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ResetEra deplatforms and bans Angry Joe for his TLOU2 review


What does de-platformed actually mean? (these fucking terms, I swear)

He had an account and was banned? or users aren't allowed to post links to his videos/content? or even mention him at all??

Deplatformed / Cancelled / all the other words... don't mean jack shit if you don't give a fuck.


Gold Member
not only... it means that no-one is allowed to post his contents or even talk about.

everything about him is a forbidden matter on that forum from now on.


So he is basically Voldemort, best not mention JK Rowling either lol
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REEsetEra will eventually implode. The people there secretly despise each other and its only a matter of time before shit happens.

Airbus Jr

Nintendo are racist for whitewashing their own character

Ban Nintendo from era

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Ask me about my fanboy energy!
REEsetEra will eventually implode. The people there secretly despise each other and its only a matter of time before shit happens.
Sadly with the support they have I dont expect it to go away that easily. Its also better for people with that mentality to stay in one place. I presume they get some form of support behind the scenes to maintain an opinion, otherwise you usually swing the way of your audience.

Airbus Jr

Stop shaming and hating pedophile....you..moroon!:messenger_pouting:

Pedo are....missundersood !:messenger_smirking:

Uh....just uhh.....let them have some fun...umm...with the kids :messenger_savoring:..just let em do their things ...everything gona be alright...
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Resetera attacking Tolkien for using Orcs in Lord of the Ring

Tolkien is a racist biggot confirmed

Does that mean The Elder Scroll is a racist game :pie_thinking:
Seems to me they are actively seeking out and making an effort of reading into things where there are none in a search of the next controversy to feast upon.


Nintendo are racist for whitewashing their own character

Ban Nintendo from era

Man, these people can kill the joy in everything.



Gold Member


Look at the virtuous milksop clambering for the upper hand :messenger_grinning_smiling:

Upper hand? But I thought you were pegging me as an under hand pitcher. Don't spoil me like that Milky, I was just starting to like you.


Era is a blatantly racist forum. I've posted many examples of this as have others. Here is a recent example. This user was not banned or even warned. Mods participated in this thread. It's a hate site.

Hate site is right.
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Little men aren't short men. I didn't mean little people either, because you know... little people can be women too. And if what you really meant is that men are underprivileged, then uhh

Language is dangerous and calling people names is lethal in this age of the weak and easily offended.

Please check your privilege and analyse your internalised biases that led to your use of charged language that offended so many.

I am not a short man, but I am privileged to stand tall beside them.

Airbus Jr

Era attacking Disney Princess, that the concept of having beautiful female princess is an oudated notion and problematic in today standard

Also Era hating on goodlooking people ( cant find the thread..probably gone deleted...or somewhere out there)

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Era attacking Disney Princess, that the concept of having beautiful female princess is an oudated notion and problematic in today standard

Also Era hating on goodlooking people ( cant find the thread..probably gone deleted...or somewhere out there)

That forum is reaching a critical mass, I remember that escalation on this forum before they all fucked off.


I agree with some comments here: ResetEra is the reflex of how society is at the moment. It is very disturbing, really, woke culture is everywhere, everything is ultra sensitive, and leftists are just fascists in rainbow colors.

Things are becoming so unstable that even people like JK Rowling are getting cancelled, with even more to come.

I think that this will implode very soon, I don’t know how or where, but it will; snowflake culture is reaching its apex, and I really doubt that its current form can be sustainable.
Oh I'm sorry, little did I know that I was stepping over some flowers of the fragility garden.
Dude, I make jokes about short men, tall men, jews, negroes, trans people, lesbians and gays and who ever I want to all the time and I don't give a shit.

But if you want people to act to standards, you better start living by them yourselves before judging others on it, or you are a hypocrite.

Same with your "fragility" comment now. You call other people "fragile", but start lashing out when your trans and lesbian friends are under attack.


Gold Member
If history teaches us anything, it is that splintering into smaller and smaller tribes, capable of living in hamlets is a net gain for everyone.



Im so glad they banned me lol

That place will implode inevitably, one of the admins will make a statement about hating yellow radishes and be accused of veg-racism-bigotry and civil war will erupt. Soon we'll have Alt-Era forums.
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To me deplatforming means complete ban from all social media

This is just his account has been banned............ironically theyve done him a favour
I think youre not allowed to post about him anymore. Basically not link to his reviews, not link any of his tweets and so on.
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If you think that by default lesbians and trans are worth less than you, then you are engaging in identify politics and most likely belong to the group of little men I mentioned.

Can you offer a quotation where Angry Joe states or suggests lesbians or trans people "are worth less than" himself?

Hating on TLOU2 because it features LGBTQ characters is ridiculous. Let's start hating on games and movies that feature short characters with blue eyes. Why not? Better yet, let's start hating Angry Joe because he's a loud mouth fat dude who isn't tall enough to ride the roller-coaster!

Can you offer a quotation in support of the notion AJ's criticism of TLoU2 was based on the game featuring lesbian or allegedly trans characters, especially in light of him having awarded the remastered version of TLoU1, which included the Left Behind DLC where Ellie comes out as lesbian, awarded that edition a 10/10?
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Dude, I make jokes about short men, tall men, jews, negroes, trans people, lesbians and gays and who ever I want to all the time and I don't give a shit.

But if you want people to act to standards, you better start living by them yourselves before judging others on it, or you are a hypocrite.

Same with your "fragility" comment now. You call other people "fragile", but start lashing out when your trans and lesbian friends are under attack.

It doesn't make any sense because in essence what I said was that if you trash the game because of gender politics then you are small minded. As small minded as those who crapped on Days Gone because it had a white biker dude as the main protag. I have exemplified further, with the ridiculous notion of somebody hating on a game because it had short characters with blue eyes. It's ridiculous.

Fragility comment was clearly a joke, a play on words. For somebody who makes jokes you seem really short on them. You came at me ready to bite as if I was talking directly to you, was I?

Because you giving me shit for me giving shit to others who are giving shit to somebody else, is exactly the thing you shouldn't be doing with the whole "But if you want people to act to standards, you better start living by them yourselves before judging others on it, or you are a hypocrite.". Holier than thou attitude and stuff.

My opinion stands. And I will always lash out at those who decide others are inferior to them by virtue of simply being different. That's not enough, it will never be enough.


Let's not forget they've had like 14 different threads about abuse lately yet only "wait for evidence" closed the one accusing their prominent member stinkles of being a sex pest.

Place is completely rotten.

and those fucking degenerates believe every accusation even if it makes zero sense and has zero evidence backing it up...unless it’s one of their own.


Rage Bait Youtuber
And yet those inmates still have power to change games if they reeee loud enough, which is sad.

The only reason that exists is due to what happened with CD Projekt Red. Publishers are terrified one of the mods or admins there will lead a public lynching like they did with that community manager and put their employees in real-world danger.


Can you offer a quotation where Angry Joe states or suggests lesbians or trans people "are worth less than" himself?

Can you offer a quotation in support of the notion AJ's criticism of TLoU2 was based on the game featuring lesbian or allegedly trans characters, especially in light of him having awarded the remastered version of TLoU1, which included the Left Behind DLC where Ellie comes out as lesbian, awarded that edition a 10/10?

You explain to me how he gave TLOU a 10/10 and a 6/10 bordering on 5/10 to TLOU2 even though he praised... the gameplay, the graphics, A.I... Somehow women with muscles was one of the big problems. Muscles.
Fragility comment was clearly a joke, a play on words. For somebody who makes jokes you seem really short on them. You came at me ready to bite as if I was talking directly to you, was I?
So you are trans and lesbian for being "ready to bite" on that, or what does that retarded rhetoric argument you try to play here mean?

Because you giving me shit for me giving shit to others who are giving shit to somebody else, is exactly the thing you shouldn't be doing with the whole "But if you want people to act to standards, you better start living by them yourselves before judging others on it, or you are a hypocrite.". Holier than thou attitude and stuff.
That's nonsense, since I don't give a shit about your trans issues and lesbians and other people you feel the need to defend politically.
It's me having a direct conversation with YOU here, who is acting like a hypocrite.

Are you able to spot the difference, mate?

My opinion stands. And I will always lash out at those who decide others are inferior to them by virtue of simply being different. That's not enough, it will never be enough.
Okay, I am counting on you to do that on each and every thread now, Captain Social Justice.
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