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So, I was offered a job in Mountain View, CA.....

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I hate brag threads.


One thing to got "Hey guys! Got a great job offer! :D" and another to ask people if you should take a job at Google and get 10K + 2x your current "important peoples (Obama? yeah, Obama ...)" moneyz.

I don't even know what to say ... I don't even know. :l

One thing to got "Hey guys! Got a great job offer! :D" and another to ask people if you should take a job at Google and get 10K + 2x your current "important peoples (Obama? yeah, Obama ...)" moneyz.

I don't even know what to say ... I don't even know. :l

He'll fit right in at the Bay. GL OP.


You are young with lots of opportunities and the fact that is is a hard decision for you makes you awesome.
Thanks man.

speculawyer said:
Oooh good point. Yeah, with a SF to MV shuttle, living in SF might be a great move. I lived in SF for 4+ years . . . fucking great place.
Ok, so I should look for a place in SF proper. What parts?


Junior Member
South Bay is a bit boring in general, but MV has a couple of nice bars and night clubs. I just moved to the Bay Area a few weeks ago and I'm in Cupertino right now, but I'm trying to find a place in SF.

Side Note: Finding a decent apartment in SF is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I swear, it's like war.


This is a brag thread but goddamn, you deserve it. Some people have opportunities afforded to them that others wish for and you're one of those people. Take advantage of all the good things happening in your life now and make a really informed decision. Both Google, and who you're currently working for are very prestigious things, and I couldn't possibly decided between making a ton of money or being able to work closely with someone in power.

Money sounds nice tho.


This is a brag thread but goddamn, you deserve it. Some people have opportunities afforded to them that others wish for and you're one of those people. Take advantage of all the good things happening in your life now and make a really informed decision. Both Google, and who you're currently working for are very prestigious things, and I couldn't possibly decided between making a ton of money or being able to work closely with someone in power.

Money sounds nice tho.

I actually didn't post it with that intention....but yeah, it kinda is. I'm proud of myself. I guess I shouldn't be ashamed of that.

AstroLad said:
but it has wifi and a lot of people who commute on it, especially from sf, basically consider their work day to start on the shuttle.
If that's the case it's an easier pill to swallow.


silicon valley workers are expendable, as are most workers anywhere. if you're stable and happy don't do it.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
What area will you be working in? I imagine search since you're going to MV.

Also congrats!
silicon valley workers are expendable, as are most workers anywhere. if you're stable and happy don't do it.

Google is one of the most highly regarded employers out there....

Grats OP, screw these "bragging thread" posters, I hate it when they come out.

I'd definitely take it and I would talk to Google, they should have plenty of information about places to live, etc.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Nah, like corporate communications. Across the whole company.

Ah I figured if it wasn't GTalk it was something like that.

Anyways, aside from all the perks you mentioned never forget you're working with the best and brightest. Congrats, and tell us when you get your Noogler hat.
silicon valley workers are expendable, as are most workers anywhere. if you're stable and happy don't do it.

this is garbage advice. recruiters will be foaming at the mouth to get their hands on you and google has been recently counteroffering like a madman.

I'm working on getting a shuttle schedule.

Neighborhoods I'd recommend are North Beach, Marina, Russian Hill, areas near Chinatown, the Triangle, etc.

Of course SoMa might be perfect for you . . . lots of new internet companies, close to getting on the freeway for the trip down to Mountain View, etc. When I lived in SF, it was mostly industrial but it has changed. You'd be close to PacBell Park if you wanna see the Giants.

I went to UC Hastings and I'd recommend NOT living around there. The Tenderloin, meh.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Think about which industry you want to be in, I guess. Do you want to be in the tech industry with Google, or whatever industry you're in now ? My hunch is you probably work for the White House or something like that, so think about which field you want to be in.
Dude, I'm so jealous. :/

And that's not because of the job you've been offered (congratulation anyway!). I just would love to live in the bay area - it's such a lovely place.

BTW: I've also been at Google very recently and I'm sure you're gonna like it there. Google still has the vibe of a startup company. I don't know how they do it but Google felt *very* special.


I wouldn't care if the OP was celebratory about his fantastic opportunity. The pussyfooting around is what annoys me.
I can see what you're saying, and I apologies. I clearly didn't think my wording through enough. I really started this thread wanting to know more about the Bay Area. I should have made that more clear.
I wouldn't care if the OP was celebratory about his fantastic opportunity. The pussyfooting around is what annoys me.

Again, this.

I can be happy for someone having success, but this? Not even a stealth brag ... not one bit.

OP, here's what I have to say.

No one would know better than you given how you're beating around the bush here. What are you trying to do with your life? What direction are you trying to go in your career? Will going your current course get you chances and jobs that working at GOOGLE wont? Will they lead to jobs BETTER than a google job? Do you even give a flying fuck about money? Are you trying to get into politics? Got anyone in DC that depends on you like a sick mother?

You gave us pretty much nothing to work with and its X-mas so I'm not gonna play 21 questions to figure out just how much of an improvement this would be for you.
not-so-stealth brag thread.

dude works for the pentagon or some shiit and is wondering if he should relocate to Google HQ for double the salary.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
this is garbage advice. recruiters will be foaming at the mouth to get their hands on you and google has been recently counteroffering like a madman.

Not only that, putting "I WORKED AT GOOGLE MOFOS" on a resume is like putting peanut butter on a mouse trap. Other company recruiters eat that up.
gatdang op you sonuvabitch

also, what will your salary be, exactly?(like the exact amount idk why people are so secretive about it, especially online.)


Alright, alright, I'm going to take the job. That's what everyone tells me to do. I'm happy and shocked and grateful I got offered it. I have been very lucky career-wise so far and I should not take that for granted.

Yes, this is a brag thread. I really meant it more as a "SHIT THIS JUST HAPPENED WHAT SHOULD I DO/I NEED HELP!" thread, but clearly I did a poor job expressing that. I'm sorry to anyone who was annoyed, and I am thankful for everyone that has already tried to help. Please keep the advice about moving out there coming.
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