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SimCity a disaster for you? Take a look at Cities: Skylines (not related to CitiesXL)


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Any new vids?

I would also like to know more about stats, numbers, charts, financial. If it's exactly like Sim City, that's nice and all, but I'm hoping there is more to it with districts and all that.

I am also hoping we see good expansions soon, especially in the way of challenges and problems to a sustaining city:

-weather: snowstorms (salt/hiring snow removal), rainstorms, hurricanes even...
-general natural disasters

These are also just the basics of a city builder. One day we'll have an advanced city builder:

-imagine having to deal with citizens' immigration, religion, ethnic diversity and in-fighting-- something to make the citizens feel alive...

I feel like Sim City should have been here by now, and I know these sort of features are more likely for sequels, so I hope this game is successful enough to warrant the ultimate sim city game.

I'd like weather in a city builder but only for atmosphere and flavor, like what Banished does. I kind of prefer my city builders to be about designing and optimizing, rather than having random things destroy it and making me build it back up with hard earned money. Though those would be cool features as long as they are toggles and didn't force people to have to use them.

I've got Simcity 4 regions that I've been playing for years, I'll take long breaks but go back to it now and then and tweak & optimize things, fix traffic problems, improve railroads, etc. I can make enough challenges myself just by building horrible cities that I think I did an awesome job laying out, LOL!
I haven't been this excited for a game in a long while. It turns out I've been in the mood for a city builder for some time and was waiting for the right game to come along to jump into one (SimCity 2013 just sucked ass and turned me off completely).

I'm keeping my expectations in check of course (new-ish studio, etc.), but with the relatively low barrier of entry I plan on enjoying this even if it doesn't turn out better than SimCity 4 (which is a pretty tall order if you ask me). I look forward to dumping my spring break on this while I await Bloodborne.


Err no, themes only change the terrain and vegetation, no building themes for now. They do not have the manpower to create so many models of buildings. Themes are locked based on the map you choose, but you can change them in the map editor.

Also, you guys should look at the dec diaries in the official forums. They tell you a lot about the game and the various parts of it. They also showed graphs during the lifestream at Paradoxcon. I would link them but I'm on a phone right now.


This looks good.
But don't tell me we have to lay down pipes and electric poles for everything.
It is nice to have the ability to micromanage your city, but sometime, it is too much of a hassle in term of gameplay when you are spending 30% of your time looking at the water/electric layout map instead of building roads and city layouts.


Rodent Whores
This looks good.
But don't tell me we have to lay down pipes and electric poles for everything.
It is nice to have the ability to micromanage your city, but sometime, it is too much of a hassle in term of gameplay when you are spending 30% of your time looking at the water/electric layout map.

If it's anything like SimCity 4, and it sorta seems that way, I hardly spent any significant amount of time managing that stuff.
This looks good.
But don't tell me we have to lay down pipes and electric poles for everything.
It is nice to have the ability to micromanage your city, but sometime, it is too much of a hassle in term of gameplay when you are spending 30% of your time looking at the water/electric layout map instead of building roads and city layouts.

From what i have seen you need to connect elektricity to the road,
then it will spread from building to building. Water you do need to micromanage them by
laying pipes.

Xcell Miguel

Gold Member
From what i have seen you need to connect elektricity to the road,
then it will spread from building to building.

Not really "to the road" like SC2013, it spreads from building to building but if you leave a free space on a road (for future plopables), it may not spread enought and you'll have to add some more poles to electrify farther buildings, it does not spread through roads.

So if you build road connected towns, you'll have to connect them through electric poles too, and some can even have their own electrical power and policies I think.


New pic om nom -
Sunny all the way bros!
Miami/Los Angeles/Havana-city here I come. Although I am also interested in how the European style will look and if it will have older buildings

They said Los Angeles was the tropical setting.
Yeah, no. That looks like cuba, not Los Angeles.
I was going to make something like Valencia, that has nearly the exact same type of climate as Los Angeles and watching the theming, the sunny one is the best for it.
The problem is that theres no palm treess in sunny from what weve seen, I hope you can give more diversity to the plants, or have mods soon to change that.


Yup. Game launches with Tropical, Sunny, and Northern themes, with more to come. European will be a free download, and presumably the modding community will be quick to add in others (also, the devs are following the CK2 DLC model, so expect stuff from them as well). I'm hoping for a Near Future, a Cyberpunk, and something historical :)

I'm gonna need that european download, but for now the sunny will do just fine


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
They said Los Angeles was the tropical setting.
Yeah, no. That looks like cuba, not Los Angeles.
I was going to make something like Valencia, that has nearly the exact same type of climate as Los Angeles and watching the theming, the sunny one is the best for it.
The problem is that theres no palm treess in sunny from what weve seen, I hope you can give more diversity to the plants, or have mods soon to change that.

Gives me more of a GTA: Vice City vibe than LA. Which I'm totally okay with! No idea what theme my first city will be, most likely sunny too though.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Quill's played 28 hours in 3 days? I'm going to be optimistic and say that's a good sign.

Yeah, that makes me both very optimistic and super worried. Very optimistic because it's a good sign he's loving the hell out of it. Super worried because it's also a good sign my weekend of the 13th is going to be spent playing Cities Skylines as much as I humanly can...


Please be good please be good please be good please be good.

This looks like what SimCity should have been.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Man, this game looks amazing... But it'd cost me several hundreds of dollars to get it. So depressing.

That said! I'm curious about the buildings. Sim City 4 allowed player made buildings to add variety in the different styles (great way to avoid 70 of the same fast food sign in a commercial area... Some right next to each other). I think I might give in and get a new computer to play this thing if the game kept track of the types and designs of stores are displayed so they don't keep duplicating.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Please be good please be good please be good please be good.

This looks like what SimCity should have been.

Yeah, it truly does appear to be Simcity 5 proper (not Simcity 2013). The UI appears to be good, feature list seems spot on, city size seems large and roomy enough, it's offline and very mod friendly, terraforming and map creation is in, the only real big question yet is "how is the gameplay"? If that also turns out to be great then I'll be happier than a bodybuilder directing traffic!

I have a feeling we are going to know in the next day or two with the youtouber's opinions and videos. I may play some Simcity 4 tonight just to hold me over.


I never played a 3D city building game and since I am really looking forward to this, I decided to pick up SimCity for 4€.

I gotta say, a lot of the things in SimCity are just very smooth, pretty and sleek. It's got tons of little things I just looked at and went "neat!".
So if this game can make the actual city building, scope and depth much better, then I think we have a winner!


I wonder if we'll get some impressions regarding the 9 tile default limit (25 being the max if modders wrap their brain around the engine).

Not worried either way, I need to build some cities.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
GMG are selling it for just under £17, I just snapped it up.

I see that GMG extended their 20% off deal until March 6th now. I know I've said that I wasn't going to preorder Skylines and wait until after release, but if the videos in the next few days are all rosy and it seems like the gamplay is really nailed, then I'll probably take advantage of the GMG deal and get it for $24 early. That's a great price, I've paid more for meals. I paid $20 for Banished and feel like it was so very worth it (I have over 80 hours played on it!), and Skylines looks like I'll like it even more.

If the game is good enough to allow me to put SC4 away for good, then it will be money very well spent.
This may be my first game in a long time for my Macbook Pro. But how well will it run on it?

My specs for my 2011 model

Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512 MB
I see that GMG extended their 20% off deal until March 6th now. I know I've said that I wasn't going to preorder Skylines and wait until after release, but if the videos in the next few days are all rosy and it seems like the gamplay is really nailed, then I'll probably take advantage of the GMG deal and get it for $24 early. That's a great price, I've paid more for meals. I paid $20 for Banished and feel like it was so very worth it (I have over 80 hours played on it!), and Skylines looks like I'll like it even more.

If the game is good enough to allow me to put SC4 away for good, then it will be money very well spent.

use the VIP section of GMG. It's cheaper then $21

This may be my first game in a long time for my Macbook Pro. But how well will it run on it?

My specs for my 2011 model

Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512 MB

I'd like to know the same, I have the first generation 2012 retina macbook pro. I'm at work right now so I don't have the exact specs, but I think it's:

2.8 i7
16GB memory
The thing that has me most concerned is my Intel HD Graphics 4000. I've always read that the integrated graphics cards perform a lot worse.

Any thoughts?
30 hours in, some complaints but also a LOT of love
Another 30 hours and maybe I will be finally ready to write the review...

So every setting has different buildings? Nice.
I need to try the hard mode too...
More impressions please? What are your complaints at the moment?

I can't say too much, because the embargo and blah blah blah, but maybe I can say something not technical:
The twitter thing is annoying

But there's so much Sim City 4 that almost made me cry. There's also some Sim City 2013 and I like this too.


I can't say too much, because the embargo and blah blah blah, but maybe I can say something not technical:
The twitter thing is annoying

But there's so much Sim City 4
that almost made me cry. There's also some Sim City 2013 and I like this too.

Finally I can uninstall Sim City 4!
I am so glad GMG did their VIP special at the right time for this game.


Rodent Whores
30 hours in, some complaints but also a LOT of love
Another 30 hours and maybe I will be finally ready to write the review...

So every setting has different buildings? Nice.
I need to try the hard mode too...

Nice. Kinda makes me wish I were a reviewer so I could analyze games before they launch. Sometimes I feel that my early impressions aren't as honest with myself because my opinions might be colored by other people's comments about the game after it comes out.
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