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Ridge Racer 7 -- Official Thread


EviLore said:
At around 70% completed now, doing the
extreme battles

Flex nitrous is really, really sick.

How many plugs have you unlocked so far? I think I'm around 70% as well so far I got like 4 or 5... Some are kinda interesting...
like one that let you see opponent's nitro guage during online battle.
EviLore said:
Not an absurd amount or anything ;b. I just haven't really lost any races, only one or two...and since the races get shorter and shorter as the cars get faster, we're talking around 2-4 minutes per race usually.

Well, I mean I thought I put a significant amount of time in so far, haven't lost a SP race...and you've probably passed me on completion percentage. Just was wondering if you were playing 8hrs/day or what? :lol


Whats the deal with 1080p vs 720p. Has anyone here tried it on a 1080p set? Are there any performance differences? (I heard 1080p mode doesn't use AA or something). And what of this slowdown, Is it actually there (resolution dependant)?



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Pallaris said:
Whats the deal with 1080p vs 720p. Has anyone here tried it on a 1080p set? Are there any performance differences? (I heard 1080p mode doesn't use AA or something). And what of this slowdown, Is it actually there (resolution dependant)?


I'm playing in 1080p. Game looks great, except that it still has minor aliasing problems. Due to the speed of the game it affects image quality somewhat. Slowdown only occurs when you have like 8+ cars close in front of you, and that's happened to me maybe 3-4 times so far, lasting for a couple seconds each. It's a problem but it's very minor.


JeffDowns said:
I know it...I had no idea what all the hype was about, I'm all in now.

i've been saying this since the day i got a 360. and as much fun as i'm having with the wii, i can't help but yearn for HD graphics on it. the composite shit just ain't flying with me, and i don't expect 480p w/ component cables to make the night & day difference i'm looking for. call me a graphics whore for all i care, but i want my video games to push the envelope graphically when each generation comes.


Pallaris said:
Whats the deal with 1080p vs 720p. Has anyone here tried it on a 1080p set? Are there any performance differences? (I heard 1080p mode doesn't use AA or something). And what of this slowdown, Is it actually there (resolution dependant)?


I play it at 1080p on my Bravia XBR2, looks absolutely stunning, and I see no performance differences between 1080p and 720p. I also didn't notice any AA differences, but I'll check when I get home.


Thanks for the rundown. Just one more thing though, is the slowdown something thats reduced (or not there at all) running in 720p mode?
isamu said:
Ah I see. Where are the L1 and L2 buttons placed on your wheel? Are they face buttons or are they the shift paddles?

Can you please do me a favor and fire up R7 with your DFP and tell me if the game will in fact allow more than one button configuration when the wheel is plugged in?

I'd appreciate it.

Hi Isamu, sorry for the late reply, lost track of the thread.
But to answer your question, the L1 and L2 are the top buttons on both sides of the wheel facing you. I can't test the options right now, as my wheel's back in storage. But you should know that this is the optimum configuration anyways:) So as long as that works you're golden.


Jonnyram said:
There's so many easter eggs in the game it's unfunny. We should have a thread for them. For starters, there's the rectangle things from Xevious flying over one of the new courses if you leave it still for long enough. Also, you can set special things off if you use triple nitrous in specific areas. I've found a lot of info on JP sites I can list, if anyone's interested.
Mmmh, don't wanna insist too much, but I'd be quite interested in such a list!
Pretty pretty please!
Um...does the weather in ridge racer depend on the real world local weather? Or am I just imagining things... cuz it's been sunny in the game for a minute, and today, it's overcast. (same here where I live.) :lol
I'm about 50% finished so far. I have not had time to play since it's midterm time for me so I have to keep my head in the books.

How far am I away from the battles?

Also, does anyone have a link or info on the different classes and medals you can get by playing online???


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The duals are not something to look forward to. They require so much concentration that the fun is zapped out and it becomes work.

You'll see.
I'm late too. I picked up RR7 with Resistance when I got my PS3 last week, but I haven't played that much yet.

Played the hell out of RR6 on the 360 though, and I'm loving what I've played on the PS3 so far. The new tracks are awesome and the little tweaks to the 360 tracks are nice too.

The PS3 version seems more difficult than the 360 version somewhat--the AI is smarter and it's not as easy to win races. Anyone else notice/experience this? And the driving feels a bit more loose compared to the 360, almost like the cars feel lighter and turning is even more floatier than in a typical RR game.
whatdidyousay said:
The PS3 version seems more difficult than the 360 version somewhat--the AI is smarter and it's not as easy to win races.
Great. Most of the races in RR6 felt way too easy for me. (I'm stuck on final route race 1, though. Can anyone help me out here?)
Jonnyram said:
No, but they'll improve your rank points and get you medals and stuff.
Double great. I don't like the prospect of racing online without voice chat anyways.
Mattlikewhoa said:
I'm about 50% finished so far. I have not had time to play since it's midterm time for me so I have to keep my head in the books.

How far am I away from the battles?

Extreme Battles start once you beat GP14...and it's basically the same thing as on the PSP, outrageous cheating by the AI where you win most races (quad or duel) by tricky nitro management. Yay for flex nitro...
Crazymoogle said:
Extreme Battles start once you beat GP14...and it's basically the same thing as on the PSP, outrageous cheating by the AI where you win most races (quad or duel) by tricky nitro management. Yay for flex nitro...

Cool, I didn't find the PSP version too hard but the 360 (Final stages) were tough...
Just to reiterate... the game is basically unplayable on 2p split screen mode... WHY? It's only 2 cars on the track, and the framerate is as sluggish as I don't know what! Doesn't 1-player mode run at a solid 60 fps? Well, 2-p mode runs at a jagged 30 fps, if that.. it's really horrible... Man.


Wow, uh...Ridge Racer is actually a fun game when you're playing with real people and not the annoying as **** AI!

I tried playing RR6 online a few times, but there was never anyone playing and it was always just 1 on 1 matches where the other player would get 1/2 a lap ahead and it wouldn't really be much fun.

So just being able to hop on and play with 7 other people in a few minutes was good stuff! I really like the online interface and how it tells you which players in the room are from your friends list. Very simple and easy and quick. Great for just jumping into race after race and having a good time.

I also realized that it's really the slow cars that make the game difficult in single player for me. I felt like I was doing ok online with class 1 cars, but then I leaped back into the SP with a class 4 car on grand prix #2 and...I LOST >_< The problem is that I can't get any freaking nitro with the class 4 starting car. Usually less than 1 bar per lap, so if I don't have a bar in savings when I start the 3rd lap, if I can't build one up by the finish line I get passed at the very end and lose :( I hate the AI when driving the class 4 car :(

Oh and checking out all the RR7 tracks, I really like the new color schemes. Between the bright colors and the new RR7 tracks, the game is pretty nice on the eyes :D


Captain N said:
how many people in here use the SIXAXIS for steering?

How is the SixAxis? Is it as good as say, the NeGcon?

Anyone else using a wheel with RR7?

I refuse to play it until I get my ultimate setup :)


isamu said:
How is the SixAxis? Is it as good as say, the NeGcon?

Anyone else using a wheel with RR7?

I refuse to play it until I get my ultimate setup :)

Ultimate setup for Ridge Racer = D-pad, bitches. You know it.
isamu said:
How is the SixAxis? Is it as good as say, the NeGcon?

How could it be? I simply don't see how some floaty waggle control can ever beat a nice, tight (but with huge degrees of movement like the NeGcon) self-centering analog control.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
How could it be? I simply don't see how some floaty waggle control can ever beat a nice, tight (but with huge degrees of movement like the NeGcon) self-centering analog control.

That's a good point Bearmonkey. The NeGcon rules all! :)

Darn, I wish I had could finally play RR6 & 7. It's hard holding out :(


I haven't really started it until today, after yesterday I got my ass kicked yesterday when playing with a friend, I decided to start honing whatever meager RR skill I had, didn't pay as much attention to the visuals before, but now I look at it, this thing is freakin' gorgeous, especially the HDR, even the asphalt on the road looks amazing.


dont now, if it was mentioned, but the first download pack (which is free for all) is sheduled for 12/24/2006 - and contains seven new challenges and some stickers.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ram said:
dont now, if it was mentioned, but the first download pack (which is free for all) is sheduled for 12/24/2006 - and contains seven new challenges and some stickers.

Japan only right?


Bebpo said:
I tried playing RR6 online a few times, but there was never anyone playing and it was always just 1 on 1 matches where the other player would get 1/2 a lap ahead and it wouldn't really be much fun.
Yeah, I guess there wasn't much US community in RR6. The JP community was crazy though, and I would always get my ass kicked. Most of them moved over to RR7 now :(
Crazymoogle said:
Basically just a DLC hook for whenever Namco decides to reveal new music tracks for the game on the PlayStation store.
Ah, ok. I wish they would add something so you can play CUSTOM MUSIC, but alas...


I don't mind the lack of voice chat but the pre-fixed messages are rather limited, why they can't provide text chat is a tad puzzling. Still, played a few races today and it certainly was very fun.


Kittonwy said:
I don't mind the lack of voice chat but the pre-fixed messages are rather limited, why they can't provide text chat is a tad puzzling. Still, played a few races today and it certainly was very fun.

Some decent racing last night :)

Even though it would have been nice, I realize why I don't mind the lack of free typed text and voice chat... the races seem to ALWAYS be mixed with people from various regions, and to properly communicate, they need canned equivalent phrases that everyone can understand in their own language (a la Phantasy Star Online).

Unless it's translated on the fly, text and voice could be confusing.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Finally finished off the GP. Seaside Route 765 is absolutely fantastic looking in RR7. The color scheme is very slick and there are loads of tiny details throughout. This is how I wanted RR7 to look. I'd love to see more tracks with a similar visual style (focus on detailed urban environments) with ehnanced lighting effects. Namco could clearly do it, if they put the time in.

What I'm curious about, however, is whether or not there are any other unlockable tracks deep within the game. I highly doubt it, but I would love to see something more.

The new RR7 tracsk and the 765 remake are so much better looking than any of the RR6 based tracks. I dunno what the deal was, but the RR6 tracks seem so...incomplete in comparison. There are some awesome looking areas in there, but they always contrast with some really odd looking areas (ugly, angular hills with sprite vegitation plastered all over). I like some of the enhancements made to them for RR7, but it isn't enough overall.

I wish they would give the series one more shake this gen and really go all out with it (and that includes some changes to the mechanics or at least options to do so).


Ridge Racer 7 download ables are up on JP store. I'm too lazy to check the US store since the connection times out most of the time. 7 USRA events and 3 sticker sets.
Yeah. And didn't they close the Japan loophole? Anyway, I 100% (tracks and points) maxed the game awhile back, wish Namco would get on the ball with this.


Crazymoogle said:
Yeah. And didn't they close the Japan loophole? Anyway, I 100% (tracks and points) maxed the game awhile back, wish Namco would get on the ball with this.

There is no loophole. These things don't cost money so you don't need to fake anything. Just make a JPN account and download it and use it on your US game. Takes all of 10 mins maybe.


RuGalz said:
More events and stickers are up on JP store as of 1/27. What's with Namco US?

Why are they depriving me teh content just because I ain't Japanese? Gah.
i noticed on the PSN Hong Kong they had stickers and Special Events,
what the hell, how come these are not on the North American PSN?
well they were Free so I download all that were available

and I still suck
Bebpo said:
There is no loophole. These things don't cost money so you don't need to fake anything. Just make a JPN account and download it and use it on your US game. Takes all of 10 mins maybe.

Ah, I thought there was some sort of detection trick they were doing. Is there a picture tutorial online to walk us through the process? I can't understand a word of japanese and I imagine there is some sort of spot where you need to fake it.
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