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Romney: "What we feared is happening...the administration has made things worse"

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The Welfare Reform act
Federal deficit was lowered through a compromise of spending cuts and increased tax revenues.
Tax Payer Relief Act

Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (Enron loophole)
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 ( repeal of Glass–Steagall Act)

The two things that left the door open for the bankers to ruin the economy in 08.


You guys are forgetting the assault on voting rights, too. Required official voter ID without any system in place to issue an official ID and eliminating on-campus voting on colleges AND requiring students to vote in their home district otherwise their parents cannot write them off as a tax exemption.

Ugh. It's so heinous and so transparent.


Almost all of the deficit spending was cut during Clinton's budget in 1994. In fact, by the time gingrichs budget with Clinton even took place, the deficit has already become a surplus.

Don't forget the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which passed without a single Republican vote.


Romney and Obama are almost the same on economic and foreign policy. So I guess he is saying his leadership would have sucked.

What in the actual fuck are you talking about? In what fucking universe are Obama and Romney "almost the same on economic and foreign policy?"

In terms of the economy, Obama supports Keynesian economic policies/stimulus spending (albeit, not as strongly as needed), expanding and protecting social safety nets, financial regulations, and raising taxes on the wealthy (all of which he has done to some extent, no thanks to the Republicans which he is apparently exactly the same as?). Romney supports supply side/trickle down economics, slashing government spending to even more dangerously low levels than they currently are (thanks to all you fucks who didn't vote and let Republicans win the House in 2010 because "both sides are the same!"), privatization and/or elimination of social safety nets, gutting regulations and regulatory agencies, and lowering taxes on the wealthy while raising taxes on the poor so that they at least have "some skin in the game."

At least on foreign policy I'll give you that Obama and Romney would likely be very similar in regards to the Drone program and the NSA stuff, but that's about it. Romney didn't want to end Iraq or Afghanistan, and was much more hawkish on Iran (and pretty much every other FP issue).

And then there's social issues like LGBT rights, abortion rights, voting rights, immigration, etc. in which there's an ocean of difference between Romney and Obama in every case.

I do think the Drone program creates more terrorists than it kills, and I do think the NSA programs go too far in infringing on privacy in the name of security. However, it is possible for me to believe these things without resorting to vague and juvenile statements like "Romney and Obama/Both parties are the same!" that make it sound like you have a complete lack of perspective on the situation and a blatant disregard for facts. And it's honestly getting really annoying seeing such an increase in this type of attitude in the OT lately.


Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 (Enron loophole)
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 ( repeal of Glass–Steagall Act)

The two things that left the door open for the bankers to ruin the economy in 08.

And which president signed those into law?


It's a hell of a thing to see it all in one sentence like that.

You're telling me. I've lost my right to vote in state elections because my parents are moving out of state. I've lived here for 13 years and I can't vote in a damn election for officials who will be representing me for the foreseeable future. It's depressing and sobering. Thankfully the Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against the state so things should be back to normal before 2014 elections.
And which president signed those into law?

You seem to be suffering under the delusion that the multiple posters who called you out regarding Congress in the '90s are fans of Bill Clinton.

and how do u know it will have devastating effects.... because the economic is still in bad stat

I know the removal of the safety nets will have devastating effects on poverty, particularly among children and the elderly, because it was the passage of those safety net programs that caused poverty among those groups to fall from their pre-1930s highs in the first place.

When your country hit rock bottom (see Greece for a good example), we'll see a lot more people adhere to the libertarian movement.

Greece's problems are unrelated to its spending and (in addition to certain cultural norms including pathological tax-dodging) completely related to its having ceded its ability to conduct the meaningful parts of its own economic policy to Brussels. The only people who actually deny this when pressed are, coincidentally, the only economists who don't believe in proof.


You seem to be suffering under the delusion that the multiple posters who called you out regarding Congress in the '90s are fans of Bill Clinton.

Called me out on what? That I answered a question regarding what legislation was passed after 1994 and now the goal post must be moved? I could care less. I answered the original question. Not my problem some people don't like the laws passed or not. It was a lot better track record than Obama and Boehner at least.
It was a lot better track record than Obama and Boehner.

Considering half of those laws were objectively bad, not particularly, but I digress: '90s Clinton and Gingrich, along with the caucuses of both parties in both houses, were considerably closer ideologically than the caucuses (and party leaders) today.

You seem to think that the fact that the GOP was already shifting was meaningful as if their polarization wasn't accelerated after 2000 and considerably so after 2004 while I specifically pointed out differences between 1984-88/1994-98 and today in the same post in which I posted the DW-NOMINATE graph; if anyone was moving goal posts here, it was you.
Called me out on what? That I answered a question regarding what legislation was passed after 1994 and now the goal post must be moved? I could care less. I answered the original question. Not my problem some people don't like the laws passed or not. It was a lot better track record than Obama and Boehner at least.

I would rather Congress filibuster constantly than pass laws which allow bankers to ruin our economy for several years and eat up the small amount of wealth the middle class can scrape together.


Considering half of those laws were objectively bad, not particularly, but I digress: Clinton and Gingrich, along with the caucuses of both parties in both houses, were considerably closer ideologically than today.

You seem to think that the fact that the GOP was already shifting was meaningful as if their polarization wasn't accelerated after 2000 and considerably so after 2004; if anyone was moving goal posts here, it was you.

No. You seem to think that. I think both Reagan and Clinton were much better at bringing people together, which is a part of leadership, than Obama is.

Also the laws that you say we're objectively bad helped this country to have the biggest economic increases since WWII which led to more jobs.
I think both Reagan and Clinton were much better at bringing people together, which is a part of leadership, than Obama is.

And you think this based on objectively false premises (at least in the former case), given that Reagan's favorables were underwater or barely above water for most of his presidency. "Bringing people together" in Reagan's name didn't start happening until after his bizarre cult of personality started up after he left.

Also the laws that you say we're objectively bad helped this country to have the biggest economic increases since WWII

I'm glad you seem to think the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 and the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 led us to the biggest post-war boom since 1973; that'll allow me to laugh even harder.

The groundwork for that expansion was laid prior to 1995 and arguably wouldn't have come about without a certain ARPA program created twenty-six years earlier; all those later bills served to do was to funnel money directly into the pockets of the rich and/or remove any real way of stopping a sector-wide meltdown in finance.


at last, for christ's sake
gotta love those politicians sitting on a chair for years, waiting for the right moment to finally say "toldja"


No. You seem to think that. I think both Reagan and Clinton were much better at bringing people together, which is a part of leadership, than Obama is.

Also the laws that you say we're objectively bad helped this country to have the biggest economic increases since WWII which led to more jobs.

The GOP of the mid 90s and the Dems of the 80s werent as psycopathic libertarianas the tea party ruled current GOP is who prefer austerity even if it means our economy is destroyed in the process.
No. You seem to think that. I think both Reagan and Clinton were much better at bringing people together, which is a part of leadership, than Obama is.

Also the laws that you say we're objectively bad helped this country to have the biggest economic increases since WWII which led to more jobs.

Oh please. The GOP of the 90s tried to impeach Clinton over getting his dick sucked. And that was still better than claiming Obama wasn't American and the whole birther issue.

And no, those laws didn't do any of the sort. All that stuff happenened prior to those laws being passed and they passed laws that crashed the world economy.
Called me out on what? That I answered a question regarding what legislation was passed after 1994 and now the goal post must be moved? I could care less. I answered the original question. Not my problem some people don't like the laws passed or not. It was a lot better track record than Obama and Boehner at least.
Clinton's second term was Republican wet dream. DOMA, Welfare reform and futures modernization act. Nothing of note was accomplished, other than Clinton arguing for more moderate version of the bills. Obama wanting moderate version of the bills currently falls on deaf ears. Its full conservative mode or nothing.
Oh please. The GOP of the 90s tried to impeach Clinton over getting his dick sucked.

And no, those laws didn't do any of the sort. All that stuff happenened prior to those laws being passed and they passed laws that crashed the world economy.

They tried to impeach him over lying about it.


gotta love those politicians sitting on a chair for years, waiting for the right moment to finally say "toldja"

The thing is that he is not even close to being right. He is more of the delusioned guy at the psych ward trying to talk about politics.


Basically that, only worse. They're making South Carolina, horse-fucking, Appalachian trail hiking, South Carolina look good.

I say this because you've put in a lot of effort to complain but apparently couldn't be bothered to take 30 minutes out of one day to go and vote. It's not a hard thing and you didn't even need to vote for Obama or Romney. I have no respect for any of your complaints because you couldn't even be bothered to go and vote for the mole people who live under New York City. You couldn't be bothered to look at the other 6 or 7 people running and vote for one of them either, that's lazy. You had to agree with one of them. Decisions get made by those who show up, you don't show up I don't care about what you think and neither should anyone else. It's that simple.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life. In every scenario you just gave, your sound political advice is to waste my time. You really can't answer me on how my right to complain is void because I didn't join your broken system. I mean, seriously? You just went back into the same argument without telling me WHY wasting my time is so important to have an opinion about politics. Tell me how wasting my time voting for a mole man gives me more of a right to complain than someone who doesn't vote in presidential elections.

Seriously, that's a new level of dumb. Maybe you should spend less time believing everything you've heard your entire life and go look up what "rights" actually are. If anything, I have a better argument to complain than you do. I didn't vote Bush or Obama in. So these "wars" we're in, this deficit we're in, and the complete disregard for basic privacy rights that both parties have contributed to are absolutely none of my fault. It's more your fault than mine because I can proudly claim that I didn't put either of these clowns in office. Imagine that!

And clearly you're not the real Batman.


No. You seem to think that. I think both Reagan and Clinton were much better at bringing people together, which is a part of leadership, than Obama is.

Also the laws that you say we're objectively bad helped this country to have the biggest economic increases since WWII which led to more jobs.

You are missing the big elephant in the room. Obama is black, Reagan and Clinton are white, the whole reason that obama has had to fight so hard for everything is because he is black. Let's not dance around this issue and act like everything is normal. Republicans have called him a muslim socialist kenyan usurper. I mean, how do you bring such people together who try to vilify you like that?
You are missing the big elephant in the room. Obama is black the whole reason that obama has had to fight so hard for everything is because he is black. Let's not dance around this issue and act like everything is normal. Republicans have called him a muslim socialist kenyan usurper. I mean, how do you bring such people together who try to vilify you like that?

No, clearly he was supposed to "bring together" people who already decided he had to fail before he was even fucking inaugurated.


Obsidian fan
Clearly, by complaining on the Internet instead of conducting any form of outside political mobilization, you're doing more to Fix the System than B-Dubs.

I'm involved in the formation of a new political party and attend political protests. Can I complain despite never having voted in my life?


Clinton's second term was Republican wet dream. DOMA, Welfare reform and futures modernization act. Nothing of note was accomplished, other than Clinton arguing for more moderate version of the bills. Obama wanting moderate version of the bills currently falls on deaf ears. Its full conservative mode or nothing.

B-b-but at least they weren't shutting down the government? Right?


You are missing the big elephant in the room. Obama is black, Reagan and Clinton are white, the whole reason that obama has had to fight so hard for everything is because he is black. Let's not dance around this issue and act like everything is normal. Republicans have called him a muslim socialist kenyan usurper. I mean, how do you bring such people together who try to vilify you like that?

You just answered your own questions. Republicans have done a pretty good job of bringing the bat shit insane together to go against him. It's a bit difficult to unify the people who are attacking you even if you were to fart in the wrong direction.
You are missing the big elephant in the room. Obama is black, Reagan and Clinton are white, the whole reason that obama has had to fight so hard for everything is because he is black. Let's not dance around this issue and act like everything is normal. Republicans have called him a muslim socialist kenyan usurper. I mean, how do you bring such people together who try to vilify you like that?

Especially when a decent portion of the conservative base, including many politicians, didn't think you were an American citizen because you were 'different' and 'not from here'.


Obamas second term has been fucking terrible, can't lie

Yeah, it has been a very underwhelming term so far. Though I would apportion a vast majority of the blame to the House of Representatives who are more concerned with passing a symbolic repeal of Obamacare 40 times and engaging in economic terrorism than passing actual legislation.


Clearly, by complaining on the Internet instead of conducting any form of outside political mobilization, you're doing more to Fix the System than B-Dubs.

What might you suggest to "fix the system"? And I didn't go into this stating that I was trying to fix the system. I'm just tired of this brain-washed idea that if you don't vote for the two idiots running this country on a federal level, then you have zero "rights" to complain. What a stupid statement.

Dead Man

Civil liberties have been destroyed under Obama. Worse than they were with Bush. The economy is still in shambles. Gas prices are surging. Unemployment is shitty. Let's not forget about the NSA and IRS controversies. Obama has been shit, but Romney should not pretend he'd be better.

Worse than Mr Patriot Act? Not quite.
What might you suggest to "fix the system"?

I don't know; you're the one complaining about everything being wrong, so that would place the impetus on you to start suggesting improvements.

That's the point of complaining about something, right? You're dissatisfied with the current state of affairs?

CHEEZMO™;75101647 said:
I'm involved in the formation of a new political party and attend political protests. Can I complain despite never having voted in my life?

You're too invested in The System through your actually going outside to do something about your complaints, so no.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Yeah, i'm losing tons of sleep over Clinton's impeachment. I don't give a shit if he got his dick sucked. Hes President of the United States and he lied under oath. If by some standard he didn't lose the moral authority to lead by having an affair in the White House, he certainly did when he perjured himself.

Dead Man

Yeah, i'm losing tons of sleep over Clinton's impeachment. I don't give a shit if he got his dick sucked. Hes President of the United States and he lied under oath. If by some standard he didn't lose the moral authority to lead by having an affair in the White House, he certainly did when he perjured himself.
Moral authority? When was the last time ANY president had moral authority? 1933?
I don't think Obama can control the NSA, the UN, gas prices, the economy, the minimum wage, or even health care. He can't do shit. Whether we elect Romney or Obama the most important people will be the same.

The Supreme Court (unless someone dies or retires of course), the chairman of the FED (arguably the most powerful position in the world) and their staffs remain the same regardless of who wins the Presidency. You think we would put the future of foreign policy in the hands of some guy who has zero experience? You do know there are other guys with nukes out there don't you?

You can blame Obama but what we really need to do is realize the whole "Presidential position" is a garbage throw-away post used to divert attention from those who fear not being reelected. The Congress, the Senate, the people who sit through decades of different administrations and yet consistently have the same job.

The Executive Branch has a lot of power. You'd have to be a fool to believe Obama masterminded the whole thing in the few years he has been in office. That's what they want you to think so you vote for the other guy in the other party who listens to the same people.


I dont know how many on you guys are from the south. Im from Mississippi and I can tell you that some people in that area of the country hate our President, even our politicians. They hate the sound of his voice, they hate his very existence. How can you expect to change anything in a democracy if the other side refuses to play by the rules.

Four years ago this counties economy was circling the drain. The situation was as worse as The Great Depression. Im assuming most of us learned about that era in school. It was pretty bad but not 2008 bad. Look where we are now. His decisions have stopped the bleeding. His decisions led to the killing of Bin Laden, saving the auto industry along with those jobs, providing health care for many people who don't have access to it, letting gays fight in our military and many more accomplishments.

I understand that its not an easy job and its easy for us to criticize someone we have never met, for a job we will never do, but do you think any of us would do any better. Put yourself in his shoes for a minute and think about all he has to go through. The worst congress in the history of our country are full of radical right winged nuts who say the craziest and embarrassing things and cannot and will not compromise on any issue. Its a sad situation but I think come next November I think the Republican Party will be in for a rude awakening.


No Scrubs
What might you suggest to "fix the system"? And I didn't go into this stating that I was trying to fix the system. I'm just tired of this brain-washed idea that if you don't vote for the two idiots running this country on a federal level, then you have zero "rights" to complain. What a stupid statement.

Where did I say you had to vote for one of the two parties? I never did, all I did was point out that you didn't vote at all. FOR ANYONE. There are more than two choices, half a dozen people ran in 2012. If you are going to complain about the system you should try and do something to fix it, otherwise what's the goddamn point? Vote, Green Party, Tea Party, Communists, Socialists, Libertarian, The Rent is too Goddamn High, or even the goddamn Mole People. You shouldn't complain because you really don't care, if you did you'd actually go out and vote. That's what I've been saying.

That said you are banned so it doesn't matter, the above was more for anyone else with the same viewpoint as you. If you're going to complain, then you should do something productive.

I voted for Jill Stein.

Good for you. Seriously. Shit won't change unless we force it to. Either by voting third party in large numbers, or campaigning for what we believe in. I'm just happy people are doing something.
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