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Star Wars: The Old Republic [Releasing Date: Dec 20 NA/EU - NDA Lifted]

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Castor Krieg said:
You are not addressing his point. Both GW and EVE are innovative in some aspects, whether you enjoy playing them or not.

Yes they're innovative. Are they fun to play? For some, but generally no. Are they nearly as popular as wow? Not even close.

The innovative MMOs are like a cheap mp3 player while their rival is the iPod.
Gvaz said:
Yes they're innovative. Are they fun to play? For some, but generally no. Are they nearly as popular as wow? Not even close.

The innovative MMOs are like a cheap mp3 player while their rival is the iPod.

Does that mean ppl shouldn't innovate and try new things in general? Yes, WoW is the most popular MMO, however you will find a lot of people here that played it for long time and quit because it got stale. They already went through "WoW-phase", they don't want their next MMo to be like WoW. Been there, done that.


antonz said:
EA just announced The Old Republic Launch date will be announced at the end of October

1:39p: Speaking on Star Wars, how it's tracking, what are the factors that it might be pushed into next year. Eirc Brown - First 5 days of pre-orders were more than any other title. Demand is there. About a million and a half who have "dual registered" for testing. Have a huge built in community that are looking forward to the game, BioWare fans, and Star Wars fans. We haven't given a street date yet. We won't for some time, possibly at our next earnings call at the end of October. We expect to ship Star Wars by the end of this calendar year. But we did hold out a slight possibility it could slip to our March quarter if the game needs it depending on feedback and other things. We're committed to getting the product right, we wont ship it before it's ready.
Luigi87 said:
There goes the hope of people crossing fingers for an October release.

I'm not sure why anyone thought they'd release it near Battlefield 3. I know they are exactly the same customer base, but they want each to have some breathing room for marketing, etc.


Gvaz said:
There are mmos that break the mold?
Billychu said:
EVE, Guild Wars 2, Realm of the Mad God, World of Darkness.
Gvaz said:
Yes they're innovative. Are they fun to play? For some, but generally no. Are they nearly as popular as wow? Not even close.

The innovative MMOs are like a cheap mp3 player while their rival is the iPod.

The goalposts, stop moving them.


Castor Krieg said:
Does that mean ppl shouldn't innovate and try new things in general? Yes, WoW is the most popular MMO, however you will find a lot of people here that played it for long time and quit because it got stale. They already went through "WoW-phase", they don't want their next MMo to be like WoW. Been there, done that.
No, my original beef was that SWTOR is not innovative, and if you're trying to grab the market from wow, especially those bored of wow like myself, they should laud they're just as polished as wow but do something that wow cannot replicate (like it's trying to do now with new features being brought in and a faster cycle of content)


If they dont announce a delay into early 2012 I would expect an end of November release. They said long ago Release date would be announced with only a few weeks before product launched.


Desaan said:
1:39p: . But we did hold out a slight possibility it could slip to our March quarter if the game needs it depending on feedback and other things. We're committed to getting the product right, we wont ship it before it's ready.

There you go folks,kiss 2011 goodbye hehe...
Gvaz said:
Yes they're innovative. Are they fun to play? For some, but generally no. Are they nearly as popular as wow? Not even close.

The innovative MMOs are like a cheap mp3 player while their rival is the iPod.

You asked what MMO's have broken the mold, and people are just telling you. No one said they were successful, and some have met some levels of success like EVE, but yea it's a 2 part problem of many games that broke the mold being crappy for various reasons, or just falling to the WoW juggernaut at the time.

And even then many of them also never had an ounce of the hype, or marketing push that games like WoW and TOR are going to saw. Lot of games that had potential simply fell to the wayside really and could have developed.

There was alot more originality before Everquest/WoW, but after those came out it became the model everyone decided to copy pretty much.


1) Plan to announce release date three weeks before launch
2) GameStop stores unofficially sets release on Nov 22
3) Announcing release date at end of October
4) WoW launched Tuesday before Thanksgiving

Oh shi-


Can you guys stop arguing and focus on what's really important for once? Me.


And unlike some of you I will be following the NDA 100%. Unless posting this picture violated it, which I doubt.


So I don't end up starting a false rumor, this is not a normal beta invite. I have no idea what the status of normal invites is.


Diablo III beta is underway, no NDA.

If you have a beta license, you are free to show, share, or talk about any portion of the beta content to which you have access, as this beta test is not confidential.

Again Blizzard only does NDAs for the F&F Alphas now. Once it hits beta, it's fair game.
Billychu said:
Can you guys stop arguing and focus on what's really important for once? Me.


And unlike some of you I will be following the NDA 100%. Unless posting this picture violated it, which I doubt.



Jarmel said:
If they're announcing at end of Oct., then it almost certainly is a Dec. launch.
From Desaan's earlier post:
Desaan said:
1:39p: Speaking on Star Wars, how it's tracking, what are the factors that it might be pushed into next year. Eirc Brown - First 5 days of pre-orders were more than any other title. Demand is there. About a million and a half who have "dual registered" for testing. Have a huge built in community that are looking forward to the game, BioWare fans, and Star Wars fans. We haven't given a street date yet. We won't for some time, possibly at our next earnings call at the end of October. We expect to ship Star Wars by the end of this calendar year. But we did hold out a slight possibility it could slip to our March quarter if the game needs it depending on feedback and other things. We're committed to getting the product right, we wont ship it before it's ready.
That inclusion of the word "possibly" makes it seem far from a done deal at this point.


Grats Billy.


No but really, that's awesome. I am glad you got in, I enjoyed your input in this thread positive or negative towards the game.


Trouble said:
From Desaan's earlier post:

That inclusion of the word "possibly" makes it seem far from a done deal at this point.

You're right. If nothing by October then yea we're looking at Feb/March for release.



Let's try and get one thing very clear:

Investor calls and conferences are for investors. They are not meant for the general public.

While I understand the desire to get any piece of information possible about The Old Republic from whatever source you can, that does not mean that every time an investor call (or conference) happens, you should expect to glean meaningful information from that. The primary audience for these statements is people who are invested in, or are planning to invest in, EA as a company. While some of you may indeed be investors, if you are, you'd probably know not to panic when you hear said statements.

Let's break down a couple of those statements from Eric Brown, from the latest conference:

"In terms of timing, again, we haven't given a street date yet. We won't do so for some time, possibly at our next upcoming earnings call towards the end of October."

Indeed, we have not given a street date (AKA launch date) for The Old Republic. While some of you have suggested that we 'promised' a launch date announcement before that time, in fact what Eric Brown said was that a date could be announced in September or October.

It's important to also note the word 'possibly' was used in Eric's statement above. Just as he didn't promise that you would get a release date announcement in September, he isn't promising a release date before the next earnings call. It could happen, but it's not a promise.

Let's look at this second statement:

“…we did hold out a slight possibility that it could slip to our March quarter. And the factors that would cause a slip is, for example, us not being completely satisfied with the scalability testing, and wanting to tune it for several extra weeks.”

There is absolutely no change to our previous messaging with this statement. We are in active and extensive testing for The Old Republic. We're aiming to release the game in the holiday 2011 window (or, before the end of the year, to speak in non-American for a minute).

However, as with any large and complex game project, there's always the possibility of slippage. Always. That is why we have always said we're aiming for that window, because it's possible that unforeseen issues may push the date. Eric Brown is doing what he's paid to do - letting investors know that the possibility exists. A possibility doesn't mean a certainty.

Despite what doom-sayers may try and tell you, we are still very much aiming to ship in the holiday 2011 window (AKA, before the end of the year). We're pushing out a major new build, we're getting in our external testers to look at it soon, and then we'll re-start our Game Testing Weekends.

Are there risks? Yeah, that goes with game development. Do we think we're getting much, much closer? Yes we do. And when we feel confident about an exact date, you'll get one. Rest assured.

Until then, try not to assume the sky is falling every time an investor asks a question and our CFO does his job, which is to let them know about every possibility.


Billychu said:
Why am I downloading at 40 kB/s? I was hoping to play tonight :(

because you and 100's of others got into the beta. :/

which brings up another point i never get into any betas. i buy games i sign up i use the same eamil. i seem to think having a good pc is a good way of not getting into the beta i think they want crappy pc's :(


piratepwnsninja said:
dude, I'm excited for SWTOR (having played it!) and agree with you on points, but you're pretty far off on D3. Your second point in particular is extremely poorly informed. Don't allow people hating on SWTOR for dumb reasons to cause you to have to hate something they like or are excited for. Again, you've made some great points in this thread, but the D3 bashing is no better than what others are doing to TOR.

I am excited for Diablo 3. My point was them doing nothing unique in the genre, doesn't mean the game isn't going to be good. It will be/is great. Diablo 3 follows a traditional dungeon crawler formula, made even more simple by things they learned while creating World of Warcraft. While incorporating a RMA to combat the websites that used to sell forum currency for real money, which you then traded for Diablo 2 items. I simply found it hypocritical tha people bash SWTOR for following a traditional formula, but don't bash Diablo 3 for doing the same thing. If you are going to bash one, you should bash the other. But there is bias in their arguments, which skews their opinions. The formula of the game is irrelevant, so long as it's executed properly, and changed slightly. Both Diablo 3 and SWTOR accomplish this.

Also to Morn. Diablo 3 already didn't have an NDA, because it's not an MMO. MMO's need NDA's because they change drastically over time. I already explained why Diablo 3 didn't have one. You could head over to solomid.net and perhaps SK Ocelote or HotshotGG will say it again. Blizzard lifted the NDA so they could distribute keys to streamers so those streamers could advertise to different gaming markets. This was said BY the people who got the keys FROM Blizzard. You continue to argue WoW didn't have one, and it did, multiple times, during multiple phases. You also argued it didn't have an open beta, which, obviously, it did. Regardless of what your feelings of the NDA are. ALL information about SWTOR is already on the internet and they had beta weekends for much of the public already. So I don't know when you are being such a whiny child about it.
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