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RttP: Final Fantasy IX or: I'm sorry for hating on this back in '00


The game is good, but i didnt like:

The battle system is poor compared to most rpgs at that time (Trance) "limit break" is a joke on some characters).

Lack of good bosses and Weapons (Ozma is just stupid imo)

There should be a lot more of content.
Loved FF9. I thought they really nailed the theme of the game too, in the sense that it carried over into everything. The characters weren't going to be told who they were or what they should be, and stuck it to Death himself in the end just to prove it. That could have been lead up to much better of course, but I appreciated what they were going for. Brilliant soundtrack too.

And yeah, another vote for Beatrix being incredibly badass.
Best FF on the PlayStation family of consoles, and arguments could be made it's #2 behind 6 (also I personally prefer IV and V - yes, I adore V, screw you.). It got a lot of hate at the time for its "kiddy" graphics and the fact it lacked a badass protagonist like Cloud or Squall, but I think it has the strongest gameplay of the series (and yes, gameplay matters in RPGs, you elitist twits)


It's pretty much a tie for me between VI and IX for best Final Fantasy game. Glad you went back and played it, OP. Pretty much everything about the game blew me away on my first playthrough when it first came out. I played through again last year (4th time?) and still enjoyed myself immensely.


I loved the character designs, especially for a series that has gotten a lot of flak for the recent direction of its character designs.

Everyone has their own silhouette, as opposed to simply having wildly different hair, and they have their own color palette and posture that sets them apart from everyone else; Think of the way Steiner moves versus Zidane or Vivi- there is an incredible difference between them!

It evokes classic fantasy in so many ways, and feels like a storybook, instead of an anime adventure.


FFIX has the best writing of any game I've ever played. It's brilliant.

As weird as this sounds, I think I agree with you. No game do I remember as many scenarios from more than FFIX. The writing and pacing is just superb. Sakaguchi really looked to improve his craft at storytelling in FFIX, and it really shows. The way the plot flows, the Shakespearean banter between minor characters to ease the tension, the well-place but never overbearing comic relief, the interwoven character arcs and converging plots. The whole thing was just crafted so well, and it never gets tiring or tedious, which is such an easy trap to fall into with JRPGs.

It opens with a play, it closes with a play. Each disc represents an Act, and each act ends in typical fashion. ATEs allow the action to jump around, scene to scene, location to location, breaking from the main plot or elucidating minor points for exposition, theme or just comic relief. And the heroes get split apart multiple times along the way, with multiple plot lines eventually converging together multiple times throughout the entire narrative. A great example of the pace and charm of the writing is Disc 3's "Love Letter" sequence, which, without spoiling, might be one of the most charming gaming moments I've experienced.

Anyway, bottom-line, is while there may be better games in terms of writing, FFIX might be the most well written.

Also, this is a great read on a critique of FFIX from a narrative standpoint:


The English end song made my ears bleed. It's so inferior to the Japanese version. I really enjoyed the rest of the game, though. Very few complaints since I like more traditional JRPGs.


FFIX was the first Final Fantasy game I got into and it's still my favourite FF game. Also Vivi from FFIX is still my favourite FF character.


God, I love this game. This, to me tops FFVII. They are both top of the class but IX just does something for that VII never has.


I had the exact same change of opinion after replaying the game a few years back. Didn't like (or finish) it as a teenager either. Now I enjoy it almost as much as VIII.


Final Fantasy IX is my favorite FF and I agree with most of what you've mentioned, it definitely has flaws but despite it it's still an incredible game.



Combat is comically unbalanced from top to bottom, the writing falls apart in act 3 when Zidane actually becomes the main character, and I found much of the music forgettable.

It gets a lot of things right, and in general it's a good grand finale for all the classic FF tropes, but I couldn't love it by the end. Messy, messy game.
The perfect Final Fantasy game, it captured the spirit of the series like no other game did.

Going to replay it soon with FFVIII before the release of FVII on PS4.
See, and you are the exact opposite of me. I hated and still do hate FF VII and VIII for their sci-fi aesthetic, whereas I have always loved FF I-VI and IX For the high fantasy themes they always brought. I will forever hold to the fact that moving away from that has been the downfall of the series.


Gold Member
Loved 9. My shiny new ps2 games took a back seat to this game back in 2000. I enjoyed it way more than 7 and 8.
Like the OP, I really didn't give IX its due credit back then. I was a huge fan of the future-scifi of VIII and IX just seemed so childish and oddball.

The biggest factor for me was, these were the Squaresoft days of "If you don't like a Final Fantasy game, just wait 18 months for the next one." I really took it for granted back then that there would always be be games like VII through IX coming out regularly, and had no idea what growing pains would await the series in its successive installments. In rediscovering FFIX much later, I realized that it adheres much more closely to that PS1 JRPG formula that I love so much.

Also Sakaguchi talks about it as one of his favorite works, and I could not fathom at the time that he would ever leave the series.
I have enjoyed several play-throughs of FFIX over the years and always love the romp!. I remember being very pleased when it was released with the shift to an aesthetic that was reminiscent of the 8 and 16-bit games... Which PS FF I hold nearest and dearest to my heart shifts with my mood, but I've never felt that IX was in any way inferior to VII, VIII or X ... I love them all...


Final Fantasy 9 is my favorite post-SNES FF.

For me, I do not care about the FF gameplay or battle systems, what always intrigues me the most is the setting and the story. FF9's setting is simply unmatched in style and diversity and the characters were charming to me.






Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Square needs to release this on steam with a fast forward option. I tried playing through it years ago, and while I enjoyed the gameplay I could not deal with the slow ass battles.
FFIX is like... they knew the series would be shit following that game so they decided to go all out with making it the best in the series up to that point.


FFIX is like... they knew the series would be shit following that game so they decided to go all out with making it the best in the series up to that point.

If that's what they decided on, then they fucked up big time by giving it objectively the worst gameplay in the series. It's so shitty it doesn't even feel like they play tested it.


I love this game.
It felt so much more whimsical than 7 & 8.
This and Chrono Trigger bring me back to being a kid in love with RPGs.


apology accepted. This game was always my favorite because of Final fantasy V, It was the closest thing a to a job system FF on the PS so It was love at first sight. Vivi is the best!


While the ff9 world is great, and the story is good for half the game, and Vivi should have been the main character, the others are either annoying (zidane) or no actual story and the game would be no different without (amarant/Queena), the battle system kills it for me. Slow battle system and confining group structure (don't like eiko or dagger, too bad, you need one to heal).


Slow battle system and confining group structure (don't like eiko or dagger, too bad, you need one to heal).

It's not as if other FF titles past a certain point give you a huge amount of customization options. You could shoehorn another character into a role they weren't built for, but it was never easy or rewarding.


I don't think you can completely overlook the fact that as great as the characters and individual scenarios are, the overall plot is pretty much a trainwreck.

I still really enjoyed playing it for the first time about a year ago.

I agree with you that it isn't the strongest plot in a FF, but there is something truly endearing / lighthearted about it which I loved. Also, the characters are phenomenal.


While the ff9 world is great, and the story is good for half the game, and Vivi should have been the main character, the others are either annoying (zidane) or no actual story and the game would be no different without (amarant/Queena), the battle system kills it for me. Slow battle system and confining group structure (don't like eiko or dagger, too bad, you need one to heal).

Quina and Amarant can be used as healers, and you *can* fill some gaps with item usage (which is pretty consistent with most Final Fantasy games). Just fyi.


I agree with you that it isn't the strongest plot in a FF, but there is something truly endearing / lighthearted about it which I loved. Also, the characters are phenomenal.

The Zidane/Garnet romance was a lot better written and more convincing than the Squall/Rinoa one.


Agree with OPs complaints. Primarily the slow battle system. Was really the game killer for me. Wish trance worked like limit breaks and were more customizable. It's like they went backwards from 7 and 8 in this regard. Still love this game and beat it a couple times in my life.
if the battle speed wasn't slow as shit, this game would be very very playable even today. Great graphics for ps1, but again, slow battle system and loading ruined the game.
I don't hate it and the story has its charms but mechanically it does nothing for me. After the bold changes in ffviii(flawed but still incredibly deep and fun) the mechanics and battle system of ix seemed like a huge let down.


if the battle speed wasn't slow as shit, this game would be very very playable even today. Great graphics for ps1, but again, slow battle system and loading ruined the game.

It really is not that different from VII or VIII in the speed department. If anything battles go a little more quickly because of the skippable summons, which were a first in IX.
It really is not that different from VII or VIII in the speed department. If anything battles go a little more quickly because of the skippable summons, which were a first in IX.

then you're remembering wrong. seriously.. lol.

oh wait. i forgot. i'm in the PAL version, EVEN SLOWER than the US and JP versions because of lazy 50hz conversion.
well the game is slower than 7 and 8 anyway. the painful load times and crazy camera showing of fthe battle arena before a battle starts.

for me, PAL version is unplayable. i hope this one day gets an HD update like 7 is on PS4. Just cos in HD it's 60hz. lol.
I'm glad you changed your mind, OP. IX is my all time favorite. I do wish they brought back the 'limit break' and hidden/optional characters.

Can't disagree with anything you say. Blank didn't do anything for me though. Beatrix on the other hand. It's easily the best PSX era Final Fantasy for me (I haven't gotten around to playing tactics).
Beatrix is such a bad ass. She's easily one of my favorite female characters in all of FF.


well the game is slower than 7 and 8 anyway. the painful load times and crazy camera showing of fthe battle arena before a battle starts.

That's nostalgia talking. I've replayed all three in the last two years. The speed differences are negligible. VII had a big sweeping pre-fight camera pan just like IX. Play the battle music in your mind and you'll remember that you didn't get to the menu until after the two bars of the musical intro had played. IX takes longer by maybe two seconds.

Loading was slightly slower in IX, but playing the digital version mitigates that.


Still my favorite FF ever. The story, the setting, the characters were awesome and had a MC that i actually liked (Never liked Cloud neither Squall). Besides, FF9 has one some of my favorite tracks ever in a FF (Melodies of Life and Crossing Those Hills). Oh, what i would do for a HD Remake :(


The big issue with this game is the combat system- it's not fast enough, and I was just done with random battles by about 2/3rds of the way through and didn't want to play anymore.
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