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Sons of Anarchy - Season 6 - Tuesdays on FX

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Sutter's tweet is shit post quality. It literally makes no sense. Sutter: Hitfix, more like HitFAT, amirite? lol

Sagal and Sutter are marks for their own product.
The homeless woman is clearly
a manifestation of death. She commonly appears around places associated with death, takes a form of someone the club killed (the mother of the girl who broke their window), and manifests either before or after a major character death.


Is she even real?


They both have a point.

Have you followed their reviews over at hitfix? They are a joke, as is the site. And this isn't coming from a bitter fan, SOA is extremely flawed and borderline silly at times but i don't blame sutter.

These days Sepinwall's "reviews" are 1-2 short paragraphs ending with, "What did you think? Leave a comment below!" He's a good reviewer when he tries, but at some point he decided to spam RSS feeds to get the site more hits instead of writing quality reviews. I even posted about this a few months ago (Cornballer agreed further down).

As for Sons...well, Sepinwall was a huge fan during season 2. He didn't like season 3 (IIRC), and he was up and down on season 4 (he liked most of the middle but not the beginning/end). I think Sutter referred to him as a "cunt-blogger" around that time after previously saying he was a guy who "gets it" when Sepinwall was positively reviewing season 2. The two had some spats, with Sepinwall feeling Sutter was being hypocritical for praising Sepinwall when he wrote positive reviews and attacking him when he wrote negative reviews. Sutter was more frustrated by Sepinwall's approach or way he was criticizing the show, rather than simply by the not-so-positive reviews themselves.

After the beefing Sepinwall didn't want to watch/review the show anymore but also clearly didn't want to lose all the hits from not publishing SoA reviews (since SoA has big viewership), so he passed it on to another guy. Hey, I love the show as much as anyone, and I think people judge it way too harshly sometimes (a poster in here generalized that all fans are "weekend warriors", which seems rather bitter, generalized, and presumptuous). However, Sepinwall and Fienberg have mentioned being "harassed" by Sutter on twitter in multiple podcasts about during the past year or two, which really isn't something he's done to the degree they suggest.

The bitterness felt by Sepinwall/HitFix toward Sutter has been apparent in their reviews. Even when there are valid points to be made, they're so wrapped up in what comes across as a grudge against the show. Berkshire's reviews have been especially disdainful and condescending (he said The Walking Dead was "vastly superior" to Sons in his finale review, one of many potshots they've taken). I'm not at all excusing Sutter or Sagal's comments, but there are plenty of other critics who aren't high on Sons. I don't think those bother Sutter as much because those reviews aren't tinged with the personal agenda Sepinwall and HitFix have against the show.
Sepinwall's walking dead reviews are atrocious too. He spends 40% of it giving some half hearted analysis of events and then 60% of it warning people not to spoil things in comments below.

Even those who are more critical of the show take the time to explain and show that they've put a lot of thought into their feelings for the show. Sepinwall just doesn't do that when he doesn't give a shit.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sutter's tweet is shit post quality. It literally makes no sense. Sutter: Hitfix, more like HitFAT, amirite? lol

Sagal and Sutter are marks for their own product.

That was a slightly more polite comment than the one he made just before.

Sutter has attacked a whole host of critics whether they are or are not associated with Sepinwall.

He went pretty personal against AV Club's Zack Handlen earlier this season.

He's an asshole and a bully. There's no specific grudge at play here. He hates anyone and everyone that dares criticize his show. He's incredibly thin-skinned and insecure.
That was a slightly more polite comment than the one he made just before.

Sutter has attacked a whole host of critics whether they are or are not associated with Sepinwall.

He went pretty personal against AV Club's Zack Handlen earlier this season.

He's an asshole and a bully. There's no specific grudge at play here. He hates anyone and everyone that dares criticize his show. He's incredibly thin-skinned and insecure.

SOA is not even the best show on FX. The honor goes to Justified and it's not even close.


Hey, I love the show as much as anyone, and I think people judge it way too harshly sometimes (a poster in here generalized that all fans are "weekend warriors", which seems rather bitter, generalized, and presumptuous). However, Sepinwall and Fienberg have mentioned being "harassed" by Sutter on twitter in multiple podcasts about during the past year or two, which really isn't something he's done to the degree they suggest.

I said the show appeals to weekend warriors, and not that the fans are weekend warriors. What I can confidently say is Sutter and his wife are a pair weekend warriors trying to take on the world. Sutter thinks that writing motorcycle chase scenes with WWE quality rock music as the soundtrack grants him a license to be badass. But it doesn't. Internet feuding with online critics doesn't either.

You and I have always butted heads on this show. That's fine. I don't take your comments personally, I hope you will do the same.
It's not even in the top five (Justified, Louie, Archer, The Americans, The Bridge).

I can see why people think those other shows are better than SOA but I don't see how anyone thinks The Bridge is better. I was enjoying The Bridge quite a lot until you find out who the murderer was. It made absolutely no sense and it hurt the season as a whole. I even find it hard to be interested in the direction the show is going in because
next season looks like it will still be about him.
That was a slightly more polite comment than the one he made just before.

Sutter has attacked a whole host of critics whether they are or are not associated with Sepinwall.

He went pretty personal against AV Club's Zack Handlen earlier this season.

He's an asshole and a bully. There's no specific grudge at play here. He hates anyone and everyone that dares criticize his show. He's incredibly thin-skinned and insecure.

Yeah I think Sutter is a scumbag. He pretty much goes after anyone with an audience (critics) that make criticisms of his show and appears to not even retort the points they criticize, he just resorts to petty and personal insults about the people.

Some people aren't going to like your work, and they'll voice their opinion about it. Ignore it or face the criticism if you'd like, but don't resort to calling people fat or shitting on their occupation. Guy needs to grow up.
Sutter probably thinks he's crafted some genius work on par with The Shield. All I know is that I don't even know how I can get through next seaosn without them hiring an editor to trim half the shit from this show that is useless. Also Wilfred is better than SoA at this point and will probably have the better last season.
Sutter and Sagal really need to realize that they're not making some high-grade masterpiece shit right here. It's some of the crappiest TV that I like to watch on a regular basis. They need to get over themselves.


I heard Sutter was a dick, but didn't know he was that childish. But I guess it makes sense for someone who seems so insecure with their writing. He keeps storylines/characters around way past their expiry date and pretends it part of some 'master plan' (remember the backlash when Clay didn't die at the end of S4? Sutter claimed there was more to Clay's arc, but it ended up going nowhere) when really it seems he's scared to move the show on (if you watch an episode of S1 and S6, the show's dynamic has barely changed) and his innate nepotism means he must keep Gemma around until the very last episode even if her character is completely pointless and would have been killed off/exiled for a variety of reasons had he been faithful to the world he created, but instead convoluted plots keep her around.

Sons lost all momentum around season 4, and never topped the high note of S3 - the excellent build up to Agent Stahl's execution.



man, fucking Lem (kenny johnson) so underutilized. I wish they didn't off him like that. I loved his shit between him and Tig and it ended up being over a dog lol. one of the most pointless deaths imo, he could have added to the show.


Been out of town on business and finally watched the Finale. Many of the elements which drew me to the show are pretty much a thing of the past. It's pretty much devoid of any moments of levity or humor at this point and it's all just depressing and miserable story arcs. I guess it was inevitable as the club started getting deeper and deeper into the crime world, but this show pretty much isn't for me any more. In the end, Gemma is just as despicable as Clay was. They truly were made for each other, that's for sure. It'll be interesting to see how she gets hers in the end, assuming it ever does happen.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Been out of town on business and finally watched the Finale. Many of the elements which drew me to the show are pretty much a thing of the past. It's pretty much devoid of any moments of levity or humor at this point and it's all just depressing and miserable story arcs. I guess it was inevitable as the club started getting deeper and deeper into the crime world, but this show pretty much isn't for me any more. In the end, Gemma is just as despicable as Clay was. They truly were made for each other, that's for sure. It'll be interesting to see how she gets hers in the end, assuming it ever does happen.

I think I understand where the show is going in its hamfisted sort of way. As brotherly as the bonds of the motor club are, the world of outlaw biker gangs just doesn't leave much room for other relationships. It's not the life for anyone who wants more than what the club can offer and it will poison every other aspect of your life that you try to experience apart from the MC.


Don't really get the response in this thread. Yes, the criticisms are valid, but if you're still watching the show at this point, what exactly did you expect?

Compared to most of the other season finales in this series, this one was less contrived and had more actual consequence to it. There was no secret deal or double-cross being hidden from the audience until the last minute. Sutter even told us several seasons ago that he considers the series to be a soap opera.

Yeah, I was mad at season 3 and season 4, but I figured out what the show was and what it was not. If this episode surprised and dismayed you, well...where have you been for the last 4 years?


OK, so I'm doing a catch up on this season and I just got to the fake miscarriage episode.

Really? A group of adult professional writers actually wrote this piece of garbage? What are they, 15 year old boys?

This show has descended into one of the most absurd and ridiculous shows on TV.

Sutter and the entire writing staff should be banned from ever working again. Truly pathetic.

I'm just watching for the comedy value now. But even that is hardly worth it.


Song from the final scenes of last night's finale:

Noah Gundersen & The Forest Rangers - Day is Gone.
The last couple of scenes as this song was playing definitely gave me "dem feels" man. From when Jax was saying his goodbyes to the club leading up to him finding Tara was damn heartbreaking. I avoided this thread since I pretty much marathoned the whole season the past week and a half. Was nice watching them all back to back on the dvr.

I thought this season was pretty solid actually. I thought Charlie Hunnam really sold the last scene for me. Christ I hope Gemma gets hers in the end. I really can't stand her anymore. I actually felt a little bad for her when they took out Clay but after the season finale I just want her to pay.

And Juice has gone from such a fun character to someone I can't stand anymore. What a turn over the past few seasons his arc has taken.

I really liked this season overall. Will definitely be there for the end.
Just finished the Season 6 finale.

Oh boy, was Jax's opening monologue terrible.

The show really doesn't interest me anymore. The line Jax took with Tara is a line he should've taken with Gemma two or three seasons ago.


I've been marathoning SOA for the past week.

I just got to the finale of season 5.

Jesus Christ. (Speaking of that, are there any Youtube compilations of how many time that expression's been used by SoA characters in response to hearing dramatic news? It's got to be close to 100.)

I know most, if not all the dramatic events of season 6.

The show certainly has its moments of greatness and moments of not-so greatness. For me the high point was the last 25 minutes of the season 3 finale. The entire sequence set to Neil Young's Hey Hey My My. The way it was filmed and portrayed was just... artistic. No other word really fits. I re-watched that sequence 3 times in a row. It's funny, because season 3 on the whole wasn't that great, especially compared to season 4. But that last 25 minutes of the finale made up for all the slogging through Katey Sagal's schtick and the fantastically dumb and pointless trip to Ireland.

I'd say the low points are the over use of dialogue, the over use of character montages set to music, and that there is way too much screen time for Katey Sagal. It's not even fair to her, she's a great actress and I enjoy the character she plays - but too much of a good thing spoils it, and there is just way too much Gemma.

Anyway, besides the incredible end to season 3, there is one other thing I picked up on that I think is kind of brilliant. The downward spiral of Otto. I realized that Otto, as a character, is largely symbolic. He's the personification of SAMCRO. As the club continues the fall deeper down the hole, so does Otto. He loses his will, his appearance, his vision, his sanity, his self respect. He made a decision that condemned him to death row long before he actually died, same as SAMCRO having made the decision that sealed the fate of the club all the way back when they voted to mule drugs for the cartel.

I think it's those occasional flares of brilliance that have kept me hooked on the show in spite of Sutter's general self-indulgence, particularly when it comes to maximizing his wife's time on camera.

About the whole Hamlet thing... it's interesting. You can see at times where Sutter fully embraces it and other times he's just hiding behind it as an excuse for shitty writing. Honestly, besides the obvious I see a lot more of Macbeth in SoA than I do Hamlet.




Please don't be mobile.

Didn't he express hate towards the mobile market not that long ago? Unlike most TV related games i have some faith since Sutter is a legit gamer. The dude loves his PC games and has quite an impressive boxed collection.

I just don't want a fucking mobile game.

"Only $2.99 for 10 extra utterances of 'Jesus Christ!' for your character."

"You must wait 12 hours or pay $1.99 to bypass this montage."
- Warming Glow compiled a few rumors and Sutter comments that have been floating around this week

The long and the short of if: (very minor spoilers)
- He's been flirting with Aaron Paul on twitter about taking a role for S7
- CCH Pounder will be back and Kim Dickens will most likely have a reduced role since she just landed a CBS gig
- The focus business-wise for S7 is Cara Car and the adult film business

That's about it for now, but there should be casting news starting to trickle in during the next couple months.


So, it's been quiet on the SoA front.

Any idea when they start shooting again?

They're probably getting ready to shoot or have already started. I think the last Sutter youtube video mentioned being in the process of writing scripts for episodes 4 and 5.
- TVbtN: 'Sons of Anarchy' Casts Marilyn Manson in Recurring Role
Marilyn Manson has been cast in FX’s hit show Sons Of Anarchy as “Ron Tully,”
a white supremacist prison shot-caller who Jax uses to expand his power base.

Marilyn Manson is known, by most, for selling millions of records, being a successful writer, painter, performer and provocateur. He has also made many cameos in films and television.

With the creation of a new album and while launching a world tour, he grabbed the attention of SOA creator, Kurt Sutter.

"Sons has been such a big part of my life, as well as my father's,” said Manson. “So I was determined to make him proud by being involved in what will probably be remembered as the most amazing piece of television cinema. After all, the very heart of SOA is about that relationship. So, now all I need is a motorcycle."
- EW: 'Sons of Anarchy' casts Annabeth Gish
It’s a big day for Sons of Anarchy casting news: After the announcement that Marilyn Manson will be recurring in the final season, FX confirms that The Bridge‘s Annabeth Gish will play
new sheriff Althea Jarry. The veteran of Stockton’s Organized Crime Unit will be tasked with solving the murders of Sheriff Eli Roosevelt and Tara Knowles. TVLine was the first to report the casting.

Like the sheriffs who’ve come before her, Jarry will learn she has to work with SAMCRO to keep bullets from flying — but she’ll be no pushover. (Here’s hoping she fares better than Agent Stahl.)

Gish, who’ll remain on The Bridge, won’t appear in the season 7 premiere, which features the debut of Manson as Ron Tully.
September can't come soon enough. I was lucky and didn't get into this till just this year so I binge watched the first six seasons. What a ride


So I didn't get to see the last season when it aired because Fx canada didn't show it for some reason. Ended up watching the last half of the season while getting drunk at a buddies house. So I think I remember the major points, I was drunk by the end of the night, but I can't quite remember what happens to clay after Jax kills the Irish guys? How has clays story ended at the end of last season?
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