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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens - It's True. All of it.

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- The new super-weapon was super-dumb. It was like they were trying to one-up the Death Star, but in the dumbest way possible. In a galaxy that has determined that faster than light travel is needed to go anywhere, somehow this thing is able to shoot every beams across vast distances in a matter of seconds or minutes. How? And why could Han and the gang see those other planets being destroyed from a completely different system? It reminded me of how Kirk could see Vulcan being destroyed in Abram's Star Trek movie, even though he was on another planet in a another system. I hated it then, I hate it now. So stupid.

I like to think Star Killer Base is a poor man's Death Star...

I mean you dig big hole and harness the power of a sun with some big capacitors... And you're done. No infrastructure for propulsion or a reactor to generate a planet killing laser...

Granted, you only get what, 2 shots and it's spent? So the Death Star has more utility in that regard... It can move and fire infinitely assuming some kids and their pew pew space ships don't blow it up first.

How hot are you?

I mean I'm not going to lie... I'm no slouch in the looks department... :D


Was getting caught part of your plan?
It's Space Swashbuckling 101. It's A New Hope right there. It's the most Star Wars thing they could make, bad points included.

I think that, although there are plenty of complaints that have validity regarding this film, a good chunk of our problems only stem from how we've been stuck we haven't had a Star Wars in a long ass time and more importantly, this one is treading on unfamiliar territory. Thus, myself included, we tend to have a knee-jerk reaction to something that doesn't "feel" like SW because we've gotten too used to a certain thing for too long.

Inside Llewyn Davis is a also a good choice. Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver are both in the film.


The only dog fight that was interesting was the early scene with the Tie Fighter. The entrance of the Rebellion's X-Wing's was cool, but I can't recall anything exciting done with the fighters. The final act was particularly weak and predictable.

I'm surprised. Maybe dog-fights are difficult to do? The Falcon's combat early on was also a let down.
Kylo Ren taking off his mask created exactly the moment the creators were hoping for. Everyone was waiting in suspense to see the super scary or striking bad guy, and instead we get someone who looks frail and unsure. He's essentially a scared kid hiding behind a mask of power and intimidation. The way they subverted the expectations of the audience was great.
The only dog fight that was interesting was the early scene with the Tie Fighter. The entrance of the Rebellion's X-Wing's was cool, but I can't recall anything exciting done with the fighters. The final act was particularly weak and predictable.

I'm surprised. Maybe dog-fights are difficult to do? The Falcon's combat early on was also a let down.
Poe wreaking havok above Maz Kanata's castle was, IMO, the best scene involving an X-wing in any Star Wars movie yet.
I'm surprised. Maybe dog-fights are difficult to do? The Falcon's combat early on was also a let down.

I think there's a bit of insight on this in the Art Of book, where one of the concept artists described the end of Return of the Jedi as something like "A confusing mess"

So when the people in charge of conceptualizing the look of your film don't even like the single best dogfight put to film, you're probably not gonna end up with a great dogfight

Poe wreaking havok above Maz Kanata's castle was, IMO, the best scene involving an X-wing in any Star Wars movie yet.

Yeah, that tracking oner while Finn every now and again does something cool in the lower half of the screen was really slick.


Of the new content that has been deemed as canon in the expanded universe, what's essential reading? I was a bit lost at the start of the movie yesterday on how the Rebels/New Order had got to their places.

Are the books decent?


The plot echoes of ANH didn't bother me. Even Starkiller being a third Death Star, or addressed as such, didn't bother me because the characters were self-aware enough of it. The only times I thought the fanservice was too much were some of the more throwaway moments: the trash compactor line, Leia's "Don't say the Death Star," and the holographic chess game on the Falcon. That's probably all, off the top of my head, but those were the only ones where it felt too much like the movie was hammering "remember the original Star Wars?!"


A lot of the people tearing apart the story would be surprised if they examined A New Hope with the same level of criticism.
No. Because A New Hope was not a literal clone of another movie for much of its runtime.

Echoes are fine, but this movie turned into a literal copy/paste halfway through.


Kylo Ren taking off his mask created exactly the moment the creators were hoping for. Everyone was waiting in suspense to see the super scary or striking bad guy, and instead we get someone who looks frail and unsure. He's essentially a scared kid hiding behind a mask of power and intimidation. The way they subverted the expectations of the audience was great.

Only if you somehow missed the hundreds of sites hosting the images of Adam in the helmetless Kylo suit that had been around months prior to release.



Pre Extended edition:
"Who's 'Jabba the Hutt' ?"
"Why doesn't the death star just blow up Yavin instead of circling around?"
"Who's the emperor?"
"Why is Luke so bummed out that Han doesn't join the rebellion? He hardly even knows the guy, and they don't seem to be compatible on a personal level AT ALL. Han doesn't care about right or wrong. Also he'd be competing with him for Leia. That relationship seems super rushed"
"If we were meant to care about Alderaan, why haven't they shown us at least how it / its people look like?"
"What are the 'clone wars'"
"Who's Tank"

People should just listen to the Plinkett commentary.

Mr. Plinkett Star Wars A New Hope commentary track


I'm curious how the public will, over years, respond to certain lines or scenes. Every line and scene in ANH is practically immortalized on shirts or as memes.

I think Poe and Finn are going to get a lot of mileage in this series in that regard.
Of the new content that has been deemed as canon in the expanded universe, what's essential reading?

None of it, really.

Lost Stars is widely considered the best of the novels so far, though. But none of them particularly provide any real insight/information as to the politics of the First Order/Republic, and why it is the way it is.


I really think my main problem is Starkiller Base and how they don't give it the minute or two of exposition that it needed for the audience to comprehend its immensity, its place in the universe, and its danger. Again, the planet destruction scene felt empty, and the final battle lacked emotional punch because we never get a sense for WHY we should care that those planets were destroyed. Not a face or personal story to make the audience truly connect to the scene. John Williams' score and cool shots of the laser shooting through space weren't enough.


You guys are blind.

It does not get bigger where the lighter is. The red outline is the cover and it fits like a puzzle.

Here's the arm tilted 90 degrees while the cover is still in the same place.

You are hopeless. Give up your avatar. Your little drawing in the first pic is wrong, the second one clearly shows that.
the final battle lacked emotional punch because we never get a sense for WHY we should care that those planets were destroyed. Not a face or personal story to make the audience truly connect to the scene.

You can't care about billions of living beings and a planet being destroyed unless they show them? I don't need to see them to know that it's a pretty heinous act.

Par Score

- The new super-weapon was super-dumb. It was like they were trying to one-up the Death Star, but in the dumbest way possible. In a galaxy that has determined that faster than light travel is needed to go anywhere, somehow this thing is able to shoot every beams across vast distances in a matter of seconds or minutes. How? And why could Han and the gang see those other planets being destroyed from a completely different system? It reminded me of how Kirk could see Vulcan being destroyed in Abram's Star Trek movie, even though he was on another planet in a another system. I hated it then, I hate it now. So stupid.

For the first part, they actually explain that it's a Hyperspace weapon (it's quite similar to Centrepoint Station from the old EU) that can fire FTL planet-busting beams.

It is dumb that this can all be witnessed from other planets though, I got those exact same Trek 2009 vibes, but I'm more willing to forgive it in a fantasy movie.

You guys are blind.

It does not get bigger where the lighter is. The red outline is the cover and it fits like a puzzle.

I already linked you to an imgur gallery showing the full rotation.

There is a thick shaft, then a thinner bit, then a thick "head" that the lighter pivots on (it's actually kind of side mounted, the gap in the thinner bit is where it would be stored when not in use I guess).

Calling others blind? Go get your eyes checked then see the film again.


They obviously don't pay much attention to the film.

1. Chewbacca shot him in the gut.
2. He just killed his own father. That has to fucked him up emotionally on some level.
3. Finn gave a decent fight against him. That's more energy wasted.
4. Then out of nowhere, the Force in Rey came out full force when push comes to shove.

I mean, seriously. Some of you need to learn to pay attention then connect the dots and not have everything spoonfed by the film.

I agree. We also *don't* need every freaking little thing explained(spoon fed) to us regarding things in the movie. If it's important enough, I'm sure JJ and crew will expand on it in future installments.

Part of the fun though is leaving things up for the audience to talk about/speculate, just like we're doing here.

Can't wait to take in another viewing soon.


Inside Llewyn Davis is a also a good choice. Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver are both in the film.

I'm just gonna watch Inside Llewyn Davis and Ex Machina again :p

I should really check out Inside Llewyn Davis immediately. I've heard nothing but great things.

As someone who's seen all four seasons of Girls, I would not recommend it to anyone. Adam Driver is totally the best part about that show though.


FGC Waterboy
Kylo Ren says that Luke's lightsaber belongs to him because that's actually Anakin's lightsaber, and as the galaxy's top Vader memorabilia collector, he feels it should be his.

The scene that still gives me the most chills / goosebumps / hype is when Finn ignites the saber to fight off Kylo. That scene alone makes me want them to have Finn be Force Sensitive.


Is the state of the Republic/Resistance/First Order really all that confusing? I thought the opening crawl laid out: the New Republic was created following Jedi, the First Order is the remnants of the Empire that wanted to keep fighting, the Resistance is the faction within the Republic looking to fight back.


You can't care about billions of living beings and a planet being destroyed unless they show them? I don't need to see them to know that it's a pretty heinous act.

As someone else mentioned, in ANH we have Leia seeing her home planet destroyed, which automatically gives us more of a connection to it. We also see Ben sit down and noting a disturbance in the force...voices crying out and suddenly being silenced...Falcon entering the airspace where Alderan used to be. You felt the impact of a planet's destruction far more. Just wish VII had at least one or two "little scenes" like this so the audience could connect more. Or explain what those planets were in a liiiittle more detail. Maybe have someone react because they kne someone on one of the worlds. Anything.
Is the state of the Republic/Resistance/First Order really all that confusing? I thought the opening crawl laid out: the New Republic was created following Jedi, the First Order is the remnants of the Empire that wanted to keep fighting, the Resistance is the faction within the Republic looking to fight back.

Yeah, I thought the opening crawl summarised it pretty nicely.


Only if you somehow missed the hundreds of sites hosting the images of Adam in the helmetless Kylo suit that had been around months prior to release.

Many people went radio silent and avoided any advance information or spoilers like the plague. I know I didn't see them, and purposely avoided anything like that. I made that decision early on, quality of the PT aside, knowing what was coming took something out of it.

Casual fans or people being dragged along to the movie would have no reason to know about it either. Like many things on GAF, you're talking to an enthusiast segment of the fanbase that doesn't necessarily represent most of the audience.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
The scene that still gives me the most chills / goosebumps / hype is when Finn ignites the saber to fight off Kylo. That scene alone makes me want them to have Finn be Force Sensitive.

What happened instead as totally expected


I think there's a bit of insight on this in the Art Of book, where one of the concept artists described the end of Return of the Jedi as something like "A confusing mess"

So when the people in charge of conceptualizing the look of your film don't even like the single best dogfight put to film, you're probably not gonna end up with a great dogfight
But it was a mess. Especially how they constantly cut from the dogfighting to the Ewok battle scene to the lightsaber duel. At least in this movie they from the light saber, to the dogfighting, then to the light saber and that was it.
But yeah, the final dogfight wasn't really good in this one.
The arm turns. Then you see a little more from behind it, because of the shape.

Someone made this a page back: http://imgur.com/a/sjXEl
There is a thick shaft, then a thinner bit, then a thick "head" that the lighter pivots on (it's actually kind of side mounted, the gap in the thinner bit is where it would be stored when not in use I guess).

Calling others blind? Go get your eyes checked then see the film again.

Notice the black U that gets longer as you move from picture to picture? The bottom part stays in the same place and is attached to the rest of the stationary cover plate. Thinking it rotates is an illusion. It's revealing more and more of that black U because the arm is clipping behind the plate.


semen stains the mountaintops
I'm watching the Conan interview with JJ and he says he actually got JubJub into the movie as he promised he would years ago.

Does anyone remember in what scene it was said?

I'm thinking it was probably said by an alien in an alien language.


I feel like JJ probably filmed a lot more stuff than we saw in the final cut. I REALLY hope he does a Peter Jackson style EXtended Edition for the bluray release.


Yeah, I thought the opening crawl summarised it pretty nicely.

You mean that huge yellow scrolling text at the beginning of the movie sets up the plot and explains where we're at when the movie starts? /wink

Yeah seriously, if people didn't pay attention to that, they have no business commenting on other aspects of the movie they find fault with imho.


But it was a mess. Especially how they constantly cut from the dogfighting to the Ewok battle scene to the lightsaber duel. At least in this movie they from the light saber, to the dogfighting, then to the light saber and that was it.
But yeah, the final dogfight wasn't really good in this one.

This is probably why they excised (or maybe never even finished shooting) the fleet parts of the final battle in this movie. Would've been too much action to follow. The X-Wings vs. TIE Fighters above Starkiller is already secondary to the Rey/Finn/Ren duel; adding a whole other section of capital ships on top of that would've been further distracting.


I'm watching the Conan interview with JJ and he says he actually got JubJub into the movie as he promised he would years ago.

Does anyone remember in what scene it was said?

I'm thinking it was probably said by an alien in an alien language.

I really want to say it was BB8 that says jubjub.


I'm watching the Conan interview with JJ and he says he actually got JubJub into the movie as he promised he would years ago.

Does anyone remember in what scene it was said?

I'm thinking it was probably said by an alien in an alien language.

I think it was said during the song in the cantina.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
As someone else mentioned, in ANH we have Leia seeing her home planet destroyed, which automatically gives us more of a connection to it. We also see Ben sit down and noting a disturbance in the force...voices crying out and suddenly being silenced...Falcon entering the airspace where Alderan used to be. You felt the impact of a planet's destruction far more. Just wish VII had at least one or two "little scenes" like this so the audience could connect more. Or explain what those planets were in a liiiittle more detail. Maybe have someone react because they kne someone on one of the worlds. Anything.

Honestly, there was no need to do that scene.
Just say "The New Republic is too far, and doesn't care", and storm the base. Death Star again just didn't fit.
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