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(RUMOR) Marvel considering replacing Iron Fist with Punisher series

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But Marvel needs to start going into the supernatural from that grounded element. That's a core part of the universe, I mean DD before his Mark Waid run spent about 10 years running a mystical clan of assassin ninjas. If they want to do Dr. Strange, they need to set up that stuff in their tertiary universe stuff so that it makes more sense.

I agree to a point, but Marvel film probably doesn't care as much about Marvel Netflix. Dr. Strange will be the real first introduction to that side of the MCU.

There is already mysticism and supernatural stuff in Daredevil with the Ninjas, Crane Mother (who is an Iron Fist character, might I add...some of the "seeds" I mentioned earlier), and whatever Stick was doing. Iron Fist being "less grounded" doesn't really matter.

There's already superpowers and it's about superheroes. It's an even crazier argument if you consider the entire MCU and not just the Netflix shows. Additionally, The Defenders have always been a team that fights the supernatural. I somewhat doubt they would use that name if that wasn't what the miniseries is going to be about. Time will tell of course but the magical nature of Iron Fist is a really dumb excuse, especially since he'll in theory be the last one before Defenders.

There's an obvious build up going on here. Daredevil had some mysticism and supernatural. Jessica Jones will have even more with what Killgrave can do. Luke Cage probably more still. It only makes sense for Iron Fist to jump off the deep end before The Defenders. To me it has always been clear that this is their plan.

I assure you it probably does and most of the stuff you mentioned is so light that it barely matters. Madame Gao was the lightest reference to Crane Mother ever. We know the Hand is mystical, but in Daredevil's universe all we know is they're ninjas. Killgrave isn't mystical. Luke Cage has absolutely no mystical elements in any of his supporting character outside of Iron Fist.

Marvel so far has been very careful at how it explores certain characters and ideas. I'm oddly perplexed how people can't get the idea that going from "these people punch things in New York" to "There's a mystical city of martial artists that phases into our plane of existence" is a conceptually big jump and Madame Gao saying "I'm going away for a long time" isn't really a bridge to that.

I doubt Iron Fist is cancelled, but given Daredevil Season 2, which wasn't originally part of the plan, I wouldn't be surprised to seeing a Punisher series before Iron Fist. He fits better in that world and hopefully the further prominence of the Hand in Season 2 means a larger bridge to Iron Fist's mythos.

EDIT: Here's Netflix's CCO on the Marvel series:
"The series will not be afraid to go darker than the film did," Sarandos said of Daredevil. "What we love about this particular set of heroes is that they're a little more down to Earth. Costume wise and also in that these are gritty crime stories, more in the streets than in the clouds."

Going with that, it's easy to see why this rumor has had traction. It was on Birth Movies Death months ago:

What I'm hearing is that Marvel still hasn't decided what the direction of the show will be. They've brought in a lot of people to pitch, and have been having a lot of discussions, but so far nothing has stuck. My understanding is that one of the big hold-ups is the mystical element, with lots of different opinions on just how much weird wuxia to bring in to the show. I don't know if there are other arguments about the race of the character, although I do hope they're considering how to best proceed with that.
I agree to a point, but Marvel film probably doesn't care as much about Marvel Netflix. Dr. Strange will be the real first introduction to that side of the MCU.

I assure you it probably does and most of the stuff you mentioned is so light that it barely matters. Madame Gao was the lightest reference to Crane Mother ever. We know the Hand is mystical, but in Daredevil's universe all we know is they're ninjas. Killgrave isn't mystical. Luke Cage has absolutely no mystical elements in any of his supporting character outside of Iron Fist.

Marvel so far has been very careful at how it explores certain characters and ideas. I'm oddly perplexed how people can't get the idea that going from "these people punch things in New York" to "There's a mystical city of martial artists that phases into our plane of existence" is a conceptually big jump and Madame Gao saying "I'm going away for a long time" isn't really a bridge to that.

I doubt Iron Fist is cancelled, but given Daredevil Season 2, which wasn't originally part of the plan, I wouldn't be surprised to seeing a Punisher series before Iron Fist. He fits better in that world and hopefully the further prominence of the Hand in Season 2 means a larger bridge to Iron Fist's mythos.

FWIW, there's a rumor that the actress who plays Gao was spotted on the Luke Cage set, but it's just a rumor for now.
FWIW, there's a rumor that the actress who plays Gao was spotted on the Luke Cage set, but it's just a rumor for now.

I wouldn't be surprised, given the casting of Moss as Jeryn Hogarth, who's a major Iron Fist character. They've dropped slight hints and they really do need to work up to it, but I get why it's probably been a hard one to crack.
No there are always people who think something is lame. The punisher is a popular thing you think is lame.

Then I guess I'm a social outcast, too, because The Punisher is lame as fuck. He's not compelling, he brings up no provocation about law enforcement. He's just a vestigal tail of the comic book industry.


Only way I'd be OK with this is if Danny still featured heavily in Luke's show and Defenders.

Scrapping Iron Fist altogether would be bullshit.


This PG-16 stuff is garbage. Daredevil and Jessica Jones are rated TV-MA which is where you would get R rated stuff anyway. Going full R rating doesn't alienate any viewers because the official rating would stay the same. They're just imposing ridiculous artificial restrictions on themselves that will do more harm than good.

I totally agree, what's wrong with saying fuck anyways? Netflix has restrictions so kids don't watch it. Marvel TV really should loosen up a bit. Nudity isn't really needed but they should let scripts say what they want to say.

Anyways, I hope Iron Fist is still alive. They could always adapt Immortal Iron Fist for the first season and stay a bit more on Earth.


RUMOR: Iron Fist series canned!!

RUMOR: Iron Fist series being replaced by Moon Knight?!

RUMOR: Iron Fist series being replaced by Shang-Chi?!?

RUMOR: Iron Fist series being replaced by Punisher?!?!

It's getting pretty funny at this point. I mean it's obvious Marvel and Netflix is having some sort of issue getting Iron Fist off the ground, otherwise by now there would be a showrunner and lead attached at least. The fact that it seems they haven't cast a Danny Rand for the Luke Cage series is also somewhat telling. But these rumors really need to chill. Until there's something substantial to report, I think it's all kinda whogivesafuck. A Punisher series is a no brainer though. I'm sure it will happen on Netflix at this point.


No. No no no NO.

And just to be clear...

I told my Iron Fist fan buddy this today, and he had the same reaction. He was pissed. I know nothing of the character, but I hope this rumor is false. Would be nice to see some new blood instead of a reworking of a character with two failed films (well... Warzone was pretty awesome, but still).
Check the name again.
Well look at you! Brand new name and all.
I assure you it probably does and most of the stuff you mentioned is so light that it barely matters. Madame Gao was the lightest reference to Crane Mother ever. We know the Hand is mystical, but in Daredevil's universe all we know is they're ninjas. Killgrave isn't mystical. Luke Cage has absolutely no mystical elements in any of his supporting character outside of Iron Fist.

Marvel so far has been very careful at how it explores certain characters and ideas. I'm oddly perplexed how people can't get the idea that going from "these people punch things in New York" to "There's a mystical city of martial artists that phases into our plane of existence" is a conceptually big jump and Madame Gao saying "I'm going away for a long time" isn't really a bridge to that.

Because it's the label of "It's Marvel." There's a strong sentiment that because Marvel is a primarily superhero comic publisher and creator, that when something comes out under the Marvel label, it's a superhero property, and therefore must be exactly the same as other superheroes. And the Madame Gao part is because we live in a culture of critics where people love to pick things apart and create theories in regards to shows and the like.


RUMOR: Iron Fist series canned!!

RUMOR: Iron Fist series being replaced by Moon Knight?!

RUMOR: Iron Fist series being replaced by Shang-Chi?!?

RUMOR: Iron Fist series being replaced by Punisher?!?!

It's getting pretty funny at this point. I mean it's obvious Marvel and Netflix is having some sort of issue getting Iron Fist off the ground, otherwise by now there would be a showrunner and lead attached at least. The fact that it seems they haven't cast a Danny Rand for the Luke Cage series is also somewhat telling. But these rumors really need to chill. Until there's something substantial to report, I think it's all kinda whogivesafuck. A Punisher series is a no brainer though. I'm sure it will happen on Netflix at this point.
It feels like there's a ton of options being spitballed, with them making their way outside of the doors without that spitball context. This is how that "WWE once had plans to make Brock Lesnar's on-screen character gay!" story started- one guy floated it, it got shot down immediately (because well, duh), but that didn't stop people from running with it once they heard it second hand.


Then I guess I'm a social outcast, too, because The Punisher is lame as fuck. He's not compelling, he brings up no provocation about law enforcement. He's just a vestigal tail of the comic book industry.
I dont think not liking a comic anti hero makes you a social outcast. You dont like a thing some folks like.

I like him, its ok that you don't.
It's weird that Marvel TV (or maybe it's just Marvel in general) is having a problem introducing mysticism/magic into their street level bullshit. Jones is introducing straight up superheroes. And audiences are used to dark, street-level magic shit. Have been for like, 20 years now, thanks Angel. Plus, at this point, the Marvel brand is worth so much goodwill, that it doesn't even matter what the "genre" is, or whether it even fits. People will give a show the benefit of the doubt if it's got that tag on the front. Agents of SHIELD is all the proof you need of that.

Do people really think the audience is gonna throw their hands up and go "fuck this, I'm out" at the idea of some magic and mystical elements appearing in their Daredevil-based universe? Like there's actually some sort of threshold of disbelief so low that Iron Fist is going to fuck it up?

This universe is tangentially connected to Guardians of the fucking Galaxy, yunno?
I'm thinking they didn't anticipate the reaction they got with DD season one, and don't want to just rush into The Defenders.

Now that DD season 2 has been added to the mix I think they'll just take their time with the characters they're currently building up and not overstep it with so much going on at once.

I wouldn't be surprised if they just work on what they're doing now and give DD a season 3, and combine the other two into Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, and THEN give Iron Fist his first outing. I don't think they're in a rush to get Defenders out the door, and that was the impression that I had early on and was what made me expect them to have Iron First in pre-production by now. Methinks now it'll be another year or two.


Bitches love smiley faces
Thhe whole "trouble with mysticism" argument doesn't work for me. You're part of the MCU, an underlying plot point in Daredevil is city reconstruction because aliens came through a portal in the sky. As long as the tone for Iron Fist is similar to the other shows it'll be fine.
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