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RTTP - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (1990)

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Been a bit of a nostalgia trip rcntly, appropriate since Hollywood is current ripping off or remaking all the big past franchises in search of a quick buck.

Naturally TMNT is one of those, I have absolutely no with to see the film made recently, I read a overview of the plot and some reviews, the combined with the trailers left a bad taste in my mouth.

Back to the topic, I recently rewatched the original TMNT movie. If anything I view it as by far the most faithful adaptation of the comic series, which is pretty dark and brutal largely, yes the 80's TV series is by far more well known but is toned own heavily.

The things about the movie I appreciate are numerous, the turtles themselves are beautifully designed, the suits produced by the studio of the legendary Jim Henson no less. Then there is the overall dark tone, set in numerous ways, most notably the consequences of a fuck up as seen when Raphael is nearly killed when he goes off alone and is ambushed by the Foot Clan. Then there are creative choices, such 's the film taking place almost entirely at night and while the movie uses the costume layout of the series, the palette is muted and realistic.

Compared the second film, the action is far superior, the second film relied too much on huge lumbering villains with little to no combat skills besides their size and power. In the first film Shredder demonstrates ably that he is a great threat by single handedly defeating all four of the turtles. He is also shown to be a skilled manipulator, by recruiting disillusioned youths and appealing to their need to belong and buying their loyalty with material goods. He deduces the location of the Turtles lair, captures Splinter and forces the turtles into hiding for a time.

In the second film, he is reduced to barking orders at his subordinates and when he does finally fight he too has been transformed into a lumbering setpiece. Plus we get a thoroughly annoyed sidekick hanging around, Casey at least was a somewhat unhinged badass with his own appeal. At least the scientist who forms part of the backbone of the story made for an interesting addition as it gave Donatello an intellectual equal which made or some good moments.

The sad truth is we'll probably never see it done like this again, no doubt next year we'll get another CGI atrocity which takes a dump on the original and bastardises the plot in favour of whitewashed bullshit. You know what, let them have it, I will stick to those with proper respect.


Distinguished Air Superiority
Saw this again recently. Surprised to see Sam Rockwell in it as a kid. I hope the new Casey Jones is as badass as this one.


One of my favorite movies, and easily the best turtles movie ever made.

This movie is so polished and well made. It has the cheesiness youd expect but it handles it well.
Saw this again recently. Surprised to see Sam Rockwell in it as a kid. I hope the new Casey Jones is as badass as this one.

If you knew which actor was playing Casey in the new Bay movie, you would so not have said that. Probably.
I think a 2x4 could outact Amnell.
Tho, have to say, some things from the trailer did pleasantly surprise me.

The old movies now, those are my jam. I had the script for the first one memorized back in the day. Wore out the tape from playing it too much. Even the cheesy stuff falls into that weird so-bad-it's-good/super 80s/90s nostalgia category.
That movie holds up far better than it really should. I unironically still love everything about it. One of my favourite scenes is when Raph meets Casey near the start.

This right here.

So good.

Didn't like the first movie of the reboot much at all but I have high hopes for the new one. Trailer was great and I love Stephen Amell, even if a 2x4 could out act him.


Junior, please.
Amazing movie, one that was a big part of my childhood.

My brothers and I loved anything Ninja Turtles related so of course we got super pumped about the movie. I remember I already knew quite a few scenes before I even saw it thanks to collecting the trading cards!

Will definitely re-watch this soon, it holds up pretty well.


The first Turtle movie truly stands the test of time, it can appeal to many ages and even pull at your heart strings a bit. It's entertaining, funny, sad and thoughtful on occasions.

The follow up movies were such a disappointment compared to it.
Love the gritty atmosphere. It's not just nostalgia... I loved Secret of the Ooze just as much but I can see how lame it is now. This film still kicks ass and has some of the spirit from the comics.
That movie holds up far better than it really should. I unironically still love everything about it. One of my favourite scenes is when Raph meets Casey near the start.

This right here.

So good.

Didn't like the first movie of the reboot much at all but I have high hopes for the new one. Trailer was great and I love Stephen Amell, even if a 2x4 could out act him.

That scene in the French version was censored. Originaly, When Casey bails out, he shouts " SO LONG FAGGOT".


King of Gaslighting
First movie as fun as it was as a kid, was just as dumb as these new attempts with the same corny humor and same appeal to children.

I seriously don't get the hand wringing that is done about the Turtles with them being worked on by Bay and Co. They aren't channeling the serious attempts, they are going for over the top goofy.

To me The Transformers are a worse offender than TMNT.


I have photos of me as a child playing with the vhs tape, that's how much I loved it. The movie still holds up too. I'm pretty sure I can still quotes the whole thing.

Iirc, the sequel was neutered because parents were angry about how violent the first movie turned out lol


Iirc, the sequel was neutered because parents were angry about how violent the first movie turned out lol

Yup. They thought it was too dark and violent for a kid movie. That's actually why the turtles never technically use their weapons in the sequel.
It's a Kodak moment.

I loved the drawings on there during the time they were at the barn.

But it's my favorite movie out of all of them.
The pacing was so much slower compared to today's films (not a bad thing). That farm scene would never get made today for the simple fact audiences would get bored.


I remember going and seeing this as a 10 year old wide eyed child. I had the toys, I had the cartoons, but when I'm sitting in the theater with my dad and Ralph says "Damn" I remember letting out this audible gasp. I could not believe that Ralph said that.
I remember going and seeing this as a 10 year old wide eyed child. I had the toys, I had the cartoons, but when I'm sitting in the theater with my dad and Ralph says "Damn" I remember letting out this audible gasp. I could not believe that Ralph said that.

I remember doing that four years earlier to Transformers the Movie.
"A Jose Canseco bat? Tell me you didn't pay money for this."
"It was a two for one sale pal"

"OK roundhead, new game: Cricket"
"Cricket?! Nobody understands Cricket. You have to know what a Crumpet is to understand Cricket"

Still in my top 5 comic book movie ever, and in my top 10 all time. I remember my dad taking me to see it opening weekend in 1990 and the line went out the door around the parking lot. The theater basically said "fuck fire codes" and allowed people to stand in the back and sit in the aisles.

Loved how dark it was. Even the original April O'Neil dropped out of TMNT 2 because she didn't like how violent the movie was. I was also shocked to find out that the Foot Clan member who got kicked in the head by Tatsu was originally dead when they took his mask off until they added in a recording of another member saying that he was breathing and going to be OK.

So many great memories. I watch it at least once a year.
The movie still holds up. It was playing on one of the movie channels last week and I sat through it all.

One of my favorite movies of all time... So perfect.
First movie still holds up

Also that soundtrack: https://youtu.be/k8c4nANeUjs

One of my favorite movies, and easily the best turtles movie ever made.

This movie is so polished and well made. It has the cheesiness youd expect but it handles it well.

That movie holds up far better than it really should. I unironically still love everything about it. One of my favourite scenes is when Raph meets Casey near the start.

This right here.

So good.

Didn't like the first movie of the reboot much at all but I have high hopes for the new one. Trailer was great and I love Stephen Amell, even if a 2x4 could out act him.

The first Turtle movie truly stands the test of time, it can appeal to many ages and even pull at your heart strings a bit. It's entertaining, funny, sad and thoughtful on occasions.

The follow up movies were such a disappointment compared to it.

It remains the best comic book movie.

Yeah, I love this movie. So well done. Jim Henson and his studio did amazing work.

Yeah it's one of the best comic book movies ever. I loved it then and I love it now. It's infinitely quotable.

All of this and more. It really is a solid film. I often find myself telling people that it easily belongs in everyone's "Top 10 Comic Book Movies of All Time" list. Everyone always seems surprised when I tell them that though...

Davey Cakes

It's honestly surprising how well this movie has held up.

Probably my favorite piece of TMNT entertainment. It's just...classic to me.


Still impressed by those Henson costumes and designs. They still hold up even when fully lit. They just feel totally natural and organic and convincing to this day. Still some of the Henson Co's finest work. Should have gotten an Oscar nomination.
Love this movie, asides from the cheesy looking costumes( by today's standards) I think it holds up very well. Great mix of comedy, action, and just dark enough. Awesome movie( loved the soundtrack too.....pure 90's).
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