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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II |OT| Let's Go, Friend of Friends!


Not as deep as he thinks
I only beat the first zone...Slyvania or something like that. I enjoyed playing through all the three zones. The boss for that stage though took TOO long. I wasn't a fan. Reading through some of these posts, it seems like the rest of the other bosses are like that too. Ugh.

Regardless, the 'physics' feel so much smoother than Episode 1's, and I really like the level design for the first zone.



It's current score on metacritic is 64/100 tallied from 8 reviews.

I don't want to give away too much of my review for TSSZ News, but basically:

Bosses are too long. Most bosses in the game take a minimum of 3 minutes, and in extreme cases, can take more than 6 minutes. Given that the clock when I beat the Oil Desert Boss was at 4:51 and it gave me a huge time bonus suggests I actually finished it under par.

It's made worse by the fact that it's pretty easy to die in these bosses midway through the battle, meaning you can pretty easily have to redo 5+ minutes of "Wait for the boss to make themselves vulnerable and do your one hit of damage". Worse yet, the game rubs your nose in it - most bosses have "start up" routines that front-load fights with nearly a minute of pointless fluff. Dying near the end of a boss and having to stand around and wait for the boss to do its "hey I'm here" animation really sucks all immediacy out of everything.

Most of the difficult parts of the game force you to use Tails. This has one of two effects, in that it either trivializes what was difficult about it or it makes it even harder because Tails' flight controls are kind of unwieldy. I must've lost 10 or 15 lives to various "fly over this huge bottomless pit as Tails" sections in Oil Desert and Sky Fortress, which, much like the difficulty spikes in Episode 1, were several orders of magnitude harder than anything else in that level.

My exact issues with this game. I feel as if the random spikes in difficulty are worse in this game than Episode 1. The only good thing I can say about the bosses is that they're different, although that's not really saying much because different doesn't = better.
The fights themselves have got to be one of the most non entertaining bosses I've faced in Sonic games, and it's more a time waster. I'd honestly rather prefer rehashed bosses because at least they don't take forever, and are somewhat enjoyable unlike these.
So, based on the first two zones, this game is worse than the enjoyable but flawed Episode 1, and probably the worst 2D Sonic I've played. It doesn't seem to fix anything, and if anything the physics seem more intrusive. The first boss sucked and the second one killed me in one hit by destroying the ground without warning. Next time, I'd be ready for it, obviously, but there probably won't be a next time unless it suddenly turns into S3K. Which it won't.
What o.o
Just occurred to me that little planet plays a big part in this game.

death egg mk II used little planet to make itself? background of white park metal sonic boss fight shows little planet with stuff being built all over it.

You know it's little planet because in episode metal you fly from it back to earth/mobius where sonic 4 is set.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, the bosses in this game ARE pretty damn awful in that they are much too long and elaborate for their own good. There is no reason for each stage to have a 3-5 minute fight.

Fortunately, once you've played through it, you can replay the main stages without ever having to deal with the bosses again.

I've only played through the first area and the first act of the second but I actually kind of like it. It's nowhere near as awful as some people were suggesting at this point. Now, once the tails segments become more prevalent and annoying that could change.

Someone also noted that the special stages were poor, but I see no problem with them. I aced the first four on my first try. The controls feel better to me than those in Sonic 2 and 3D Blast Saturn.


Strange to hear people complain about the difficulty, I barely ever died and when I did I usually felt I could have survived. Reminds me of reviewers who suck at games giving them low scores.


Yeah, the bosses in this game ARE pretty damn awful in that they are much too long and elaborate for their own good. There is no reason for each stage to have a 3-5 minute fight.

Fortunately, once you've played through it, you can replay the main stages without ever having to deal with the bosses again.

I've only played through the first area and the first act of the second but I actually kind of like it. It's nowhere near as awful as some people were suggesting at this point. Now, once the tails segments become more prevalent and annoying that could change.

Someone also noted that the special stages were poor, but I see no problem with them. I aced the first four on my first try. The controls feel better to me than those in Sonic 2 and 3D Blast Saturn.

As soon as I figure out how to get the rings and 10 ringers above the left and the right of the half pipes I'll probably agree. I haven't bothered going back to ones I've done to learn yet. That's today's project.

I played all the way up to
Death Egg Mk II Act II
last night, but didn't go on to the next zone. I figure I'll go back and get all the emeralds before going after the big bad. Couple of thoughts about the game so far though.

- Everyone complaining about the bosses is absolutely right. There's too much crap beforehand to sit through if you die and the fights are overly complicated. I don't think they're necessarily difficult, they're just tedious.

- Some of the stage design is awesome, and some of it is absolute crap. I hated almost all of the Oil Desert area. But the winter area, aside from the water sections (which I hate in almost any Sonic game), was a ton of fun. Even if Act II was super short and kind of played itself, I thought there was way more creativity in the actual design. Shame Dimps didn't apply that method to more areas in the game. I mean, the design is better than it was in Episode I, but it's still too heavy on enemy bridges and other required homing spots.

- The special Sonic/Tails attacks/moves are kind of lame and a pain in the ass to use in areas where you really need them. I'm looking at you,
raising sand rooms in the Oil Desert
. Especially the second time. Also, Tails had a bad habit of dropping me and walking onto a ledge without me. I figured out it was because if I was holding right and he was at foot level with a platform, he'd walk right on past and leave me behind. I have to have Sonic at foot level or jump out if I want to survive. What an awful design decision. Now I know it was "my fault" so I can correct this, but did that need to be there?

Sky Fortress Act II
, heck, Act III as well, were pretty awesome. Definitely the highlights so far.

I feel like I'm enjoying this a lot more than Episode I, perhaps due to lowered expectations or perhaps due to the overall better feel of the game, but I'm not sure I'll bother with an Episode III if they do one. Too much of it starts to feel like work, especially now that I have to go grind for emeralds.
Strange to hear people complain about the difficulty, I barely ever died and when I did I usually felt I could have survived. Reminds me of reviewers who suck at games giving them low scores.

The experience of a poor player is just as legitimate as anyone elses.

I personally don't think the game is too hard, I just feel like the Metal Sonic boss used a really cheap trick in destroying the floor and killing me without warning, and overall the game has too many bottomless pits and crushing hazards.
tip to the special stages, the run button not only speeds you up but your side movement increases like a dash, the faster you run into the side wall the higher sonic runs off it, don't jump to the sides to grab those floating rings, run up the wall instead with a little speed.


tip to the special stages, the run button not only speeds you up but your side movement increases like a dash, the faster you run into the side wall the higher sonic runs off it, don't jump to the sides to grab those floating rings, run up the wall instead with a little speed.

I like you.
So basically what you people are saying is that this game has...
- Horrible forced Tails flying segments that will potentially gobble up your lives
- Drawn out boss battles that aren't fun
- Special stages that still suck (note: I've never really enjoyed any special stage in any sonic)
- Plenty of the worst kind of deaths, the dreaded Crush deaths.
- Most of the flaws from episode 1 still intact including the cat chorus of meowing music

Yeah i'm thinking i'll wait for a sale here, bad bosses in platformers do my nut and forced Tails implementation doesn't help either since I never liked using him. Just got to try and fight off my curiosity in the meantime.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Played up to Sky Fortress Act 1.

So far, the game is definitely an improvement over the godawful Episode 1. It's still not worthy of the Sonic 4 name, but it's a solid 6/10-7/10. Sylvania Castle and Winter Park were pretty good (besides WP act III which sucked, since underwater levels in Sonic games are never good or fun). The first two bosses were decent enough, even though Metal Sonic used that cheap 'smash the floor' trick that the shitty final boss in Epiosde 1 used.

Now, Oil Desert.. Act 1 and 2 were decent enough, but fuck Act 3. Seriously. Those shitty sand trap rooms were just infuriating shit. And the boss sucked shit too, and took far too long to defeat. Sky Fortress Act 1, which I haven't completed yet, was actually very good as long as you were on the Tornado. The on-foot parts are just shit, largely due to the precise platforming required to cross the enemy bridges, and the sloppy controls and shitty lock-on system don't lend themselves well to such precise platforming (the sloppy controls are also an occasional problem when using the Tails/Sonic combo). As for the special stages, they're OK. Much better than the infuriating, shitty special stages in Episode 1.

The music is generally OK. MUCH better than the trash used in Episode 1, so I wish they would've gotten rid of that shitty boss theme too. All in all, it's an OK game, where my biggest gripe is how long it takes to complete each act, and the bosses taking far too long to defeat. Music, level design and graphics have all been improved since Episode 1, so if they listen to fan feedback and keep improving for Episode 3, they might end up with something that is, may God have mercy on my soul, actually good.


So basically what you people are saying is that this game has...
- Horrible forced Tails flying segments that will potentially gobble up your lives
- Drawn out boss battles that aren't fun
- Special stages that still suck (note: I've never really enjoyed any special stage in any sonic)
- Plenty of the worst kind of deaths, the dreaded Crush deaths.
- Most of the flaws from episode 1 still intact including the cat chorus of meowing music

Yeah i'm thinking i'll wait for a sale here, bad bosses in platformers do my nut and forced Tails implementation doesn't help either since I never liked using him. Just got to try and fight off my curiosity in the meantime.

Nice selective reading there. I think a lot of those points are contented, or at least not as dramatically hated as stated.


So basically what you people are saying is that this game has...
- Horrible forced Tails flying segments that will potentially gobble up your lives
- Drawn out boss battles that aren't fun
- Special stages that still suck (note: I've never really enjoyed any special stage in any sonic)
- Plenty of the worst kind of deaths, the dreaded Crush deaths.
- Most of the flaws from episode 1 still intact including the cat chorus of meowing music

Yeah i'm thinking i'll wait for a sale here, bad bosses in platformers do my nut and forced Tails implementation doesn't help either since I never liked using him. Just got to try and fight off my curiosity in the meantime.

I was a big hater of the music in Ep I, but there are some tracks here that are actually pretty good.
Nice selective reading there. I think a lot of those points are contented, or at least not as dramatically hated as stated.
Well can you blame me for being sceptical? I've played through pretty much all the 2D sonic games released in the last few years and this one seems to be striking all the buttons of things I don't like in them, as such i'd rather wait for a price drop. If you have any positive points to counteract then by all means bring them up.

I was a big hater of the music in Ep I, but there are some tracks here that are actually pretty good.
There's actually some tracks from episode 1 I like, just that the samples used for them are really questionable, same deal here?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Strange to hear people complain about the difficulty, I barely ever died and when I did I usually felt I could have survived. Reminds me of reviewers who suck at games giving them low scores.
That’s rather condescending. I’d like to think that most of SonicGAF are good at the games, given that most of the people who purchased it have played most of the games in the series.

I didn't die until the forced Tails Copter Combo bits in Oil Desert. That shit was dumb, and is a legitimate complaint. The ambiguity of the boss fight in
Death Egg mk II against Robotnik/Metal Sonic
is well-founded as well. I just don’t like how when you die at a boss, you have to watch the introduction aaaallll over again. I like looking at animations, but that’s pretty long.

I'd like to think that I'm not garbage at games...

As a side-note, I haven't had my cappuccino yet so I'm feeling very cranky since I've only had, like, 2 hours of sleep, so don’t mind me if I sound irritable.

Stupacabra said:
So, based on the first two zones, this game is worse than the enjoyable but flawed Episode 1, and probably the worst 2D Sonic I've played. It doesn't seem to fix anything, and if anything the physics seem more intrusive. The first boss sucked and the second one killed me in one hit by destroying the ground without warning. Next time, I'd be ready for it, obviously, but there probably won't be a next time unless it suddenly turns into S3K. Which it won't.
Heh. Based on the first two zones, I thought Episode 2 handled better than Episode 1. I still feel that way even if I think this game is mediocre and didn't have a ton of fun with it outside of the first maybe few zones, and Sky Fortress Act 2.

I'll play Episode Metal when I get home and take a nap, and write up something better for Episode II when I finish. I do think it’s mediocre, unremarkable, and rather boring at some points, but it’s much better than Episode 1 control-wise, save for rolling and rolling down slopes.

I hate giving numerical scores, but if I had to, I'd give Episode 2 a 5.5 or something. I grade harshly, btw (ex: FFXIII = 6.5, FFXIII-2 = 6, Sonic Colours = 8.5, Sonic Generations = 8, etc.). 5.5 just means that it's a little below average, as 6 is generally a benchmark for average for me.


I played up to Oil Desert 2 and beat Episode Metal and this isn't all that bad. I don't even dislike the tag team moves you need to do. Its just that there are a few parts, ie. White park 3 and Oil Desert 1, that are annoying tails copter scenes.

+The controls are still not perfect but they are better than Episode 1.

+The special stages are a major step up from the Sonic 1 based stages of Episode 1 as well. These are based on Sonic 2 and the good thing is that its fairly easy to hit retry before the stage ends because its easy to see if you're going to make the minimum requirement or not.

+The music of the demo stage was shit, but especially in Sylvania Castle there are some good tunes. I don't really hate the soundtrack. Its better than Episode 1 as well.

+Episode Metal was a fun bonus. I like Metal Sonic and here you can rush him through a few stages from Episode 1. There seem to be no unlocks, no bonus stages.

-White Park 3 is fucking awful
-The bosses take too long to beat.
-Its still not a perfect game by any means. Sonic CD is much better, and so are the classic 16-bit Sonic games.


The experience of a poor player is just as legitimate as anyone elses.

I personally don't think the game is too hard, I just feel like the Metal Sonic boss used a really cheap trick in destroying the floor and killing me without warning, and overall the game has too many bottomless pits and crushing hazards.

That depends, the game is actually easy, the problem I feel is people not learning how to use the new mechanics. I usually feel sonic haters have legitimate points, especially when it's easy to find glaring issues in gems like sonic 2006, secret rings, unleashed, etc. However as a person who has mastered the old school genesis sonics, gba sonics, and all of the 3d ones (even 2006) I can say with confidence that episode 2 is not really a faithful genesis sonic, but it is a really fun platformer and fits in with sonic of today in the good ways. It's not a perfect game and some flaws like the lengthy boss intros are legitimate. There is a difference between a person complaining because something is different, vs a person complaining because something is outright bad. I personally was never crushed unfairly one time in the entire game, however I will say I died at the same part during the metal sonic fight.

Again, I used the team mechanic a lot to great enjoyment, it's fun and I actually think the general flow of the game was even better than colors, but it had some issues colors didn't. I do not reject concepts because they are new, adding characters like big the cat is what one could call a bad idea, adding the mechanic to be able to fly, roll and swim while using sonic is done pretty well and doesn't break the game like I felt it would. I was actually surprised one of the most fun additions to sonic 4 is something that never occurred in the originals.

So basically what you people are saying is that this game has...
- Horrible forced Tails flying segments that will potentially gobble up your lives
- Drawn out boss battles that aren't fun
- Special stages that still suck (note: I've never really enjoyed any special stage in any sonic)
- Plenty of the worst kind of deaths, the dreaded Crush deaths.
- Most of the flaws from episode 1 still intact including the cat chorus of meowing music

Yeah i'm thinking i'll wait for a sale here, bad bosses in platformers do my nut and forced Tails implementation doesn't help either since I never liked using him. Just got to try and fight off my curiosity in the meantime.

Sounds like selective reading to me, first off the tails flying segments are fine, the controls are in my mind better than they were in the genesis sonics for flying, this is especially true for swimming controls, it's just a matter of you know, actually playing the game right. What is so hard about a flying system that is based around an amount of times you can tap the button before he tires out? I never once found his flying sections hard, and for those who would there is usually a goal post right before one of the maybe 3 'tricky flying sections'. The boss battles are fine but have annoyingly long intros, special stages do not suck and play out better than sonic 2s, but the controls are a bit stiff at first and they get really hard near the end. I didn't die by being crushed one time unless I made a bad mistake, and I fell only a couple times to my death. I actually died very little in this game compared to episode 1. The music is weak yes.

I just feel people are being overly hard on this game for the wrong reasons, I put in 5 hours yesterday and got all the achievements, and while it had things I would change (mostly the music and boss intros) it was actually a really good time, and to me shows sonic series is continuing in a good direction like generations, colors and so forth have been doing.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
There's actually some tracks from episode 1 I like, just that the samples used for them are really questionable, same deal here?
Pretty much. The music generally gets better later on, so it isn't too bad. I think it's more or less better than Episode 1's soundtrack.

Oh wait! Just noticed your issues. I don't think I've gotten crushed in this game. I used to get crushed in the older games, but not really in this one. It doesn't really provide a lot of opportunities for you to get crushed unless you severely mis-time your jumps.
Goldenpp72: Good post. I'm certainly not ready to dismiss the game on one unfinished playthrough; there were plenty of red rings that I spotted, which add a welcome scope and a reason to explore. I always play Sonic games more than once anyway, and they usually grow on me.
Scoreboards are already whack on 360, someone beat the first act in 0 seconds! wow.

Also none of my friends have done the first stage on time attack yet, come on sega1991 :p


Goldenpp72: Good post. I'm certainly not ready to dismiss the game on one unfinished playthrough; there were plenty of red rings that I spotted, which add a welcome scope and a reason to explore. I always play Sonic games more than once anyway, and they usually grow on me.

Going for the red rings will force you to use the team mechanic quite a bit as well, one example of me still using older sonic mentality was in one of the sand levels that had oil slides (similar to ones in older Sonics). I tried forever to climb up it to no avail, but I knew the red ring was the opposite way of the flow of oil, turns out I had to find a piece of solid land, use the team roll and I ripped right through the oil slides flow. It's fun having to figure stuff out using new logic.

One of the achievements is a lot more devious than it sounds as well, which is to beat all the bosses using SS, at first it seemed throw away but because of the long animations and length of fights in general, you actually have to basically beat the bosses as normal and wait to get the last couple hits in as SS, and in one bosses case you actually can't use SS at all until the very last hit, at least I think. Achievements made the game more fun for me aside a couple grind based ones. I spent an hour of my time doing the get all rings in the first special stage and it really helps teach you all that can be done.


There's actually some tracks from episode 1 I like, just that the samples used for them are really questionable, same deal here?

I'd say "really bad" instead of "questionable" in most cases, but yeah. This has probably been posted somewhere already, but if the music sounded more like this and less like this, I'd be more interested in these games. For now, we're stuck with the meow mix/dying duck synths.


Man, that White Park Act 2 just played itself, didn't it? Geez. And whose great idea was it to start Sylvania Castle 3 IN WATER?

The main issue I still have is the homing attack stuff. And it's not just because it's there, it's because of how it's used. The Homing Dash stuff does more harm than good in the game.

If you watch videos of people playing (Including Giant Bomb's Quick Look and many, many others) people just spam the jump button like crazy, and it fucks up the flow when you're near a wall or trying to "just" get over a ledge and miss it by a few pixels.

The giant issue pops up in the response to danger in the game. The response is for the player to panic for a second, which usually means spam buttons in frustrations, which makes things a hundred percent worse off because you'll Jump Dash down the wrong way.

After 100%ing Sonic Generations... I'm kind of missing that X for quick spindash move. Who knew? Also, pressing X to to the team up attack feels weird, I keep wanting to press Y.
Sounds like selective reading to me, first off the tails flying segments are fine, the controls are in my mind better than they were in the genesis sonics for flying, this is especially true for swimming controls, it's just a matter of you know, actually playing the game right. What is so hard about a flying system that is based around an amount of times you can tap the button before he tires out? I never once found his flying sections hard, and for those who would there is usually a goal post right before one of the maybe 3 'tricky flying sections'. The boss battles are fine but have annoyingly long intros, special stages do not suck and play out better than sonic 2s, but the controls are a bit stiff at first and they get really hard near the end. I didn't die by being crushed one time, and I fell only a couple times to my death. I actually died very little in this game compared to episode 1. The music is weak yes.

I just feel people are being overly hard on this game for the wrong reasons, I put in 5 hours yesterday and got all the achievements, and while it had things I would change (mostly the music and boss intros) it was actually a really good time, and to me shows sonic series is continuing in a good direction like generations, colors and so forth have been doing.
Well I appreciate the explanation, I might consider it, still kind of "umming and ahing" around the boss and Tails stuff though, guess I can't truly reach a conclusion without trying it (£10 though, bah!)

Pretty much. The music generally gets better later on, so it isn't too bad. I think it's more or less better than Episode 1's soundtrack.

Oh wait! Just noticed your issues. I don't think I've gotten crushed in this game. I used to get crushed in the older games, but not really in this one. It doesn't really provide a lot of opportunities for you to get crushed unless you severely mis-time your jumps.
Oh good, I just hate when platformers abuse instant death crushing situations, especially as sonic games are really shaky with their hitboxes for them, death by crushed toes for example.


Because Lord Iizuka-sama wants you to play what he wants you to play. :p

Kidding, but Generations 3DS wasn't that bad. Level design could have been a lot better, especially in the Dreamcast stages, but it was pretty decent.

I actually thought Episode 2 was superior to Generations 3ds by a good deal, which is the opposite of what I expected. I really hope they do a third episode but the removal of the to be continued thing leaves me feeling little hope for that. I was hoping they would bring in Knuckles for one final third episodes to kick off the end of the generation.

Edit: For the above, I find Episode 2 has a lot less instant death situations than what has become the norm recently, and the addition of tails being able to fly you out of certain doom at times gives you a sort of fail safe for when you do fall. I think I might have died 4 or 5 times through an endless pit, but that was often times me being reckless in what was my first run through the game. Unfortunately the music is one thing I can't really defend, the soundtrack sounds like it's bored of being there or something, a few of the songs are catchy enough in the immediate minutes of playing it, but not enough to be remembered even a day after it released.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Scoreboards are already whack on 360, someone beat the first act in 0 seconds! wow.
Awesome. Is it that Number1SonicFan or whatever his name is again? The guy who's not ranked on Sonic CD's leaderboards for some reason? :lol

I actually though Episode 2 was superior to Generations 3ds by a good deal, which is the opposite of what I expected. I really hope they do a third episode but the removal of the to be continued thing leaves me feeling little hope for that. I was hoping they would bring in Knuckles for one final third episodes to kick off the end of the generation.
Actually, because I thought Episode 2 was a step in the right direction, I'd like an Episode 3 to see if they finally get everything together with regards to rolling and descent, and introduce Knuckles to the team. It seemed like they'd eventually do an Episode 3 at the time when Tails was announced for Episode 2.

"To be continued" was still in the launch trailer, so who knows? Episode 3's existence might depend on sales.

Um... actually, now that I think about it--and I'll double-check this when I get home and after I sleep--I think Episode 2 feels more like a cohesive game than Generations 3DS.


Awesome. Is it that Number1SonicFan or whatever his name is again? The guy who's not ranked on Sonic CD's leaderboards for some reason? :lol

Actually, because I thought Episode 2 was a step in the right direction, I'd like an Episode 3 to see if they finally get everything together with regards to rolling and descent, and introduce Knuckles to the team. It seemed like they'd eventually do an Episode 3 at the time when Tails was announced for Episode 2.

"To be continued" was still in the launch trailer, so who knows? Episode 3's existence might depend on sales.

Um... actually, now that I think about it--and I'll double-check this when I get home and after I sleep--I think Episode 2 feels more like a cohesive game than Generations 3DS.

My main fear sales wise is that it's not on the Wii (unless I missed something which is possible, I just remember it being announced otherwise). I really hope they port it over to other platforms like Wii U and Vita to try and garner some more sales, same for Generations on the 360/ps3 considering it met with less than amazing sales. They finally start pumping out sonic games in the right direction, and that's when they stop selling tons, but I think a lot of that is due to not being on Nintendo platforms. I personally don't care where they end up as I own every system, but I do care about the future now that he isn't constantly starring in turd games.

As for the 3ds game, i enjoyed it but it was criminally short for a 40 dollar game, and it felt a lot less focused, like 2 unfinished games got mashed together and tried to work as one solid game, it wasn't a bad game but it definitely suffered from being rushed I feel, compared to rush 1/2/3 (colors ds) anyways.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
My main fear sales wise is that it's not on the Wii (unless I missed something which is possible, I just remember it being announced otherwise). I really hope they port it over to other platforms like Wii U and Vita to try and garner some more sales, same for Generations on the 360/ps3 considering it met with less than amazing sales. They finally start pumping out sonic games in the right direction, and that's when they stop selling tons, but I think a lot of that is due to not being on Nintendo platforms. I personally don't care where they end up as I own every system, but I do care about the future now that he isn't constantly starring in turd games.
No, it's not on Wii. I'd say wait until E3 to see if they'll put it on WiiU. I mean, they really should put it on WiiU so that people who bought Episode 1 could lock onto Episode 2, and have both episodes on their console for consistency (if your WiiWare games transfer over to WiiU). Plus, again, Sonic just seems to sell more on those systems.

I personally would've liked it if it were on Vita or 3DS since I play portables more often than consoles since they're more convenient.

I wonder how Sonic sells on iOS, Android, etc?

As for the 3ds game, i enjoyed it but it was criminally short for a 40 dollar game, and it felt a lot less focused, like 2 unfinished games got mashed together and tried to work as one solid game, it wasn't a bad game but it definitely suffered from being rushed I feel, compared to rush 1/2/3 (colors ds) anyways.
Pretty much six months in development. Plus they could barely come up with a demo for E3. More of the meat in Sonic Generations 3DS lies in the missions and online as opposed to the main game. But what I mean by cohesion is that the levels and everything else just feels kind of detached from each other compared to Rush/Rush Adventure/Colours DS, and they're not as cohesive as Episode 2's either--which actually did a good/satisfactory job with cohesion.

It's kind of like how I feel that Generations is not as cohesive as Colours.
uh SS7, collect 450 rings.

get 494.

Game says I failed

wut *edit* ah its 500 I read it wrong.

It's classic dimps layouts to try and be hard too, no way you would ever get the 6th or 7th emerald first time with skill due to blind corners and those annoying collect all 10 rings for a bonus stuff, it's all a memory game and the designer at dimps doesn't seem to understand that. S2 special stages are still unrivaled.


Who the hell does the special stages first time in Sonic 2? There's loads of blind corners there.

Also, agree with goldenpp72. People just need to realise that this is a new paradigm for Sonic. It's a competent game in its own right and, while it might not be the Sonic you remember, it doesn't mean it's bad.
The day I find a sonic special stage I actually enjoy playing will be a joyous one, Blue Sphere was on the right track until the hyper emeralds came in, one wrong turn usually equalling failure, specific path to follow, time consuming to get back to and try again.

That said I was surprised that the 3DS Generations took the Heroes ones and made them actually playable and you could just select them on the level select. Probably the front runner for me, or maybe Sonic 1 Master System bonus stages with the funky music.


That’s rather condescending. I’d like to think that most of SonicGAF are good at the games, given that most of the people who purchased it have played most of the games in the series.

I agree.

I will point out that practically everyone in SonicGAF has beaten Sonic 2006. So, SonicGAF isn't the issue here.

qq more

Unrivalled shite, maybe. Hate 'em.

I would explain why, but nobody agrees and that's fine.

No, I hate them too. Too many blind spots. Blue spheres and the rotating special stage from sonic 1 are far better. Although ironically enough I think sonic 2 has the best concept of the special stages. 3D Blast (saturn) IIRC took that concept and made it really fun.

Also, a lot of these impressions aren't sounding too good. I'm not surprised because from what I've seen a lot of the game has really weak level design. Looks wayyyyyyyy better than Ep 1 though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm an idiot, I just had to see what Episode 2 was like on iOS. I knew I should have ignored yet I still went ahead for some reason. :\

It looks nice and actually offers all of the same visual flourishes as the console versions this time (unlike Episode 1), but man, the framerate sucks. It's 30 fps with skips, drops, and hitches. Running it on an iPhone 4S.

I would have preferred a sacrifice in visual quality for 60 fps any day.

Meh, what a waste. :\
Who the hell does the special stages first time in Sonic 2? There's loads of blind corners there.

Also, agree with goldenpp72. People just need to realise that this is a new paradigm for Sonic. It's a competent game in its own right and, while it might not be the Sonic you remember, it doesn't mean it's bad.

There are subtle differences in the layouts, something about dimps stages are just flat out annoying while in sonic 2 they feel good, the bombs giving sonic a huge slowdown with loads of time to recover in sonic 4 is probably a main gripe while in sonic 2 you lose rings but gain control only moments after, you also move around the pipe a lot nicer and not sluggish.

It's things like that which destroy dimps sonic games.

And why does super sonic have episode 1 physics o________O

qq more

I'm an idiot, I just had to see what Episode 2 was like on iOS. I knew I should have ignored yet I still went ahead for some reason. :\

It looks nice and actually offers all of the same visual flourishes as the console versions this time (unlike Episode 1), but man, the framerate sucks. It's 30 fps with skips, drops, and hitches. Running it on an iPhone 4S.

I would have preferred a sacrifice in visual quality for 60 fps any day.

Meh, what a waste. :\


Joking aside, sounds awful.

Diablohead said:
And why does super sonic have episode 1 physics o________O

LOL What?! Can you stand on steep slopes again? :lol
LOL What?! Can you stand on steep slopes again? :lol

Sonic will come to a complete halt in the air if you let go of a direction for a start.

He has super acceleration and speed so yeah he will walk up walls but so did sonic 2 and 3 super sonic.

You do drop the transformation when you call tails though, so if you have less then 50 rings after flying up to a ledge you can't turn back to super again...


Why the fuck does it have a 2 minute time limit.

And actually if you get far enough in the level it still cuts you short!

Yeah, that annoyed me too. I still haven't managed to beat the level because they kick you out after 2 minutes.

Played the Arkham City demo too, and it kicks you out after 15 minutes (but I was at least able to beat that one).

I really hope demos with time limits isn't becoming a permanent thing. That's almost as bad as limiting the number of plays (Revelations 3DS).
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