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Resistance 3 Appreciation Thread


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't personally like MMOs so it should be no surprise I didn't like the repetitive, brow-beatingly mindless repetition of R2's co-op, but at least they were trying something different. I just don't think they were able to support it in the way you need to support an MMO. And of course it had none of the ancillary stuff that keeps gameplay diverse in an MMO.

I don't really want to play co-op focused shooters like Borderlands and Fuse so I'm a little worried about SO but we'll see.

monkey pickle

Neo Member
I never made it through R1 (i tried twice) and i never even gave R2 a chance, but i must say R3 was fantastic. Probably the best fps on the system imo.


The sequel Fall of Man deserved, Resistance 2 really couldn't of done much worse compared to the original.

I personally didn't like the Ravenholm level much, it felt far too similar to Half Life and didn't quite set itself apart enough for me. The boat level was great however.

Also, if you're interested in the Cloven, Resistance Retribution covered that area very well (and is my favourite game in the series :))
I was reading an old GameInformer early in the AM and noticed their resistance 3 review, 7.5, it was odd to me, I liked the games single player, it seemed to go out of its way to call it a failure saying it was proof the series didn't belong amongst the AAA shooters in the genre..Then I see this thread hours later. Glad to know I'm not the only one who enjoyed it. The variation of environments and area themes alone puts it above most shooters.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I also think that giving Insomniac 3 years instead of 2 made a huge difference. By comparison, Guerrilla had only 2 for KZ3 and the game was hacked to pieces. Needed much more time.

I was reading an old GameInformer early in the AM and noticed their resistance 3 review, 7.5, reading was odd to me, i liked the games single player, it seemed to go out of its way to call it a failure saying it was proof the series didn't belong amongst the AAA shooters in the genre..Then I see this thread hours later. Glad to know I'm not the only one who enjoyed it. The variation of environments and area themes alone puts it above most shooters.

I think they gave R2 an 8.5 which shows how out of touch they are.


Yes, this is a really great game, the first time I played it I was surprised and how different it felt from Resistance 2. I will definitely will get back to this game this summer and try to get the platinum.
I also think that giving Insomniac 3 years instead of 2 made a huge difference. By comparison, Guerrilla had only 2 for KZ3 and the game was hacked to pieces. Needed much more time.

I think they gave R2 an 8.5 which shows how out of touch they are.
I wanted to love 2, couldn't finish it, and the saturated "look" didn't help.. and 100% agreed on KZ3, It was merely good, could have been great.


Gold Member
I liked the first two games. But when I played the demo for 3, I was underwhelmed. It looking brown and didn't feel that fun. So I left it. I hear good things on GAF, but probably not good enough for me to pick up.


Way better game than Resistance 2 (well, SP campaign that is), and shame this didn't sell well because of R2 either.
I really enjoyed Resistance 3. I'll link my thoughts about it as soon as I had finished it.

Today, I fondly remember Resistance 3 as being a very fun game. There were several sequences in the game were I was grinning the entire time – such as the boat ride and train ride – and the game's encounters were pretty well crafted. I remember fighting that...god, what was it called...that huge Chimeran. That was a lot of fun. I enjoyed the mechanic of my weapons becoming more powerful the more I used them, and the guns felt good, so that helped my enjoyment in that area.. There were some pretty fun weapons introduced, like that electric-zapper gun thing, that were both effective and fun to fire. There's a strong number of enemy variety that keeps you guessing about what you're going to face next, and also makes encounters fascinating. The variety in enemies combined with your weapons made for a good sandbox.

I think my favorite part about the game was that it oozed atmosphere. I remember being in the boat when that huge Chimeran machine showed up, causing my heart beat to increase in the hopes that the thing wouldn't spot us in this teensy little boat. There was plenty of fog around, which added a lot of tension: You never knew where the boat was going to take you next and what enemies you might face when you got there. Even if the that huge Chimeran machine disappeared behind the fog, you still worried that you might come face to face with more. There was also the audio logs and other collectibles that helped cement the mood of the game, especially in whatever location you were fighting.

The lighting in the game was superb, and when combined with the sound design and music, could create some chilling moments. I remember early on in the game there was a point where you were sneaking around below ground (or a bunker), and the windows at the top were flooded with light, only partially blocked by the footsteps of Chimeran soldiers.

The variety in locations kept things fresh. You fought a huge monster thing underground, fought Chimeran zombies in a train yard, fought on a boat and a train, a prison, a wintery landscape, and a Chimeran tower. I don't think I could pick a favorite, but if I had to it'd be the winter setting.

If I had to list some criticisms, they'd be these. I didn't like the prevalence of ADS, though thankfully it wasn't needed to fire effectively. The story was serviceable, and while I'm not one to care too much about IQ/graphics, they were pretty poor in this game. I constantly felt like I had a hard time seeing objects. I also wasn't a huge fan of the health system. I don't normally mind non-regenerative health, but here I felt that I was a bit hindered by it. Maybe I wasn't that good, but I would've liked a bit more freedom in my ability to tackle each encounter. I didn't like having to worry about how my consequences in one battle would carry over tot he next. (Hey, I'm a Halo fan).

Overall it was a good entry, and a fine game for Insomniac to end their time with the franchise.
I loved R3. It had a great atmosphere, great levels, amazing guns, and very fun MP. I put 50 hours in MP. I just wished that the woman narrator was back. I really loved that about R1.
I really enjoyed R3, it is probably the best FPS I have played on the ps3. I loved using the revolver with exploding bullets it was such a fun gun to use.

Boss Man

You guys calling it a proper sequel to Resistance: Fall of man:

How close is it gameplay wise? Are you saying that just because the weapon wheel and is back? The most jarring thing between R:FoM and R2 for me was the fact that they stripped the entire foundation of the game out and made it play like that new Modern Warfare game all the kids were talking about.

Fall of Man felt more related to Quake/Halo/Time Splitters, and it did it damn well actually. I loved how each weapon had its own aiming reticule too. Resistance 3 seems to be an ADS shooter. It'd be hard for me to consider it a proper sequel when the shooting mechanics are completely different.


I can never decide if this or A Crack in Time is Insomniac's best game. Either way Resistance 3 was an absolutely fantastic send off for the Resistance franchise and it was the first time Resistance actually felt like it had its own identity instead of cribbing from a million other FPSes like its predecessors.
I still haven't gotten around to playing this. I pretty much hate modern FPSes but am still interested in R3 because it ditches two of the reason I hate them: Health regen and 2 weapon carry. It's on my list.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
2 Resistance 3 threads in one day! Maybe I should check it out!
I can never decide if this or A Crack in Time are Insomniac's best games. Either way Resistance 3 was an absolutely fantastic send off for the Resistance franchise and it was the first time Resistance actually felt like it had its own identity instead of cribbing from a million other FPSes like its predecessors.

Naw, ACIT is a masterpiece and Insomniac´s finest work yet.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Has this ever been for sale on the PSN store?

I'd really like to play it, but I fear that I may not with PS4's release looming so soon.

Always wanted it to appear on PS+

Boss Man

Naw, ACIT is a masterpiece and Insomniac´s finest work yet.
ACiT was very enjoyable, one of the very few games I got a platinum trophy for.

But it felt like it was missing some things, and like some of the content hadn't been fully thought out. The space stuff was sort of nasty feeling.

An interesting multiplayer mode would have sent it over the top. I feel like a lot of Insomniac's work this gen has suffered, even if some of it has managed to retain certain aspects of quality despite that. I don't know if they just got too experimental with where their business was going (facebook stuff, etc.) or if they were too focused on quantity rather than quality (a game a year for a while wasn't it?).

Great game, but I wonder what it would have been like with an extra year or something.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You guys calling it a proper sequel to Resistance: Fall of man:

How close is it gameplay wise? Are you saying that just because the weapon wheel and is back? The most jarring thing between R:FoM and R2 for me was the fact that they stripped the entire foundation of the game out and made it play like that new Modern Warfare game all the kids were talking about.

Fall of Man felt more related to Quake/Halo/Time Splitters, and it did it damn well actually. I loved how each weapon had its own aiming reticule too. Resistance 3 seems to be an ADS shooter. It'd be hard for me to consider it a proper sequel when the shooting mechanics are completely different.

I'm saying it because it captures the atmosphere and the core mechanics of the first. This is not a super fast shooter. It's definitely not like the first in that regard.

I don't think ADS is critical because the bullseye has autotargeting and I use that for most of the game.

As for why it isn't available digitally, I wonder if the install bug has anything to do with it. For some reason the game just does not delete data well. Takes foreverrrr to delete the install if you try it.


Fantastic game, and one of the best shooters on the PS3.

Resistance 2 was utter, utter dog shit. What a horrible piece of trash that game was.

Resistance 1 was an excellent early-gen shooter and launch title and still holds up in many ways to this day, if you can get past some of the drab and empty elements of the art and level design.


I have been thinking of making a thread for the whole series about what it could have been with a focus on Resistance 3, but I think it was best that someone else did because of how the next part made me rant about it in the past... I think I'd have made it seem worse than it really is.
Plot Hole or Worm Hole

I think the game does a fairly good job of wrapping up the franchise, but it definitely is not the direct sequel to the plotline of the first and second that many wanted. We effectively find out that the humans triumph and what happens to Capelli and his wife, but we don't really see how things happen. The game does not really explain anything about the worm hole, the origin of the Chimera, the Chimera vs. Pure Chimera stuff, the Cloven stuff, etc. All of that lore that was built in the first and second game is kind of ignored. But I feel the plot for this game on its own is satisfying and self-contained.

The game doesn't explain anything in this regard really. It just hints at it and makes it seem so big throughout the whole game like they did in R1 and R2 until the ending of R3... Then, they show nothing.

It had so much potential. A whole different world for the chimera behind the wormhole unexplored and always hinted at as something fascinating.

Honestly, I feel that they could have done better, a LOT better, for the ending because it doesn't line up with everything else and it just seems that they wanted to stop making Resistance games, so they decided to end it like this. Could have simply made it a bit more open ended to allow for an easier sequel and actually explain many things about the chimera. Instead, we got "CHIMERA DIED! GO HOME! yay we is winnerz!!".

I agree with everything else in the OP and that the game was really sent to die in 2011. It didn't help that Sony decided to give it their first online pass either.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm saying it because it captures the atmosphere and the core mechanics of the first. This is not a super fast shooter. It's definitely not like the first in that regard.

I don't think ADS is critical because the bullseye has autotargeting and I use that for most of the game.

As for why it isn't available digitally, I wonder if the install bug has anything to do with it. For some reason the game just does not delete data well. Takes foreverrrr to delete the install if you try it.

I suppose the thing is what do you consider to be 'core' mechanics of the first game ? Are we talking about the health mechanics etc ?

I didn't like Fall Of Man because I thought the weapons felt like shit and that the core combat/feedback from combat was very poor. It was why I couldn't enjoy it (along with various other reasons like story and I found the levels boring with no atmosphere at all) and overall didn't have fun through most of the game, though I did like the fact they used the weapon wheel. It's why I liked Resistance 3 so much as I felt they got it nailed perfectly along with the story, pacing and combat scenarios.

However I can still see why people liked FoM, I just personally couldn't get on with its combat at all. I will still never understand why Resistance 2 was so highly rated by reviewers, I genuinely don't get it. I know I know, different strokes for different folks afterall we all have our opinions but I just found it to be so fucking bad by any FPS standards.


Was a good game, but christ the story was boring and ending terrible. It explained nothing really that happened at the end of R2..
The ending of R3 left a lot to be wanted. I still cannot believe they ended it like this. I waited for the end credit and was hoping for some after credit ending, i got nothing. It´s the worst ending i have ever played in a game.
I loved R3. It had a great atmosphere, great levels, amazing guns, and very fun MP. I put 50 hours in MP. I just wished that the woman narrator was back. I really loved that about R1.

The story of Resistance: Fall of Man is something I've liked since I first played the game back in 2006. I haven't played every FPS game ever made, but the way it was told ensures it remains an enjoyable, vivid memory in my mind. It's rather refreshing in its own self amongst most other FPS stories. The black and white photo-slides in combination with a woman narrator – who's also a character in the world – grounds the story and gives it the ability to wonderfully set the mood for each level. I feel that she was able to add a personal slant to the events, giving the story more weight.

The method of telling Resistance: FoM's story is strikingly similar La jetée, a 1960s' French science-fiction film by Chris Marker. It's a very good movie, and I wonder if Insomniac took any inspiration from it.


Anybody finished the game on Superhuman? How was it?

As for the MP, they should have included the coop put of the box. They made it onto a dlc where most have already moved on I guess. :/


Anybody finished the game on Superhuman? How was it?

As for the MP, they should have included the coop put of the box. They made it onto a dlc where most have already moved on I guess. :/

For some reason I don't remember Superhuman being that hard.

There is coop for the singleplayer (both splitscreen and online). The DLC coop is horde mode (lots of waves of feral chimeras and a lot of stuff to pick up throughout the map) with some hard rock/metal music. Forgot the band's name. ><
Started this up for the first time last week and its a real stunner when it wants to be. Was not expecting such incredibly strong art direction and design and scale and character. Just incredible stuff.

Demerits for requiring an online pass for co-op, with extra special fuck-you demerits for the online pass in my brand new, still-shrink-wrapped game case being expired.


Sign me up !
I totally enjoyed this game (got the platinum).
The SP (I played both runs in co-op) was a blast for me. Seriously, the level design of this game is very well done, never boring or dull, with a nice story and awesome weapons.

Sure,most of the levels are just one corridor after another, but a very fun corridor and not always a free roaming game is better than a corridor one.
One of the best FpS I played in this generation.

Btw, I loved a lot the MP too. Nothing so awesome, but really fun.
I thought this was the weakest entry easily.

Resistance 2 is the one that needs the apprecfiation thread and Resistsance 1 too!


What do you like about Resistance 2?

I thought that Resistance 2 felt a lot like humans had started learning from the Chimera tech and were advancing their tech super fast, I liked that angle and thought the biggest problem of the game was polish & a few of the mechanical changes (health & weapon wheel) not story.


Easily among the best combat sandboxes this generation (heck, probably ever). Grossly under appreciated.
Was pretty sad how they had a new and cool multiplayer co op in 2 which was th eonly good part of it. Then they nailed the sp in 3. Just needed to have both.
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