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Skullgirls DLC Character vote | The Campaign united us, The Voting will destroy us

Edit: In other news:

Black Dahlia, why you look so cool. ;___;

She's basically Megaman (Mega Miss?) with a tommy gun on her arm instead of the arm cannon.
Black Dahlia's design is da bomb. Throw in her potential playstyle and she's quite possibly my favourite of the available choices.
More people should be voting her. Yes, including you, the person reading this right now.


ugh why am i still awake

why did I spend more than 10 minutes on this


More solid than ever.
And it's only Tuesday. All this anxiety can't be good for me.

Black Dahlia's design is da bomb. Throw in her potential playstyle and she's quite possibly my favourite of the available choices.

More people should be voting her. Yes, including you, the person reading this right now.
Man, I'm actually kinda optimistic about Dahlia's chances next shot she has. It's been a slow burn, but I'm noticing a lot more people cottoning to her this late into the game (and the nasty shadow of 'planned DLC character' fading from the limelight) - and if all goes well, MikeZ's gameplay demo should really give her the attention she needs to survive the top sixteen. I'm feeling it. I really am.


Neo Member
BTW Ravidrath, I don't know if you saw it earlier, but Brian (of Labzero) sorta finished the Eliza picture he drew earlier.

I know like some weeks ago you wanted to see a finished version of it :p



Tell me about it.

I'm tempted to see if we can accelerate this round. Just say "Hey, if you haven't voted, DO IT. I can totally call this early if we get some more votes in."
Yes, please. I don't think I'll be able to make it to Sunday just spinning my wheels and thinking about it like this. My poor heart can only take so much! The suspense is killing me!


Sketchbook Picasso
No. Peacock plays nothing like Arthur at all. For one, her movement isn't complete shit. Yet, funnily enough, Arthur has more air options than she does despite having no air dash. Peacock's zoning is a lot more rythmic than Arthur who's trying to decide on which projectile would be best at any one moment. Well, he could just fling shit indiscriminately, but that only works against players with little to no experience with him.

I was meaning more to say "Peacock is our pure zoner, if another SG is too much like her, they'll just be an immitation of her gameplay".

And then Peacock is really not all that reminscient of the TF2 engineer. Closest thing thing is maybe her weak bomb that walks around slowly after using it. Nothing that really acts independent of her. And no mine ore grenade type move to set. I guess you argue her item drops, but the only one you really want to ever be using is the one that tracks.

I'd be all for Roxie having something like a sticky-bomb launcher. I always think of painwheel as a character who kinda forced you into minor moments of being overwhelmed (when the Georges, Item drops, and followups from Garbage day all hit at almost the same time), but I'd imagine, much as you note, that Roxie would have stuff on the screen that just lets her advance, and apply pressure. She wouldn't be rooted by any of it, and her rushdown wouldn't come from "quick attacks and super armor", but moreso from hitting in coordination with her assisting screen-clutter.

You say, "simple zoning," and yet all I see with your version of roxie is, "simple rushdown." I personally think that character who is working with differrent sort of turrets who act independent of her once set up, but then need to be maintained (refill ammo, fix it, maybe upgrade it using meter, etc) while also using various explosives like a basic proxminity mine, a remote mine that has to be manually activated, maybe creative grenades like one produces sticky goop to temporarily immobalize the other character, etc sounds way waaaay more interesting and fun to me than, "my attack beats out your attack. Get fucked."

I'd think a "priority rushdown" ideas is already more complex than "simple rushdown", which normally is just based on speed and sudden mixups. I think we both want her to be a thinking person's character, I just think making her a pure zone'r wouldn't do well for her personaliy, inspirations, or design at all. "She a big strong woman, but she spends most of the fight across the screen, hiding behind gadgets!"

I guess the main thing you can say, is that I'd expect her to lean towards a "power, strong" gameplay style, rather than a "runaway" style.

Different preferences, etc.

I doubt Mike would change her now that he has an idea of her in his head though, so I'm only causing myself grief at this point.

I woldn't be too surprised to see you get a lot of what you'd want, even in the current framework, though. Skullgirls chara's don't really fit 100% into any pure brackets, and a well designed moveset could be very open-ended for different styles of interpetation.

The Oil Barrel / Swinging Enginependulum / Gun Turrent / Priority descriptor he gave for her, made me think of a vision of kicking off a rolling barrel, pressuring with Mid-range rivet-shots to keep them still, letting the rolling barrel stick them in blockstun, as it rolls through them.

The lockdown would give her a chance to go for ambiguous cross ups while they're in stun, or, she could blowing up the barrel to cause explosive chip damage. Maybe even shoot a whole in the barrel after it starts, taking away it's attack properties, but laying a trail of oil on the ground in it's wake, which could then be lit on fire by a spark.

Yet right alongside things like that, she could lay the dynamic minefield of annoyanced, to give her time to build and place her gun.


But I am already voting for her next round. D:
Tell your friends!

As Annie's victory is in sight, I'm doing what I can to prepare the Team Black Dahlia hype-train to leave the station.

The alternative is yet more maddening speculation over who's gonna win the first vote.
Tell me about it.

I'm tempted to see if we can accelerate this round. Just say "Hey, if you haven't voted, DO IT. I can totally call this early if we get some more votes in."

do it, if 70% or more of the voters already voted then what's the fucking point of waiting

oh right, you love it
On one hand, it really really sucks the enthusiasm out of the room if this is the case. That top four is immensely diverse from characterizations to designs, to gameplay/inspirations for gameplay but just because it's "pussy on parade", everyone wants to bitch.

On the other hand, Eliza's best shot is this (since the unlikely Eliza vs. The Guys matchup didn't happen) and everyone's chuckin' votes her way sooooo...
I just hate that such a cool character is riding the salty wave. I feel like she deserves better. Minette, Aeon and Annie definitely are definitely not riding the same wave at all.

Nice GIF btw
Tell me about it.

I'm tempted to see if we can accelerate this round. Just say "Hey, if you haven't voted, DO IT. I can totally call this early if we get some more votes in."
Do it by Thursday on Salty Cupcakes (preferably at 12AM EST pls), but only if Eliza wins. In which case it would have to be a surprise announcement or we'll totally expect it. Annie, Minette and Aeon will bring too much salt for the stream. I'm only half joking on the last sentence. :/


Neo Member
Do it by Thursday on Salty Cupcakes (preferably at 12AM EST pls), but only if Eliza wins. In which case it would have to be a surprise announcement or we'll totally expect it. Annie, Minette and Aeon will bring too much salt for the stream. I'm only half joking on the last sentence. :/

I never even thought of the repercussions like that. All I can imagine is a chat that won't slow down (even in slow mode), and mods handing out bans for the people that enter into abusive territory. We won't be able to ask questions to the VAs, Mike Z, Alex, art crew, salty crew, etc cuz the words will probably be flying too fast.


Since the winner seems to be a lock, I think I'm going to keep the same schedule and try to get some cool announcement art from the artists for the actual reveal, instead.
I never even thought of the repercussions like that. All I can imagine is a chat that won't slow down (even in slow mode), and mods handing out bans for the people that enter into abusive territory. We won't be able to ask questions to the VAs, Mike Z, Alex, art crew, salty crew, etc cuz the words will probably be flying too fast.
We'll get salt, but those guys will get over it. Most people in there are actual fans, not random stream monsters. It was a bit of hyperbole on my part. It'd get real shitty, real fast if it were any other stream, though.


tagged by Blackace
I really want to ask the team what a best case scenario situation is concerning selling shit-loads of copies of SG on Steam.

More possible money from Marvelous-AQL?
So how does this work even if they do sell a ton of copies on Steam? Do the developers get paid or will they be stuck waiting like they are now from Autumn?


Since the winner seems to be a lock, I think I'm going to keep the same schedule and try to get some cool announcement art from the artists for the actual reveal, instead.
Augh, Sunday's stll gonna kill me. Although, awesome art should definitely soften the blow, I think.

For all the other teams, when Annie claims her rightful throne.


Sketchbook Picasso
Since the winner seems to be a lock, I think I'm going to keep the same schedule and try to get some cool announcement art from the artists for the actual reveal, instead.

Finally, more official Minette art! XD

It's so weird seeing this results pop up, while in the middle of watching Toonami, haha. "Real Folk Blues - Part II" and "Really? AEON?!? Didn't expect that!" made an odd conversational mix last Saturday/Sunday Morning...
Since the winner seems to be a lock, I think I'm going to keep the same schedule and try to get some cool announcement art from the artists for the actual reveal, instead.

I love the sound of this. No matter who wins more art from the Skullgirls team is always a good thing. Still keeping my fingers crossed for a Skullgurls artbook one day. If Eliza is the winner though then I'll definitely have to customize one of my aracde sticks with the announcement art <3

You know what, the more I convince myself that Annie's winning the more I will be surprised and happy if anyone else won.

Sorry totally forgot you. I knew I was forgetting one.
Will do it tonight.

Sweet! Thanks a bunch. I've spammed this thread a few times asking for it and was sure no one would attempt it simply cause I've been so annoying about it lol.
So how does this work even if they do sell a ton of copies on Steam? Do the developers get paid or will they be stuck waiting like they are now from Autumn?
They get paid for the PC and releases iirc. Also, the incoming colors will also be a source of income.
If you don't get annie

where is skullgirls going to get its

Cerebella will have to do, but Parasoul and Peacock will not be happy.
It's not related to the voting, but ddaaaammmn


I'm buying and maybe customizing my stick with Annie art if she wins

Hell of a post. I like this quote "If you complain about something -- you just volunteered yourself to fix it"

I'm focusing strictly on Tekken Tag 2 for evo but if the Skullgirls side tourney doesnt intefere with my pools then I'll be sure to enter. I'm part of the "you enjoy Skullgirls just for the lore/art/story" group but between now and Evo I'm sure I can squeeze some time in to get somewhat competitive so I don't make a complete ass out of myself.

Azure J

;_____________________________________; It's probably Eliza

Please be Annie, Please be Annie, Please be Annie

I want it to be Eliza because strategically, it doesn't get better than this for her. I believe Team Annie has the sheer grunt and mindshare necessary to sweep character vote two, but Eliza seems like someone who can't do the repeat show. Mostly because of salty voters/voters who had Eliza on as a secondary probably doubling down on everyone else come next time. Also, I have a feeling #TeamMan is coming back with a vengeance.

That being said, watch this vote be a Gainax ending and I have to pick between the two next round. :(
I want it to be Eliza because strategically, it doesn't get better than this for her. I believe Team Annie has the sheer grunt and mindshare necessary to sweep character vote two, but Eliza seems like someone who can't do the repeat show. Mostly because of salty voters/voters who had Eliza on as a secondary probably doubling down on everyone else come next time. Also, I have a feeling #TeamMan is coming back with a vengeance.

#TeamMan should really be #TeamBeowulf. He's the only one with a real shot, and I think he's gonna take it all the way.
It's not related to the voting, but ddaaaammmn


I'm buying and maybe customizing my stick with Annie art if she wins

It's kinda aggressive, but dude has a point.

My community has 2 problems
-If it's not Marvel/SF/KoF almost nobody gives a shit.
-Everyone's console is a 360 for the most part, so the patch situation was a death blow to whatever community there could've been.

Still, since I'm going to EVO I WILL at the very least support the side tournament there.
SF4 is pretty much the first fighting game I ever played aside of Smash Bros, it's been a long journey for me because I've been playing TONS of fighting games since 2009... I still remember getting a fight stick and training online for days, it was really fun.

Skullgirls really became my favorite one... I don't even know why, I played it for hours and hours non-stop, I even made some online friends because of the game. It was super sad to see everyone leave the game, even I did eventually.

This whole indiegogo thing has been fantastic, seeing a game that I loved so much a year ago come back to life is just magical for me.

now I gotta go back to my usual self, ANNIE PLEASE WIN FUCK, NO ONE PLAYS FIGHTING GAMES IN MEXICO(I need to search for these guys)


Ugh... Panzerfaust and Beowulf are both out... *sadface*

I suppose I hope Minette gets through out of this batch then, or Eliza.


Eliza won? Good shit. Only one from the bottom four that seemed the most (only?) interesting.

I'll be at EVO. Was going to be a judge but I forgot to reply back to Tom. Fuck it, I'll join their tourney. Wanted SG to win over Melee but I might just enter both tournaments.

man... I hate DLCs...


Really relevant to the discussion, buddy. :3


Really late to the part but man, Isaac and Panzerfaust got voted out? There goes the two interesting characters I liked. :(

Also Stanley, cause lasersharks.


I want it to be Eliza because strategically, it doesn't get better than this for her. I believe Team Annie has the sheer grunt and mindshare necessary to sweep character vote two, but Eliza seems like someone who can't do the repeat show. Mostly because of salty voters/voters who had Eliza on as a secondary probably doubling down on everyone else come next time. Also, I have a feeling #TeamMan is coming back with a vengeance.

That being said, watch this vote be a Gainax ending and I have to pick between the two next round. :(
I honestly think that this round is the best shot that Annie will ever have. Hype for her is about as good as it's ever gonna get, fan-artists are pushing out piece after piece about her, and her campaigners are undeniably the most active in trying to get voters interested in her. But, well, the candle (the star, even) that burns twice as bright burns half as long. Annie's momentum can't and won't stay like this forever.

If she doesn't capitalize on it now, her chances of muscling into the top four of round two isn't going to be nearly as good as it was this round. Especially if we consider the accelerated pace of the next round. The artists aren't going to be able to keep churning out pieces for her, the hype-train's gonna lose steam, and the acceleration will leave her supporters poorly positioned to campaign like they've been doing. People will just get... tired. Right now, she's at her peak, and if she loses this window, the only thing that'll be waiting for her is a steep valley.

It gets even more complex when the competition is going to get even stiffer, and a lot of people might be biased against the previous top four (except, maybe Eliza) because of a desire for variety, or maybe because a significant portion will begin voting for a male to 'even things out'. I won't much like it, but Team Annie will start looking pretty anemic fairly quickly if she doesn't take this vote now.

I'm honestly not worried about Eliza's shot in a second round. The excitement for her has largely existed as a slow burn, and I think mind share is really the last thing she needs to worry about. Eliza's always been waiting in the wings. She may have had her fair share of people voting just because they're salty, and she's the only 'acceptable' alternative, but she's always existed as a 'good enough' character from vote's beginning. She hasn't had too much exposure, but she's always been on people's minds. It's a good position to own.


Junior Member
It's not related to the voting, but ddaaaammmn
*cough* I uh... do post here guys, you know that, right? :p

Glad to see you guys liked my post. ^^;

Hell of a post. I like this quote "If you complain about something -- you just volunteered yourself to fix it"
That came about when I was a manager at EB Games. I had staff that would complain about certain things, and I eventually got tired of it and said "You're absolutely right. Now go fix it." They complained about that too, so I said "If you're unwilling to fix it yourself. then don't complain." It kind of stuck.

It's kinda aggressive, but dude has a point.

My community has 2 problems
-If it's not Marvel/SF/KoF almost nobody gives a shit.
-Everyone's console is a 360 for the most part, so the patch situation was a death blow to whatever community there could've been.

Still, since I'm going to EVO I WILL at the very least support the side tournament there.
RAAAARGH! YOU'RE PART OF THE PROB-- *reads the rest*

Oh. *cough* Carry on, then. Good on you for supporting the side tournament!

That post made me fast track coming out for Sloth's Next Level events if he's still doing them. I'm shy IRL though. :p
Kick ass!
She may have had her fair share of people voting just because they're salty, and she's the only 'acceptable' alternative, but she's always existed as a 'good enough' character from vote's beginning. She hasn't had too much exposure, but she's always been on people's minds. It's a good position to own.

all the damn dudebros ;-; we need Annie

*cough* I uh... do post here guys, you know that, right? :p

Glad to see you guys liked my post. ^^;

I'm happy there's people like you that believe in SG, then I raged about those other 4 guys that didn't participate wtf.

Also, I do know you post here


Junior Member


Since the winner seems to be a lock, I think I'm going to keep the same schedule and try to get some cool announcement art from the artists for the actual reveal, instead.

I'm expecting the artwork to consist on a close-up of frowning Umbrella with replaceable portraits of the winning character where her eyes are supposed to be.
So I'm not particularly good at fighting games but I want to pick up Skullgirls when it comes out on Steam.

Who are the rushdown characters? I like that style of play.


I so hope it's Eliza, I think she's the only character of the group that I think would be really interesting to play as and against.

Annie's another rushdown character and as much as I do really enjoy that style, we have enough of those in the game already. And I've gone off her design a bit too.
See you in SG2, Beatrix.
True, although I'm sure Umbrella would get a small sense of satisfaction from it though.
I honestly think that this round is the best shot that Annie will ever have. Hype for her is about as good as it's ever gonna get, fan-artists are pushing out piece after piece about her, and her campaigners are undeniably the most active in trying to get voters interested in her. But, well, the candle (the star, even) that burns twice as bright burns half as long. Annie's momentum can't and won't stay like this forever.

If she doesn't capitalize on it now, her chances of muscling into the top four of round two isn't going to be nearly as good as it was this round. Especially if we consider the accelerated pace of the next round. The artists aren't going to be able to keep churning out pieces for her, the hype-train's gonna lose steam, and the acceleration will leave her supporters poorly positioned to campaign like they've been doing. People will just get... tired. Right now, she's at her peak, and if she loses this window, the only thing that'll be waiting for her is a steep valley.

It gets even more complex when the competition is going to get even stiffer, and a lot of people might be biased against the previous top four (except, maybe Eliza) because of a desire for variety, or maybe because a significant portion will begin voting for a male to 'even things out'. I won't much like it, but Team Annie will start looking pretty anemic fairly quickly if she doesn't take this vote now.

I'm honestly not worried about Eliza's shot in a second round. The excitement for her has largely existed as a slow burn, and I think mind share is really the last thing she needs to worry about. Eliza's always been waiting in the wings. She may have had her fair share of people voting just because they're salty, and she's the only 'acceptable' alternative, but she's always existed as a 'good enough' character from vote's beginning. She hasn't had too much exposure, but she's always been on people's minds. It's a good position to own.
Stop making me sad. I already knew this to be true a while ago, but seeing it in the typed word is the worst.
I keep thinking about what a Steam bump could do for these guys. Cannot wait for the PC version.
Hopefully the game doesn't just hit the PC like a stealth bomber. Mike and co need to talk up the extra PC goodies and the technical portion of the art for sure. I still don't understand the process behind the "sprites" after a year, but it sounded mighty impressive when a few gaffers and Peter had a discussion about it and they sure are amazing to look at.
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