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Resistance 3 Appreciation Thread

What do you like about Resistance 2?

Bigger scale with more action.

I also love the multiplayer with large battles.

It wasn't some puny squad based CoD rip-off like Resistance 3' MP was.

If they ever revive this series they need to go back to the LARGE SCALE MP with dozens of players. People complained it was chaotic, but I felt it was epic. At the very least, it made the gameplay stand out.


What do you like about Resistance 2?
The coop was actually great and very enjoyable. The mechanics that it had felt unique and very well done/balanced. While I understand that people wanted a singleplayer coop, I don't think that it was that huge of a lose especially with how good the MP coop was.

Competitive MP being large scale and even bigger than R1's was great (although they changed stuff from R1's in it as well). 30vs30.. There weren't many games (if any at all) like that on consoles back then.

The story wasn't bad either. They were actually starting to reveal more stuff about the chimera and their technology. Also, while I don't like regenrative health, they at least had an explanation for it with how hale and his squad had the chimeran virus in their bodies. A shame that they took out the female narrator though.

Edit: beaten by a few on the same aspects.


I also liked R2s MP over R3. Sniping through that large scale battle was fun. Went 80-0 one time. It was hilarious.

Maybe in Resistance 4 they will get both right.

SP like R3, MP/CooP like R2.

Oh wait.. :(


Maxis Redwood
Thanks for the thread, reminded me that I really need to buy this game for a playthrough before this gen comes to an end.
Resistance 3 definitley nailed the atmosphere. All the levels ooze this empty sadness to them (with St. Louis being the standout), but I still prefer Resistance 2's epic large scale military battles.


If any FPS game on the PS3 deserves an PS4 HD treatment, this tops the list for me. Give me this game at 1080p, gobs of AA and 60fps. Everything about the game was executed brilliantly and i find this to be the best FPS on the PS3. The only thing that soured my experience was the sub HD output, which really did a disservice to the games art. I also feel like this game is a testament to what Insomniac as developers are capable of, and thus, was saddened with how over strike turned out.

The combat in this game was really visceral and hugely satisfying, with gun effects in the same vain as TLoU in regards to blood splatter, Damn, i am kind of sad i sold the game now, i really want to pop it in and play...


I haven't played it since release but remember it being pretty fantastic. I still have it in my library though. No hate here.
Great game...actually one of the few games that held my attention unlike a lot of junk these days. There is one issue: I get motion sickness if I play too long :(((( ... I hate the low FOV. When will console games get better FOV :/

Ploid 3.0

After the POS R2's Co-Op was, I never bothered with 3. R1 was incredible fun in co-op. Does R3 has the same shit of a co-op?

And I didn't get R3 because it didn't have the co op mode from R2 :(. Surely they could have put in main story co op, and 8 player raid with classes mode in it. What could have been.


I enjoyed it, a cool little campaign.

The audio lag was laughably bad though. Like, "how did this not get fixed day 1?" bad. There were moments (the barn for example) where the SFX were literally a full second or so behind. It was so off- putting.

I enjoyed it, but that audio lag really soured the experience for me.


Not to forget it has one of the most realistic conversations between a couple in any video game.

Susan Farley: Looks like our son has a stinking cold, you know what to do Jo.

Joseph Capelli: Ehhm, I beg your pardon?

Susan Farley: I am totally expecting you to travel across this whole minefield that is left of our country and to do something against this inevitable climate change to save his life!!!

Joseph Capelli: I ehhh, sweetheart look if I go, I may never come back alive...

Susan Farley: Do not make me choose, Joseph!

Joseph Capelli:
Add my voice to the chorus. One of the better fps sp campaigns of the gen, though its quite a bit more uneven than some fans may lead you to believe. When its great, it's amazing, but it needed more scenes like Haven, and less like the train and the prison.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Not to forget it has one of the most realistic conversations between a couple in any video game.

Susan Farley: Looks like our son has a stinking cold, you know what to do Jo.

Joseph Capelli: Ehhm, I beg your pardon?

Susan Farley: I am totally expecting you to travel across this whole minefield that is left of our country and to do something against this inevitable climate change to save his life!!!

Joseph Capelli: I ehhh, sweetheart look if I go, I may never come back alive...

Susan Farley: Do not make me choose, Joseph!

Joseph Capelli:
I didn't even realize until after I had read the books that she's like Hale's stepsister or something. Kinda dumb.
Like with the DMC games, for resistance the second game doesn't exist. Ugh what a mess. R3 went back to what was the greatness of R1 and created an amazing game with R3. I really loved R1 because as the game went on it moved away from WW2 CoD and became very Half life like. And R3 was VERY half life like and it payed off greatly for it.


I feel there are 2 things that really sold R3 to me. One is definitely the atmosphere. It's got a very strong City 17 vibe of an Earth that's long since been conquered. It's not a story about large scale epic warfare, because said wars have already been fought and lost long before R3 takes place. It's a story about what's left of humanity and trying to fight back in what little ways they can. And to me, that was a nice change of pace from the modern FPS plot of massive war story.

The other thing is more on the gameplay side, and that was the weapon wheel. I've come to believe that if there's one thing Insomniac is great at, it's making goofy and unique weapons. And I feel the thing that highlights it more in R3 is the fact the game also rejects the typical shooter trope of limiting you to carrying 2-4 certain weapon types at a given time. Instead, R3 lets you carry everything you've acquired in the form of the wheel. In this way, the game really encourages you to experiment and be creative with planning combat encounters, instead of playing it safe and sticking to 1-2 guns that have worked well. I'm also a big fan of the "the weapons get more powerful the more you use them" philosophy of weapon upgrades. There's just something about it that feels more satisfying than just straight up buying upgrades with in-game currency. For whatever reason, it just gives me a better sense that I'm really earning the upgrade on weapons I'm using more and getting more proficient at using, and it just feels more satisfying that way.
You guys convinced me, I'll grab a copy soon.
Persevere with install/patch process (it is a pain) and you'll be rewarded with a gem of a game.

Edit: with regards to the series as a whole it lacks a clear through line of vision of something like Halo. They all felt different to each other with R2 coming off the worst. R3 for me felt just right.


He touched the black heart of a mod
It's such a shame, it seemed as though Insomniac had finally hit the sweet spot for Resistance, and now the series is in the doldrums and, well, look at Insomniac...


Is this available digitally off of the playstation store? I loved R1, couldn't finish R2 and totally passed over 3. Checked out some of the gunplay videos and now I must play it :lol

Edit - Damn, looks like only the demo is available.


Best FPS SP campaign on consoles this gen for me. A lovely, classic structure with variety, interesting events and locations and a consistent tone.

It was a pity it was more or less a remake of RFOM in terms of narrative, with the only change being that the final wormhole closure "wins all" vs the destruction of the London Tower.

I really quite liked the lore initiated in RFOM but given R2's total loss of focus and R3 really being a re-telling or the same tale I felt disappointed the series never went anywhere much from that perspective - in hindsight it felt like Insomniac came up with a great idea (SF and WW2 combined) to frame an FPS title but never really had any clear idea where they were going with it.

Still, at least we got a great SP campaign in the end from the franchise.


Neo Member
Great game, awesome story mode coop but I have a lot of problems with the mess of cross game story since R2. Sometimes it feels like each game in the series has a different universe.
I enjoyed Resistance 3 a lot. Played it in co-op through the campaign with a friend and then again on my own.

I really liked the atmosphere of the game and the feel of defeat that was prevalent throughout it. Didn't like the ending so much, and as OP said: I was left wanting more regarding the lore.

As somebody else said, this game reminds me of Half-Life; not sure if it's because of the Chimera architecture, the "Humans conquered by Aliens" subject or what.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Just replayed the first four chapters of the game. Perfection. Completely perfect!


Brutally awesome. The story took turns I didn't expect, and the things that happen ... it's really quite amazing.

I didn't really have a great interest in the other Resistance titles, but Resistance 3 was astonishingly well made. A lot of fun.

It really did, finally, feel on par with Naughty Dog, and SSM's efforts. Just up there.
Good thread. Resistance 3 didn't get the sales it should of. The series just got better and better. Three was the best one. I do hope they make another resistance one day, PS4 exclusive baby :)
cool game I liked it better than Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 for sure, but it lacks a soul. It has original weapons but it borrows from other games a bit too much.

for example the level where you have to evade a bunch of drop-ships and cloaked snipers is directly ripped from Crysis I, but it isn't as good as the Crysis I level.


Maybe the best FPS campaign of last gen. Definitely in the top three.

And despite SubHD the art really took a great jump which I didn't expect from Insomniac at the time, still their most beautiful game.
One graphical example that blew me away was when using the lightning gun against the zombies. Do anyone have a gif?


R3 was awesome. It's kind of like if TLOU was an FPS, and then it had co-op ontop of that. Or the Half-Life 2 comparisons aren't far off the mark either. That one dilapidated mining town in R3 was amazing, basically turned survival horror a bit. Honestly, dunno how R2 got better reviews. Resistance 2 was terrible, and I don't think that's something that is only easy to say in hindsight. It was always evident it was this really bad, rushed, poorly polished and executed mess of a game. This was at a time when PS3 was seen as being on an upswing though, so maybe that had something to do with its positive reception. Insomniac is honestly a mystery to me. One of the spottiest developers in recent times. They're like a box of chocolates and some of those chocolates are filled with rat poisoning. They're well on their way to Raredom.
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