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That's all she does though! That's like vanilla to the cake's dark chocolate.

Try watching the Gintama movie dubbed. lol
Admittedly I haven't watched any new shows dubbed, but stuff like Girls und Panzer didn't really sound all that great. Not bad, but if I had the choice, I'd rather listen to it in Japanese.

Part of it is because you know what good voice acting is supposed to sound like - you get that from old Disney cartoons to Bob's Burgers and Archer, and anime dubs just can't compare to those.
What anime can learn from Jon Benjamin.


I think cute-girls-doing-cute-things shows, especially ones that are explicitly and obviously based in Japanese high schools, really don't work in English.

Especially for non-Americans.


Not even gonna get into this argument. I'm better than that now.

So I realized that everything I am watching is either this season stuff or Toonami stuff, except for Dragonball. Meaning, that Dragonball is the only show I can watch whenever. I've got to rectify that. Might as well look through my bookcase and start something tonight.

Hope I don't feel too Guilty about this choice. Heard it isn't exactly a Crown jewel around these parts.


Maturity, bitches.
America's problem seems to be that voice acting comes across as a lesser profession, especially anime voice acting (unless it's Ghibli though I'd argue just throwing celebs at a role is the worst possible thing one can do). Obviously I'm 100% biased but UK dubbing comes across as much better simply because it's just seen as another job rather than a lesser one so it can attract good talent. Hence games like The Last Story are pleasant to listen to and I had no need to switch to the Japanese voices. Also we don't do that crappy kawaii voice that you yanks seems to do. Stop it, it grates me ears.

Though the other factor is the budget but I'd argue if you have a crap budget for the english dub just don't bother in the first place and pass on the savings to the consumer.


America's problem seems to be that voice acting comes across as a lesser profession, especially anime voice acting (unless it's Ghibli though I'd argue just throwing celebs at a role is the worst possible thing one can do). Obviously I'm 100% biased but UK dubbing comes across as much better simply because it's just seen as another job rather than a lesser one so it can attract good talent. Hence games like The Last Story are pleasant to listen to and I had no need to switch to the Japanese voices. Also we don't do that crappy kawaii voice that you yanks seems to do. Stop it, it grates me ears.

Though the other factor is the budget but I'd argue if you have a crap budget for the english dub just don't bother in the first place and pass on the savings to the consumer.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
America's problem seems to be that voice acting comes across as a lesser profession...
It's not that voice acting is a lesser profession, but the companies that primarily produce dubbed anime cut lots of corners. Funimation operates out of Texas and avoids hiring actors who are part of unions to save money.


As everybody should know, Black Lagoon is the GOD DAMN. If you disagree, you're wrong. I just heard a series called Jourmand (sp?) is set in the same universe and written by the same author. I've heard the show mentioned before but I don't know too much about it. It doesn't seem to be spoken with as much praise as BL but even if it isn't AS good as BL, is it still good? Worth my time?


Subete no aware
It's not that voice acting is a lesser profession, but the companies that primarily produce dubbed anime cut lots of corners. Funimation operates out of Texas and avoids hiring actors who are part of unions to save money.
RIP Teddie's old voice actor.

What anime can learn from Jon Benjamin.
Admittedly, comedy is "easier", and they are working from a script written for the people in mind instead of hacking together a script based on mouth movements of the characters in the original language, but I'd like to think there's also just a qualitative reason that the "big" cartoons have better voice acting than anime dubs.

America's problem seems to be that voice acting comes across as a lesser profession, especially anime voice acting (unless it's Ghibli though I'd argue just throwing celebs at a role is the worst possible thing one can do). Obviously I'm 100% biased but UK dubbing comes across as much better simply because it's just seen as another job rather than a lesser one so it can attract good talent. Hence games like The Last Story are pleasant to listen to and I had no need to switch to the Japanese voices. Also we don't do that crappy kawaii voice that you yanks seems to do. Stop it, it grates me ears.

Though the other factor is the budget but I'd argue if you have a crap budget for the english dub just don't bother in the first place and pass on the savings to the consumer.
I still don't know if Labrys having her Jewish New Yawwwwwwwkah accent is the greatest thing ever or not.

That said, most of the time they seem to go valley girl/California anyway.

No Sugita; No Sale. lol

... I am interested in seeing what they did there, though... a little bit.
Spoiler - it's not great. :p


As everybody should know, Black Lagoon is the GOD DAMN. If you disagree, you're wrong. I just heard a series called Jourmand (sp?) is set in the same universe and written by the same author. I've heard the show mentioned before but I don't know too much about it. It doesn't seem to be spoken with as much praise as BL but even if it isn't AS good as BL, is it still good? Worth my time?

Jormungand is made by a different manga author, different anime studio, and even different director. It's much worse than BL, I wouldn't say it's worth it unless you are really craving for a show in that genre.


M3 the dark metal EPISODE 3 SEAM OF THE PAST

Well with it being 20 or so episodes the pacing makes sense with the amount of time and attention its giving characters and their developments. Akashi truly has a difficult time with the unit he has though I want a bit more from everyone.

Fun classroom scenes.


Subete no aware
As everybody should know, Black Lagoon is the GOD DAMN. If you disagree, you're wrong. I just heard a series called Jourmand (sp?) is set in the same universe and written by the same author. I've heard the show mentioned before but I don't know too much about it. It doesn't seem to be spoken with as much praise as BL but even if it isn't AS good as BL, is it still good? Worth my time?
Jormungand is made by a different manga author, different anime studio, and even different director. It's much worse than BL, I wouldn't say it's worth it unless you are really craving for a show in that genre.
I haven't seen Black Lagoon, but other than my problems with how the gunfire looks, I ended up quite liking the show. As a complete story about "modern warfare", it has a coherent message and doesn't get up its own ass like Metal Gear or now, Call of Duty.

Labrys Yorker accent was indeed the best thing ever.
Now if they got Fran Drescher to voice that character...


Oh hey, looks like GAF is actually working again for me now. Time to post all the impressions I wasn't able to post earlier this evening when it was deader than a dead thing with no life.

Tonari no Seki-kun 18

Seki-kun, you win at magic forever.

Anyone can play tricks on an audience who wants to be tricked, that's easy mode. It takes real skill to trick someone who is completely ignoring you! And without speaking a word, no less!

Heartcatch Precure! 45

Well, I have to hand it to this Big Bad, he's pretty efficient.
Within less than half an episode of his first appearance, he managed to one-shot all the Cures (while his powers were still sealed, no less), steal their granny, destroy the Heart Tree, and turn the entire planet into a desert. Not bad going.
Also, he has Sanada Akihiko's voice, so that helps his cool factor. (One of these days when I'm not spending every free moment watching anime, I'm actually going to finish Persona 3...) I must confess I kind of liked him better in his more youthful-looking form before he regained his full strength, though.

Also in this episode: Cure Moonlight gives no fucks as usual (
everyone else turns their fairies into capes of flying, so she's like "oh, I'll just summon one out of thin air then"
), and the last survivors of humanity are hilariously dense (
they have a touching reunion with Tsubomi, Erika, Itsuki and Yuri amidst the remains of their former homes, then promptly hide while the four of them transform to defeat an attacking monster, and when they emerge afterwards not one of them seems to suspect the Cures' identities or even questions where their four friends have gone

Yowamushi Pedal 30

Well, that was pretty goddamn intense. I'm vaguely impressed by how this show manages to hold my interest when it's basically just doing the same thing over and over - shift focus to a new character, insert flashback showing how they obtained the DRIVE TO WIN, then back to the present where they're pedalling like a madman. Rinse and repeat.

But yeah, the formula's still working, and I enjoyed this guy's flashback a lot. Not sure what else to say, really. He should have kept the hairstyle, lol.

M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane 3

Sync rate tests and angsting over having to pilot the experimental mindrape robot...yeah, this is so Eva. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that we can experience both Okada Does Madoka and Okada Does Evangelion in the same season! lol

That said, this still isn't nearly as entertaining as Wixoss. But it is slowly growing on me episode by episode. I just hope the vaguely ominous plot threads that are being set up lead to actual interesting plot developments sooner rather than later.

Heartcatch Precure! 46

Incredible best girl doing incredibly best girl things.

Sunshine also had a battle which was pretty cool I guess, but nobody cares because Marine is so much better than everything else in the entire world.

No reveal of
Kumojaki and Cobraja’s original human forms
, sadly (I guess it would be a bit awkward to show them waking up when
almost the entire population of the world has been turned to crystal
), but it doesn’t really matter because I’m pretty sure the enemy identity reveal we’ve actually been waiting for is about to happen next episode.

Heartcatch Precure! 47

Yep, I called it. Seven episodes ago, to be precise. For once we have
a masked major villain who was actually hiding something significant under the mask



I'm not against a character sounding like Drescher, but fuuck. Somehow that voice would need to Fit to make it all worth it. Capital F.


yup, it's dreadful and phoned-in performance is quite insulting to me
Yowapeda Episode 30

Imaizumi finally in a position to be a lead for an episode and extensive Arakita was a good episode for Yowapeda finally after so long. I prefer the fast paced speed stuff over the climbing and what not, so neck and neck stuff, is definitely what I was looking for in this anime.

Midousuji, how even?!
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 2-5

Shiiiiit why was I not watching this befooooore I'm so stuuupiiid

M3 - Sono Blah Blah Whatever 03

This show is so nothing. Like, I don't even understand what the point of it is.



Japanese dub was genuinely funny, while the English dub is just plain awkward and borderline insulting in my opinion

I'm going to be a dissenting opinion in that the japanese version really felt stilted and awkward, and not in the good way, while the english version felt natural and actually what the character would say in the situation.

But that's what opinions are. Everybody's got one.


Was just able to get on for the first time since this afternoon.

Anyhoo, this was probably already pointed out when it was announced, but just in case, Rightstuf has the Cardcaptor Sakura Blu-Ray collection up for preorder for only $180. Course the "only" is being used loosely, but that's probably the cheapest it's going to be for a while.
So yeah I bought this

my wallet hurts, but I like the show too much to not support it.

Hopefully there will be a Monogatari Second Season box set. Gonna start saving for that.

There should be six Blu-ray sets once Hanamonogatari is released, one to cover each arc. As much as I would like to own the BDs, I think I will import the LNs in the coming months and only spend about $300 compared to the hundreds of dollars on the BD sets. Will definitely pick up Kizumonogatari whenever that comes around to being released on Blu-ray.


There should be six Blu-ray sets once Hanamonogatari is released, one to cover each arc. As much as I would like to own the BDs, I think I will import the LNs in the coming months and only spend about $300 compared to the hundreds of dollars on the BD sets. Will definitely pick up Kizumonogatari whenever that comes around to being released on Blu-ray.

yeah, i read that they are going to be individual releases for each arc. Sucks, but I'm going to probably get it if I can.

also lol at Kizu being released on Blu Ray. Needs to be freaking made first. CMON SHAFT


These are pretty interesting though I wonder why this particular little series has this available.
Who knows, I guess King Records thought it would be good promotion for the full OST.

Speaking of which, here's today's version, in Dutch.
Short hair is the cutest in fact.
See, the funny thing is this episode showed up at about the same time there was some discussion here about Idomaster's Azusa and her hair length. Initially I was against her redesign, but I've long since gotten used to it.


Fuckin hell I couldnt access Gaf for six hours :(

The latter is often how I am sadly. And sadly I don't always have an exact formula for what does/doesn't work for me. People have told me "It's easy, you watch anything that's cute" yet, for example, to this day I've not watched Hidamari Sketch. I don't know why, but something just keeps pushing me away from it and I can't put my finger on it...

No worries. You like what you like. Take your time watching things.

I'm not exactly picky about what I watch at all. I usually find something enjoyable in everything. I just couldn't with Elfen Lied in particular.

Thats alright.

Don't forget when
she just shoot herself anytime she start falling in the Shido bullshit zone.
hahaha, it always cracks me up when I remember that.

She is just that perfect.

lol I loved that. You cant even kill her. Shes too magnificent to die.

Them's fightin' words. I didn't say much about the other girls in my post, but briefly:

- Tohka's mentality is too naive and childish for my liking.
- Yoshino is heart-stoppingly adorable and I approve of her, uh, more assertive side, but she's less interesting than the other Spirits and feels more like a throwaway character.
- I don't hate Kotori exactly
(not even after what she did to Kurumi)
, but she's the closest thing the show has to a brash tsundere role, which is something I've never much cared for.
- Origami made me laugh more than any of the other characters, and I liked her unabashedly obsessive nature and her mannerisms around Shido. I get why people frequently aren't fond of her, but I can at least appreciate her motivations.

If I'd included Mana in the rankings she probably would've been at the very bottom
. Reine would've likely been between Yoshino and Tohka.

The show was certainly worth the wait! Definitely the most enjoyable anime I've seen for a good while (not that there've been many). In retrospect it seems even crazier that I hadn't watched it before now.

I do what I can to honour her. Maybe I'll start work on a shrine next.

It felt oddly surreal watching her arc, because I've had a mental image of her for ages but this was my first time seeing fully what she's like. Her personality was largely as I was expecting, though she was perhaps slightly more... refined in her speech.

One thing which really surprised me though was just how much I loved her fighting style. I'm generally not into shounen battles / powers and all that, but she definitely has my favourite combat style from anything I can recall. The anime doesn't fully explain its workings, but my understanding is that
each of Zafkiel’s numbers loads her firearms with a different timehax power. Assuming one power for each number, there’re still many which weren’t shown during her fights. I'm really curious to see the rest.

Someone posted an image of her in lingerie here while the show was airing, so I knew it was coming and was able to mentally prepare myself! It's interesting to note that the lingerie she wears in the anime is different from that shown in the LN.

She's GOAT, but at this point I think I have to accept that she has no real chance of ending up with Shido. Maybe I'll start shipping her with 2nd best girl instead.


Im ok with this!
Not a fan of Origami at all but she does have short silver hair. Yoshino is moenuke tier. I like Tohka second best.
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