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Rocket League suddenly has the most toxic community i've seen. and its a shame.


This is not a good analogy. Cultural norms and learned behaviors are not natural kinds.
Natural has nothing to do with it. If a man walks into hostile territory, he should not be surprised by hostile response. Now, If he were forced into that territory, there would be an argument to be had. But if the option to omit yourself from the scenario exists and you still choose to partake, you forfeit any right to complain.

That's just me though.


I've played since launch, 95% Unranked Social games just by myself 3v3, and have maybe come across someone who was a twat a half-dozen times. I don't know what to tell you OP, maybe you just have a bigger sampler size then me but I've put at least a hundred hours in (never really checked) and always seem to get by just fine with the Quick Chat.

The "What a Save" is tongue-in-cheek and a great way to poke fun at someone. It's just a game.
I know how many goals you scored, though.

He still carried you. They scored 4 times on you and he scored 4 goals to tie it. That was a reasonable time to call somebody trash, lol.

I'm not going to argue with you but the point I'm trying to make is that it sucks when you have your own teammate spewing garbage at you. It's not how you play team sports - period.
I've only ran into a few assholes on RL. I usually don't let them get under my skin, but it definitely feels good to beat a team that does nothing but talk shit.
I only play 1v1, and I'm at the rank where all the players are respectful. Not very often do I venture into the 3v3 playlists (I did quite a bit of Rocket Labs recently though) but I very rarely run into toxic players. Sorry about the experience some have been having :( this game is too awesome for it to be ruined by idiots!


Console Market Analyst
I typically turn off all chat and just play while listening to the Spotify app.

But yeah, toxic is a good description for most trash talk. A gg from me usually is met with a stfu.

I think sarcastic use of the quick team speak is hilarious though. Don't mind if teammates call me out for missing a save or running in to them. It's an acceptable way to vent frustration, imho.


Complete opposite on euro ps4 servers

Theres always some moron once in a while but overall everyone's fair

It's all down to the level you're playing on. On xbox, the lower level you are and the higher the level, the better the player base from a social standpoint. The mid tiers are always bogged down with the toxic pieces of shit who pretty much ruin every game ever. The problem is, if you don't respond to their blatant toxic talk, they start intentionally trolling (hitting you, scoring own goals, etc). It's pretty easy to tell who's intentionally playing bad and who's just trying but isn't very good.

I've blown through those level of people on PS4 and PC but man oh man, Xbox One is the worst of the three by far. I've never seen such a high number of people quitting ranked 3s ever. Almost every game there's one. 1-0 down and no one goes with your forfeit vote? They leave. It's insane.

Ever since I got out of the shit levels on PS4 I've had nothing but an awesome experience.


OP, I'm with you.

Doing this to your team mate is awful and unproductive. Against other players is just a mind game. Competitive shit talking.

This damn player was Wowing every single mistake since beginning. It made me infuriated too. He wasn't just trolling, he was serious. I can afirm that since the next match we were against and he said "NOW I HAVE A REAL TEAM. LET'S SEE WHO WILL WIN"(yes, capslocked).

He lost, I left only a "GG" and it felt better than Dark souls + Bloodborne.


Neo Member
OP, I'm with you.

Doing this to your team mate is awful and unproductive. Against other players is just a mind game. Competitive shit talking.

This damn player was Wowing every single mistake since beginning. It made me infuriated too. He wasn't just trolling, he was serious. I can afirm that since the next match we were against and he said "NOW I HAVE A REAL TEAM. LET'S SEE WHO WILL WIN"(yes, capslocked).

He lost, I left only a "GG" and it felt better than Dark souls + Bloodborne.

RL in a nutshell.
The meta of people blowing off Salsa's observation is alarming.

I've actually had not too many problems myself, but I have had problems with teammates who breakdown under inter-team trash talk causing us to lose.

For what it's worth I agree it has gotten worse OP. I played back at launch and sure there was people talking crap back then, but having started playing again about a week or so ago I've been noticing lots of it. Not just the typical team mate who decides to rip into you for missing a ball with quick chats either but a LOT of typed messages, and maybe 1 in 10 is a positive thing if I were being generous. Some people seem to be really going at it too.

The quick chat insults from team mates are really annoying too though, especially around my intermediate skill level where I'll go from amazing to useless multiple times in a single game since you've set a standard for yourself and then broken it, but its the usual grilling at the end that turns me away from ranked. I only play 1-2 ranked games a day now since you get piled on for a single bad play a lot of the time. Only upside I'll say it has is it's driving me to want to improve a lot so I can have a bit more fun playing again, being only half good at the game right now is not a comfy place to be since you know once the round ends you're gonna get laid into if you had a bad game.

My long-lost twin! lol

The ones who jeer for a fuck up then praise me later for an aerial. I'm like "I didnt' hand the controller to someone else you twats"


eh, there have always been immature a-holes since day 1, block (and now report) them and move on.

unranked is also quite a bit more relaxed if you still want to play and don't want to deal with whiners and abusive players


This is the case in any competitive online multiplayer. Online coop games on the other hand can have great communities if it implements certain features well like shared exp/drops/nodes.

But honestly I'm pretty much immune to all online insults by now. Neither them or the game is worth getting so upset about to retaliate or throw insults back. Just shut them up by playing better.


European servers are the best. They're so classy. Lol. I search basically all servers and maybe im lucky but I haven't had to deal with a whole lot of trolls, but it's a shit show sometimes.


Just had a game where someone told me to leave the game several times. Granted, I centered the ball for the other team, lol, but I ended up having the most points and scored the tie breaker. Felt good when on the next game they were on opposite team's and we creamed them. Had one of the better games for me. Needless to say I talked some trash after that match, lol.
RL definitely has a huge amount of toxicity. Unfortunately thats the nature of multiplayer games. That said its still one of the most fun games in a long time!


wow/what a save/close one! spam is fun but literally anything else is garbage. i only spam what a save @ opponents tho

sorry that so many people seem to not really give a shit about your issue, salsa.


Yeesh, games where my teammates are openly hostile are the least fun to me. Given the attitude of many in this thread it seems like an extremely common occurrence.


That fucking sucks. I haven't played much Rocket League lately but I put in over 100 hours early on. The community was really good back then. The game was still super popular as well. What changed?


2 things made me take a long break from Rocket League:

1. I reached my peak at Silver 3 and wasn't really advancing up from there; I played really unpredictably, either very well or very poorly. I'd lose 100 points in 1 night, then gain them back the next night.

2. The trashtalk, especially from teammates. As a light trashtalker myself, I understand, but at the end of the day we all want to improve and become one of the best and it's really disheartening to constantly be insulted & put down. My skin's too thick to be hurt solely by words like "uninstall faggot", but when I'm on a dry streak (mentioned in point #1) it really does feel like shit since I'm trying my best but just having a bad night.

I've tried playing with text chat muted... Not only does it detract from the game since you can't communicate with teammates or say "gg", but you can still feel them saying "what a save" or "kill yourself" when you screw up, so I might as well keep the chat enabled.
I recognize this in ranked matches (PC), so I stopped playing that, and only play regular matches, where people seem to take a lighter approach to it. Got no time for playing with people who can't behave like normal human beings.

Haven't played since before the S2 update, because XCOM2, so it's a shame to hear that people are behaving even worse now.


Pretty much every game I played was like. People would just try and troll you using the chat commands.

Didn't really bother me though. I usually knew if I had fucked up. And it kind of made it more satisfying when you finally beat them or made them rage quit mid game.



I like to spam the Sorry! emote when a goal is scored on either side. It sometime spisses off other players enough that theyll just try to demo me and stop focusing on winning, but I mostly just do it out of habit.

I dont get much trash talk though because I usually put the team on my back
Ps4 here, and the community has been pretty great since day one lots of ggs after almost all my matches. Most of the time the quick commands are used in a pretty silly manner even when making fun of someone. People will go "What a save!" When you botch it up but just say "Thanks!" in response. I usually laugh about it. Occasionally I'll run into someone who gets way into the chat and starts going off about someone's mother, but those are few and far between.

Dr Prob

If you lived in a place your entire life where every few nights someone came around and thwacked you in the foot with a sledgehammer, it may seem very natural to scoff and push back when someone who just moved there complains after being thwacked for the first time ("pfft, you still have five toes. check this out: looks like it's part of the table but that's my leg!"). But the real issue is the thwacking, so CountAntonius is right in that being dismissive doesn't really help anything.

That said (whatever that was), I love Rocket League's quick chat/the fact that we get text chat on the consoles. It's not always smooth sailing, but I've had a lot more (good-natured) fun and laughs with random people than bad experiences since launch, though if it were displayed as a graph or something, it would certainly be trending in the wrong direction as everyone moves on from having no idea what they're doing to thinking they know exactly what everyone should be doing at all times because they watched a video on YouTube.

My sense is that someone got on his nerves and salsa just wanted to vent, so I don't offer this up as some unsolicited "solution" or anything but in my experience, when someone starts acting up in 3s, there are generally five people who don't want anything to do with their shit. Not being able to really communicate cross-platform hinders this somewhat, but even with limited options you can turn that into its own kind of fun.


In comparison to games like CS:GO and DOTA2/LOL the community in Rocket League is super friendly and not especially toxic . But if you've never played an online multiplayer game i guess any game can be a rude awakening.

Also Rocket League is not a game that feels too bad to lose in for me. If someone taunts you after winning in Starcraft 2 for example you feel salty in a whole 'nother way than if someone uses a fixed command like "what a save!" in RL.


What time is it?
I wouldn't say it is the worst but I am taken aback that a game with so little voice communication can be so vile. I can count on one hand that times I've heard someone use a microphone and yet the player base manages to annoy me with the most basic communication options. I'm not sure what good filing a grief report does but I submit reports for anyone who drops racist or homophobic slurs. After filing a report, you are given an option to blocking the player which I used until my blocked players list became "full".


I agree with you OP, griefing is annoying and hopefully they find a better way to deal with it. If I were playing, like, doubles in pool and I missed a shot and my partner went, "WOW, NICE GOING! WAY TO GO, CHAMP! THANKS A LOT, SCRUB!" then I would not want to play pool with that person anymore.

Don't know why it should be any different for playing an online game.
Honestly haven't ran into a lot of toxicity on PS4, and when I do it's only in preset phrases most of the time. Any online game is going to have jerk, just ignore it and move on breh. Is only video games.


I play 2v2 ranked and I'd say I come up against a nobhead who does that about every 5 games or so. It's annoying, but it just makes it so much more satisfying when you beat them.


it's the same thing

you'd play with a guy and he'll go "Wow!" "What a Save!" when you miss and then when he fucks up either keep silent or ragequit

I don't get antagonizing team mates. Who does that help?

To be fair, I do this all the time, and laugh when people do it to me. Just some friendly ribbing over a game of rocket powered car soccer, it's hilarious.


It's far from the most toxic community out there in my opinion. Sure there's a lot of people playing and talking shite but it's not THAT bad at least on EU servers. I myself enjoy certain trash-talking as well but expert/veteran players who can't play for shit piss me off more and I'm not even that good of a player myself.

The worse thing is players who have friends on the opposing team and they try to score own goals.


367 hours and I've only encountered a few assholes.

You guys get way too attached to ranked. Unranked is where it's at.

Also yeah...MOBAs and Counter Strike are so exponentially worse that it's not even a comparison.


Oh, someone wrote something offensive, and suddenly the entire community is toxic. This really deserved a thread of its own.


Between opposing teams a bit of banter is fine. Had a game where we were 3-1 down and the other team started giving it large, we come back to win 5-4 and give them some shit but we all had a laugh.

When it's your own team mate it sucks. Sometimes I am having a bad game and I am annoyed enough at my crap play and other times it's not actually me but the team mate being a must always bit the ball kind of player and messing up chances but because they can hit the ball, regardless of where it goes, they think they are good.

The points you score in games can be really misleading too, if you make a lot of midfield interceptions to prevent the opposing team from getting into dangerous positions you don't score points for it and that can really make a difference so just because you have a lot more points does not always mean your team mate is playing badly either.


Ps4 here, and the community has been pretty great since day one lots of ggs after almost all my matches. Most of the time the quick commands are used in a pretty silly manner even when making fun of someone. People will go "What a save!" When you botch it up but just say "Thanks!" in response. I usually laugh about it. Occasionally I'll run into someone who gets way into the chat and starts going off about someone's mother, but those are few and far between.

text chat is also much more difficult to do on PS4 compared to PC where everyone has a keyboard right on front of them. i'm sure not many people are willing to drag out a USB keyboard or purchase a chatpad just to talk trash.

I played a dozen or so hours on PS4 before upgrading to the PC version and there was basically no communication at all outside of d-pad commands and the occasional "gg" in all the matches I played.


It's always had a toxic community, imo. The game is championed by /r/gaming so it's unsurprising.

This always happens when a community gets big. Same thing happened to Souls - helpful, thoughtful community in to a toxic, elitist, no game is as good as my game community.
First ranked game I played I scored an amazing own goal from the half way line after about 20 seconds, completely accidental. I got a barrage of 'lol amazing griefer' 'omg you inbred faggot'. Didn't really bother me because I was in awe of my wonder own goal.

The chat box is so small and out of the way that I just tend to ignore it most of the time.
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