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Shin Megami Tensei Community Thread: Be Your True Demon


I literally do not understand how you can complain that the SMT2 girls only do what the hero wants and turn around and praise the SMT1 heroine for being a badass.

Because the SMT1 heroine accomplishes things on her own. What do Beth and Hiroko do? They're solely defined by the MC.


SMT2 is great, it's got some backtracking issues I didn't like but I had such a fun time playing through this year. SMT1's atmosphere is more up my alley, but SMT2's still got some really cool moments, for whatever reason things like Gomory whisking you away to Kether Castle really stuck in my mind.
Because the SMT1 heroine accomplishes things on her own. What do Beth and Hiroko do? They're solely defined by the MC.

She doesn't though? The resistance fails miserably and she has to have the MC save her multiple times. She literally reincarnates herself so she can be by his side.


She doesn't though? The resistance fails miserably and she has to have the MC save her multiple times. She literally reincarnates herself so she can be by his side.

Well, A for effort. I can't think of anything Beth and Hiroko accomplish.
Beth is literally just there
to die for you.

But yeah, I did like SMT2, and it did have its moments. For me they were the Disco, the really scary underside of the Messian utopia, and seeing the SMT1 throwbacks.

Also, Satan was DAMN hard.


I actually enjoyed SMT1 more than SMT2 too, although in my case it was mostly due to the atmosphere and scenario. I liked the whole "neighborhood mystery -> closed city -> post apocalyptic world" progression. SMT2 has its own progression, but it wasn't as satisfying to me.

The protagonist at the ending of the law route of SMT2 seemed almost senseless too, which annoyed me.
So - wait, I stand still and let Satan kill everyone, like God ordered, then one minute later I'm by Satan's side fighting against God because he was the one who gave the orders? What? Why didn't Aleph just stop Satan then if he didn't want everyone dying? Or just let Satan face God by himself if he was fine with everyone not chosen by God being killed?

Standing still while everyone died and then turning against God makes little sense. Satan was moved by his mission, but Aleph has no such excuse for that inconsistent behavior.


So I'm still playing SMT 4 and I got to the
Shinjuku Nat'l park
throwdown with bird-cage-head and I was wondering if there were any tips? I'm level 30ish and have pretty good magic and decent AG and STR, but this guy does Megaton Press and my entire party dies in one hit from that. Almost every time. Rarely does a Megaton Press happen where I don't lose at least 1 demon. What do I do to get through this?


So I'm still playing SMT 4 and I got to the
Shinjuku Nat'l park
throwdown with bird-cage-head and I was wondering if there were any tips? I'm level 30ish and have pretty good magic and decent AG and STR, but this guy does Megaton Press and my entire party dies in one hit from that. Almost every time. Rarely does a Megaton Press happen where I don't lose at least 1 demon. What do I do to get through this?

I guess you mean Balor? Try to see if you can fuse a demon with phys resistance, it'd help against Megaton press. Also, Rakujaka (which boosts your defense) and Tarunda (which lowers the opponents' attack). Boosts and Debuffs are very important in SMT. Don't forget that Balor has fire and dark immunity, and resistance to light and wing. Also, no weakness.

You could also attempt to fuse a Kanbari (lvl 27 Enigma, gotten through special fusion), which is one of the lowest level demons that learns Tetrakarn (which allows you to reflect physical attacks, that also eats one of the opponents turns if successful), but you'll need three specific other demons to get it. The menu says their race and level though if you've already gotten at least one of them.


So someone at /smtg ripped the entire Giten Megami Tensei OST. The really bad PC only game.



Wait, come back!

Tsukasa Masuko composed it.

I'll see if I can upload some of it to youtube.


From your friends at the Cathedral of Shadows:

How the Demi-Fiend Stole Christmas

Every demon
Down in Tokyo
Liked Christmas a lot...

But Demi-Fiend,
Who lived just North of Tokyo,
Did NOT!

Demi-Fiend hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
He's been like that since he rejected each Reason
It could be that his stat build wasn't quite right
It could be, perhaps, that his shorts were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
Is that his fusion ceiling was two levels too small.

His shorts or his stats,
Whatever the reason,
He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the demons,
Staring down from his house with a dark, fiendish frown
At the chaotic fires below in the town.
For he knew every fiend in the Tokyo streets
Were grabbing humans, and were ready to eat.

"And they're handing out Macca!" he snarled with a sneer.
"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"
Then he growled, with his eyes unbecoming,
"I MUST find a way to keep Christmas from coming!"
For, tomorrow, he knew...

...The mutants and humans
Would wake up bright and early, and they'd rush for their guns!
And then! The bangs! Oh, the bangs! Bang! Bang! Bang!
He had never liked weapons! The BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!

Then demons, gods and ghouls, would get ready to feast.
And they'd feast! And they'd feast!
They would start with Flynn-pudding, and cooked Messian-priest
Which was something that Fiend couldn't stand in the least!

Something would happen that would be the final straw
Every angel in heaven, every human of law,
Would launch an offensive, with holy spells blasting
They'd spread all their lies of a life everlasting!

And they'd fight! And they'd fight!
AND they'd fight! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
The more Demi-Fiend thought of the Law-Chaos fight
The more the Fiend thought, "I should have joined the White!
"For three rereleases I've put up with it now!
I MUST stop Christmas from coming!
...But HOW?"

Then he got an idea!
An awful idea!

"I know just what to do!" Demi said in his textbox.
And he made a nice YHVH mask and some socks.
And he chuckled, and roared, "I don't need any practice!
"I look so real, it's like I was designed by Atlus!"

"All I need is a sponsor..."
Demi looked around.
But since sponsors are for Reasons, none could be found.
Did that stop the half-fiend...?
"No!" Demi simply said,
"If I can't find a sponsor, I'll make one instead!"
So he called up Jack Frost. Then he took some strong thread
And he tied a big whale on top of his head.

He readied his fists
And he hitched up Jack Frost
And brought the GPS
In case they got lost.

Demi-Fiend yelled, "Charge!"
And the whale started down
Toward the wastelands and the city
Where every survivor had a frown

All the subways were dark, bloody snow on the ground
Every demon was sleeping, resting without sound
So the Fiend snuck on to a roof without being found.
"This is stop number one," The dark Fiendish boy hissed
"I will ruin this Christmas, and make everyone pissed!"

Then he slid down the chimney, with his glowing tattoos
and he found a passed out Thor with a bottle of booze.
Just to be safe, he cast Luster Candy
But he was okay, it was all fine and dandy.
He found the stockings, with Jack Frost in tow
"These stockings," he grinned, "are the first things to go!"

Then he ran and he ran, with red eyes most unpleasant,
Around the whole room, and he took every present!
hand guns! And katanas! Medicine! swords!
And multi-target spells to help fend off hordes!
And he stuffed them in bags. Then the Fiend, very nimbly,
punched all the bags, one by one, up the chimney!

Then he ran to the prison. He opened the door
He let out the humans, even the town whore!
He cleaned out the cells, very quiet now.
And saved the humans from becoming demon chow!

Then he stuffed all the people up the chimney with glee.
"And NOW!" grinned the Fiend, "I will Freikugel the tree!"

Demi-Fiend took his stance, and he started to spasm
When he heard a small sound like the echo from a chasm.
He turned around fast, and saw a small demon!
The Fairy Pixie, who was about to start screamin'.

Demi-Fiend had been caught by this low level girl
Who had came out to flirt and make guys' heads twirl.
She stared at the Fiend and said, "Hey YHVH, why,
Why are you taking our Christmas tree? WHY?"

But, you know, that Demi was so smart and so green
He thought up a lie, and chose to be mean!
"Why, my sweet, small Pixie," the fake Holy King lied,
"I came here to tell you that Lucifer died.
"So I'm taking this tree to heaven my dear
"To use as a pole to shove up his rear!"

And his fib fooled the girl. Then he patted her head
And he punched her in the face and she fell over dead.
And when the Pixie fell over and let out a cry,
Demi then Freikugel'd the tree, with a slight sigh.

Then the last thing he took
Was the password for the COMP
And he planned on throwing it away in the swamp.
and with his Jack Frost whale he started to stomp

And the one piece of meat
that he left was a llama
that was too small to feed even Kodama.

He did the same thing
To more demon's houses

Leaving crumbs
Much too small
For the Tokyo mouses!

It was quarter past dawn...
The demons, still a-bed
All the humans were free
When he packed up his sled,
Packed it up with their guns! Their items! and relics!
and Grand Theft Auto IV, which stars Niko Bellic!

Thousands of miles, he rode to the Schwartzwelt
He was justified in his actions, he felt.
"Boo-hoo, demons" he fiend-ish-ly thought
"You better get your food back, before it rots!
"They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do!
"Their mouths will hang open a minute or two
"Then all the demons down in Hell will all cry BOO-HOO!"

"That's a noise," grinned Demi-Fiend,
"That I simply must hear!"
So he paused. And the boy put a hand to his ear.
And he did hear a sound rising over the snow.
It started in low. Then it started to grow...

But the sound wasn't chaos!
Why, this sound sounded happy!
It couldn't be so!
Was the Fiend's fiendish plan really that crappy?!

He stared down at Tokyo!
with his brooding red eyes!
Then he shook!
What he saw was a neutral surprise!

Everyone in Tokyo, demon or not,
Was singing! With all their presents forgot!
He HADN'T stopped Christmas, not by a longshot.
Somehow or other, it came just the same!

Demi-Fiend, with his neck-horn ice-cold in the snow,
Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?
It came without humans! It came without spells!
It came although Tokyo was in a state of hell!
And he puzzled three hours, `till his HP was low.
Then the Fiend thought of something and he started to glow!
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't start war
"Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"

And what happened then...?
Well...in Tokyo they say
That the Fiend's fusion ceiling
Grew three levels that day!
And the minute his shorts didn't feel quite so tight,
He fused his Jack Frost and Lucifer, the bringer of light
And with a glorious glow stood Lucifrost!
And he...

...The Fiend himself...!
hugged him, and went to bed in exhaust

May Neutrality persist into the new year.


Tried SMT1 PS1, since it's free on the J-PSN now.

Music is one giant NOPE. It's not even up to the ankles of the SFC OST. A for effort though.

Dungeons on the other hand look gorgeous.


SFC. It's fan translated, and the music is the best. The PSX/GBA versions look better, but that's about it.

Not so much. The way some menus are handled are way better. Looking at the map is WAAAAY easier in the PSX version, for example, and it's easier to move around/you don't get lost that much.

With that said, the language barrier is too big, so only go with that one if you can understand Japanese, otherwise SFC, as Iwakura said. I'm quite sad that there is no translation available for this version,

Also, started to play the PSX version(Thanks 15-day trial of Japanese PS+!) and, to the surprise of no one, I'm stuck. I forgot what I'm supposed to do at the Arcade. Demons pop up already, but I don't remember exactly what to do next. Find the Law Hero and the Chaos Hero? If so, where? Plus, tips for negotiation? I'm going totally blind in this one. Maybe I should just drop it...?


Not so much. The way some menus are handled are way better. Looking at the map is WAAAAY easier in the PSX version, for example, and it's easier to move around/you don't get lost that much.

With that said, the language barrier is too big, so only go with that one if you can understand Japanese, otherwise SFC, as Iwakura said. I'm quite sad that there is no translation available for this version,

Also, started to play the PSX version(Thanks 15-day trial of Japanese PS+!) and, to the surprise of no one, I'm stuck. I forgot what I'm supposed to do at the Arcade. Demons pop up already, but I don't remember exactly what to do next. Find the Law Hero and the Chaos Hero? If so, where? Plus, tips for negotiation? I'm going totally blind in this one. Maybe I should just drop it...?

Yeah, SMTI isn't an easy game to get through in English. Did you already visit the park?

If is a lot easier to make progress in. And shorter. I dabbled in Devil Children: Red, but boy do the battles never end.


Figured this is the best place to post since there aren't any Persona 3 threads active these days.

Playing through P3P for the first time and just got my ass stomped by Theo. I've fused my Orpheus Telos that I've heard is the best shot I've got at winning this fight and he's got all the requisite skills... but damn. Wasn't expecting to get destroyed that quick. I suppose it's a fight that's gonna require me to be healing and just surviving most of the time whilst getting in some Mind Charged Thunder Reigns every now and then.


Figured this is the best place to post since there aren't any Persona 3 threads active these days.

Playing through P3P for the first time and just got my ass stomped by Theo. I've fused my Orpheus Telos that I've heard is the best shot I've got at winning this fight and he's got all the requisite skills... but damn. Wasn't expecting to get destroyed that quick. I suppose it's a fight that's gonna require me to be healing and just surviving most of the time whilst getting in some Mind Charged Thunder Reigns every now and then.

I didn't fight Theo, but I did fight Elizabeth. I assume it's basically the same. I didn't have Telos, but I did have a plethora of special Personas custom made to deal with her. Each had an elemental resistance appropriate for her phases, and they all had High Counter. No High Counter, you'll hardly be hurting her.

And I hope you're in the 90s, at least.


I didn't fight Theo, but I did fight Elizabeth. I assume it's basically the same. I didn't have Telos, but I did have a plethora of special Personas custom made to deal with her. Each had an elemental resistance appropriate for her phases, and they all had High Counter. No High Counter, you'll hardly be hurting her.

And I hope you're in the 90s, at least.
Yeah I'd say she's probably the same. Fuuka even calls Theo a "She" when the fight begins, so obviously it's just the model that's been changed haha. Using Telos with

Unshaken Will, High Counter, Elec Boost & Amp, Thunder Reign, Salvation, Sharp Student and Mind Charge.

Level 99 of course, I'll give it another shot tonight I think. I suppose he really caught me off guard since I didn't know what to expect from him.


Yeah I'd say she's probably the same. Fuuka even calls Theo a "She" when the fight begins, so obviously it's just the model that's been changed haha. Using Telos with

Unshaken Will, High Counter, Elec Boost & Amp, Thunder Reign, Salvation, Sharp Student and Mind Charge.

Level 99 of course, I'll give it another shot tonight I think. I suppose he really caught me off guard since I didn't know what to expect from him.

Well, Thunder Reign can't hurt every phase, can it? That's the upside to multiple Persona, you have more tools on hand. I'll see if I can dig up my P3 file later to share my skills.

They took me hours to make(and Elizabeth took days to beat), but it was worth it.

My biggest damage dealer was Surt's Ragnarok. 1k+.


Well, Thunder Reign can't hurt every phase, can it? That's the upside to multiple Persona, you have more tools on hand. I'll see if I can dig up my P3 file later to share my skills.

They took me hours to make(and Elizabeth took days to beat), but it was worth it.

My biggest damage dealer was Surt's Ragnarok. 1k+.
Yeah, there are some phases that I'd have to just Mind Charge/Heal and wait for the next phase with. It does do pretty decent damage though with the Boost and Amp + Mind Charge. Definitely interested in any other Persona builds that would make the fight even a little easier though!


Yeah, there are some phases that I'd have to just Mind Charge/Heal and wait for the next phase with. It does do pretty decent damage though with the Boost and Amp + Mind Charge. Definitely interested in any other Persona builds that would make the fight even a little easier though!

Here you go:


Lucifer and Satan are just there for Armageddon, I assume you know about that(do that under 9999 HP to finish her, do it before and you die).

Chi You is my physical hitter, if I get a chance. Vorpal Blade does nice damage, but not as good as Ragnarok. It's great if it hits for a Crit, but don't count on it. Lizzie/Theo has mad crit resist.

Surt = Ragnarok. Burn.

Ananta is there for the Hama phase. Casting wise, support. Heals and buffs.
Strong against Ice in a pinch. Pretty sure I use Lucifer for the Mudo phase.

Vishnu's not really useable in this fight for obvious reasons. Just great for random battles. Okay in a pinch, but no resists, and suicide if they're on their elemental turn which they null/drain.

Asura = Unshaken Will, resists status effects. Essential during the appropriate turn.

Mot is for the Wind phase. Also has some decent attack spells.

Raphael for the Ice phase, mostly healing.

Michael is essential. Wind/Lightning, so you can use him two turns in a row.

Throne for the Fire phase, usually healing that turn, or Mind Charge if it's safe.
If you're under 600, it's not safe. That's arguably pushing it, but you have to take risks at some point or it will never end.

Alilat is great for phys, but I really just got her for the accessory.

And you can see my gear in the last part. You're flexible here, but hey, I killed her with that stuff. I decided survival was more important than resisting status effects, so I went for taking less damage. You're more likely to die from her damage than the off chance a status effect connects.

Again, all that is optional if you have Orpheus Kai, but may as well go the extra mile and have more skill slots than eight to work with.


Here you go:


Lucifer and Satan are just there for Armageddon, I assume you know about that(do that under 9999 HP to finish her, do it before and you die).

Chi You is my physical hitter, if I get a chance. Vorpal Blade does nice damage, but not as good as Ragnarok. It's great if it hits for a Crit, but don't count on it. Lizzie/Theo has mad crit resist.

Surt = Ragnarok. Burn.

Ananta is there for the Hama phase. Casting wise, support. Heals and buffs.
Strong against Ice in a pinch. Pretty sure I use Lucifer for the Mudo phase.

Vishnu's not really useable in this fight for obvious reasons. Just great for random battles. Okay in a pinch, but no resists, and suicide if they're on their elemental turn which they null/drain.

Asura = Unshaken Will, resists status effects. Essential during the appropriate turn.

Mot is for the Wind phase. Also has some decent attack spells.

Raphael for the Ice phase, mostly healing.

Michael is essential. Wind/Lightning, so you can use him two turns in a row.

Throne for the Fire phase, usually healing that turn, or Mind Charge if it's safe.
If you're under 600, it's not safe. That's arguably pushing it, but you have to take risks at some point or it will never end.

Alilat is great for phys, but I really just got her for the accessory.

And you can see my gear in the last part. You're flexible here, but hey, I killed her with that stuff. I decided survival was more important than resisting status effects, so I went for taking less damage. You're more likely to die from her damage than the off chance a status effect connects.

Again, all that is optional if you have Orpheus Kai, but may as well go the extra mile and have more skill slots than eight to work with.
Cheers, that looks like a really good set up. There are a few that I can just substitute Telos for which will save a bit of time. And yeah, Armageddon was changed to an item only thing in Portable but I'll make sure to get one. You can actually get 10 of them from one of the Void Quest doors, as well as 10x Infinity items (Makes you invincible for the Megidoloan phase). I'm sure those will help out a LOT. Thanks again!


Question: Can I finish Digital Devil Saga without doing field hunt at all? would I need to replace it with massive grinding (I don't mind tbh)
i would have preferred kyuuyaku but i may or may not play through that.


is there a practical way of managing the barrage of petra and paral eyes in devil survivor?


So a wonderful tumblr person translated this rare Kaneko interview about Digital Devil Saga.


Did you think that DDS was a light-hearted fun romp? Because if Kaneko had had his way the game would have been even bleaker.

Q: Was the plot you had thought of much heavier?
A: That is so. To be honest, I would have preferred a much bleaker atmosphere, but it wouldn’t be all right if everything followed my own preferences. Bleakness will be used in a new production, so I believe that this time the staff successfully put together a mild atmosphere.

More cool stuff about Kaneko's feelings on the meaning of "Megami Tensei" at the link.
So a wonderful tumblr person translated this rare Kaneko interview about Digital Devil Saga.


Did you think that DDS was a light-hearted fun romp? Because if Kaneko had had his way the game would have been even bleaker.

More cool stuff about Kaneko's feelings on the meaning of "Megami Tensei" at the link.

I like how DDS had a "mild" atmosphere, and wasn't bleak to him. lol
I dunno what we can do, but I think this place needs a kind of reboot. It is crazy when the Devil Summoner Soul Hackers topic has 61 pages and the SMTIV topic has over 250 pages and this just has 15 lol


Seems kinda silly to wait such a long time to release the Megami Tensei patch, but it's their work so whatever they wanna do, I guess.


Seems kinda silly to wait such a long time to release the Megami Tensei patch, but it's their work so whatever they wanna do, I guess.

There's some bugs to iron out, I believe. The build I was testing was really old. They've got a much nicer font running.

By the way: Tom translated it.
The one who did Innocent Sin and Soul Hackers.


Well, the wait for MT1 will pale in comparison to the wait for Tengai Makyou Zero. Poor Tom.

I just want Soul Hackers. Get on it, Gemini. He claims he's still doing it...

Also, there's growing rumor that Victor Ireland's mystery PSP RPG is Tengai Makyou IV.


Tumblr can be an amazing place when you're not unexpectedly running into things that are not safe for work.


Here's a cool excerpt from the author of the original Digital Devil Story light novel, Aya Nishitani.

I’ve heard that most of the development staff of Shin Megami Tensei created the game leaning towards chaos or neutral. Among the people close to me at least there is no one who played the game taking the lawful route. As for myself, I only beat the game the lawful way.

Many people assume that the lawful hero route is, in a nutshell, just like any other RPG, but I don’t agree. Law is not about doing what is right but believing in an absolute ruler and accepting the fate you’re given. The conduct of a typical benevolent hero like the one in Ultima is not what you would call lawful virtue in theological theory. That is nothing more than a relativistic law. In fact Shin Megami Tensei is the only RPG that contains a lawful standpoint in the true sense of the word.

But there’s something severly missing from the lawful world portrayed in Shin Megami Tensei. I’m speaking about “Mary”. Christianity, which represents the lawful ideology, could only become a world religion because of Mary worship. The protestants deny Mary worship but in catholic belief Mary, who in theology is positioned only slightly beneath Jesus, sustains Christianity.

A few years back when I visited Jerusalem I went to a graveyard church built on mount Golgotha, the most holy of places. The statue of Mary standing there didn’t smile gently like the depictions of the holy mother usually do. She was grieving for her crucified son, shedding tears and calling to the heavens. As I saw her sobbing expression all the doubts I had about Christianity were suddenly cleared up.

The world portrayed in the game is truly like the year 0. It’s the world just before Mary would give birth to the son of god. Just like the prophets of old were telling of coming change this game is now telling of something being born. I’m giving my all to draw out the lawful element in this.

So many cool facts learned.

Aya Nishitani is not a woman!
This is from a Shin Megami Tensei light novel written and inspired by the game that was inspired by the original novel. Insert some kind of Inception gif here.
SMT developers all think Law is as batshit crazy as the rest of us.
But I really like the attempt here by the original author to contextualize Law and place it with Chaos as a viable choice.


Is SMT1 worth playing/good?
I've only played Nocturne in the series. I'll probably pass if it's a long, frustrating experience for anyone who's not a long time fan. Basically does it stand on its own as a good rpg?
It's a pretty good RPG, but I find the dungeons frustrating in the SNES version since there isn't a map and you can't tell where you are from the environment. I don't have the patience to draw a map by hand and trying to memorize everything can be a bit tricky. Maybe the PS1 version fixed this issue. I haven't played that yet.

If you've only played Nocturne, I suggest you take a look at the other PS2, NDS, or 3DS games. They're all good.


It's a pretty good RPG, but I find the dungeons frustrating in the SNES version since there isn't a map and you can't tell where you are from the environment. I don't have the patience to draw a map by hand and trying to memorize everything can be a bit tricky. Maybe the PS1 version fixed this issue. I haven't played that yet.

If you've only played Nocturne, I suggest you take a look at the other PS2, NDS, or 3DS games. They're all good.
Guess I'll pass then. DDS1 for ps2 it is. Though I wanted to play something on vita.
On the Vita you have four or five Persona games. Have you played those? I'm not a fan of the first one, but 3 and 4 are both fantastic.


It's a pretty good RPG, but I find the dungeons frustrating in the SNES version since there isn't a map and you can't tell where you are from the environment. I don't have the patience to draw a map by hand and trying to memorize everything can be a bit tricky. Maybe the PS1 version fixed this issue. I haven't played that yet.

If you've only played Nocturne, I suggest you take a look at the other PS2, NDS, or 3DS games. They're all good.

SMT1 has a map, it's just buried in the menu and auto-rotates frustratingly. The PSX version fixes both of these issues, but of course, has no English fan translation.

DDS1 is a great choice for a follow up though, as are any of the Persona games, though they're all very different from Nocturne.
It's been a while since I played it so I guess I remembered it incorrectly. Or maybe I never even found the map. Is there a translation guide for the PS1 version?


On the Vita you have four or five Persona games. Have you played those? I'm not a fan of the first one, but 3 and 4 are both fantastic.

No, I havent played those. I heard the first one hasn't aged too well. P2 definitely sounds really interesting though.


Just when I thought DDS is an easy game, I got game over in random battle smh
No, I havent played those. I heard the first one hasn't aged too well. P2 definitely sounds really interesting though.

P1 age better than P2 if you ask me..
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