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SimCity |OT| It's not the simulation or city that matter, it's <parameter: string>

Stop all export of stuff. In other words, set all your trading depots to use the products locally.

Wait until all the deposits are filled to capacity

Wait until the next day rolls by and at 12:01 am, change all the trading depots to export everything.

I'm selling 30k tvs, whatever alloy I have on all the trading posts and microchips (while the factories are still making) and I started selling everything at 12:00 am.

It's 6:00 am and I already sold 3.7 million.
Cheat... stockpile them.
oh, duh.
...that makes a lot of sense.
I heard SimCity set up a server status page.

It's supposed to look like this:

So I click on the click on the link and am met with this instead:

Haha. That's just too good, really.
Is there any reason as to why my Trade Depots have suddenly stopped selling my materials?

There all filled up with stuff to sell but none of them are selling now, yet they used to.

You figure this out? Happened to me then city needed rolled back and still didn't work. Traffic might be the issue I see the truck bound for global market stuck outside my town.


Axel Hertz
oh, duh.
...that makes a lot of sense.

Turns out I made about 9.408.224 doing it.
  • 8 million out of TVs (30k on stock plus whatever was manufactured on that day)
  • 1 million out of Processors (10k on stock plus whatever was overflowing from the microprocessor store)
  • 435k out of Alloy (40 tons plus whatever was stocked on my recycling facilities and not used by the microchip or TV factories).

I also found out why my schools were not teaching anybody:

Turns out this high school had two buses on the parking garage, and they couldn't figure out how to leave the parking garage, which made all the school buses in the city (from all the middle or high schools) to snake behind them, meaning that no students were being delivered or picked up at the bus stops. They just couldn't make a U-Turn INSIDE the school (there's no traffic going out of the school).

It also made a building burn up behind them, as you can see.

Only want to fix it was destroying the High school. After that, all the buses went their merry separated ways. Good thing I had 9 million banked.


Man, after looking at things like this:


And close-ups of parts of the towns like this:

I wish SimCity also had bigger regions so we could also do nice little towns surrounded by forests and keep working slowly off that...

I really like this game, and I think in a few years if they do it right (...) the game could be amazing, but I don't wanna wait a year to be able to build towns bigger than the district where I live now (and there are 6 districts equally big in the city where I live, and it's not THAT big of a city anyway).
Turns out this high school had two buses on the parking garage, and they couldn't figure out how to leave the parking garage, which made all the school buses in the city (from all the middle or high schools) to snake behind them, meaning that no students were being delivered or picked up at the bus stops. They just couldn't make a U-Turn INSIDE the school (there's no traffic going out of the school).

It also made a building burn up behind them, as you can see.

Only want to fix it was destroying the High school. After that, all the buses went their merry separated ways. Good thing I had 9 million banked.

LOL I love these little fuck ups.


How long does it take for you guys to get tall buildings like that? On my second city and I barely have 2-4 stories.

On my first city I wasn't able to get any but on my second city I got them really fast when I did a specific are aiming for that kind of stuff.. I basically made a big circle with a couple streets crossing it and put a few parks and stuff in the middle, then surrounded it all with residential and some commercial, then started working on layers from there and most of that area is skyscrapers now.
I also found out why my schools were not teaching anybody:

Turns out this high school had two buses on the parking garage, and they couldn't figure out how to leave the parking garage, which made all the school buses in the city (from all the middle or high schools) to snake behind them, meaning that no students were being delivered or picked up at the bus stops. They just couldn't make a U-Turn INSIDE the school (there's no traffic going out of the school).

It also made a building burn up behind them, as you can see.

Only want to fix it was destroying the High school. After that, all the buses went their merry separated ways. Good thing I had 9 million banked.

looks like another simcity DLC to me.
"simcity Roads" where vehicles can make a left turn anywhere.


Axel Hertz
The parking garage on the High School only shows 3 buses, but there's actually 4. There's two buses clipping, on top of each other, where the first bus is. Since they're on the same place, they can't turn. Thus, why that happened.

Which is pretty dumb and funny.


Man, after looking at things like this:


And close-ups of parts of the towns like this:

I wish SimCity also had bigger regions so we could also do nice little towns surrounded by forests and keep working slowly off that...

I really like this game, and I think in a few years if they do it right (...) the game could be amazing, but I don't wanna wait a year to be able to build towns bigger than the district where I live now (and there are 6 districts equally big in the city where I live, and it's not THAT big of a city anyway).

Man those screenshots are so amazing. Makes me want to re-install Sim City 4.


After playing all weekend, I haven't touched SC since. Still enjoying it, but after reading about the various issues in this thread, I'm gonna wait until it gets fixed a bit so I don't have to worry about my city being held back by some dumb bugs. Not to mention that I really hope Maxis expands the city sizes sooner rather than later as part of an expansion pack.

Also, after reading about all the disasters (only had one earthquake so far), it would've been cool to have some kind of regional defense force (EDF!) that everyone pays into that could response to the zombie and dino attacks and would vary based on how much money was put into it. It's pretty lame not to be able to response to the disasters.
lololol fuck this game.
that stupid lizard monster just took out my:
-university with 3 focus studies.
-grade school
-high school
-police station
-2 recycling center
-nuclear power plant which made a big part of my land radioactive.
and not to mention numerous buildings it has destroyed in its path.

eat shit maxis.
im out.


Instead of rolling back my city it seems to have deleted it entirely. Bravo Maxis.
I think this is what happened to my city. Had the roll bock and then was unable to load it. My boyfriend could visit the city but I couldn't play it. I decided to abandon it so he could run the city thinking that could work but when he became mayor he couldn't load the city either.

Tonight he said he was going to go back and test after the patch, but said the city had defaulted to it's original name instead of what I named it 'Sea of Holes'. He said he still couldn't load it. The rename tho makes me believe it is truly gone.


lololol fuck this game.
that stupid lizard monster just took out my:
-university with 3 focus studies.
-grade school
-high school
-police station
-2 recycling center
-nuclear power plant which made a big part of my land radioactive.
and not to mention numerous buildings it has destroyed in its path.

eat shit maxis.
im out.

Haha, at least you had an ingame disaster break your stuff.

I had to settle for a totally artificial server screwup to delete my entire city.


I also have open slots on NA West 3. Only two cities claimed so far, one each to myself and a friend.

Origin ID: Joby21

Hop on NA West 3 if you haven't already and I'll invite asap!


Rodent Whores
Discovery Delta 2 is almost full but we're still missing a few people. Going by neogaf names
Mr. Completely

Any of you guys decide not to get the game? If so I'd like to turn the slots over to other people.

RS4's city is also quite barren, last time I checked.


Saw this bit about overpasses on the IGN wiki and how to create them, however in theory it would prove quite useful, to actually build one though takes time and different elevations in land height.


This game makes me mad. I finally traded enough goods in one day to get a trade center, had to destroy half the roads in my city to do it and this was all so I could build a trade port to ship stuff by sea. I build the center and bam I need to trade even more in a day to actually store any goods in the port!?! Why would they make you work to unlock a building that does absolutely nothing until you unlock more stuff afterwards? I have no idea how I'm gonna trade that much in a day I have no rail and the entrance to my city is a parking lot (which is why I wanted the dock in the first damn place)


Still no cheetah speed? WTF Maxis, I don't like the fact features can be turned off according to their will and they don't give any time scale for its return. Always online is bullshit.


lololol fuck this game.
that stupid lizard monster just took out my:
-university with 3 focus studies.
-grade school
-high school
-police station
-2 recycling center
-nuclear power plant which made a big part of my land radioactive.
and not to mention numerous buildings it has destroyed in its path.

eat shit maxis.
im out.
Lol all he did in my city is eat all the garbage in one of my dumps.
The AI in this game is dumb. All the 'agents' attempt to do is find the quickest empty plot they need to get to. They don't go back to the same house, or the same job. It's dumb.

Seemingly this guy on the EA forums feels the same way, and has written a much better summary of the problem: http://answers.ea.com/t5/Miscellane...ces-and-traffic-are-broken/m-p/737060#U737060

One of the biggest problems people are having with the game is the massive traffic-jams that seem to clog the entire system up. Now, this is responsible for the ineffective coverage of ANY traffic-based services (Fire, Police, Garbage, Medical, Education, Mass-Transit.) There are also a number of smaller complaints that may also be directly related to how Glassbox handles traffic.

"Workers aren't commuting."

"There aren't enough workers, even though I have plenty of population."

"Tourism is broken."

"Emergency services are slow/unresponsive/broken."

The agent system that is used for utilities (power, water, sewage) seems to be identical to the system that handles traffic.

The problem is that, just as power can sometimes take a ridiculously long time to fill the entire map (because the "power agents" just randomly move about with no sense) traffic and workers can do the same thing. Workers leave their homes as "people agents." These agents go to the nearest open job, not caring at all where they worked yesterday. They fill the job, and the next worker goes to the next building and fills that job, and so it goes until all the jobs are "filled." So, when you have all your "worker" sims leaving their houses for work in the morning, they all cluster together like some kind of "tourist pack" until they have all been sucked into "jobs." They don't seem to care if the job is Commercial or Industrial, only that it's a job.

"Scholars" are handled exactly the same way. As are school busses and mass-transit agents. This is why you see the "trains" of busses roaming through your city, and why entire sections of town may never see a school bus, despite having plenty of stops... Once all the busses are full, they return to school and stay there until school is done for the day.

Now, here is where it gets really good... In the evening, when work and school lets out, they all leave and proceed to the absolute closest "open" house. They don't "own" their houses. The "people" you see are actually just mindless agents (much like the utilities agents, as I said earlier) making the whole idea of "being able to follow a 'Sim' through their entire day" utterly POINTLESS!!"

The reason traffic problems cause so many other side-effects, is because EVERYTHING relies on those "people" who are stuck in herds trying to go to whatever closest "slot" they can fill. Casinos go bust because "tourists" are just "shopper agents" from out of town. You MUST put casinos RIGHT next to the entrance to your city if you want them to succeed. Placing street-car stops by the casinos can actually cause more harm than good! Why? Because the "shoppers" will board the streetcar stop (because it's the closest open slot) and be shuttled to a shopping district instead.

Sharing resources and services gets to be a joke, because all the vehicles ("agents") get bound up with the busses at the entrances to cities.

TL;DR: Fixing the way the game handles traffic and "sims" will fix 90% of the problems plaguing players!
Is there an easy way to figure why the value of one building is lower than another? I know there is a land value map, but I find that pretty useless. Many times I'll have one building that's the highest value, and right next to it, the lowest value. It'd be nice to know what's causing that drastic difference in value.


Is there an easy way to figure why the value of one building is lower than another? I know there is a land value map, but I find that pretty useless. Many times I'll have one building that's the highest value, and right next to it, the lowest value. It'd be nice to know what's causing that drastic difference in value.

Was the lowest value property built before the land value went up? Not all the low value houses just vanish when that happens.


Saint Nic
Man, reading all of the lies, problems, and fuck ups makes me SO happy I spent $20 on SimCity 4 Deluxe instead of this. I keep telling myself that I'll bite at some point, but all of the news and information that I am reading makes me realize that I won't. Ever.
Unless they add single-player, increase region size, and allow mods to fix the shit that EA/Maxis did wrong.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Man, reading all of the lies, problems, and fuck ups makes me SO happy I spent $20 on SimCity 4 Deluxe instead of this. I keep telling myself that I'll bite at some point, but all of the news and information that I am reading makes me realize that I won't. Ever.
Unless they add single-player, increase region size, and allow mods to fix the shit that EA/Maxis did wrong.

I also decided to stay with my good old trusted Simcity 4 for now. The new game is just missing too many features for me to consider buying it. But in time they will get the new Simcity all fixed up, upgraded, and fleshed out to the point where it can finally replace Simcity 4 as the best city simulation game. You know, after they release the:

- Subway DLC
- Terraforming DLC (city plots only)
- Mayor House variety pack DLC
- new region maps DLC
- Rush Hour Expansion that fixes the traffic simulation so that it actually works
- dozens of new buildings as DLC
- weather DLC
- EA releases Game of the Year Edition, includes Rush Hour and all DLC up to this point
- Plenty of Parks DLC
- beaches DLC
- more new region maps as DLC
- alternate road textures DLC
- Farming DLC
- Metropolitan Expansion that enables multi-core use for the Glassbox engine and includes larger city sizes
- even more new region maps as DLC
- marinas and boats DLC
- raised monorail DLC
- train yard variety pack DLC
- and yet more new region maps as DLC
- Offline play DLC

* EA releases Gold Super Deluxe Platinum Version of Simcity, including all expansions and DLC

Once that last version is available to buy, then I'll get it, because that's the version I want. And I'm not going to buy now and take it on good faith that EA will someday "maybe" fix the game up, because honestly I just don't have that much trust nor faith in them.

Offline play is a requirement for me though. I want to be able to come back to my cities years down the road and keep playing them, or even make new cities long after EA pulls the server plug. Without that ability, it's just not worth my money.


I also decided to stay with my good old trusted Simcity 4 for now. The new game is just missing too many features for me to consider buying it. But in time they will get the new Simcity all fixed up, upgraded, and fleshed out to the point where it can finally replace Simcity 4 as the best city simulation game. You know, after they release the:

- Subway DLC
- Terraforming DLC (city plots only)
- Mayor House variety pack DLC
- new region maps DLC
- Rush Hour Expansion that fixes the traffic simulation so that it actually works
- dozens of new buildings as DLC
- weather DLC
- EA releases Game of the Year Edition, includes Rush Hour and all DLC up to this point
- Plenty of Parks DLC
- beaches DLC
- more new region maps as DLC
- alternate road textures DLC
- Farming DLC
- Metropolitan Expansion that enables multi-core use for the Glassbox engine and includes larger city sizes
- even more new region maps as DLC
- marinas and boats DLC
- raised monorail DLC
- train yard variety pack DLC
- and yet more new region maps as DLC
- Offline play DLC

* EA releases Gold Super Deluxe Platinum Version of Simcity, including all expansions and DLC

Once that last version is available to buy, then I'll get it, because that's the version I want. And I'm not going to buy now and take it on good faith that EA will someday "maybe" fix the game up, because honestly I just don't have that much trust nor faith in them.

Offline play is a requirement for me though. I want to be able to come back to my cities years down the road and keep playing them, or even make new cities long after EA pulls the server plug. Without that ability, it's just not worth my money.

You'll be golden in 2016 then. EA are gonna drag the dlc out as long as they can.


Junior Member
You'll be golden in 2016 then. EA are gonna drag the dlc out as long as they can.

I actually hope they support the game with expansions as long and as regularly as the Sims 3. Some of those expansions are great. I don't however want to see more crap along the lines of the currently overpriced European building theme packs...


Saint Nic
I also decided to stay with my good old trusted Simcity 4 for now. The new game is just missing too many features for me to consider buying it. But in time they will get the new Simcity all fixed up, upgraded, and fleshed out to the point where it can finally replace Simcity 4 as the best city simulation game. You know, after they release the:


* EA releases Gold Super Deluxe Platinum Version of Simcity, including all expansions and DLC

Once that last version is available to buy, then I'll get it, because that's the version I want. And I'm not going to buy now and take it on good faith that EA will someday "maybe" fix the game up, because honestly I just don't have that much trust nor faith in them.

Offline play is a requirement for me though. I want to be able to come back to my cities years down the road and keep playing them, or even make new cities long after EA pulls the server plug. Without that ability, it's just not worth my money.

The thing that I'm learning through you guys in the SimCity 4 thread is that, through modding, SimCity 4 can become a completely different game. The only thing I think it needs is an easier road tool for doing curved and bendy roads. And it seems as though the community for SimCity 4 is still going strong (as evidence with the recent release of an updated NAM).


The thing that I'm learning through you guys in the SimCity 4 thread is that, through modding, SimCity 4 can become a completely different game. The only thing I think it needs is an easier road tool for doing curved and bendy roads. And it seems as though the community for SimCity 4 is still going strong (as evidence with the recent release of an updated NAM).

You can mod SC4!? *Gonna find the thread...***
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