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I see youve finally come around :D
Of course you knew the best girl already and the show just solidified the fact. I wonder how your brain didnt explode when you saw Kurumi
in lingerie
But yes shes the best, shes basically immortal, she goes yandere on people, she has excellent styling sense, and she just lords over everyone else beneath her from the goddess cloud.

Don't forget when
she just shoot herself anytime she start falling in the Shido bullshit zone.
hahaha, it always cracks me up when I remember that.

She is just that perfect.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to

Yeah, my taste in stuff is very capricious and random. After doing a lot of thinking about it I think a lot of it has to do with mood and timing. Like, let me tell you a tale of a couple of gaming obsessions I've had, and how both mood and timing were what brought me in.

Sakura Taisen was an obsession of mine from around late 2000-2010. Fucking LOVED that series to bits. But how did I get into it? Back in 2000 I was just old enough to start getting interested in trying to import a game from Japan and see how I fared. Just the previous year, ADV Films had released the Sakura Wars OVAs in America on DVD and Sega had re-released the first two games on the Dreamcast in anticipation of the upcoming 3rd game.

1) Mood: Sakura Taisen caught me when I was in the mood to try and import a game.
2) Timing: The Dreamcast was the easiest system at the time to import for; all I needed was a Game Shark or one of those Boot CDs most people used to pirate games. ADV had just released the anime OVAs in America so I already had an in; I knew a bit about the characters, setting, and story. Bam.

But timing goes even further. Just as I had finally finished the first game, a friend I used to talk to online on the Working Designs Message Board, Toastyfrog (yes, that Toastyfrog) was selling some of his Dreamcast imports and JUST SO HAPPENED to be selling his Sakura Taisen 2 copy. Not the first one, just the second one. So of course I bought it, and played it insanely and by the time I finished, Sakura Taisen 3 was a month away.

Basically, the stars were aligned for it. I was meant to be a Sakura Taisen junkie.

Virtually the same thing happened for Ar Tonelico. Though what oddly started this was the PSP remake of Lunar. I know, odd, but again, capricious. Here's what happened.

As Lunar on Sega CD was the game that got be both into JRPGs AND Anime, it holds a dear place in my heart. Naturally when the PSP remake was released I imported and played the shit out of it. It was October 2009 and I was now seriously in the mood for a 2D JRPG, but I preferred something newer since my PS3 could play PS2 games (that PS3 is dead now, may it rest in peace...) and it was conveniently hooked into my TV at that time. I remembered hearing about Ar Tonelico once, so I started this GAF thread asking if it was good. I got a lot of positive responses, esp. for the music, so I gave it a go.

1) Mood: Lunar PSP had put me in the mood for a 2D JRPG of sorts, and Ar Tonelico fit the bill perfectly at the time.
2) Timing. The 1st and 2nd games were both out in the states, and after I fell in love with them, just like the above Sakura Taisen example, the 3rd game was just around the corner in Japan. I was on an Ar Tonelico binge and I joined in at JUST the right time. And even more than the Dreamcast above, PS3 was region-free so importing was not a challenge whatsoever.

-- --

So yeah, in conclusion a LOT of what I love and chose to watch/play/whatever just depends on the mood I'm in, and what happens to be available when that mood strikes. Sadly though, this also means I'm terrible at being LTTP unless that's the exact mood I'm in (like when I got into Megaman during the Wii days). It's very hard for me to go back and enjoy unless I'm in the exact right mood for whatever a given show/game is offering. orz orz orz orz


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Ah. Hehe. Hope you'll be in the mood for Hidamari one day!

Well I just subscribed to HULU plus this weekend so I could watch Cosmos on my PS4. And hey, is that Hidamari Sketch I see there?

I guess it's next on my list then. Funny how timing works like that.
Well I just subscribed to HULU plus this weekend so I could watch Cosmos on my PS4. And hey, is that Hidamari Sketch I see there?

I guess it's next on my list then. Funny how timing works like that.

Yeah. Hulu got almost all of Hidamari Sketch except 4 of the later episodes. Enjoy!
Engage Wardrobe: Kiss Dum - Episode 11


Can you guess what else doesn't make sense?

It's getting cold so let's dress up one of Shu's ladies as they must be feeling a little nippy with the clothes they're wearing. It was basically an excuse to just have some still pictures for about a minute or so. Don't want too much action in my Kiss Dum!


Mangaka 05

So that's the chief editor. Giving me some Kanamemo vibes here. Here's to Ashisu getting to have her debut soon enough.

Link Man

Hidamari Sketch 7

In which Miyako runs like the wind and fails to create fire, while Yuno searches for white stuff.

I feel like this show is starting to hit its groove, or else it's starting to resonate a bit more with me. Miya and Sae are my favorites so far.


M3 03

Sasame's adding another layer of mystery to the goings on. I'm interested in where this goes. Mahm still doesn't look very fit for piloting a robot at all, though her diary continues to be a plot point I want to see followed up on.

Love Live! (S2) 05

Rin and Hanayo never got a lot of screentime in the first season compared to everyone else, so an episode like this is hugely appreciated. Rin's self-confidence issues were overcame easily enough, but the best part of it was the depth of her friendship with Hanayo that was shown. That the door was locked because Nico was always escaping was also a nice little detail, and I loved the way the song Rin was singing at the end transitioned into the vacation montage perfectly. This show's editing is really top-notch. And it's the only show CR provides full song translations for, likely because all the music is done by μ's, making the rights easier to acquire as part of the show as a whole.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Love Live S2 05
When this show is serious it just feels like a cheap version of Im@s with grating insert songs. When there's nothing fun around Love Live exposes itself as the marketing driven drivel that it truly is.
Well I just subscribed to HULU plus this weekend so I could watch Cosmos on my PS4. And hey, is that Hidamari Sketch I see there?

I guess it's next on my list then. Funny how timing works like that.

Yay! *does chibi Miku dance too*.

Guess I still need to get around to watching Cosmos, if indeed it is on Hulu
The latter is often how I am sadly. And sadly I don't always have an exact formula for what does/doesn't work for me. People have told me "It's easy, you watch anything that's cute" yet, for example, to this day I've not watched Hidamari Sketch. I don't know why, but something just keeps pushing me away from it and I can't put my finger on it...

The fact that its not on CR is basically the reason I haven't watched it yet. I always thought that I'd get around to it when my CR queue clears out, but every season the queue fills up again and I never get caught up.

edit - Also, Hulu sucks.
Love live 2 5
An okay episode expanding on Rin and Hanayo. Kind of cool since those two hardly got covered in the first season. The insert song wasn't that particularly good though


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Is this the timing you were talking about?

Yep. Belldandy moves in mysterious ways. ;P

Yay! *does chibi Miku dance too*.

Guess I still need to get around to watching Cosmos, if indeed it is on Hulu

It is. :3

The fact that its not on CR is basically the reason I haven't watched it yet. I always thought that I'd get around to it when my CR queue clears out, but every season the queue fills up again and I never get caught up.

edit - Also, Hulu sucks.

Outside of ads I have few issues so far, though I've used for all of one weekend. XD
The only thing you got right was kurumi ranking place...
The important thing was done i guess.
Them's fightin' words. I didn't say much about the other girls in my post, but briefly:

- Tohka's mentality is too naive and childish for my liking.
- Yoshino is heart-stoppingly adorable and I approve of her, uh, more assertive side, but she's less interesting than the other Spirits and feels more like a throwaway character.
- I don't hate Kotori exactly
(not even after what she did to Kurumi)
, but she's the closest thing the show has to a brash tsundere role, which is something I've never much cared for.
- Origami made me laugh more than any of the other characters, and I liked her unabashedly obsessive nature and her mannerisms around Shido. I get why people frequently aren't fond of her, but I can at least appreciate her motivations.

If I'd included Mana in the rankings she probably would've been at the very bottom
. Reine would've likely been between Yoshino and Tohka.

Well, these impressions were certainly worth the wait XD
The show was certainly worth the wait! Definitely the most enjoyable anime I've seen for a good while (not that there've been many). In retrospect it seems even crazier that I hadn't watched it before now.

hahahaha, that was great, a fitting text for a goddess.
I do what I can to honour her. Maybe I'll start work on a shrine next.

I see youve finally come around :D
Of course you knew the best girl already and the show just solidified the fact. I wonder how your brain didnt explode when you saw Kurumi
in lingerie
But yes shes the best, shes basically immortal, she goes yandere on people, she has excellent styling sense, and she just lords over everyone else beneath her from the goddess cloud.
It felt oddly surreal watching her arc, because I've had a mental image of her for ages but this was my first time seeing fully what she's like. Her personality was largely as I was expecting, though she was perhaps slightly more... refined in her speech.

One thing which really surprised me though was just how much I loved her fighting style. I'm generally not into shounen battles / powers and all that, but she definitely has my favourite combat style from anything I can recall. The anime doesn't fully explain its workings, but my understanding is that
each of Zafkiel’s numbers loads her firearms with a different timehax power. Assuming one power for each number, there’re still many which weren’t shown during her fights. I'm really curious to see the rest.

Someone posted an image of her in lingerie here while the show was airing, so I knew it was coming and was able to mentally prepare myself! It's interesting to note that the lingerie she wears in the anime is different from that shown in the LN.

She's GOAT, but at this point I think I have to accept that she has no real chance of ending up with Shido. Maybe I'll start shipping her with 2nd best girl instead.

Them's fightin' words. I didn't say much about the other girls in my post, but briefly:

- Tohka's mentality is too naive and childish for my liking.
- Yoshino is heart-stoppingly adorable and I approve of her, uh, more assertive side, but she's less interesting than the other Spirits and feels more like a throwaway character.
- I don't hate Kotori exactly
(not even after what she did to Kurumi)
, but she's the closest thing the show has to a brash tsundere role, which is something I've never much cared for.
- Origami made me laugh more than any of the other characters, and I liked her unabashedly obsessive nature and her mannerisms around Shido. I get why people frequently aren't fond of her, but I can at least appreciate her motivations.

If I'd included Mana in the rankings she probably would've been at the very bottom
. Reine would've likely been between Yoshino and Tohka.
Make sense , even if i arrived to another conclusion.

The show was certainly worth the wait! Definitely the most enjoyable anime I've seen for a good while (not that there've been many). In retrospect it seems even crazier that I hadn't watched it before now.

I do what I can to honour her. Maybe I'll start work on a shrine next.

It felt oddly surreal watching her arc, because I've had a mental image of her for ages but this was my first time seeing fully what she's like. Her personality was largely as I was expecting, though she was perhaps slightly more... refined in her speech.

One thing which really surprised me though was just how much I loved her fighting style. I'm generally not into shounen battles / powers and all that, but she definitely has my favourite combat style from anything I can recall. The anime doesn't fully explain its workings, but my understanding is that
each of Zafkiel’s numbers loads her firearms with a different timehax power. Assuming one power for each number, there’re still many which weren’t shown during her fights. I'm really curious to see the rest.

Someone posted an image of her in lingerie here while the show was airing, so I knew it was coming and was able to mentally prepare myself! It's interesting to note that the lingerie she wears in the anime is different from that shown in the LN.

She's GOAT, but at this point I think I have to accept that she has no real chance of ending up with Shido
. Maybe I'll start shipping her with 2nd best girl instead.


Are you sure ? because that's not what i think

Kurumi is certainly a contender in the race
Outside of ads I have few issues so far, though I've used for all of one weekend. XD

Well, the ads are pretty much the reason I hate it. I used the free trial for Plus as a means to watch K-On!! from my tablet and ads annoyed me to no end. I have a Windows tablet as well now, so technically I wouldn't need Plus, but if they offered a no-ad service I'd probably jump on it (when I've pared down my CR queue a bit more).
Are you sure ? because that's not what i think

Kurumi is certainly a contender in the race
I've always assumed that it'll end like 93.57% of romance / harem series with the MC hooking up with the main heroine.
I know you've read further ahead in the LN though, so if you're implying that the later volumes give reason to doubt a Tohka ending then that'd be excellent!

Origami is love, thank you for noticing.
I suspect the fanbase'd like her more
if she didn't keep trying to kill their waifus.
Oh well.
I've always assumed that it'll end like 93.57% of romance / harem series with the MC hooking up with the main heroine.
I know you've read further ahead in the LN though, so if you're implying that the later volumes give reason to doubt a Tohka ending then that'd be excellent!
Tohka is a given , but who said that the MC will have to choose ?
I suspect the fanbase'd like her more
if she didn't keep trying to kill their waifus.
Oh well.

On that point ,
that's exactly why she isn't more loved ... but there is still time to correct this mistake


[Cowboy Bebop Blu-Ray Japanese Dub] 1 - 10

Damn this show looks insane.

Anyway, this is my first time watching through in the original Japanese and I have to say that, as good as the English dub cast is overall the Japanese cast is actually a notch above, something I didn't actually expect.


[Cowboy Bebop Blu-Ray Japanese Dub] 1 - 10

Damn this show looks insane.

Anyway, this is my first time watching through in the original Japanese and I have to say that, as good as the English dub cast is overall the Japanese cast is actually a notch above, something I didn't actually expect.
I'd say probably, on average, the Japanese dub has better performances, but I think a lot of the main characters in the English dub have more exceptional performances. They're both good enough to come down to a matter of preference— which is great.


[Cowboy Bebop Blu-Ray Japanese Dub] 1 - 10

Damn this show looks insane.

Anyway, this is my first time watching through in the original Japanese and I have to say that, as good as the English dub cast is overall the Japanese cast is actually a notch above, something I didn't actually expect.
This is usually the case though! I need to get to watching the second part of the Bebop BDs soon.
So yeah I bought this

my wallet hurts, but I like the show too much to not support it.

Hopefully there will be a Monogatari Second Season box set. Gonna start saving for that.

I so wanted it, but wow, did Aniplex screw the pooch pricing it so high. Hard for me to shell out that much for a single show, when normally that would buy me 3-4 shows.

On the bright side, I did manage to score the Ben-to blu ray set at 40% off. Thank you, Right Stuf.


Subete no aware
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 5
Comedy mostly fell flat in this episode. Between the "I can't touch girls" comedy routine and the comparison of dating to files storage system, it was all around bad, barely any laughs. On the other hand, the anime has been making quite a convincing argument that cake isn't best thing so there is that.
What is wrong with you? Cake tastes great. :(
Attack on Titan Episode 1 (funidub)

Since they put it up on their site, I didnt have to wait for the BD. Armin sounds lovely and I love the Eren voice, but why yelling so much so often as young Eren. Mikasa sounds bored.

Experience felt fresh even on this third time watching the anime.


This is usually the case though! I need to get to watching the second part of the Bebop BDs soon.

Bebop's kinda like MGS in where it feels more natural to hear it in English for a lotta folks. Even though, it's the opposite for a lot of anime, or even games.

On that note; I've been getting into dubs more and more lately. I find that the quality across the board has gone up a lot in the dub scene to where the English dub often comparable in quality to its JP counterpart, and sometimes even preferable. Watching through Black Lagoon again, but in English, had me thinking on it.


Subete no aware
While cake is obviously a top tier choice, short hair moe is very effective as well.
That's all she does though! That's like vanilla to the cake's dark chocolate.

Bebop's kinda like MGS in where it feels more natural to hear it in English for a lotta folks. Even though, it's the opposite for a lot of anime, or even games.

On that note; I've been getting into dubs more and more lately. I find that the quality across the board has gone up a lot in the dub scene to where the English dub often comparable in quality to its JP counterpart, and sometimes even preferable. Watching through Black Lagoon again, but in English, had me thinking on it.
Try watching the Gintama movie dubbed. lol
Admittedly I haven't watched any new shows dubbed, but stuff like Girls und Panzer didn't really sound all that great. Not bad, but if I had the choice, I'd rather listen to it in Japanese.

Part of it is because you know what good voice acting is supposed to sound like - you get that from old Disney cartoons to Bob's Burgers and Archer, and anime dubs just can't compare to those.
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