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Romney: "What we feared is happening...the administration has made things worse"

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So to all of you in here who are calling both Obama and Romney empty suits, writing off Obama, etc. How are you voting in 2016? Democratic or Republican?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So to all of you in here who are calling both Obama and Romney empty suits, writing off Obama, etc. How are you voting in 2016? Democratic or Republican?

I hate that attitude (kids today have and yes, have had since the sixties) Obama has been disastrous on privacy and civil rights, but only because of the momentum and catastrophe of his predecessor ( and our national paranoia and overreaction to terrorism) and his approach to security. It is a runaway train and anyone who thinks Romney or fucking lol Ron Paul would have helped is not a student of history or politics. Combine that with the most obstructionist congress in history and you have a recipe for a second Carter. The fact that Obama has improved the economy, employment and our national image is testament to his ability, and most of our national failings can be pinned SPECIFICALLY on the republican failure to realize the Tea Party was a cancer and not an opportunity.

It's a simplistic view but I think it bears scrutiny.


Romney? Who?

Where did I say you had to vote for one of the two parties? I never did, all I did was point out that you didn't vote at all. FOR ANYONE. There are more than two choices, half a dozen people ran in 2012. If you are going to complain about the system you should try and do something to fix it, otherwise what's the goddamn point? Vote, Green Party, Tea Party, Communists, Socialists, Libertarian, The Rent is too Goddamn High, or even the goddamn Mole People. You shouldn't complain because you really don't care, if you did you'd actually go out and vote. That's what I've been saying.

That said you are banned so it doesn't matter, the above was more for anyone else with the same viewpoint as you. If you're going to complain, then you should do something productive.

Good for you. Seriously. Shit won't change unless we force it to. Either by voting third party in large numbers, or campaigning for what we believe in. I'm just happy people are doing something.

By voting for a third party, you're merely making it more likely that whichever of the two major parties you dislike more will win.

Third parties are not viable at a systemic level. If you want to affect change, don't vote third party. Raise awareness about the systemic failure of our first past the post voting system and help organize the people to demand that the very process of our elections be changed such that third parties become viable.

The problem isn't that people are unwilling to vote for third parties, given that voting third party actually hurts more than it helps. The problem is that voting third party hurts more than it helps. That is what must be addressed.
The fact that Obama has improved the economy, employment and our national image is testament to his ability, and most of our national failings can be pinned SPECIFICALLY on the republican failure to realize the Tea Party was a cancer and not an opportunity.

It's a simplistic view but I think it bears scrutiny.

I think it's a testament to how cool and efficient automatic stabilizers are when it comes to the economy. Obama and Congress helped though early on with their discretionary action.
By voting for a third party, you're merely making it more likely that whichever of the two major parties you dislike more will win.

Third parties are not viable at a systemic level. If you want to affect change, don't vote third party. Raise awareness about the systemic failure of our first past the post voting system and help organize the people to demand that the very process of our elections be changed such that third parties become viable.

The problem isn't that people are unwilling to vote for third parties, given that voting third party actually hurts more than it helps. The problem is that voting third party hurts more than it helps. That is what must be addressed.

Good post.

There is a reason we have a two party system. Our electoral system is designed (whether intentionally or not) in such a way, plus many of our historical conflicts have been dualistic in nature (slave v free, south v north, east v west, etc), which lends itself to a two party system. And because both parties are very, very invested in keeping the status quo, it's likely to stay that way, unfortunately.


this is how i picture him


He looks big from our vantage point, sure. But remember, he's a small fish in the pond he's playing in.

Obama is a living success story, but there are no illusions. He got his big promotion, but he's still a store minder.
I'm far from thrilled with Obama, but that doesn't alter the fact that Romney would have been far worse. Nonetheless, his sour grapes are pathetically predictable, and nothing Obama could have done or not done would have changed Romney's assessment of his presidency. The nation is in bad repair, but at least we're not all proverbial dogs shitting ourselves on top of a speeding neoconservative clown car.
I honestly think now that Hillary would have been a better President than Obama

that Obamacare is such a joke.. it's just private health insurance regulation.

Will have to wait for 2016.

Romney is a bigger evil.
Just because Obama under performed, under delivered doesn't mean that a Repulbican would have been better LOL. Especially present day Republicans eesssh

Dead Man

I honestly think now that Hillary would have been a better President than Obama

that Obamacare is such a joke.. it's just private health insurance regulation.

Will have to wait for 2016

That one is not his fault. There was no way actual public health care would have passed.


No Scrubs
By voting for a third party, you're merely making it more likely that whichever of the two major parties you dislike more will win.

Third parties are not viable at a systemic level. If you want to affect change, don't vote third party. Raise awareness about the systemic failure of our first past the post voting system and help organize the people to demand that the very process of our elections be changed such that third parties become viable.

The problem isn't that people are unwilling to vote for third parties, given that voting third party actually hurts more than it helps. The problem is that voting third party hurts more than it helps. That is what must be addressed.

This is all true and I agree, my point was "don't just sit on your ass and bitch, do something about it" though.


keep in mind this exchanges bit, the Obamacare everyone is so upset over, was the offering to the Republicans. The other things, increasing coverage age, stopping lifetime caps, increased coverage for mothers and children, that's already in the works, being used, and people have forgotten about them already.


I honestly think now that Hillary would have been a better President than Obama

that Obamacare is such a joke.. it's just private health insurance regulation.

Will have to wait for 2016.

Romney is a bigger evil.
Just because Obama under performed, under delivered doesn't mean that a Repulbican would have been better LOL. Especially present day Republicans eesssh

Hillary would of been a better president? Hmmm, what exactly are you basing this on? It's a lot easier to be an armchair president when you are not actually in the position.

The clintons imo are farther to the right than obama or they just didn't give a shit about the legislations they were passing. Exp: Deregulation of wall street, doma, welfare, etc... So I say again how would hillary be a better president than obama?
Hillary would of been a better president? Hmmm, what exactly are you basing this on? It's a lot easier to be an armchair president when you are not actually in the position.

The clintons imo are farther to the right than obama or they just didn't give a shit about the legislations they were passing. Exp: Deregulation of wall street, doma, welfare, etc... So I say again how would hillary be a better president than obama?

What Bill Clinton did with a Republican Congress is not indicative of what he personally believes (and the same applies to Hillary). He was and is a pragmatist, much like President Obama.

way more

This is what confuses me. Romney says something factually wrong (employment) and a points out that Obama failed to stem the revolutions in foreign, Arab, eastern hemisphere nations.

Yet people don't laugh at how stupid that is but use it as a platform to say, "yeah, but NSA." How about reading the actual topic and creating a new thought instead of using every excuse to turn it into a reflection on your current subject of interest.


What Bill Clinton did with a Republican Congress is not indicative of what he personally believes (and the same applies to Hillary). He was and is a pragmatist, much like President Obama.

Oh I agree, I am just trying to counter his point that if the republicans are obstructing obama how would hillary do better than he did? It makes no sense.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This is what confuses me. Romney says something factually wrong (employment) and a points out that Obama failed to stem the revolutions in foreign, Arab, eastern hemisphere nations.

Yet people don't laugh at how stupid that is but use it as a platform to say, "yeah, but NSA." How about reading the actual topic and creating a new thought instead of using every excuse to turn it into a reflection on your current subject of interest.


Oh I agree, I am just trying to counter his point that if the republicans are obstructing obama how would hillary do better than he did? It makes no sense.

Republican Tea Party idiots would have to rely on the less energetic sexism rather than good old high octane racism.


Bill Clinton may have dealt with a hostile congress, but he also helped create a society of Conservative Democrats that ended up biting us all in the ass decades later. In so many ways. I don't even want to list the offenses of those who tried to play the middle to win in red states or contested areas by making deals with Republicans, and the things they helped support, or allowed to get through by providing just enough of an opening against Liberal Democrats.

That southern strategy failed, with either turncoats or people who are more tied to traditionally conservative interests that they never get traction with their own party, let alone the other side. So you might thing he just had to compromise, but the truth is he was always a moderate willing to talk turkey with conservatives to get things done.
Oh I agree, I am just trying to counter his point that if the republicans are obstructing obama how would hillary do better than he did? It makes no sense.

we will have to wait for 2016 to see how that plays out. Gets a honeymoon then gets re-elected lame duck history repeats itself


So to all of you in here who are calling both Obama and Romney empty suits, writing off Obama, etc. How are you voting in 2016? Democratic or Republican?
Canadian, but I've routinely voted for parties other than the traditionally largest two parties (Conservative and Liberal). Not interested in hastening our slide into the two-party fuckpit that is the American system, fascinating though it be from the sidelines. Heartened that things like the orange crush are still possible in ours, especially when going against the "wisdom" of the philosophy that any vote that isn't for choice A or choice B was a vote wasted.
People quickly forget what it's like to have a Republican President when they get disappointed. Look at what's happening in Texas, Florida, and North Carolina where Republicans run the show. Don't tell me there are no differences.


Correct me if I'm wrong. Unemployment sky-rocketed under Bush during his last year in office. Obama took over and things continued to get worse (not like he'd be able to quickly turn the tide), but then within a year of him being in office it began to level out (about 10%) and then go down. It's continued to gradually go down, including dropping from 7.9 at the eve of the election to 7.4 where it is now.

If we're talking about the reality here, and ignoring the fact that Romney is outright lying, is there really any way to blame Obama? I guess a number of ideologues think they could have turned it around faster?
Correct me if I'm wrong. Unemployment sky-rocketed under Bush during his last year in office. Obama took over and things continued to get worse (not like he'd be able to quickly turn the tide), but then within a year of him being in office it began to level out (about 10%) and then go down. It's continued to gradually go down, including dropping from 7.9 at the eve of the election to 7.4 where it is now.

If we're talking about the reality here, and ignoring the fact that Romney is outright lying, is there really any way to blame Obama? I guess a number of ideologues think they could have turned it around faster?

This is all correct.

And it should be noted that the GOP blocked Obama from instituting most of his recovery policies and refused to negotiate on them at all.

Our job losses are the result of a cut down in gov't jobs right now. You can blame this entirely on GOP. 100%, no ands ifs of buts.


Correct me if I'm wrong. Unemployment sky-rocketed under Bush during his last year in office. Obama took over and things continued to get worse (not like he'd be able to quickly turn the tide), but then within a year of him being in office it began to level out (about 10%) and then go down. It's continued to gradually go down, including dropping from 7.9 at the eve of the election to 7.4 where it is now.

If we're talking about the reality here, and ignoring the fact that Romney is outright lying, is there really any way to blame Obama? I guess a number of ideologues think they could have turned it around faster?

The UE rate went down thanks to the GOP House and the cutting the deficit. Also, thanks to the courage from guys like Wisconsins governor gutting public unions, gutting federal employees, and removing the shackles of gun restrictions we now have an UE rate of 7.4%. Of course all of this will be ruined come 1/1/14 when Obamacare goes into affect.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The UE rate went down thanks to the GOP House and the cutting the deficit. Also, thanks to the courage from guys like Wisconsins governor gutting public unions, gutting federal employees, and removing the shackles of gun restrictions we now have an UE rate of 7.4%. Of course all of this will be ruined come 1/1/14 when Obamacare goes into affect.

Canadian, but I've routinely voted for parties other than the traditionally largest two parties (Conservative and Liberal). Not interested in hastening our slide into the two-party fuckpit that is the American system, fascinating though it be from the sidelines. Heartened that things like the orange crush are still possible in ours, especially when going against the "wisdom" of the philosophy that any vote that isn't for choice A or choice B was a vote wasted.

I seriously hope the NDP can hang onto most of their seats in two years.

(And I may *partly* be saying that because they were the only major party that let their staffers into their end-of-year party without forcing them to shell out money this June.)

The UE rate went down thanks to the GOP House and the cutting the deficit. Also, thanks to the courage from guys like Wisconsins governor gutting public unions, gutting federal employees, and removing the shackles of gun restrictions we now have an UE rate of 7.4%. Of course all of this will be ruined come 1/1/14 when Obamacare goes into affect.

You may want to mark up your snark before someone responds to this seriously :p
Correct me if I'm wrong. Unemployment sky-rocketed under Bush during his last year in office. Obama took over and things continued to get worse (not like he'd be able to quickly turn the tide), but then within a year of him being in office it began to level out (about 10%) and then go down. It's continued to gradually go down, including dropping from 7.9 at the eve of the election to 7.4 where it is now.

You'll notice that the unemployment rate started to slow down not too long after the bailouts were passed and circulated through the economy.


2008	5.0	4.9	5.1	5.0	5.4	5.6	5.8	6.1	6.1	6.5	6.8	7.3	 
2009	7.8	8.3	8.7	9.0	9.4	9.5	9.5	9.6	9.8	[B]10.0	9.9	9.9[/B]	 
2010[B]	9.8	9.8	9.9	9.9[/B]	9.6	9.4	9.5	9.5	9.5	9.5	9.8	9.3	 
2011	9.1	9.0	8.9	9.0	9.0	9.1	9.0	9.0	9.0	8.9	8.6	8.5	 
2012	8.3	8.3	8.2	8.1	8.2	8.2	8.2	8.1	7.8	7.9	7.8	7.8	 
2013	7.9	7.7	7.6	7.5	7.6	7.6	7.4

The bailouts helped stem the bleeding but didn't do enough. Adding the dumbasses in congress (lol GOP) and we end up with sluggish employment gains.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I still don't understand how both radical conservatives AND radical democrats were of the opinion that Obama was some kind of extreme leftist rather than the centrist he's clearly been all along.


My healthcare has only gone up an extra $100 a month and is only set to increase by 41% and the deductible cost doubled by the time the effects go in to place so I guess you could say he made it better for me in terms of how it's completely unaffordable to live with a chronic illness even more now than ever before...


Economy is good. No terrorists attacks (OK Obama abused civil liberties to make himself look like a better president.). Things could be worse, guys... The real fucking crime in this country is health insurance...


I seriously hope the NDP can hang onto most of their seats in two years.

(And I may *partly* be saying that because they were the only major party that let their staffers into their end-of-year party without forcing them to shell out money this June.)
I think it would be a net positive, but for the meantime I'm encouraged that the political strata isn't set in stone.

I take it you were at this party? Had a good time?
Civil liberties have been destroyed under Obama. Worse than they were with Bush. The economy is still in shambles. Gas prices are surging. Unemployment is shitty. Let's not forget about the NSA and IRS controversies. Obama has been shit, but Romney should not pretend he'd be better.

actually gas prices are far too low in the US.
they must and will rise in the next couple of years


By voting for a third party, you're merely making it more likely that whichever of the two major parties you dislike more will win.

Third parties are not viable at a systemic level. If you want to affect change, don't vote third party. Raise awareness about the systemic failure of our first past the post voting system and help organize the people to demand that the very process of our elections be changed such that third parties become viable.

The problem isn't that people are unwilling to vote for third parties, given that voting third party actually hurts more than it helps. The problem is that voting third party hurts more than it helps. That is what must be addressed.

Not necessarily. If third party does enough to damage under a FPP system - if it splits the vote- it can be the impetus for change. See how we got (semi-) proportional voting in Australia:

Australia uses various forms of preferential voting for almost all elections. Under this system, voters number the candidates on the ballot paper in the order of their preference. The preferential system was introduced in 1918, in response to the rise of the Country Party, a party representing small farmers. The Country Party split the anti-Labor vote in conservative country areas, allowing Labor candidates to win on a minority vote. The conservative government of Billy Hughes introduced preferential voting as a means of allowing competition between the two conservative parties without putting seats at risk.

A split within the Republican party could be a very good thing if you take this into account!


you can't put a price on sparks
iirc, there are multiple branches of government, one that is half-run by the republicans at the moment.
Fuck this shit.

I'm sick and tired of people arguing over Mitgusto Romnechet and Bargret Obatcher.They are two of the same coin, exactly the same.

The only logical answer is armed revolution.

Everyone meet me in front of the white house in 2 hours. We are going to storm it! Make sure you bring band-aids, watermelons, and hot coco.


Fuck this shit.

I'm sick and tired of people arguing over Mitgusto Romnechet and Bargret Obatcher.They are two of the same coin, exactly the same.

The only logical answer is armed revolution.

Everyone meet me in front of the white house in 2 hours. We are going to storm it! Make sure you bring band-aids, watermelons, and hot coco.

Whatabout fried chicken. I mean may as well go full racist
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