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Resistance 3 Appreciation Thread


This game was pretty awesome. The highlight for me was the little towns and all of their stories and how the Chimera have affected them and their way of life. I do feel though that first half of the game was much stronger than the second half and the ending was pretty bad. But its definately the best fps campaign on the ps3 and one of the better games from 2011.


Yeah, R3 is absolutely fantastic. Convinced me Insomniac hadn't lost their touch. FUSE, on the other hand, was a bit of a downer. Hoping Sunset Overdrive is a return to form, I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually, either if it comes to PS4, or if the Xbox one drops down to a price that matches the PS4 in the UK.
Bought it due to GAF-hype, came out disappointed.

Nice weapons, nice ideas (partially), but also many segments where I wondered what the designers were thinking.
Could've sworn I posted in a LTTP thread yesterday.
Anyway, one of the best campaigns on PS3 regardless of genre. Incredible atmosphere, good story that really nails the feeling on fighting against the odds and my favorite part:
actually having to fight humans as well which caught me totally by surprise and did a great job at showing just how messed up the world is. Capturing people to throw them into an arena for fun in the middle of an alien invasion, damn...
Despite the fantastical context of an alien invasion it had this gritty, realistic feel to it.
It's a shame this was the swan song of a dying franchise, if R2 hadn't happened and this had released instead the franchise really could've taken off.


I will agree that Resistance 3 had a good single player campaign, but it was t great. It lacked the epic scale and battles of the previous games. The story sucked in my opinion. It was too much of a one man vs. the universe crap we've seen in too many cheesy games. At least in previous titles Nathan Hale had allies and the story with him being infected with the Chimera virus helped explain why he was so powerful.

The MP is where the game really faltered. It was straight up awful. A pathetic CoD rip off right down to the interface. Gone was the large scale epic battles that made the game stand out. In its place? Lame ass kill streaks and buffs straight out of CoD.

The game sold poorly and deserved to. Next time stick to what makes a series great instead of trying to rip off what makes another series popular.

I agree completely.
I will agree that Resistance 3 had a good single player campaign, but it was t great. It lacked the epic scale and battles of the previous games. The story sucked in my opinion. It was too much of a one man vs. the universe crap we've seen in too many cheesy games. At least in previous titles Nathan Hale had allies and the story with him being infected with the Chimera virus helped explain why he was so powerful.

I completely disagree. This is the story of a man who used to fight but eventually gave up on playing the hero that wants to save the world and decided to protect his family instead, because that's the only realistic goal he felt he could achieve and that's what he's doing at the start of the game, giving his family the best life that he can.
What motivates him to eventually go back to his cruzade against the chimera is
the fact that his son is dying.
He had given up but returned to the fight not because he thinks he's a hero and want's to save the world (which he didn't really give a shit about) but for the reason I mentioned above.
He makes it very clear at the start that he doesn't expect to succeed but he doesn't have any other option and like I said above, the game nails the feel of a man fighting against the odds.
It blows the previous games out of the water in terms of story.
Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of Resistance 3. It started out pretty great, but I just enjoyed it less and less the further into it that I got. And then I enjoyed the HOUR LONG UNINSTALL least of all. WTF?

I think I'm more of a Killzone guy when it comes to exclusive Sony shooters.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How does the second game have epic scale? Large, non-interactive skyboxes don't really do it for me. The game likes tossing waves at you, which isn't always intolerable game design, but it never does anything with its vistas. On top of that, it's hard to argue that insomniac did not sacrifice the incredible, intimate detail in the environments that actually enhances moment to moment gameplay in favor of that other stuff.

Take San Francisco. The entire level takes place underground in dank hallways until you come above ground for a few uninteresting segments where everything beautiful is happening off in the distance. It's a totally wasteful game design. It doesn't impress me that you have thousands of polygons rendering five miles away when I can't do anything with them. Then when they actually do go for big battles like in Chicago things become an utter clusterfuck as ai cannot seem to target anything but hale. Plasma bullets are flying every which way and it just becomes a giant mess.

Now consider the way they use atmospheric effects in 3 when you're running from the barn with tommy dean. Shit is going DOWN. I want a 3d tv.


Near the beginning of the game and I gotta say I'm enjoying it so far. Never played a Resistance game before. The setting is actually quite good, the downtime reminds me of Half life, the weapons are the highlight for me though. And having health packs instead of regeneration is a nice change of pace.
I played all 3 Resistance games, and while Resistance 3 was a pretty good game, it's still bested by Fall of Man, in my humble opinion.


Fall of Man was the best in the series. I'm well into the Resistance 3 campaign as I write this, and the game feels boring to me. It bores me with the constant hand-holding and everything that has happened so far was expected. There have been no surprises or suspenseful moments.

The image quality is pretty bad as well (I wish the game looked as good as the cutscenes). Fall of Man was so crisp.

I still want to finish as I like the story line.


What was wrong with Resistance 2? That one was my second-favorite, behind the first one, of course.

Resistance 3's scenario was a let-down to me. Rather than have an all-out war against the Chimera, we skipped ahead and missed all the action. And once the game is over, we see humanity beating back the Chimera and winning. Why couldn't we play that?

The only three games from a trilogy I can think of that truly upped the scale from the last game are Halo 3, Modern Warfare 3, and Mass Effect 3. The latter two didn't do a good job, though, so I can't blame Insomniac for being conservative.


Easily the best of the Resistance games, R3 really conveyed a feel of desperation among the human race, as if they really were going extinct. I also thought the art style was great!

My only gripe would be the multiplayer was a letdown. Not very good at all.
Kind of a bummer that they never, ever released the Air Fuel Grenade DLC on PSN.

Also, yeah, thanks Y2Kev for pointing out that the Hailstorm was *exactly* the major missing weapon from this game.


What was wrong with Resistance 2? That one was my second-favorite, behind the first one, of course.

Resistance 3's scenario was a let-down to me. Rather than have an all-out war against the Chimera, we skipped ahead and missed all the action. And once the game is over, we see humanity beating back the Chimera and winning. Why couldn't we play that?

The only three games from a trilogy I can think of that truly upped the scale from the last game are Halo 3, Modern Warfare 3, and Mass Effect 3. The latter two didn't do a good job, though, so I can't blame Insomniac for being conservative.
I enjoyed R2 but people didn't because of no health system,no weapon wheel and the weapons were not as awesome as R1.

Resistance 3 had fantastic weapons.
Easily the best of the Resistance games, R3 really conveyed a feel of desperation among the human race, as if they really were going extinct. I also thought the art style was great!

Only desperation I felt was for the game to end. Not trying to troll here, but the game didn't feel as polished to me as some people seem to think. It was a very run-of-the-mill FPS with some nice set-pieces, and a lot less interactivity with the environment than one would expect.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Only desperation I felt was for the game to end. Not trying to troll here, but the game didn't feel as polished to me as some people seem to think. It was a very run-of-the-mill FPS with some nice set-pieces, and a lot less interactivity with the environment than one would expect.

I'm interested in this. Can you give me an example of an FPS with suitable levels of environmental activity?


I'm interested in this. Can you give me an example of an FPS with suitable levels of environmental activity?

Didn't you think the end dragged on a tad? And the ending itself was little bit of a run-ofthe-mill ending?

That's not to suggest the first 80% wasn't awesome, because I feel that it was. but that the last few sections were just meh.


si how much did Jstev throw your way to put a shitton of work on this thread? Yes, sp was awesome and by far my fav. campaign this gen, I did hate the arena part though, I could never get past it on superhuman...


The image quality is pretty bad as well (I wish the game looked as good as the cutscenes). Fall of Man was so crisp.

That is because it was obviously a first gen game which looked really flat compared to R2 and R3 when it comes to lighting and effects (plus textures and detail as well).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Didn't you think the end dragged on a tad? And the ending itself was little bit of a run-ofthe-mill ending?

That's not to suggest the first 80% wasn't awesome, because I feel that it was. but that the last few sections were just meh.

The end got messy because they resorted to pretty standard "try and overwhelm the player with waves and waves" but that's really just the last hour or so for me.

I don't put too much emphasis on story in my shooters but I thought the story was self-contained and satisfying on its own. Obviously they ducked answering lots of questions about the universe and that's unfortunate but maybe we should take that as tacit admission of their disowning R2.


I have played R3 once, it didnt gel for me the first time particularly.

After this thread I am going to play it again


Aftershock LA
I actually loved all 3 Resistance games, and Retribution as well, but I agree, R3 is excellent. I played ot the first time sometime in May, I think. Really loved it.

I think R2 is unfairly shit on, but this thread isn't about R2.


Resistance 1 was still the best of the series: good story telling + solid combat, plus very good graphics/animation given that it was a launch title. Resistance 3 was better on the combat side than Resistance 2, but the story telling was weak compared to R1. I'm not sure that R1 + R2 + R3 tell a coherent, compelling story and that's unfortunate given how well R1 started from a story perspective. R3 has the best graphics of the series, but the improvements from R1 to R3 weren't as big as say the improvements from Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 3.
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