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So, I was offered a job in Mountain View, CA.....

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If this is not mentioned already, here is what you need to do:

Talk to your boss/manager/Obama/Whoever. Tell them you got this offer. Ask them how they feel and if they are willing to match it.

Most likely they'll pay you something similar. It's best to keep the current Job with similar pay than leaving it for money. It doesn't look good in your resume that you bounced for money. Make sure you go cause of the great opportunity at google and not the double pay, so try matching it. Negotiate; Good luck!

P.S. Remember: Obama's team ain't here for too long, yet google is here to stay. In the end, you know what to do!
....and mentioning he works for Obama.....at age 25....unless your a P/A or something is there some reason Obama would want someone who works in comms at age 25?

Well there must be some reason he sucks at getting his message across :p

But in all seriousness, none of us know what level the OP is at. At 25, I imagine he's recently risen beyond the entry level position. And it's not surprising that communications would employ young talent.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Congrats man! I would take it in a heartbeat.

Just curious what you're going to be doing for them? I'm graduating in May with an accounting degree, and really regret majoring in accounting, but it's too late to change. Wish I could work for Google as an accountant of some sort haha.

Best of luck.
Unfortunately that doesn't sound seem possible, a friend of mine graduated from San Jose State with an accounting degree and shortly after, he found a job with Google. Right now, he's training his replacements as they outsourced the accounting to the Philippines.


Skimmed thread. I think that if the money isn't a huge thing for you, you're young and probably working in a job that matters (a bit boyscout-ish I know). Influencing policy (at any level ) is an honour IMO. So I'd stay where I am... at least for now.

But, how did the Google offer come about? You must've applied? Or head-hunted? And what's your area of operation? I'm not sure how Google are set up but have an old world view of "Google must = coding". Bleugh.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i'd personally keep the job with the WH. you'd make more meaningful career connections in DC, get to experience the 2012 election at a close level and you'd work saner hours.


Hail to the KING baby
i have refashioned this thread into proper humblebrag format

ObamaMatt @ObamaMatt 18m Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
if you think it's hard telling your boss you're leaving, try doing that if our boss is obama
#awkward #thisisgonnabeaweirdconvo

ObamaMatt @ObamaMatt 25m Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
its very humbling being so successful (obama, google), but at age 25!?
#ifeelblessedeveryday #stillfeellikeoneofthelittlepeople

this guy

i have refashioned this thread into proper humblebrag format

ObamaMatt @ObamaMatt 18m Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
if you think it's hard telling your boss you're leaving, try doing that if our boss is obama
#awkward #thisisgonnabeaweirdconvo

ObamaMatt @ObamaMatt 25m Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
its very humbling being so successful (obama, google), but at age 25!?
#ifeelblessedeveryday #stillfeellikeoneofthelittlepeople
hahaha people like this really rub me the wrong way.


Well at least OP seems to be going to a top tier google job. Not all google jobs are prestigious, actually most of them aren't. Googles done a great job at brainwashing people that they are the best place to work ever.

any sources trojita?

also what is your set of 'assets' that allow you great opportunities? and are you sure you dont mean 'skills', not assets?
how's your work life/balance in DC?
Do you think you will have a greater work/life balance at Google? The entire Bay Area is nice, the weather is great, there's lot's of other options out here as far as jobs, entertainment, etc. Depending on your position at Google it can be very demanding. There's a reason why Google has crazy good perks, they want you to live and breathe Google.

If you need recommendations on where to be, I can help as well.


If this is not mentioned already, here is what you need to do:

Talk to your boss/manager/Obama/Whoever. Tell them you got this offer. Ask them how they feel and if they are willing to match it.

Most likely they'll pay you something similar. It's best to keep the current Job with similar pay than leaving it for money. It doesn't look good in your resume that you bounced for money. Make sure you go cause of the great opportunity at google and not the double pay, so try matching it. Negotiate; Good luck!

P.S. Remember: Obama's team ain't here for too long, yet google is here to stay. In the end, you know what to do!

How is asking them to match the offer less likely to make it seem like it's about money? If he wants to appear like he left to take a good opportunity, he should take the job and leave. The only reason he should ask them to match the offer is to use as bargaining chip to keep his current job and get a raise if he really wants to stay.


I interned for the White House last year, hook me up bro.

On a more serious note, what part of DC do you live in? My family moved around a bit when I was you her but I've lived in Montgomery County since 3rd grade and I got really tired of DC. My girlfriend and I recently moved up to Brooklyn because we both needed a change of pace/I have wanted to live in New York for years and the majority of my interviews have been up here rather than home in DC. My sister and her fiancé are pretty firmly settled in DC (Logan Circle) and I have friends who have found things to love about DC but I never could. When I was interning for the White House there were tons of interns from Miami, NYC, Boston, LA etc that thought it was SO COOL to be in DC and I never really understood why, compared to those other cities.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
any sources trojita?

also what is your set of 'assets' that allow you great opportunities? and are you sure you dont mean 'skills', not assets?

From what I've read from current and previous employees, the google employees get different badges based on their "importance". The 1st tier workers get all of those things you usually hear about, food/massages/benefits. The 2nd tier workers used to get some things like the free food courts but Google has been slowly removing them in the past years, leaving a lot of those workers perturbed. The 3rd tier workers get shit, they are the untouchables in Google's caste system.

No, it's not a skill. I was trying to think of another word besides status or asset, but I can't think of how best to describe it.
Well there must be some reason he sucks at getting his message across :p

But in all seriousness, none of us know what level the OP is at. At 25, I imagine he's recently risen beyond the entry level position. And it's not surprising that communications would employ young talent.

Actually if i was on Obama's comms team - id be looking for seasoned people with 5-7 years experience who are well versed in PR, crisis management and brand management.

Pretty hard to have all those things by 25. A 25 year old is going to have what, 2-3 years marketing experience? Thats basically going from Marketing Executive to Assistant Marketing Manager.

Marketing/Comms is not the same as other industries where you can have "child geniuses" in programming or whatever - you really do need the prior experience to get the big jobs.

Im not saying TS is a liar because i dont know him - but for a 25y/o Marketing person to be working for Obama, then getting headhunted as a marketer for google..well it soundsfishy to me.

(9 years Marketing experience here)


From what I've read from current and previous employees, the google employees get different badges based on their "importance". The 1st tier workers get all of those things you usually hear about, food/massages/benefits. The 2nd tier workers used to get some things like the free food courts but Google has been slowly removing them in the past years, leaving a lot of those workers perturbed. The 3rd tier workers get shit, they are the untouchables in Google's caste system.

No, it's not a skill. I was trying to think of another word besides status or asset, but I can't think of how best to describe it.

I have never heard of this tier shit, though I'm sure it exists in some form. For example, the cleaning staff obviously don't get all the same benefits as higher level engineers (actually, i believe the cleaning staff are contractors so they are not actually Google employees, probably along with food staff, etc). Not sure what you're second point is saying. I read it as "they are removing cafes" which I don't believe is true(though I admit I haven't been in Mountain View in a while). I think you're trying to say that "2nd tier workers don't get to eat at these food courts" which is also not true.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I have never heard of this tier shit, though I'm sure it exists in some form. For example, the cleaning staff obviously don't get all the same benefits as higher level engineers (actually, i believe the cleaning staff are contractors so they are not actually Google employees, probably along with food staff, etc). Not sure what you're second point is saying. I read it as "they are removing cafes" which I don't believe is true(though I admit I haven't been in Mountain View in a while). I think you're trying to say that "2nd tier workers don't get to eat at these food courts" which is also not true.

Their is a badging system to denote each employee. I said their was three groups, but I forgot that interns also have their own badge color.

White Badge: Full-time Google Employees
Green Badge: Google Interns
Red Badge: Google Contractors
Yellow Badge: Shit contractors

The yellow badges are some of the people working on the google books project, scanning books back to back. The custodians and kitchen staff are Red Badges usually, and they still get to share in a lot of the privileges Google gives to its employees.

Here read this

Also when I said Cafe, I meant the food courts. What I heard from Google employees (obviously most likely not at Mountain View) they were getting rid of some of the free food Cafes.


Contractors aren't employees. They don't have insurance through Google, which is what is required for most of the perks. There is basically no difference between the green and white badges. I can't comment on yellow badges cause I actually have never seen one.

Non-Mountain View offices are small. I don't know anything about the food courts, but if they really are shrinking I imagine it is because the buildings are not big enough to hold them.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Contractors aren't employees. They don't have insurance through Google, which is what is required for most of the perks. There is no difference between the green and white badges actually.

Like I said the Red Badges get a lot of the perks that google employees get including free food.


Like I said the Red Badges get a lot of the perks that google employees get including free food.

Your original post is about the caste system among Google employees and I'm explaining to you that it doesn't exist, because white and green badgers are the only Google employees and they are identical.

As far as red and yellow badgers, I can't say because I know nothing of yellow badgers besides what you linked. I can comment on the difference between red and green/white.


not-so-stealth brag thread.

dude works for the pentagon or some shiit and is wondering if he should relocate to Google HQ for double the salary.

He works for very, very important people, and he wants you to know that

edit: o i gues he works for obama? well dam never mind then../backs up slowly

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I believe only green/white badges are allowed to bring their pets to work. I think there's other little perks like that but I imagine the biggest perk is job security/insurance benefits.


I believe only green/white badges are allowed to bring their pets to work. I think there's other little perks like that but I imagine the biggest perk is job security/insurance benefits.

I heard that white badges can spit on the carpets, but only green badges are allowed to take extra paper towels from the bathrooms.
I moved from Baltimore to Santa Cruz (about 40 min from MV) seven years ago, so similar move.

The first week here I met an east coast dude who summed up the difference best:

"On the east coast, people say "fuck you" they mean "hello", on the west coast, they say "hello," and mean "fuck you"
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