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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes now out on iOS and Android

It depends on if you are on iOS or Android. iOS folks get Poe and FO Storm trooper.

The good news about the $99 bundles is that Kylo and Finn don't see to be meta characters. Good but not great people are saying. I'll stick with my normal team, thank you very much.

Who are considered to be meta characters?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Oh cool, I haven't played this in a couple weeks but just hopped on for my free phasma. Should help my dark side team a bit.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Who are considered to be meta characters?

Sidious, Dooku, Consular, Luminara, and Barriss were the characters most seen I would say. There were other good characters like Resistance Trooper that were nerfed a bit with the latest patch, and others buffed, so we'll see how it shakes out. I don't think anyone is truly "bad" - just that some are more useful (and easier to farm) than others.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Sidious, Dooku, Consular, Luminara, and Barriss were the characters most seen I would say. There were other good characters like Resistance Trooper that were nerfed a bit with the latest patch, and others buffed, so we'll see how it shakes out. I don't think anyone is truly "bad" - just that some are more useful (and easier to farm) than others.

Dooku is so damn good, I always look for him as the friend character. counter attack plus bonus attack is bananas.


If their Force Awakens bundle was $20 I would have totally bought it based on movie hype. The fact it's $100 is fucking hilarious. Makes me not want to even keep playing the game.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Can you make an account on Android, get Phasma, then link the game to Facebook and continue playing on an iOS device?

I don't think so. I wasn't able to go back and forth like I can in other games. Might be updated now though. I haven't tried for a few weeks.
Ok, that's not so bad then. Still would rather have Phasma upfront, but what are you gonna do. Hopefully it's not too long of an unlock process.


Sidious, Dooku, Consular, Luminara, and Barriss were the characters most seen I would say. There were other good characters like Resistance Trooper that were nerfed a bit with the latest patch, and others buffed, so we'll see how it shakes out. I don't think anyone is truly "bad" - just that some are more useful (and easier to farm) than others.

Windu is really strong too because it seems like tons of people run with Chewbacca in party and you can use his active to remove the taunt so you can kill lower hp characters faster and his single target damage is strong.


I just started getting into this game over the last few days even though I started it at launch. I am having a lot of fun with it, and I typically don't bother with mobile games past the first day or so.


Been playing this for the past week level 49 love it.
Dooku is op with attack but super squishy. I think savage opress is the most op.


I'm only level 15 or so, so I don't know if I'll hit a pay wall, but it's fun so far!

I find the customization and upgrading the most fun, I let it ride on 'auto' for most battles


For what it's worth, if you were on of the unlucky ones who didn't have a "pay $5 and get xx crystals for xx days" deal in your store, look again. I had one last night after they turned all the new content on, while previously there wasn't one at all :)


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Yeah, I finally got the daily gem offer, but unfortunately it's the inferior 7 day offer :\ Still bought it though.


Yeah, I finally got the daily gem offer, but unfortunately it's the inferior 7 day offer :\ Still bought it though.

The longer one might not exist anymore, as this isn't the same 7 day one from before. It used to be 100 a day, mine at least is 165.
The $100 price tag for the Kylo Ren/Finn bundle pack is absolutely fucking ridiculous!

It honestly makes me want to stop playing the game or supporting in any way.

That EA can really think that this is a fair and viable option that everyone would jump on is ludicrous. The audacity and insanity at the idea of embracing this is fucking insane! Just imagine when they release a character pack that features Han Solo, Luke, Leia, Yoda and Chewbacca from the original trilogy/Force Awakens - what will that cost, $1,000?!?
That pack is specifically for Whales. It wasn't meant for regular players of the game. I was pretty surprised and happy everyone got a free Phasma/Poe and resistance trooper. That was pretty damn cool.
A whale all hyped up on new Star wars movie? I think it does, and hell if it doesn't that's all the better. They won't price things there anymore.


Even if you're a whale, doesn't that $100 price tag stop you from impulse buying?

I thought the key to getting whale money was lots of small purchases over time, aka, micro-transactions.

Or maybe I'm underestimating how a real whale operates.

It's now #15 top grossing on App Store. =/

Well, there it is.


I'm aware that whales fund these kind of games, and I have no problem if they buy gems and other perks to have strong bases/teams fast and can play more without cooldowns
but I think that's something different than selling 2 popular new characters from a blockbuster movie for 100 bucks, it seems super greedy to me and I haven't seen anything comparable before.


Where I think they missed the boat here is not just making it a bonus on gem packs. Like imagine how much more compelling it is to get Kylo and Finn with your purchase of 99.99 worth of gems. That's essentially guaranteed to get the whales. 300k credits is nothing really, I have 1.4 million and I've been playing for 8 days 3 star trining droids aren't enough to level een one of those characters significantly. You're basically ONLY buying the characters. Add gems on top of that though and it becomes very compelling if you are buying gems anyways.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
The $100 price tag for the Kylo Ren/Finn bundle pack is absolutely fucking ridiculous!

It honestly makes me want to stop playing the game or supporting in any way.

That EA can really think that this is a fair and viable option that everyone would jump on is ludicrous. The audacity and insanity at the idea of embracing this is fucking insane! Just imagine when they release a character pack that features Han Solo, Luke, Leia, Yoda and Chewbacca from the original trilogy/Force Awakens - what will that cost, $1,000?!?

Yeah it's pretty bad. I can't lie - I would be tempted to pay, say, $40 for Kylo solely because of the movie hype. It would be a shitload to pay for one character but whatever. Star Wars hype! But $100 is so much. I know you get other stuff with it but no one wants that other stuff.

That said, a lot of people complained that EA nerfed Barris right after charging $50 for her. In response EA said it is going to give all buyers of Barris a free gift next week. That's pretty cool, depending on what it is.


you could buy barris? or is that the pack with ashoka and the others?
very disappointed there are not more characters for 5$, I hoped they do that every week.


what are everyones strongest/favourite characters?

I just unlocked Sidious with the pvp Tokens, and damn he is a beast. his debuff that stops healing is incredibly strong. especially in pvp.

apart from sidious dooku and chewie are my favourites. dooku is just great damage with his lightning and his 100% revenge Chance.
chewie is a great tank with a lot of hp and self heal.

my 2 others in my pvp Team are the consular for heal and talia for damage and backup heal.

do all pvp Tokens unlock a 4 star character or was I just lucky?
and is there a way to see all the upgrades of abilities? you only see the next one, but sometimes they get interesting properties further on
do all pvp Tokens unlock a 4 star character or was I just lucky?

It depends on the character. Heroes that have a great number of tokens before you unlock them will be a greater star level then ones that require less. So Sid requires 80 tokens before you get him so he will be a 4-star hero for everyone.

As for best characters, still having Darth Maul as the basckbone of my damage and Dooku is fantastic at shutting down any jedi healers early. Along with them I commonly use Savage Opress (mountains of health and solid damage), Underworld Police (nice stunning chance) and Ahsoka (solid damage and nice amount of self healing). Along with Chewie, Talia and the Consular for support. I completely randomly got a 4-star Ima-Gun out of the bronze drop so my next mission is getting him up to scratch.
My strongest/favorite is the First Order Tie Pilot. With the login rewards I just promoted him to 2 Stars. Most of the attacks get a bonus attack, and he hits ridiculously hard. My highest damaging character by far, before the bonus attack.


yeah the tie Pilot is a hard hitter, I noticed that as well. but I don't have a high enough version of him
Whenever I have a spare bit of energy or money I'm trying to unlock all the First Order characters. Not sure if it would be viable in PvP due to them not having a healer in their ranks but the potential damage output of all them bouncing off each other would be rather fun to roll around with for a bit at least.


I just played against 3 people in a row who all had barisse and kylo. People are seriously spending $100+ on this game? Props to EA, feeding the sheeple.


well you can get him from the cards as well, you also get shards from him for various activities
but yeah, I don't doubt their strategy works and many buy him as well. he isn't even good, I borrowed him a few times. he would not have a place in my dark side or mixed team
I just played against 3 people in a row who all had barisse and kylo. People are seriously spending $100+ on this game? Props to EA, feeding the sheeple.

In their defence, they may have got Kylo from the data card pull, but yeah it is more likely that his presence in teams is the result of them buying that bananas character pack. Never been one to criticize people for however they want to spend their money, but even I feel I would have to have a word if I met someone who dropped seventy quid on two characters.
Eh, I'm fine with it. I was never going to pay them anything for the characters, so if they can get that much money from willing people to keep the game going, it works for me.


Phasma fucking rocks. Just upgraded her to a 4 star. The buff and debuff she has are killer.

I can kill a boss before he can attack with her slow time debuff.


I started playing this a couple days ago and I'm already hooked, haha. It's a fun little game and they don't restrict you too much which is nice. I'll probably start adding codes from the topic soon. Here's mine if anyone wants to add it: 471-762-884

The only bad thing so far is I bought one of those 4x chromium data packs. Wanted to support the game a little since I'm liking it so far and getting some new characters wouldn't hurt. But I didn't read the description right. I thought I was getting four random characters but only ended up getting one terrible character and a couple shards for three others. lol. I'm guessing if you buy something in the game, the best thing to get are the character packs?


What's the most direct route to unlock strong characters without paying for them?

Place as high as possible in Arena. Arena tokens can be spent on special arena-shipment heroes. The best options from arena (IMO):

Sidious - Great leader ability that works with everything. Hard hitting, fast, AoE damage, heals on opponent death. Great anti-jedi character, no real downside.

Stormtrooper Han - Secretly the best tank in the game and INSANELY underrated. 3 turn taunt, gives all allies meter, and MORE meter when he's hit. You'll be giving your team 2 to 3 turns for every 1 turn of the enemy. He's a very slow burn though. Almost completely worthless out of the box and needs pretty considerable investment before you see any pay off.

Ventress/Admiral Ackbar - Ventress can get crazy if you set her up right, and she's one of only a few counters to Han Solo and other tanks. She's very slow though so you're almost forced to use her as a leader/build a team around her, but it's a pretty good team. Ackbar is a debuff counter/healer... hard to fit a pure support character into a lineup but I see potential there.

Place Galactic War and get as far as possible. Honestly, this one can be rough without a decent stable of heroes/healers. I bought the heroine pack and having Barriss made this 100% easier. Post-nerf, I don't even use her for GW except as a backup but she did get me a huge jump start on Luminara. Best heroes to farm in GW:

Luminara - Amazing Leader, Healer, damage dealer. Honestly, she's a little too good at everything but she'll improve your GW completion-rate as another healer and massive damage dealer when decked out.

Captain Phasma - New addition. Works best on a First Order team (and as leader) but it's a gamble. -speed is a pretty good debuff, and meter manipulation can help burst down guys fast. I'm not 100% sold but she seems promising.

DPS options - IG86/Resistance Pilot/Datchka/Nightshade Initiate - These are all surprisingly good. IG86 hits like a truck but is pretty glass cannon. Works best in a droid team but that damage is crazy. Resistance pilot isn't as good as before but still an option. Datchka and jawa's in general hit really hard, he's no different. Nightshade Initiate gets surprisingly tanky and his damage can be pretty crazy. Severing Strike is also pretty damn good utility attack.

Cantina - you want to get to 3-A as fast as possible for 2 reasons:

1- It unlocks Jedi Counselor shards, he's a really good mini-Luminara that you'll lose for quite a while.

2- You make 17 cantina points for every 10 energy, vrs 13 cantina points for ever 8. It's not huge, but it's better energy efficiency per point in the long run. As far as who to go for:

Daka - Dark Side lacks healers, she's a healer (and a pretty annoying one to fight with her Ressurects). That said, she's not my first choice...

Fives - Tanky as shit, counters, ally call on attack. A really good hero, very good to use in combo with Dooku. Makes AoE's very painful for the opposing team.

"Hard Mode farm" - Pick ONE character, tops, to farm with your energy. I picked Dooku since it's the only way to get him (other than luck). The rest of your energy is much better spent progressing and going after gear upgrades.
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