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SM3DW sells 107k in Japan, lowest 3D Mario debut ever

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Junior Member


Oh wow, I remember someone done that for PS3 and PSP. Quite of ownage as it also doing on non-sony system.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
If 2D Mario didn't sell Wii U, people shouldn't have expected much from 3D Mario. I was saying that around E3. The console is a failure, people know that Nintendo consoles come with long droughts between major first party titles and more are turning to the consoles and systems they know third parties will support.


Could use another price cut imo. Pretty sure Nintendo is losing money on each unit sold somehow too.

I plan on picking one up this time next year, hopefully for $150-200.


They can still downport the WiiU version and run it on the 3DS. At least that way they can make some money.


How about digital versions. That's how I got mine, I'm sure a few thousand bought it digitally in Japan. The previous versions of Mario didn't have to contend with digital versions not being counted.
Holy fucking shit Wii U is dead. Scrap Wii U its fucking over. Even in the wildest scenarios no one saw things getting this bad. You will see the exact same thing for Mario Kart and Smash next year. There is no point in dumping hundreds of millions of dollars into this dead system.


Elden Member
Scrap it Nintendo, cut the losses, release a traditional system with specs that out class the ps4 and Xbox One, make it connect easily with the 3DS in some fashion to create an eco system people can invest in. Call it "Nintendo" to basically show it as a reboot of everything and admission of your faults.


This picture really needs editing. When were ZombiU (a launch game thus before the U was is real trouble) and the Virtual Console ever dubbed saviours of the Wii U? You are better off putting down the weather as that was apparently blamed for bad sales.
think people were able to predict the less than stellar sales of the wii u on launch based on pre order numbers, hype, knowledge about the system in the mainstream media and public etc, hence zombie U
mind you I have no idea when the picture was made, so meh

and I'm quite sure the fault for the low numbers is the low instal base but come on, you can't tell me nintendo didn't hope to sell a lot more consoles with it's release


So where does Nintendo go from here?

I would imagine that from here they keep marketing and see how the Christmas holidays shake out before doing anything else.

After that, they will keep making games and attempting to sell the system.


How is it a bad product?

  • A hardware that is anything but futureproof.
  • Created around a controller that nobody asked for and that is expensive to manufacture
  • Sub par online and social experiences
  • Unable to run modern frameworks that most devs will be using.

A console based on an idea nobody feels attracted to, that nobody wants to program to is a bad product.

When nobody wants to play with it, it does not matter wich game(s) you put out for it.


SM3DW looks awesome, but every time I see it I think to myself I wonder what it would look like on a console that's in the ballpark of the PS4/Xbone.

I hope Nintendo releases a console again that I'm interested in buying.
Hopefully this means an end to all of those "haha PS4/XBONE 1st adopters wasted their money; only Nintendo offers real value" articles from media outlets

There, there, everything is fine. You made the right decision. You didn´t waste your money. Don´t listen to those meanies. You bought a fine console and not some kiddie nonsense. No need to be angry anymore.
Iwata will step down soon and won´t visit you in your dreams anymore.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
It was a really terrible week for Japan sales wise.
Everything flopped.

Final Fantasy, One Piece, the Vita TV, 3D Mario all did far worse than expected.


That's personal preference though, not imitable business acumen.
Of course. Like I said, I'd personally be very happy with that move, whether it would work out well or not is anyone's guess. I could definitely see Nintendo's developers getting supremely demoralized akin to what happened with Sega if they did it, but I'd certainly play all of the good legacy ports.


Interesting that its the third best debut on the Wii U but lowest in the series.
The Wii U's sales performance is so abysmal

Guess Japan has a heat wave every week now
Ehh, it's proportional to the platform's sales.

And as long as the platform exists, it will sell. Non-news/sensationalist news.

I'm sure it's not going to sell a million copies in the US either. It's the Wii U. Relax.


  • A hardware that is anything but futureproof.
  • Created around a controller that nobody asked for and that is expensive to manufacture
  • Sub par online and social experiences
  • Unable to run modern frameworks that most devs will be using.

A console based on an idea nobody feels attracted to, that nobody wants to program to is a bad product.

When nobody wants to play with it, it does not matter wich game(s) you put out for it.

Pretty much.


Yeah this isn't pretty...Hopefully it'll fare better elsewhere.

Curious to see how digital sales fared too.


Not in Japan.

GCN before Sunshine: 8.242
GCN Sunshine Launch: 31.750

Wii before Galaxy: 34.766
Wii Galaxy Launch: 40.836

Wii before Galaxy 2: 17.870
Wii Galaxy 2 Launch: 21.304

Wii U before 3D World: 14.006
Wii U 3D World Launch: 20.177

What the hell. Why does Japan hate 3D Mario?


  • A hardware that is anything but futureproof.
  • Created around a controller that nobody asked for and that is expensive to manufacture
  • Sub par online and social experiences
  • Unable to run modern frameworks that most devs will be using.

At least the controller is an actual controller and not a motion control wand.

And nobody has ever bought a Nintendo product for their online social experiences and they especially don't buy Nintendo products for third party games.


It was a really terrible week for Japan sales wise.
Everything flopped.

Final Fantasy, One Piece, the Vita TV, 3D Mario all did far worse than expected.

What bombed for One Piece, a new volume?

Also, this is unsurprising given the userbase of the Wii U. Nintendo's gonna have a weird holiday.


Scrap it Nintendo, cut the losses, release a traditional system with specs that out class the ps4 and Xbox One, make it connect easily with the 3DS in some fashion to create an eco system people can invest in. Call it "Nintendo" to basically show it as a reboot of everything and admission of your faults.

Not only will Nintendo lost a shit ton of money but the people who already bought a Wii U probably wouldn't buy this new system after getting burnt and people will probably do the same to this new system and push Nintendo into price drop after price drop.

They are in a bad place but I doubt a new system will help so soon into the Wii U's life.
I said it in the Media Create thread and I will say it here, holidays do wonders for Mario titles. 3D World will underperform don't get me wrong, but people claimed bombs on Galaxy 1, 2, and NSMB2 and all we're saved through the holidays.


hide your water-based mammals
The game itself is gold. It's the system they fucked up on. Sales will reflect so.


The reactions are the typical political laughs and GIF's. It's normal here. It doesn't change the fact that this is not a good start and paints an even bleaker picture of WiiU.

People laugh and mock Vita day and night. Where are all the reactionary defenses there? Get used to this Nintendo WiiU owners. Sad but true.
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