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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story |OT| They rebel - SPOILERS

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Excellent write up.

A bit of context for the choke on your aspirations line: Vader hates politics and the political scheming among the Imperial ranks (Death Star/Tarkin Initiatives projects has exacerbated this). Vader holds no rank or formal position within the Empire. The political, ambitious officers of the Empire are beneath him and the Dark Side/Force. Krennick would have been executed on the spot if he wasn't a Director.

That still doesn't change the fact it's a fucking awful pun, though.


I liked it too. C-3PO and R2 D2 are known to be the only characters who have appeared in every Star Wars movie. I'm glad this film kept up with that tradition, it wouldn't have felt the same without them.

I have to wonder how long this can keep up though. What business would they have to appear in the Han Solo movie?
The second Death Star was the important thing, that's where the shield was projected over. Endor itself was just a random moon with teddy bears living on it; and it had a massive fleet keeping watch over it, the Rebels had to fake Imperial security codes to get past them.

Seems like they could've kept it anywhere if they were still using the Scarif shield.


For those disappointed of the names of the tracks on the soundtrack, here's Michael Giacchino's actual names for his tracks:

The names were not used because they wanted it to match John Williams' naming convention.


For those disappointed of the names of the tracks on the soundtrack, here's Michael Giacchino's actual names for his tracks:

The names were not used because they wanted it to match John Williams' naming convention.

With puns this bad, Giacchino should be hanging out with Darth Vader.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Being quite honest... I liked the pun and chuckled at it... >_>
A silly joke said in a complete deadpan tone as he brutalizes someone else seems to fit Vader perfectly.

For those disappointed of the names of the tracks on the soundtrack, here's Michael Giacchino's actual names for his tracks:
The names were not used because they wanted it to match John Williams' naming convention.
LOL, those are great


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
For those disappointed of the names of the tracks on the soundtrack, here's Michael Giacchino's actual names for his tracks:

The names were not used because they wanted it to match John Williams' naming convention.
LOL, these sound like the names of Donkey Kong Country levels


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Just got back from seeing it here are my impressions. I loved it, it was a nice movie to tie in the gap between 3-4. Characters were a little paper thin but sadly with a movie like this especially for characters to meet their demise only in a time amount of an hour and thirtyish minutes I mean how deep can you make them really.

I love the throw back to some character from episodes 1-3 as well as 4-6 (the characters obi-wan slays at the bar)

Some people will disagree but I felt the first half of the movie was stronger than the last half. It had action mixed well with minor story telling, character development etc. The last half while awesome I felt chugged on to much due to the fighting being non-stop compared to having something slow it down a little.

Now some general comments and questions if some people could answer for me would be great:

Tarkin, such a surprise and glad he was in this movie however his CGI model looked to plastic for me, I felt they did Leia way better. With Tarkin I felt the light bounced off his model to much and needed to be softened up a little. I also think his mouth mouthed words to drastic while it could have been more subtle to be believable

Leia, great surprise near the end and awesome way to lead the movie right into 4.

Vader, great ending they made Vader into a monster again which was great but it wanted me to have MUCH MORE! I hope they do a stand alone movie with him, the ending scene is just to good to pass up. I want more!

James Earl Jones, didn't like his performance for the lines he had in this movie. Felt weak and not intimidating. I feel his age obviously has gotten the best of him. I know I am going to get a lot of hate for this but I think it is time time replace him if they ever have Vader appear in another movie. Get someone who obviously sounds similar but can deliver on the lines and sound more threatening and adds a punch to them.

Vaders mask/neck line, sooooo distracting. Anytime I saw Vader I felt my eyes gravitate towards how long the neck line of his mask was. Should have had it trimmed and sitting closer to the suit. Don't know why it seemed larger than usual.

Question about the death star. In this movie it seems the death star is capable of some good destruction, can it destroy entire planets or just sections? In a New Hope if I remember it can annihilate planets in an instant and not spread over time, was this a small change or was it due to the weapon being under powered a little

All in all great flick, want more vader (I know we have 4,5,6 however now with the technology and new film style you can really show the destruction of vader, hoping for a stand alone.
That being said now that Carrie Fisher has died, if they can get the families blessings I say CGI Fisher in ep 9 and change nothing of the story especially if she was a vital part of it. They proved with Tarkin and young Leia they can make decent/great models that are believable and I hope they continue with her as well.


Question about the death star. In this movie it seems the death star is capable of some good destruction, can it destroy entire planets or just sections? In a New Hope if I remember it can annihilate planets in an instant and not spread over time, was this a small change or was it due to the weapon being under powered a little

They only did single reactor shots in Rogue One. The Death Star isn't fully operational until ANH, at which point it's firing on all cylinders and able to blow up entire planets.


Question about the death star. In this movie it seems the death star is capable of some good destruction, can it destroy entire planets or just sections? In a New Hope if I remember it can annihilate planets in an instant and not spread over time, was this a small change or was it due to the weapon being under powered a little

The times it was fired in Rogue One were just two small-scale tests of it's power, first to show off the weapon to Tarkin and second to get rid of the Imperial Intelligence building. However, it's first full scale firing was to Alderaan in A New Hope.

The reason for this was that they wanted to show the Death Star firing it's laser in Rogue One, but didn't want to retcon Episode 4 being the first full scale firing of the Death Star; so they did it by making the Death Star fire weaker shots in the movie.


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The times it was fired in Rogue One were just two small-scale tests of it's power, first to show off the weapon to Tarkin and second to get rid of the Imperial Intelligence building. However, it's first full scale firing was to Alderaan in A New Hope.

The reason for this was that they wanted to show the Death Star firing it's laser in Rogue One, but didn't want to retcon Episode 4 being the first full scale firing of the Death Star; so they did it by making the Death Star fire weaker shots in the movie.

thanks makes much more sense especially you dont want to downplay the first planet destruction in a new hope within rogue one


Looking at the art book, something that really stuck out to me was how they came up with the design for the U-Wing. Originally Lucasfilm were gonna give Rogue One a Millennium Falcon-style flagship. Then they thought the group would need a smaller helicopter-style ship that would pull out of the main one for landing. Then Lucasfilm realized that it worked better with just the helicopter-style ship. I'm glad it worked out that way, because we've really had enough Millennium Falcon-style ships in Star Wars for the heroes.
That still doesn't change the fact it's a fucking awful pun, though.
Imagine this in the other movies.

"Hey Luke, I think you dropped something. Need a hand?"


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Guys, the awful pun was just to add in a sense of continuity between "Hates sand" Anakin and "I find your lack of faith disturbing" Vader. It's the missing link!


saw it in IMAX last night...it was good, but nothing spectacular and I enjoyed TFA a lot more.

My only complaint is that the link between this and ANH dont really match up that great. I always thought at the beginning of ANH Leah's ship was traveling from point A to Point B and not really escaping from a battle, the dialogue at the beginning of ANH doesnt really suggest that the ship was fleeing either. Also what was Leah doing at that battle in the first place?

Also why doe Jimmy Smits character look like he hasnt aged a day since the prequels, yet obi-wan looks like he aged 40 years in ANH. Minor unavoidable inconsistency I guess.




Anywya, Leia’s “Oh, what, me? I don’t know what at all you’re talking about! I’m totally innocent here!” act is, in fact, spectacular here. And works in context.

They both know exactly what she’s done. But Vader simply can’t prove it on a technical level. And how upset he is.

It’s not a plot hole. It was some epic trolling from Leia to this absolute mad man she detests.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
No wonder Han and Leia got together.


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I wonder why the scene of Jyn running across the beach with the plans being attacked by an At-ACT was cut? Looked like a good scene. My guess maybe the plans are in a separate location from the dish and they have to run to the other location with the plans to upload them?
The image a few posts back reminded me of a question I always had. When Leia calls him "Darth Vader", was Darth considered to be his first name or a title like Senator or Grand Moff? Obi-Wan calls him Darth on the Death Star and I'm pretty sure Lucas didn't consider it a title of the Sith back then.


The image a few posts back reminded me of a question I always had. When Leia calls him "Darth Vader", was Darth considered to be his first name or a title like Senator or Grand Moff? Obi-Wan calls him Darth on the Death Star and I'm pretty sure Lucas didn't consider it a title of the Sith back then.

Back then Darth Vader was his actual name. The filmed plot twist for Empire was that Obi-Wan killed Luke's father, but was changed in post-production. Darth being Anakin was added after the fact.
The image a few posts back reminded me of a question I always had. When Leia calls him "Darth Vader", was Darth considered to be his first name or a title like Senator or Grand Moff? Obi-Wan calls him Darth on the Death Star and I'm pretty sure Lucas didn't consider it a title of the Sith back then.
Where it sits now it's a Sith title. From Wookieepedia:

Darth was a title given to the Dark Lords of the Sith Order, which preceded a moniker different from the birth name. The Sith names of Sheev Palpatine, Dooku and Anakin Skywalker were Darth Sidious, Darth Tyranus and Darth Vader, respectively.

I wouldn't worry about whether it jives with anything Lucas thought about going in to his work on Episode 4. His thoughts on everything have seemed so scatterbrained it's a fucking miracle there is anything resembling a "canon" at this point.


The image a few posts back reminded me of a question I always had. When Leia calls him "Darth Vader", was Darth considered to be his first name or a title like Senator or Grand Moff? Obi-Wan calls him Darth on the Death Star and I'm pretty sure Lucas didn't consider it a title of the Sith back then.

Darth was likely just a name and not a title at that point. None of the early drafts refer to it as a rank or title, nor, as far as I'm aware, do any notes from the A New Hope time period. I'm not sure when it became a title, but it could have been any time after that. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it changed to a Sith title sometime around Return of the Jedi when George and company were pondering the dark side.

I wonder why the scene of Jyn running across the beach with the plans being attacked by an At-ACT was cut? Looked like a good scene. My guess maybe the plans are in a separate location from the dish and they have to run to the other location with the plans to upload them?

And the behind-the-scenes reel seemed to show Alan Tudyk in his K2SO motion capture gear on the beach with Jyn for that shot. There's also a shot in the first teaser of Krennic walking through the water on the beach. It seems the ending was shuffled quite a bit by the reshoots.

Back then Darth Vader was his actual name. The filmed plot twist for Empire was that Obi-Wan killed Luke's father, but was changed in post-production. Darth being Anakin was added after the fact.

The twist came about in the second draft, months before shooting began. The line was not included in the shooting script to keep it from getting out. The actor in the Darth Vader costume (David Prowse) specifically was known to be quite mouthy. He actually blabbed about Vader being Luke's father during a talk in 1978, possibly after hearing Lucas float the idea on the set of A New Hope. Mark Hamill was taken aside before filming the scene and told the true line.


Back then Darth Vader was his actual name. The filmed plot twist for Empire was that Obi-Wan killed Luke's father, but was changed in post-production. Darth being Anakin was added after the fact.
No no no no no. This is not true at all. That is just what they said on set to avoid spoilers being leaked.

Mark Hamill, George Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan, Gary Kurtz, and Irvin Kershner were the only ones who knew the truth going into filming the scene.

Mark knew the actual line was No, I am your father when he filmed his scene.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Finally caught the movie. Not all that much to add from the pages I've picked out of the thread to read but thought it was an ok movie. The ending section was the strongest part and I felt the first third of the movie was really poorly edited. A lot of awkward cuts and it jumped around so much. I get it was setting things up but it seemed a little jumbled together and not as cohesive as it could have been. Also felt a lot of the characters were basically there to do one or two things to push the plot along and that was about it. Overall I enjoyed it but didn't blow me away or anything.

Anywya, Leia’s “Oh, what, me? I don’t know what at all you’re talking about! I’m totally innocent here!” act is, in fact, spectacular here. And works in context.

They both know exactly what she’s done. But Vader simply can’t prove it on a technical level. And how upset he is.

It’s not a plot hole. It was some epic trolling from Leia to this absolute mad man she detests.

I would love to see how they know each other. Leia insults Vader all the time, "holding his leesh" and doesn't seem too afraid of him. Wonder what their meetings before that were like.
Darth was likely just a name and not a title at that point. None of the early drafts refer to it as a rank or title, nor, as far as I'm aware, do any notes from the A New Hope time period. I'm not sure when it became a title, but it could have been any time after that. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it changed to a Sith title sometime around Return of the Jedi when George and company were pondering the dark side.

Ok, I think I understand now. I remember Luke saying the name Anakin Skywalker as he talks with Vader in RotJ, but even at that point I'm not sure if they were going with Darth Vader being a given title or just Anakin changing his name.


Anywya, Leia’s “Oh, what, me? I don’t know what at all you’re talking about! I’m totally innocent here!” act is, in fact, spectacular here. And works in context.

They both know exactly what she’s done. But Vader simply can’t prove it on a technical level. And how upset he is.

It’s not a plot hole. It was some epic trolling from Leia to this absolute mad man she detests.

And this guy that Vader kills:


was telling him the truth. The Tantive IV really didn't intercept any transmissions. They were handed to a random crew member on a computer disk.


The more I think about this movie and the more I reat this thread... I feel like this movie could have used a few more minutes of run time.

The movie simply didn't have enough time to introduce new characters, build their characters, and then have an epic death. They accomplished the first and the third but not too much in the character building.

That being said, I was still a bit tearly eyed during every death scene. Maybe the characters just needed better character names... I can't spell any of their names without looking it up. Couldn't we just have simple names?


The more I think about this movie and the more I reat this thread... I feel like this movie could have used a few more minutes of run time.

The movie simply didn't have enough time to introduce new characters, build their characters, and then have an epic death. They accomplished the first and the third but not too much in the character building.

That being said, I was still a bit tearly eyed during every death scene. Maybe the characters just needed better character names... I can't spell any of their names without looking it up. Couldn't we just have simple names?

It was already pretty long - you're going to need to shorten the early parts of the movie significantly. I think if you're doing it over you just cut out everything with Saw and have the Rebels pick up Jyn specifically in order to use her to get to her father.

Also yes I didn't remember any of the characters' names afterwards and have learned them from this and the other threads.


If I had to nitpick about something Id say all the computers looking like they were running Dos on crt monitors looked pretty dumb. I know what they were trying to do, but they definitely could have pulled it off better. The large screen in the death star especially looked like a blinking alarm clock after the power went out.


It was already pretty long - you're going to need to shorten the early parts of the movie significantly. I think if you're doing it over you just cut out everything with Saw and have the Rebels pick up Jyn specifically in order to use her to get to her father.

Also yes I didn't remember any of the characters' names afterwards and have learned them from this and the other threads.

Yeah, Saw as a character, and all the scenes associated with him, were pretty average and I don't feel added much to proceedings. Use the time on Jedha to flesh out Jyn and Cassian more and make us care more about them and I reckon you've got an easily top 3 Star Wars movie. As it is now its in the 3-5 range for me.
So I finally watched the movie.

The action pieces are great, it's probably more exciting than any other SW movies. But the script, what a sloppy story. They could have easily combined the pilot and the Mexican sexy pilot's roles. There are no sense of adventure. It's just a lot of video game missions for 100 minutes and then a big action piece in the end. Star Wars story need to have decent amount of adventure elements.

And Felicity Jones, I am convinced she is a bad actor. She is the only one who got all the juicy emotional scenes ( arguing why she shouldn't care for the rebel; accusing Cassian killing her father; watching her father's hologram for the first time in 10+ years etc) she butchered all of them.

Also lousy score. 2/5


So I finally watched the movie.

The action pieces are great, it's probably more exciting than any other SW movies. But the script, what a sloppy story. They could have easily combined the pilot and the Mexican sexy pilot's roles. There are no sense of adventure. It's just a lot of video game missions for 100 minutes and then a big action piece in the end. Star Wars story need to have decent amount of adventure elements.

Wait what? That doesn't sound easy
Having never seen a star wars, I liked it a lot but it seems the consenses is people hated it. Tarkin CGI was kind of jarring, there were a bunch of videos of how detailed and the time spent but it just looked like something from the final fantasy movie from a decade ago. The heavy jumping in the beginning was a little disorienting but I understand why they did it, even with that it was a really long movie.


If I had to nitpick about something Id say all the computers looking like they were running Dos on crt monitors looked pretty dumb. I know what they were trying to do, but they definitely could have pulled it off better. The large screen in the death star especially looked like a blinking alarm clock after the power went out.
Have you seen a Star Wars movie before this? They often look like that. The screen in the Death Star looked just like it did in A New Hope.

Tech in the Star Wars universe is not generically futuristic. They have space travel and hyper space but the Star Wars universe is pretty lowfi in many areas. They store their media on big physical tapes and floppy like disks. They do not have any sort of cellphone communication like technology. They do not have anything near as advanced as the internet (closest thing is the holonet but that is more like tv/radio).

It wouldn't make any sense if they suddenly had HD displays and the like. It wouldn't fit the technology of the universe.

It wouldn't look like Star Wars if they were using HD touch screens and the like. It isn't Star Trek.

Hell one of the biggest complaints about the prequels was the tech wasn't lowfi enough.


For the first spinoff(but one so closely attached to an OT film) they really should have given Kevin Kiner a shot.
Recognizably Star Wars when it needs to be but works well on its own.
Kiner is good on Rebels and TCW but he is nowhere near the caliber required for a film score of this level. He is tv talent not movie talent. You can't compare him to someone of Giachinos insane talent.
Kiner is good on Rebels and TCW but he is nowhere near the caliber required for a film score of this level. He is a kid tv cartoon composer. You can't compare him to someone of Giachinnos insane talent.

Normally i'd agree but Rogue One's soundtrack is legitimately not good.
However the circumstances are why im not saying Giachinno needs to be thrown out,
He is/was my pick to replace Williams if that ever needs to happen and still is.

The Kiner thing is literally this 1 movie I think would have been the right place for his style. I actually don't think it would work on much others.
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