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So, is Lost worth it?

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Constantly changing the goalpost for the season's MacGuffin.
Just outright slaughtering characters we either just met or who are important to the shows mythology.
Not explaining Widmore or his connection to Ben (i.e. why can't they kill each other), not explaining the pregnancy junk.
Silly - if not completely moronic - motivations for characters with enough knowledge of the bad guy to switch sides.
Ben just going along with Sam Locke (MIB's name was Samuel) even after he was asked to kill Jacob and Sam Locke attacked Richard.
Jacob just going "eh".
Jacob just now appearing to everyone.
The fucking cork.

I did, however, highly enjoy the
Jacob backstory

Take into mind that I have no problem with not every mystery being solved. In fact, I'm happy that some were not. But season six was a culmination of everything bad about the show. It was them trying to go for the optimal ending that everyone would enjoy, and thus it fizzed out.

the problem of the pregnancy was explained earlier, you saw why Ben went along with Flocke (his hatred of Jacob) killing characters we just met, eh, so what?and for the last time


the problem of the pregnancy was explained earlier, you saw why Ben went along with Flocke (his hatred of Jacob) killing characters we just met, eh, so what?and for the last time

I kind of hated how they setup Season 6. They went out of their way to make it clear that the bomb had something to do with the alt universe. They showed the island at the bottom of the ocean, destroyed. They showed the cast getting off the plane because the crash "never happened".

Then in the end they say "HA HA NOPE! Gotcha, the bomb never had anything to do with the alt universe. Thats just something we hinted at in the beginning to throw you off." Such shitty storytelling. And then youre left wondering what the bomb actually did.


Only one way to find out.

Personally, it is my favorite TV experience ever. Part of that is because of the community that it built, it was unlike anything I've ever seen.

this. It won't be the same today without the insane discussion and hype between episodes (unless you watch it with a friend or two for the first time), but it's still worth watching. My favorite TV experience by far.
I kind of hated how they setup Season 6. They went out of their way to make it clear that the bomb had something to do with the alt universe. They showed the island at the bottom of the ocean, destroyed. They showed the cast getting off the plane because the crash "never happened".

Then in the end they say "HA HA NOPE! Gotcha, the bomb never had anything to do with the alt universe. Thats just something we hinted at in the beginning to throw you off." Such shitty storytelling. And then youre left wondering what the bomb actually did.

that's not the set up at all. what the
bomb did was set-up everything you ever saw up to that point, if the losties don't go back and set up the bomb (LOL) then they never get there. they were responsible for their own problems


I think the last few seasons (and especially the very last one) were bad enough to invalidate the first few which were amazing at the time.

all that just for
some garbage bible inspired good vs. evil garbage that's been in about a million other works of fiction? What a joke.
I think the last few seasons (and especially the very last one) were bad enough to invalidate the first few which were amazing at the time.

all that just for
some garbage bible inspired good vs. evil garbage that's been in about a million other works of fiction? What a joke.

it was there from the very first episode. your complain is invalid. and guess what? that type of story will be in a million more.
No. It's a soulless, mawkish soap-opera with terrible dialogue, bad acting and banal characterizations. It's absolutely awful on a mythology/story level and even worse as a character drama. Don't believe the (hilariously delusional) "the characters make it worth it despite the horrible plot!" replies.

Yes. Anyone who says otherwise can fuck themselves doesn't remember how good the show was.
It was never good. The flashbacks were always atrocious and the moments of greatness in the on-island story were few and far between.
No. It's a soulless, mawkish soap-opera with terrible dialogue, bad acting and banal characterizations. It's absolutely awful on a mythology/story level and even worse as a character drama. Don't believe the (hilariously delusional) "the characters make it worth it despite the horrible plot!" replies.

It was never good. The flashbacks were always atrocious and the moments of greatness in the on-island story were few and far between.
Love it.


that's not the set up at all. what the
bomb did was set-up everything you ever saw up to that point, if the losties don't go back and set up the bomb (LOL) then they never get there. they were responsible for their own problems

Yea I get that. They were "the incident" hence the title of that very episode. I just hate how the writers gave us the impression that the bomb actually did have something to do with the alt universe when it just didnt. If they had that same season opener WITHOUT the shot of the island underwater I wouldve been fine with it. Because at least the question of whether or not the bomb worked wouldve been up in the air. But showing the island all blowed up underwater was so specific and pointed. It just became "mystery for mysterys' sake" at that point.

And why the fuck did Juliette say "it worked..."?


I respectfully disagree regarding his motivations, actions, closure and the quality of his character arc.
During the first seasons, the show made a great deal of Jack slowly becoming (unwillingly, at first... even if he became an asshole (an incompetent one, too) on that front later on) the leader of the crash survivors. After that though? Not a word about what had happened to 90% of the group while he was back on mainland. Does he even know? Does he even care? Did he even ask? After all, he didn't seem interested in what had happened to them over the last three years, when he was reunited with Locke in that hospital. Considering how much trouble they'd been through in merely a few months, that's incredibly nonchalant.

His sudden and character-altering off-island depression was never explained. Like said above, shortly before the Ajira flight, Jack pretty much told Locke to go fuck himself and apparently wasn't interested in knowing what had happened to the rest of the group. But then, according to the timeline, he breaks down, takes pills, drinks, etc, until "we have to go baaaaack!" Why? Never said. The only detail that apparently shook Jack in that hospital scene was that Locke claimed he had seen Christian. Guess Jack didn't remember seeing his father there as well, and even discussing that with Locke afterwards. Season 1, man. Can't blame him (or the writers) for forgetting, I guess!

Season 5 tells us he's fine with detonating a hydrogen bomb because of what happened between him and Kate. Okay.
(Of course, that plan also means that he most probably wouldn't get another chance with Kate, considering how she was in shackles for murder one, but hey.)
Why is Kate back, by the way? Oh, right, she suddenly realized that Aaron wasn't her son. So she wants to find Claire (never mind how she also told Locke to go fuck himself shortly before coming back... see, the writers just wanted Locke to be suicidal by the end of the episode, with those scenes, consistency be damned... and yes, we'll still pretend in the end that the entire show was about how all those characters cared so much for each other, why do you ask?).
Funny, then, how Jack doesn't think of telling Kate about how Claire supposedly turned evil. You'd think that might be helpful. You'd think that's one thing he'd care a bit for, if he's (literally) crazy about her. But no, that Claire revelation was just supposed to be an end-of-episode "damn right we're bringing back a character whose actress had been missing in action for a while! how awesome are we?!" moment, nothing more.

And in season 6, after smashing a magic mirror because, Jack now has faith in the plot.
"That Jacob guy I just met yesterday, who put us all in danger for years and didn't bother to explain why until most of us died (and even then...) seems like the kind of guy I can blindly trust! Surely, he wouldn't have brought Desmond back for no reason! He has to be a weapon against the Man in Black, even if it would make no sense at all for Jacob not to tell us about that last night when that exact issue was brought up!"
Turns out he was right. Jack can read the Matrix, plot holes and all.

In the end, Jack, the guy whose character flaw had been said to be that he always had to try and fix things, sacrifices himself to fix the island. And then, after his death, he's still all up in Locke's shit because "gotta fix stuff!" The character has grown so much.

But thankfully, the limbo stuff wasn't all pointless: it showed us that Jack would be a good father. So that solved his own daddy issues. Obviously. And I know I can't get enough of the show telling me how "awesome" Jack is, so that's good, too. Even if said son turns out to be fake and is never mentioned again after that. His work was done.

Oh, and he ends up with (the absolutely fantastic character that is) Kate. That's really important.

the problem of
the pregnancy
was explained earlier
That was actually "explained" after the show ended. And I can't put enough quotation marks, there.

you saw why Ben went along with Flocke (his hatred of Jacob)
'Cause Jacob gave him cancer and pulled the trigger on his daughter, didn't you know? My, that speech made so much sense.
I guess another reason why Ben followed the guy was that Richard apparently never thought of warning him about that evil shapeshifting guy who can look like dead people. Can't blame him: his flashback hadn't been written yet!

killing characters we just met, eh, so what?

for the last time
Why are you even yelling? Pay more attention to the post you just replied to...

that's not the set up at all. what the
bomb did was set-up everything you ever saw up to that point, if the losties don't go back and set up the bomb (LOL) then they never get there. they were responsible for their own problems
Considering there was no alternative anyway (grandfather paradoxes not an option), that's an odd thing to say.
And putting that aside, if someone is responsible for their problems, it clearly is Jacob.

Anyway... In the end, it was a completely unnecessary causality loop.
It could have been a nice opportunity to explain some stuff about DHARMA while they were there, but nope, not even that. All we saw was yet another group acting like a bunch of assholes (characters acting like assholes for no good reason is the main source of drama on the show).

it was there from the very first episode.
"Two stones! One white and one black! It's like they knew all along that there would be a conflict at some point! The planning that went into this show is just astounding!"

and guess what? that type of story will be in a million more.
And a lot better told, too.

I just hate how the writers gave us the impression that the bomb actually did have something to do with the alt universe when it just didnt.
They didn't just do that on the show either:

I don't think that was supposed to be a red herring (it would be quite the shitty one, too: keep that for the show, you hacks! if you need to blatantly lie to your audience in interviews for your twist to work, you're doing something wrong)... I believe they changed their mind at some point while they were writing the last season.

And why the fuck did Juliette say "it worked..."?
Explained away with the Apollo bar. Not convinced that really was the idea back then though...
One thing I never got about LOST:

The Man in Black. When he became mortal in the end, what was the harm in allowing him to leave the island at that point? What possible threat could he have posed on the world in the mortal body of John Locke?
Yea I get that. They were "the incident" hence the title of that very episode. I just hate how the writers gave us the impression that the bomb actually did have something to do with the alt universe when it just didnt. If they had that same season opener WITHOUT the shot of the island underwater I wouldve been fine with it. Because at least the question of whether or not the bomb worked wouldve been up in the air. But showing the island all blowed up underwater was so specific and pointed. It just became "mystery for mysterys' sake" at that point.

And why the fuck did Juliette say "it worked..."?

it worked that they came back to their time.

oh erigu is here. here to grace us with with his opinions on a show that he saw that he tought was Lost.
One thing I never got about LOST:

The Man in Black. When he became mortal in the end, what was the harm in allowing him to leave the island at that point? What possible threat could he have posed on the world in the mortal body of John Locke?

Well he did kill like...all of their friends. After the sub went down there was no leaving the island for the Man in Black.


Lost was great. A lot of people get stuck on the last season and going downhill and all that, but to me you can't erase years of great tv just by having some weak episodes.


Absolutely. There are better and worst shows, but you'll never experience the same Lost provides you.
Best characters, many awesome scenes and a great soundtrack... any tv show fan can never miss out on Lost.


Well he did kill like...all of their friends. After the sub went down there was no leaving the island for the Man in Black.
Eye for an eye, etc. Lost is the bearer of wonderful moral messages.

I loved how Kate was the one to spell it out one episode earlier, too: "we have to kill him". Yeah, clearly. Always listen to Wonderful Human Being Kate when it comes to such issues, you guys: you can't go wrong! Ah, Kate... Here's another example of beautiful character growth...


One thing I never got about LOST:

The Man in Black. When he became mortal in the end, what was the harm in allowing him to leave the island at that point? What possible threat could he have posed on the world in the mortal body of John Locke?
There was no indication that the Man in Black would have destroyed the world or anything. Basically Jacob is a dick and the survivors were lackeys that blindly followed this dick. I can't blame the Man in Black for murdering a few folks when he's been trapped on the island for like a thousand years with no explanation as to why he can't leave. Most normal people would have snapped too.


There was no indication that the Man in Black would have destroyed the world or anything. Basically Jacob is a dick and the survivors were lackeys that blindly followed this dick. I can't blame the Man in Black for murdering a few folks when he's been trapped on the island for like a thousand years with no explanation as to why he can't leave. Most normal people would have snapped too.

He had clearly snapped long before that as just a child

LOST is popcorn television for people that wanted more and then got less.
Spend all day thinking that pretentious drivel up?


it worked that they came back to their time.
Not what they were trying to do at all, dude... But it sure was extremely convenient!
Oh, man, the inequity... When the main cast stands next to a hydrogen bomb, it helps them. When less important characters stand next to dynamite, it only helps the writers who are all out of things for them to do.
For me, totally not worth it.

The pilot is amazing, but the flashbacks are tedious.

That at they have so many dropped mysteries (or ones explained via handwaves) that it kills whatever enjoyment you could have gotten from it.
Erigu, if LOST is such a terrible show with terrible everything why do you like to spend so much time on the internet debating the merits of the show with fans?

Did you at one time enjoy the show or did you hate it from the moment you started watching it? Do you have any favorite episodes? Favorite season? Favorite characters? Is there anything about the show you like? The production values and direction of earlier seasons/episodes? The score? Actor's performances? Set pieces?


Lost is basically the same dilemma as Twin Peaks: The entire 'mystery' of the island is a macguffin, it was a show that was successful because of its characters and THEIR lives. It would have been a better show had it just never given in to the demands of the fans. That said, it's still a fantastic show for over 80% of its run, and it still has amazing characters and episodes. What else can anyone want from a tv show?


Yes. It's especially good watching it in a marathon.

That way, for every complaint you hear, you can say "no, not really, they explained that when..."


Erigu, if LOST is such a terrible show with terrible everything why do you like to spend so much time on the internet debating the merits of the show with fans?
Because it's fun?

Did you at one time enjoy the show or did you hate it from the moment you started watching it?
It was OK until the characters started acting like idiotic assholes most of the time and it became obvious the writers didn't know where they were going and weren't interested in doing something about that. So that would be... back in season 2, I guess. I mean, season 1 was pretty bad on that front already (the magic numbers, for example), but I thought that maybe the first season had been rushed and they needed some time to get their act together. Nope, they were just lazy, contemptuous hacks.

Then, I stayed for the amusing trainwreck.
I can't think of many positive comments to make about the writing past that point. Some reasonably clever and amusing misleading tricks in the first few minutes of a couple of season openers, and... Nope, that's all I've got, right now.


I absolutely loved Lost through the first four seasons, but felt like it went to shit after that and kinda soured my view of the series.

I like to pretend the final two seasons never existed.


No. It's a soulless, mawkish soap-opera with terrible dialogue, bad acting and banal characterizations. It's absolutely awful on a mythology/story level and even worse as a character drama. Don't believe the (hilariously delusional) "the characters make it worth it despite the horrible plot!" replies.

It was never good. The flashbacks were always atrocious and the moments of greatness in the on-island story were few and far between.


I bailed on this POS show as soon as they brought in
fucking time travel


The show has some of the best performances I've ever seen in movie/TV shows. To bad the story in the end got screwed up and the ending was fucking terrible.
Not what they were trying to do at all, dude... But it sure was extremely convenient!
Oh, man, the inequity... When the main cast stands next to a hydrogen bomb, it helps them. When less important characters stand next to dynamite, it only helps the writers who are all out of things for them to do.

Jack was trying to do that. the others while they went along with it, weren't truly convinced where they? and as you see from the beginning of season six, JACK'S plan didn't work but yes it did work out that they got back to where they belong. randomness of life and all that. (a theme within the show)


Only one way to find out.

Personally, it is my favorite TV experience ever. Part of that is because of the community that it built, it was unlike anything I've ever seen.
Exactly. The community was great and the hype unbearable - S2 opener!


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
It's like a scenic ride. Do it for the journey rather than the destination and you won't be disappointed.

I loved it pretty well all the way through.


The problem with LOST is that it conditions you for greatness and hits well-below expectations. If your expectations are dogshit going in you'll have a truck-full of MOMENTS. You'll still take very little away from it but you'll enjoy the ride that way.

It's not a bad ride; just one that's completely full of shit.


Yes, to the first 3 season, even with it's declining quality. You will even get a nice bittersweet ending to the show.
The problem with LOST is that it conditions you for greatness and hits well-below expectations. If your expectations are dogshit going in you'll have a truck-full of MOMENTS. You'll still take very little away from it but you'll enjoy the ride that way.

It's not a bad ride; just one that's completely full of shit.

you're trying too hard.


Jack was trying to do that.
No, he was trying to
change history, not to come back to 2007
Maybe you were watching another show? Wouldn't that be silly!

the others while they went along with it, weren't truly convinced where they?
"We're not entirely sure about that plan of yours, so we'll just shoot a few people for you. And that hydrogen bomb is safe, right?"

randomness of life and all that. (a theme within the show)
Sure. Especially considering
we're talking about how it turned out the characters couldn't change history. Not so random, dat life.
No, he was trying to
change history, not to come back to 2007
Maybe you were watching another show? Wouldn't that be silly!

"We're not entirely sure about that plan of yours, so we'll just shoot a few people for you. And that hydrogen bomb is safe, right?"

Sure. Especially considering
we're talking about how it turned out the characters couldn't change history. Not so random, dat life.

no randomness of life. it was a theme within the show. sorry you're too dense to see it.look don't quote me anymore, I wasn't even talking to you. you're a damn delusional weirdo, this topic isn't even about specific plot points, it's one dude's question whether the show is worth watching. and the answer is a resounding yes. you won't change erigu, you can't. yes, JACK was trying to change time, not the rest of the crew, they went along with it because they didn't know better, Jack's plan didn't work, but they got back to their right time.


no randomness of life. it was a theme within the show. sorry you're too dense to see it.
Guess I can't count on you to explain either, huh?
Or maybe you'd like to answer that one first? 15 months and counting. No rush.

look don't quote me anymore, I wasn't even talking to you.
Forums, how the fuck do they work.

this topic isn't even about specific plot points, it's one dude's question whether the show is worth watching.
Indeed. This might be a good time to point out that you've been discussing plot points without masking the spoilers for a little while, now. Just saying.

yes, JACK was trying to
change time
, yes. That was my position, and I'm glad to see you now agree.

Quick reminder: before that, you were arguing that
they wanted to go back to 2007.
So you were basically saying that Juliet's message from the otherworld was to inform the other characters that they were back in 2007 (could she tell from the stars?), just in case they couldn't figure that out by themselves. Makes sense!
And there would be that:
SAWYER: You blew us right back where we started! Except Juliet's dead. She's dead, you son of a bitch, 'cause you were wrong.
JACK: Sawyer... I'm sorry. I thought we were supposed to... I thought it would work.
Doesn't quite look like their plan panned out, huh?

So yeah: you were wrong, and I see you gracefully admit as much by switching the tables and pretending you were always arguing my point.
Oh, you.


Mediocre? This isn't The Wire.

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