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Saga of the DCEU continues - The Flash getting page-one rewrite (Variety)

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Honestly, not that I don't think a Flash movie and tv show with separate continuities can't co-exist, but the show is really sapping my interest in what a Flash movie could do. Reverse Flash? Time travel? A budding romance with Iris? After watching this play out on tv for three years already, I can't imagine a two-hour condensed version feeling like anything but more of the same.
This is an interesting point. The Flash movie shouldn't be anything like that crappy tv show. I have no idea what it could be tho. To be honest, I don't even want to watch a Flash movie if it isn't some off the wall, batshit crazy thing. That's how I feel right now anyway. It could change after JL comes out.
Guys what if this rewrite is Flashpoint? They're rebooting! It's happening!

Don't know if you're serious or not but count me in for this. If, and this is a big-ass if they decide that it's time to start from scratch and reboot the whole thing, Flashpoint it's the best way to do it because it wouldn't feel like a reboot (like Spider-Man), it would be like a new piece on the DCEU but this motherfucker will be erasing everything and give a nice and clean slate (well maybe not so clean since their reputation but still).
And I'm pretty sure Flashpoint it's in their plans. A few months ago they said that the "dream" sequence on BvS it's not a dream, that actually happened aka Barry went back in time to warned Bruce. But who the fuck knows? These individuals don't seem sure about anything.
might be the first DC movie since Batman Forever I see in theaters



I don't get it: Superman is a very hard character to write since he's essentially a god and thus its hard to write believable challenges for him to overcome.

But this is The Flash! Its just a guy who runs fast. Why is WB fucking up for hard with this!?

Yeah! Batman is just a guy who fights crime and refuses to kill people and they... oh wait.. ah crap.

At this point I don't think we need to ask why WB is screwing up so hard lol.


This is an interesting point. The Flash movie shouldn't be anything like that crappy tv show. I have no idea what it could be tho. To be honest, I don't even want to watch a Flash movie if it isn't some off the wall, batshit crazy thing. That's how I feel right now anyway. It could change after JL comes out.

Woah coming in with some very false posts


This is an interesting point. The Flash movie shouldn't be anything like that crappy tv show. I have no idea what it could be tho. To be honest, I don't even want to watch a Flash movie if it isn't some off the wall, batshit crazy thing. That's how I feel right now anyway. It could change after JL comes out.


There is legitimately no way the Flash movie will be better than the TV show. Flash season 1 is the GOAT.
maybe this is the proof that they are Flashpointing the DCEU to fix all the problems and start fresh without having to recast and hard reboot.


They should pull a Groundhog Day where Flash keep experiencing DCEU events over and over and finally go fuck it, travel way back and reboot everything.


They should just can the flash movie.

We have weekly flash stories, we dont need another origin or a 2 hour episode.
Its going to suck and reflect poorly on the show.
I mean for fucks sake you have arguably the DEFINITIVE Flash writer headed your studio creatively and you still can't make this shit work with a touch up?

Like, Johns is RIGHT THERE.


I don't think it'll matter much. Everything post-JL will be canned. Aquaman will get released, but very little marketing, and WB will reconsider how to create a shared universe for their DC heroes.
I mean for fucks sake you have arguably the DEFINITIVE Flash writer headed your studio creatively and you still can't make this shit work with a touch up?

Like, Johns is RIGHT THERE.

This is partly why I think if anything we're getting told the polite version of the "DCCU is fucked" situation


JL will do better than BvS box office wise, based on the name and spectacle alone. I do think that everything planned after Aquaman is up in the air though if JL and WW don't do very well. Im highly doubting that we ever see Cyborg.
Either his hands are tied or he's still beholden to the idiot execs above him.
I just don't get it. You have an already in universe established Barry Allen with a rogues gallery and he doesn't even need to pretend he's trying to write Wally. Everything is right there for it to work.

Out of all the DCEU movies, THIS should be by far the easiest one to do well and get asses in seats with good critical reception and word of mouth.
I just want a Crisis movie if they reboot, I need Superboy Prime breaking the 4th wall and punching the screen somehow bringing back Robin.
I just don't get it. You have an already in universe established Barry Allen with a rogues gallery and he doesn't even need to pretend he's trying to write Wally. Everything is right there for it to work.

Out of all the DCEU movies, THIS should be by far the easiest one to do well and get asses in seats with good critical reception and word of mouth.

What they originally had probably worked just fine. What they had rewritten probably worked okay, too.

Flash likely isn't the problem at all.

It's the universe Flash is attached to.

So if this universe brickwalls in November, then the "page one rewrite" becomes an abandoned project. If the universe manages to clear BvS's take, this "page one rewrite" ends up being a revision of what they already had and a director finally gets announced.


I just don't get it. You have an already in universe established Barry Allen with a rogues gallery and he doesn't even need to pretend he's trying to write Wally. Everything is right there for it to work.

Out of all the DCEU movies, THIS should be by far the easiest one to do well and get asses in seats with good critical reception and word of mouth.

Flash on CW too solid. Definitely do not believe it be easy to pull off.

My god.. An absolute shit show if true.
What they originally had probably worked just fine. What they had rewritten probably worked okay, too.

Flash likely isn't the problem at all.

It's the universe Flash is attached to.

So if this universe brickwalls in November, then the "page one rewrite" becomes an abandoned project. If the universe manages to clear BvS's take, this "page one rewrite" ends up being a revision of what they already had and a director finally gets announced.
You're probably right. My "soft reboot" for phase 2 gets less and less likely by the day it seems.

For as much shit as it gets, Marvel's lesson that they learned in streamlining how the studio and creative teams work together should be the standard. You don't need to "assembly line" movies. But you sure as shit need a process that's not, imo, basically the culmination of how Hollywood has farmed out these fucked up blockbuster franchises for decades.

WB has no idea what they are doing creatively and it's painfully obvious at this point that WAY too many hands are in the jar to have any of this shit be successful. Especially egregious is the fact that the blueprint for making this work already exists IN HOUSE in their animation side.


What they originally had probably worked just fine. What they had rewritten probably worked okay, too.

Flash likely isn't the problem at all.

It's the universe Flash is attached to.

So if this universe brickwalls in November, then the "page one rewrite" becomes an abandoned project. If the universe manages to clear BvS's take, this "page one rewrite" ends up being a revision of what they already had and a director finally gets announced.
So the Flash is literally stuck between universes. That is strangely and beautifly poetic


They can't really just reset the universe with a Flash movie because it would be a massive mess when the next movie comes out and the audience is a mix of people who have and who haven't seen The Flash.

I'm in two minds about whether they should reboot or not, but even if they do so, I can't see an elegant way to do it other than "Spend at least five years not putting out any DC movies", and I cannot see WB execs going for that at all.


DC are held to a higher standard than Marvel. The way people trip over themselves to highlight plot holes for shit that's explained in the movies is truly fascinating. But anyhow, regarding the topic of this thread, it's disappointing they can't get their shit together with the Flash.
DC are held to a higher standard than Marvel. The way people trip over themselves to highlight plot holes for shit that's explained in the movies is truly fascinating. But anyhow, regarding the topic of this thread, it's disappointing they can't get their shit together with the Flash.
I think right now many are holding DC to a much lower standard, and they still can't meet that.
Just waiting for them to make an average film.
DC are held to a higher standard than Marvel. The way people trip over themselves to highlight plot holes for shit that's explained in the movies is truly fascinating. But anyhow, regarding the topic of this thread, it's disappointing they can't get their shit together with the Flash.
Bruh you needed a god damn flow chart.

A flow chart.
BvS is the most interesting a comic cinematic universe can get tbh. I understand why it was critically maligned though. I'm not gonna spout out its a bias or whatever. Snyder is barely anybody's cup of tea.

they should scrap these dceu plans. everybody wants them to get it all in line and have it under control (good luck) and what..get another freaking mcu. no thanks y'all. one is more than enough at this point. throw it in the trash and just make separate or very loosely tied continuities. give snyder his injustice timeline he so desperately wants to go forward with. make batman its own thing. keep suicide squad and ayer's future plans for those rogues the fuck away from batman's universe.

make a separate justice league for all i care. this interconnected comic movie stuff is overrated, the concept stopped being novel after the first avengers. like how many times do we have to see hawkeye's lame ass in other movies, and they insist on making all the films have a familiar tone because they don't want to be too jarring to audiences and keep it a consistent brand. and it has just made the movies feel more underwhelming every year. and now they wanna do the DC equivalent but even worse by throwing in Harley Quinn I'm sure. could you imagine that. being subjected to Suicide Squad's Harley Quinn in multiple unrelated films plz no.

of course my plan also sounds like a terrible mess but I think it would allow for more properties like the Nolan and Raimi movies to shine through. Logan looks to be taking the right approach, but they also have the benefit of being able to be so far ahead of the xmen-timeline in that movie as well.
Well, that's not surprising. The Flash has so much potential for a movie, I hope the director they eventually get will be more than just a yes man.

Season one of the tv show managed to nail almost every aspect of the character but the movie won't have nearly enough time to compete so they need to differentiate themselves, especially in the villain department. The Reverse Flash was awesome in the show because of the slow build-up and the revelations regarding Harrison Wells.

A fun way to go about it would be to seemingly kill Barry at the end of Justice League by having him be absorbed by the speed force after defeating a bad guy, similar to what happened in the JL animated series. Then his solo film could be about him travelling the multiverse, Sliders style, trying to find his way back home. You'd get a very different kind of superhero movie.

But who am I kidding, Brett Ratner is probably gonna end up directing this thing anyway.


"Built it and they will come." Unfortunately for fans, Warner are simultaneously building their brand and tearing it down at the same time... Leaving in its wake nothing but the ash of amazing potential for fun and thrilling films.
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