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Sony needs to release a new ps4 controller

I get about 10-12 hours per charge. I also bought a Power A charger and it is pretty awesome. I drop the controller in and less than a hour it is fully charged and ready to go.

It is only 16.99 at Amazon.


this is the same i have, bought one for my cousin and younger brother as well. best invention ever


It's really not that bad, I've never really had problems with mine except the analog sticks.

Maybe you should play in 3hour increments.


Eh, a DS4 gets me through a solid night of gaming. As long as you have a charging dock, you won't run into issues unless you're routinely playing for more than five or six hours at a time without stopping.


I've not needed two wireless controllers on competing hardware (unless we're doing multiplayer) since at least 2005. A pack of high quality rechargeables and a $10-$15 charger allows you to make a 15 second switch. I'd prefer that OPTION on every controller.

I require both PC and Console controllers be wireless in my setup. I sit 12-15' from my TV and have kids. I'm not grabbing an extension cord and roping it across the room just to play a game for the afternoon....and no one should HAVE to. You should never have to buy 2 controllers to play for extended periods.

I've not worried about tethering a "wireless" controller in 9 years.

well first of all, it depends on your session lengths... I can only play on weekends mainly so my controller always dies on a saturday and always has....
secondly who doesnt WANT two controllers? you never have any friends drop by for gaming?

AA batteries? terrible solution... you want to buy a 12 dollar pack of rechargeables every 3-6 months for 5 years of console?........and that's conservative... I went through at least 20 batteries in the four years I had a 360.
or you could just buy another controller wtf


Sing it on top of the mountain. My parents got pissed at the six AA batteries it was eating every other day. They bought me this massive bastard and it didn't fare much better.


We are spoiled.

You're lucky you had that. I'm pretty sure I lost the battery covers (Yes, there were two of them!) and played my Game Gear nearly exclusively plugged into the DC Outlet cable.

Not sure if G-Loc, Sonic Spinball, and Shinobi were worth it.


Does Sony charge you for repairing the rubber/buttons sticking if you send it in?

Also, the Xbox One controller absolutely destroys batteries with the chat adapter plugged in, I went through 6 in 2-3 days before realizing what was happening.
3 hour charge?!?! Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with your controller OP. On a half charge, it should last up to 8 hours. The least is 6. On a full charge it should be at least 15 hours.

^ This is my results with controller shut off every 10 minutes.

It sounds like you either have a bad controller or you are not charging it all the way.

The Beard

The battery life is terrible. Mine lasts about 6 hours. The speaker is a goddamn joke. I always play with headphones on, what's the point of the speaker ? The light is also a useless solution to a non-problem. The touchpad ? Really ?

IMO they should drop the speaker, the touchpad, and the light and improve the battery so that it at least matches what the DS3 could do.


It's annoying compared to my XB1 because for that controller I get about 30 hours and can change my eneloops in 1 minute
Compare that to the WiiU Pro controller which is even higher. I dont think ive recharged mine in the months ive had a WiiU and ive played a lot of MarioKart.


Own two, charge one. Apart from battery life, the DS4 is the best controller I've eve used.

Same. Every other day when I'm done playing I swap the controller for the one that's plugged in, but that cradle looks like a good solution. Certainly tidier.

I do chuckle at this thread. Buying an extra controller is no solution at all, but buying a newer version of the controller is ok?

I get between 7 and 10 hours on a charge I'd say. GTA definitely burns through the battery more than other games, all that audio through the controller and flashing lights maybe. Three hours on a charge seems really off to me.
I'm surprised they haven't announced a small revision and just put a better battery inside of them going forward.

I own two and always charge one while using the other.


Clearly something is wrong with OPs battery.

That being said, dock + 2 controllers is the only way to go. Anything else is just...wrong.


AA batteries? terrible solution... you want to buy a 12 dollar pack of rechargeables every 3-6 months for 5 years of console?........and that's conservative... I went through at least 20 batteries in the four years I had a 360.
or you could just buy another controller wtf

Wait what? What are you doing to your rechargeables that you have to replace them every 3-6 months?

I've had the same eneloops for almost 5 years, and some other rayovac lsd nimh batteries for even longer than that. I've only had to throw away 2 batteries in that time because they wouldn't charge (cells were reading 0V on the multimeter).


well first of all, it depends on your session lengths... I can only play on weekends mainly so my controller always dies on a saturday and always has....
secondly who doesnt WANT two controllers? you never have any friends drop by for gaming?

AA batteries? terrible solution... you want to buy a 12 dollar pack of rechargeables every 3-6 months for 5 years of console?........and that's conservative... I went through at least 20 batteries in the four years I had a 360.
or you could just buy another controller wtf
Why would you be buying more rechargeables every 6 months? I bought a set of Eneloops for my 360 controllers 6+ years ago that I am still using. Considering the number of items I have that require AA/AAA batteries (kids toys all use them), I have charged Eneloops available at all times.


"I refuse to solve this problem by purchasing a second controller! Sony should invent a new controller so that I might purchase it!"


Neo Member
I charge mine overnight and then I can easily play battlefield for a full session without it getting close to running out, which at times would be well over 3 hours.


Sounds like an exaggeration or a defective controller. Ive been playing DA:I for roughly about 10 hours a day and still have a single cell left when I quit. Ive never had to charge my controllers more than once a day. Which is still kinda shitty but not 3 hours bad.


If we keep substracting battery life on these threads in a few months the controller won't even turn on.
I think they should announce a revision of the controller with better battery, but sneak in updates like a sightly better build quality.

I'm trying to remember how they reintroduced the DS3 after the sixaxis failed. Maybe it could be like how some companies release a '2014' model of an existing device? Just suddenly stop releasing the old ones?


The battery life is terrible. Mine lasts about 6 hours. The speaker is a goddamn joke. I always play with headphones on, what's the point of the speaker ? The light is also a useless solution to a non-problem. The touchpad ? Really ?

IMO they should drop the speaker, the touchpad, and the light and improve the battery so that it at least matches what the DS3 could do.
Yeah no. The speaker is great and the touchpad also. Light bar you should be able to turn off but I do use it on occasion so no thanks.

Besides let's not be so first world whining here. Properly charged the thing lasts at least five to six hours if not more and that's more than enough for any sensible play session: if you're playing longer than that continuous it's time for a shower and to go outside!

OP has to have defective unit if it only lasts 3 hours.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It blows my mind how quickly the battery runs out, especially compared to the Wii U Pro controller. It can't just be the blue light that's doing it right?
That thing lasts forever only charges mine twice and it's still going.

The WiiU gamepad though? Worse than DS4 thanks to the screen.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Gotta have two and swap em out. It's a necessity.

This is what I do.

Again, why people bag batteries I'll never know. Pretty sure batteries are cheaper and easier than having to buy a second controller whose battery life is as bad as the first. The anti battery crowd have a strange thought process.
"Oh, it's fine, you just have to buy 2 and swap out occasionally."

Really? Really? People are actually defending this?

The DS4 is otherwise one of my favorite controllers ever, but there's no excuse for its battery life.

I just want to know what magic Nintendo used on their Wii U Pro controller that Sony didn't know about. A speaker, a light bar, and a touchpad does not account for the 70+ hour difference between the two.
"I refuse to solve this problem by purchasing a second controller! Sony should invent a new controller so that I might purchase it!"

Yay, take my money sony. you can just release any piece of shit and ill buy it because sony does no wrong.

I'll buy a second one when they fix the battery. I already own one shitty controller, why would i want to own two?
The battery life sucks compared to the PS3 controller (I swear I would get 20-30 hours out of that thing) but it's nowhere near 3 hours. I can get most of a day (6-8 hours) out of my DS4, it's not that big of a deal. It also charges up quite quickly too.


The input lag and precision on the analog sticks is better than any other controller I've used. My guess is that it has an insanely high polling rate, like high end PC mice do. That would explain the short battery life.


I still don't understand why we can't turn off the light bar.
Because reasons, what are those reasons you ask? Uhmmmm.... something, something, Morpheus, something, something.

But seriously, Sony needs to give us the option to disable the built-in flashlight without us resorting to a screw driver or ducttape.
Because reasons, what are those reasons you ask? Uhmmmm.... something, something, Morpheus, something, something.

But seriously, Sony needs to give us the option to disable the built-in flashlight without us resorting to a screw driver or ducttape.

isn't the light the only indicator that controller is on/charging/etc though? dimming is fine, maybe a slider or something. not sure why they skimped on the battery though. not a good idea, especially after how great the DS3 battery-life was
battery life is bad but the real problem is the build quality.

less than 6 months of destiny and my left thumbstick has already kicked the bucket. there's no way i'm spending 60 bucks for another controller.

gamecube controllers would be thrown at walls during my Smash LAN parties and they still work 10 years later.


turn off the damn light if that's doing it Sony

sigh...not this again :/

It is just a led light, it requires pretty much NO POWER at all.

The input lag and precision on the analog sticks is better than any other controller I've used. My guess is that it has an insanely high polling rate, like high end PC mice do. That would explain the short battery life.

Yeah, this is a legitimate reason.
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