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Shit just got real - FBI raiding college campuses arresting multiple coaches


Actually looks like Bama might be fucked. This dude is definitely going to jail. It's one of the, he got paid to steer a dad to an agent type of deal. Nothing about the player being involved, so, possibly no problem for the kid personally, but this isn't a good look.
Uhh yeah they suddenly started recruiting at a very high level.

Makes me glad that Belein is as clean as they come, if we are implicated then the entire sport won't be around anymore anyway.
Actually looks like Bama might be fucked. This dude is definitely going to jail. It's one of the, he got paid to steer a dad to an agent type of deal. Nothing about the player being involved, so, possibly no problem for the kid personally, but this isn't a good look.

Darn, I was getting excited about basketball season.

At least a bunch of other schools will suck along with us for a while.


So Pitino was revealed to be coach 2.

Louisville's fucked, and Pitino is probably going to jail.




James Gatto, with Adidas, had 2 conversations with phone number used by Coach 2 in May. Had 3rd conversation on June 1. Bowen signed June 3


That's an interesting analogy I have not heard and it makes sense if you know the (slight) difference between college basketball and football programs.

I forgot where I heard it (ESPN I believe) but a few months back they were discussing how much longer the college basketball one and done to the NBA would last. I think this whole situation could end the 1 year college requirement to get into the NBA.

So instead of going to play college basketball for a year, talented 18 year olds get drafted straight into the D League.

Yup this is what should be happening. If it takes a major scandal like this for it to happen, then so be it. Basketball should be much closer to how hockey and baseball work with the highest talented kids just going straight to the league and skipping the college runaround.


I love how the way College football and basketball have operated since shoe companies started to have clout, is in jeopardy

but seriously, wowza. Nothing drastic will come of this in terms of recruiting, Brian Bowen isn't gonna play ball for Louisville this year, buncha schools that got caught up are gonna go on probation from the NCAA while some assistants are in fed jail. Das it


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I still expect more schools to be drawn in through accusations soon.
This is like abstinence only v. sex education. If we just let NCAA players fuck (aka get paid) there wouldn't be all the shady shit going to hide what should naturally occur.


Hopefully they'll move to Alabama's football team after they get done with the basketball team.

I've never seen a players facility with more Cadillacs, Lexus, and Land Rovers in my life. How does a whole football team drive $40k-$80k cars?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Hopefully they'll move to Alabama's football team after they get done with the basketball team.

I've never seen a players facility with more Cadillacs, Lexus, and Land Rovers in my life. How does a whole football team drive $40k-$80k cars?

NCAA looks the other way. Simple as that. Alabama brings them huge money. They don't care.
NCAA looks the other way. Simple as that. Alabama brings them huge money. They don't care.

NCAA really doesn't make money from football, though. Certain high profile schools set that in motion in the 1980s with the TV lawsuits and separation from the league. Additionally by separating the NCAA from the post-season process.

NCAA cash cow is basketball. Your points are all valid, but is more from the basketball side than football. I guess by proxy they will rarely touch a high profile football school because it could show that a basketball school is next.

Except USC I guess. Don't know why they went so hard on them.


Honestly, if players were allowed to use their image and make money from it, it'd be gucci. A dealership wants Mo Bamba to do a couple commercials for em and he gets paid? Sure.
That would help a lot in allowing them got get paid just any for fucks sake.

It still seems crazy that the relatively trivial thing that everyone probably does is probably what brings him down; not the whole "hiring prostitutes for teenagers" thing.
It can be argued that Rick actually didn't know whereas it is confirmed that he knew they were committing a crime here and allowed it to happen.
Except USC I guess. Don't know why they went so hard on them.

Guys had a personal vendetta against them. Illegally so... there's evidence of it. A lot of really jealous people at Miami and such. Look up Paul Dee and all the shit he was involved with. While he was saying USC was terrible, he was doing far worse things.

It's a case the NCAA has been desperately trying to make go away for over a decade now. They really don't want to pay Todd McNair.
Guys had a personal vendetta against them. Illegally so... there's evidence of it. A lot of really jealous people at Miami and such. Look up Paul Dee and all the shit he was involved with. While he was saying USC was terrible, he was doing far worse things.

It's a case the NCAA has been desperately trying to make go away for over a decade now. They really don't want to pay Todd McNair.

2018 is the date for that trial!


NCAA really doesn't make money from football, though. Certain high profile schools set that in motion in the 1980s with the TV lawsuits and separation from the league. Additionally by separating the NCAA from the post-season process.

NCAA cash cow is basketball. Your points are all valid, but is more from the basketball side than football. I guess by proxy they will rarely touch a high profile football school because it could show that a basketball school is next.

Except USC I guess. Don't know why they went so hard on them.
Except the NCAA is a non-profit and pretty much all of its revenue goes back to its member schools, they pay their staff, but even the top earning executives make less than your typical football coach.

Schools get a check for every game they play in the Tourney for example.
Except the NCAA is a non-profit and pretty much all of its revenue goes back to its member schools, they pay their staff, but even the top earning executives make less than your typical football coach.

Schools get a check for every game they play in the Tourney for example.

Being non-profit doesn't mean execs aren't getting highly compensated or like you said, schools themselves enriching themselves with that revenue and more. The NCAA and the schools are the same thing. Of course it hurts them to properly hold people accountable. There is a long history of this.

Bigger programs frequently are given slaps on the wrist. Smaller programs, ones compliance can afford to cripple, frequently get slapped very hard for comparable or even lesser offenses.

Edit: Ohio State is the other relatively recent example I can think of where they got slapped hard.


Being non-profit doesn't mean execs aren't getting highly compensated or like you said, schools themselves enriching themselves with that revenue and more. The NCAA and the schools are the same thing. Of course it hurts them to properly hold people accountable. There is a long history of this.

Bigger programs frequently are given slaps on the wrist. Smaller programs, ones compliance can afford to cripple, frequently get slapped very hard for comparable or even lesser offenses.

Edit: Ohio State is the other relatively recent example I can think of where they got slapped hard.
The fact that USC and OSU got hit hard shows that they don’t always just give a slap on the wrist to major programs.


Go after USC

USC was already hit by the investigation. No idea what will come out of though.

Also the NCAA seems to slap down hard on a big name once every 5-10 years to make themselves appear relevant you just don't want to be the big name program getting caught at that time.

Got To believe the happiest people about this is Ole Miss. They were looking to get hammered now it looks like Louisville has the potential death penalty in the air and they might escape being the face that needed slapped down.

I just don't get this stance. There are billions made off of collegiate athletes every year. And the fact that they are being subjected to, I don't want to call them bribes; but let's be clear that most of these kids don't come from high income families. I mean they are straight up being taken advantage of because of their lot in life by universities willing to break the rules.

I would like to understand the point of people that say let's just pay the athlete, because the NCAA and the universities use it as their back bone. And I do understand the idea of it, but I do not for the life of me understand how it would be implemented. As of right now, the only two sports I have personally heard of that could have payable players as an option/ and that is men's college basketball and football. For most universities, the revenue of those 2 sports provide the funding for the rest of them*(citation needed. talking out of ass, but guessing it's true." You can't just start paying football and basketball players and not start paying women's soccer an lacrosse players. And if you start paying players, how do you determine the the salary? Like I mean I get it, a salary would probably fix a few of the issues, but how on earth would you implement it? I feel like most of these folks on ESPN haven't taken a class in economics. Playing the devils advocate, granted I have absolutely no idea what these schools all make from college athletes, but I personally do not understand how paying college athletes wouldn't create anything but more of a convoluted mess.

Like I've seen some comments on various places saying maybe these athletes should be able to make their own marketing deals after they turn 18 and reap the benefits from that after they turn 18. Makes sense to me. They are 18, an adult, capable of making their own decisions. Say the guy/gal wants to make a commercial for gatorade/powerade or whoever the hell they want to; let them do it. Like maybe do something to where the money isn't guaranteed till one year of college. I don't know. Drunk Thursday ramblings.

Shit is so convoluted that I just gave up on this post. I quit.

Long story short of this though, I do not blame the kids who aren't even fucking 16 or 17 yet for trying to take care of their families. I feel like the blame on this falls solely on these companies and academic institutions that use them to rake in money all to their own benefit. I just don't see a suitable replacement to the system.

Sorry for the belated tangent and the thread bump. Just been following along this whole thing and wanted to say something.

TLDR: Up 5 Lines
Yup this is what should be happening. If it takes a major scandal like this for it to happen, then so be it. Basketball should be much closer to how hockey and baseball work with the highest talented kids just going straight to the league and skipping the college runaround.

Then they need to make the D-league ready for it. I'm not sure how many games they play, but hopefully a lot less so young guys can work on their games. Most draft classes these days are terrible. Everyone drafting for potential and upside, and the NBA is filled with fundamentally flawed athletes who can jump out of the gym, but can't hit a 15 footer to save their lives and can't do simple fundamental things on the court.

I know dunking is cool and all, but NBA should go back to the old "guard the lane and hand check in the perimeter" rules for a month, just as an experiment. That would expose the flaws of the current system real fast.
Pitino took 98% of the Adidas cash

When University of Louisville athletic director Tom Jurich announced a new $160 million, 10-year deal with athletic apparel giant Adidas on Aug. 25, a reporter asked him if some of the proceeds would be shared with the university.

“It’s for the athletic department,” Jurich replied. “It’s for these student-athletes. It’s been earmarked for them.”

In fact, under the current deal with Adidas, which expires July 1, 98 percent of the cash provided by Adidas goes to one person: Rick Pitino, the now-suspended head coach.

In 2015-16, for example, $1.5 million went to Pitino under his personal services agreement with the apparel company while just $25,000 went to the program, according to a contract obtained by the Courier-Journal under the state public records act.

The year before, Pitino also got $1.5 million, while the department banked just $10,000.

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