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Sega to revive major IPs, be more multiplat/global, make bigger games, Sonic: NA dev?


Alpha Protocol.

Though it was released at the nadir of Sega's horrible mismanagement of everything they laid their hands on 7th gen, so it was basically fucked.

I remember going to pick the game up on launch day, and it just wasn't there. Not delayed, but not released. It was just pathetic, Sega just couldn't care any less about the game than it did


Obsidian Entertainment responded to this in a tweet




We should never ignore EP3 simply because it's impossible to properly play the game online these days. A remaster of EP1-4, including EP3 would amazing.

I agree with you, I love EP3. Just saying I understand why it's largely ignored.

Actually wonder how many people have heard of "Blue Burst" and brushed it off as a just some different version of the game, in comparison if it were named "EP 1, 2 & 4."



I'd be down for this if Sega revives Overworks and they collab with Obisidian.


Vectorman and a true sequel to Phantasy Star IV (Well, not sequel in terms of story, the reason IV works is beacuse it closes the arc perfectly... But I really want to go backto Algol).


I don't understand why Japan has to be involved at all. White people have shown that they are more than capable of appropriating Japanese franchises without any help!

It's for the contrast. Serious looking Western designs while in-engine coupled with super-animu video cutscenes.


Maybe one day SEGA will stop sleeping on their goldmine of incredible dead ass IPs.
Vanquish gives me hope.


If Sega wants to make "bigger hits" in the smartphone area (outside of Japan), they should probably stop closing down any/all gatcha games they release here. First Chain Chronicle, then Hortensia Saga (two immensely popular games in Japan). What's next?

Granted the handling of these games wasn't done by Sega directly, which probably didn't help things (Gumi was behind Chain Chronicle, and Gameview for Hortensia Saga, of which it was littered with grammatical errors). Even still, if they want to guarantee success there, they'd better put in more effort than they currently are. It still perplexes me how they just outright closed down Chain Chronicle. Hortensia Saga I could kind of see (staggered release, it didn't even release on Android in English, buggy text, and no advertising), but CC had a pretty big following. Those of us in the gatcha circle still talk about it. :(
I'm ready for some Sega beat-em-ups revivals; SoR, Dynmite Cop, Spikeout...

... while they're at it, they need to bring all those unported arcade games to Steam/ PSN/ XBLA while retro fever is still ripe.



Obsidian Entertainment responded to this in a tweet


Well they were hiring for a major release, so I guess it's something SEGA related. I suppose they are partnering for a new WRPG, a little odd considering how AP's development and release turned out though. I can't imagine it's AP related. Even with all the super cheap sales over the years it still hasnt sold much, going by Steam Spy.

Obsidian also seems to have interest in working on a JRPG type project based on Feargus's Chrono Trigger comments years ago. That would be neat.
Genuinely not trying to shitpost, but don't they say this constantly.

Like all the time.

It does sound familiar. Pretty sure I heard them say this before. I'll believe it when I see it. Also, they need to slow down on the Sonic games. They got a plethora of classic franchises and IP's that deserve another chance. I'll even take a lower budget version of some of these games. Also, I would like an OFFLINE Phantasy Star if it ever comes back. Where is Virtua Fighter 6? That game is long overdue and it isn't like it would be in a crowded genre out anything. Skies of Arcadia? Why no Streets of Rage when Yakuza is fairly successful and we are in dire need of a beat em up that looks like it is at least from the PS3 era? Golden Axe would be nice also. Another Shinobi would be great since we need more ninja games. How about another Panzer Dragoon game? OutRun? This is only a handful of games.


So do you think it's a safe guess that Sanzaru is making a Sonic game? They're the only North American platformer dev (of sufficient size) I can think of with a mystery game.

I guess they could be referring to Sonic Mania though.

Guess Who

So do you think it's a safe guess that Sanzaru is making a Sonic game? They're the only North American platformer dev (of sufficient size) I can think of with a mystery game.

I guess they could be referring to Sonic Mania though.

Sanzaru did make the 3DS Sonic Boom games, which... isn't encouraging, actually.


Actually, looking at all the masterpieces people are suggesting for revivals in this thread, I'm increasingly unclear about what games Sega actually IS making these days.
I'd do terrible terrible things to get Streets of Rage resurrected

I may not even care if it's Streets of Rage: Streetwise. I just want a new game so bad


Phantasy Star (jRPG)
Daytona USA
After Burner
Out Run
Herzog Zwei, Thunder Force (they own those IPs now)
Streets of Rage, Golden Axe

I don't care about Sonic, never have.


Episode 3 ruled, really great competitive SRPG. Hanging out on the same servers to play basically an entirely different game was neat, too. You could still play the dumb lobby soccer game with your ep. 1 and 2 friends, even.

They were reaching for something interesting with all that. I guess the successor now is the way Blizzard games share the same online platform and you can earn rewards for one by playing another. Playing that stuff feels like it's all part of the same larger thing.

Episode 4... isn't actually all that good. A bunch of huge open spaces, clearly done on a much tighter budget. Episode 2 was also horrifically balanced, though it did look great. Most people just stuck to doing the far more efficient episode 1 stuff over and over and it was difficult to get groups going for any of the new content not long after launch.

Towards The Future into boredom.

I hated that personally and Sega didn't help matters with the EXP death penalty.

EP4 wasn't as big as an upgrade as 2 yeah but it was still pretty substantial, including equipment and all that. While EP2 delved into some bullshit territory it was a real pity people would rather stay in their comfort zones.
Funny story, talking to some people who played EP2&4 about BS enemies I've actually had them go "who?" at Ill Gills and mentioning they never even knew the Towers location was a thing.

Guess Who

Sega literally says this all the time, so I'll believe it when I see it.

there's a big difference between "sega pr does a half-wink at an idea" and "sega's parent company specifically tells investors this is a thing they are doing, which is essentially legally binding"


Western Skies of Arcadia by Obsidian sounds awful. Just hand it off to some internal Atlus team. Or better yet, colaborate with Monolithsoft.

New Jet Grind Radio please. Don't update anything. The late 90's early 2000's street culture motif is fine. New Sega Bass Fishing or Billy Hatcher by Prope would be great too.
I won't hold my breath honestly. They are sitting on some fantastic stuff but I doubt there's much they can do to relive those classics. I don't think they are capable anymore. It's been too long gone.
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