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Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov assassinated in Ankara

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Did the Turkish Government order this attack? No?

Why would it affect tensions then. Jeez guys, it's some guy trying to play martyr. This is going to make no difference to Turkish/Russian relations.

Quite the forecast not even 1 hour into this crisis. We dont know what ripple effect might come from this. Short term,the Russians will use it to increase the ferocity of the crackdown in Syria, which will impact the Turks in a number of ways they dont like.
Did they really have to kill the shooter? Was he still threatening people after the attack?

Going by the video he just shot someone and proceeded to point his gun at other people in the gallery, shouting his head off. Yeah I don't think he was going to come quietly and was clearly a threat to others.
Gunman was a police officer since 2014.
He was born in 1994

Jesus, the chap's younger than me and spent his life on this. And the wasted life of a diplomat, too. :(

If this is proven to be a lone-wolf attack, then this may just result in Turkey looking bad.


Never saw if he died or not until now. Don't know if it's new.
If Russia attacks and NATO doesn't defend Turkey, NATO will be basically be proven to be a farce.

Exactly. I'm not a big fan of not backing our defensive pacts. I know NATIONAL has tried to muddy the language in the past to justify non-involvement. This is gonna be bad either way.


Did the Turkish Government order this attack? No?

Why would it affect tensions then. Jeez guys, it's some guy trying to play martyr. This is going to make no difference to Turkish/Russian relations.

Turkish/Russia relations are incredibly unstable. They're co-operating at the moment but this could tip things over unless there is a big crackdown by Erdogan, which he'll be pretty happy to do. Authoritarians love situations like this because it gives them license to to suppress civil society because of "terrorism".


That is unsettling.

You know, people saying "this will never lead to WW3, you all are crazy" are jumping to conclusions in the same way as people saying "this may lead to WW3." Difficult to predict how current events will play out.


Russia doesn't even need to outright invade or take military action.

I'd imagine they could simply agitate the Kurds in Turkey and get exactly what they want out of Erdogan while they skirt the NATO issue since it is a civil war conflict instead of an exterior attack.
What Russia does about this is going to depend on the allegiance of the shooter.

If he was some kind of Turkish security agent, then yes, Russia will not be very happy with Turkey. Is this likely? Well, Turkey has taken an opposing stance to Russia on Syria. It is anti-Assad, pro-rebel. Turkey, I imagine, is not happy about Aleppo and that probably includes the government and the people.

Could the shooter be a Turkish agent of some kind or at least connected to the Turkish state? He could be. However, it is unlikely that the Turks will volunteer that information. Even if he is nothing to do with Turkey and is some kind of rebel or ISIS infiltrator it will be easy for Russia to accuse Turkey of complicity if it suits them. Whatever Turkey has to say about his identity will be viewed with suspicion by the Russians.

Does this mean that Russia will attack Turkey? Probably not. Action of that sort would be a very big step and probably beyond the Kremlin's budget. But it shouldn't be dismissed either in my opinion. If Russia wants to make a big deal out of this, they can easily do so, irrespective of the facts.


Does people actually think anything will come out of this let alone a WW? at worst the relationship between the two will be cut, but what would probably happen is Russia using it to bomb the shit out of the rebels at Syria even more.
This is the result of AKP's hate campaign against Russia.

Fuck Turkey, fuck this country, full of hatred. I don't want to live here anymore.
Russia fueled it by bombing the shit out of everyone at Aleppo. Most people in the middle east are Sunni and Aleppo news are fueling people in many countries not just Turkey. Actually I'm surprised it took this long for this to happen.


Why would Russia attack Turkey? Do you even know what their relationship is?

If anything this will make Turkey even more Putin's

Turkey shot down a Russian jet and just killed an ambassador. I can't see them staying on friendly terms.


Don't be surprised, however, if the PKK happens upon advanced explosives and the YPG finds hundreds of Kornets in Afrin.


It feels weird to say this, but the pictures we have seen are amazing. It is unusual to get such clear and well taken photos in a situation like this.


If Russia were to retaliate it would not be an overt action. There are enough actors on the field that Russia could covertly support. If anything I would suspect you will see a rise in suicide bombers etc,

I mean for all the talk of "cooperating" Turkey just in recent weeks outright stated their Goal in Syria is pushing through the country until Assad gone. They are not working together at all.


It feels weird to say this, but the pictures we have seen are amazing. It is unusual to get such clear and well taken photos in a situation like this.

yep.. they're going to be on TV for a while and on the front page of every newspaper


Russia doesn't even need to outright invade or take military action.

I'd imagine they could simply agitate the Kurds in Turkey and get exactly what they want out of Erdogan while they skirt the NATO issue since it is a civil war conflict instead of an exterior attack.

but the Kurds are fighting Assad
I guess they could forge a very fragile alliance, which would severely destabilize Turkey. But realistically, I don't see it happening
Does people actually think anything will come out of this let alone a WW?

It's not hard to see some parallels between what has happened over the past couple of years and the events leading up to WWI. The Baltics are fearful of Russian rule as another round of being a buffer. The Nordics are considering the possibility as well (even going as far as training with US Marines). Syria is an unmitigated disaster, Russia has already basically seized Crimea, and would like nothing more than to secure the Turkish Straits in one manner or another - politically, with a closer alliance through Turkey, or weakness by stoking independence via the Kurds.

It could be fucking nothing, or it could be fucking everything. There's no way to know at this point or even the near future.
Some people in here are really under-estimating the psychological impact of this execution being broadcast on live video and the terrorist shouting propaganda over Karlov's body. Just imagine the reaction in America if that happened to a US diplomat, people would go crazy.
from what i've read of WW1, after the assassination most people thought nothing big was to come of it.. all sides basically wanted to pull the brakes even amidst the escalation, when troops were being deployed, people still believed that of course there won't be a war, that they're too civilized for it. but then it just kinda happened on it's own momentum and complete madness ensued. didn't matter that no one wanted it.

or am i remembering wrong? was it immediately clear that a huge war was certain?
It's not hard to see some parallels between what has happened over the past couple of years and the events leading up to WWI. The Baltics are fearful of Russian rule as another round of being a buffer. The Nordics are considering the possibility as well (even going as far as training with US Marines). Syria is an unmitigated disaster, Russia has already basically seized Crimea, and would like nothing more than to secure the Turkish Straits in one manner or another - politically, with a closer alliance through Turkey, or weakness by stoking independence via the Kurds.

It could be fucking nothing, or it could be fucking everything. There's no way to know at this point or even the near future.

yeah I agree. Most likely is that nothing major will come of this but the parallels with ADFF which were shouted down in this thread are not as glib or asinine as some people seem to think.


Hats off to that photographer because I sure as hell wouldn't have had the nerve to take pictures of some insane shit like that.

I honestly think photojournalists have insane instinct to capture events even if danger is in their face.
It boggles my mind that someone could be so politically illiterate and hysterical to honestly believe that this will lead in any way to Russia starting a war against Turkey. Wtf.


VIDEO: http://nos.nl/video/2149213-russische-ambassadeur-neergeschoten.html

He yells Allahuakbar and other Arabic words first. Then "Don't forget Aleppo, don't forget Syria. You won't taste safety while Aleppo isn't in safe. Only death could apart me from here. Every people who has a part on that cruelty will explain that one by one." as a Turkish.

I think he is ISIS supporter. I mean, look at that sentence: "You won't taste safety while Aleppo isn't in safe"

Jesus Christ, we just saw a assassination on high quality video. Scary footage
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