right.


I blame all the problems on the name. I was at target and a family was debating to buy a wii u and they assumed it was an add on to the wii. The name really makes no sense to the casual market.
If he honestly believes that isn't a massive part to the issue, he is truly delusional. I can not tell you how many first hand accounts I have had where people thought it was just a Wii or didn't know it existed at all. Of course there are numerous other issues but the name is part of the problem.

Le Singe

Neo Member
Gamepad drove the price of the console higher and they don't have any software to justify its existence. I can't imagine what kind of marketing or name change would make the WiiU into a success. The system just isn't eye or imagination catching at all.


I just realized, ignoring the name itself, if you look at the actual logo (say on store shelves, print ads etc) the U looks like a strange symbol, and not part of the title.

For example, look at this boxart and ignore that we know its name.

Looks like the console is called (HD) Wii. (Further worsened by the fact that the console is pretty much hidden by the controller, so at first glance it looks like the black Wii).


Edit. Comparatively look at the PS4 box.




Pikmin 3 is such a short game it can be completed in 6 hours, has no online multi player or features, and plays better on the Wiimote.

W101, it's a good game but nothing amazing or impressive.

Yay a remake of a decade old Zelda with little changed and minor graphical improvements

It's comments like these from Nintendo's senior management that prove they and the Wii U deserve to be in the poor situation they find themselves in.

Counting the clock until Iwata is sacked.


Why cant this thing just die already, I'am getting fed up of reggies car salesman like bullshit.

In my eyes it has been the worst console in the last 14 years

Wii'S biggest problem was not have 3rd parties because of a combo of nintendo's attitude and the power of the hardware.

and Reggie was like ''Dev's dont have the excuse that the console is not powerful enough anymore''

Lies lies lies complete and utter rubbish,Its been a complete farse from the beginning and Nintendo deserve a failure for such dumb decisions.

I'am sorry I just had to get that off my chest.


I just realized, ignoring the name itself, if you look at the actual logo (say on store shelves, print ads etc) the U looks like a strange symbol, and not part of the title.

For example, look at this boxart and ignore that we know its name.

Looks like the console is called (HD) Wii. (Further worsened by the fact that the console is pretty much hidden by the controller, so at first glance it looks like the black Wii).


Edit. Comparatively look at the PS4 box.


That's a very good point about the "U". It looks like it's totally separate from the "Wii" name. I'd think it was a Wii if I was joe-six-pack passing by it at the store. Nintendo is such a creative company, yet they squandered an opportunity to be original with the name of the Wii successor.


That's a very good point about the "U". It looks like it's totally separate from the "Wii" name. I'd think it was a Wii if I was joe-six-pack passing by it at the store. Nintendo is such a creative company, yet they squandered an opportunity to be original with the name of the Wii successor.

I'm surprised they signed off on it, especially after the 3DS confusion issue, but even then it was plain to read it.

Granted the name is not beneficial, but they've done their best to present it as a Wii, and not a brand new system.
Software is everything.

I think it'll take some time. Once a lot of great games hit the system and the console gets a really good price drop, like the $250 mark, it'll start selling. It's gonna be awhile though.
Listening to this almost makes me wish they'd fail and go third party so I don't have to read anymore about how arrogant this prick has become.
I can't completely blame them for re-using the Wii name, not only because of brand recognition but that it plays all Wii games and uses all Wii controllers. The simplest way to market that would be to design the system and packaging to resemble the Wii. It just wasn't different enough. But after nine months, I would hope Wii owners looking for new games might discover that Nintendo has moved on.
it's outdated technology. that's the biggest problem. this reminds me of blackberry coming out with old clunky keyboard phones while the iphone and android blew them away with their fancy new touch screen smart phones.
Pikmin 3 is such a short game it can be completed in 6 hours, has no online multi player or features, and plays better on the Wiimote.

This is ridiculous. Nobody is going to speedrun Pikmin 3 on their first playthrough. And it also has a mission mode after you beat it.

It should have online functionality for its multiplayer, but the game has enough content.

And why is playing better with the Wiimote a hit against the game? Against the necessity of the GamePad, sure. But that's nothing against the game.
If consumers can figure out the difference between iPhone models Im sure they can figure out the U is a new system. The price alone should be a big clue.

That said Nintendo needs a huge marketing blitz this holiday season. And maybe just maybe they should switch Advertising/marketing firms 'cos whomever they have on it now has dropped the ball big time.
If consumers can figure out the difference between iPhone models Im sure they can figure out the U is a new system. The price alone should be a big clue.

That said Nintendo needs a huge marketing blitz this holiday season. And maybe just maybe they should switch Advertising/marketing firms 'cos whomever they have on it now has dropped the ball big time.

Consumers don't have to figure anything out with the new iProducts because Apple introduces them at press conferences that get worldwide coverage and become front page news at every major news source. Meanwhile when the Wii U was unveiled at it's first E3 even CNN.com was running stories about it being an add-on for the existing Wii. Nintendo thinking the Wii name carried as much weight as Apple was a mistake in and of itself. As I said before, it wasn't the only problem, and it no longer is the biggest, but it got the perception of the product off on the wrong foot from the beginning.
I just realized, ignoring the name itself, if you look at the actual logo (say on store shelves, print ads etc) the U looks like a strange symbol, and not part of the title.

For example, look at this boxart and ignore that we know its name.

Looks like the console is called (HD) Wii. (Further worsened by the fact that the console is pretty much hidden by the controller, so at first glance it looks like the black Wii).


I'm bored...



I just heard on ABC that the Wii's price got dropped to $299.99. That seems expensive for something that came out 7 years ago.
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