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StarCraft II Story Discussion Thread (spoilers)


tenton said:
might disagree with this. :lol

I just did the Nova mission and that ending cutscene was hilarious. Still, I think it was kind of weird they make you pick between Tosh and Nova. The only reason you would take her side is because you, the player, knows about the Starcraft Ghost situation. Raynor has no reason to trust Nova at all.

I have to go back and choose the other mission to see how that plays out.
About the final Protoss mission...all units are warped into the battlefield from somewhere else, right? After Artanis arrives with the mothership, doesn't he say that everyone on that battlefield are the last survivors of their race? So where are the new units being warped in from?


Jamesfrom818 said:
About the final Protoss mission...all units are warped into the battlefield from somewhere else, right? After Artanis arrives with the mothership, doesn't he say that everyone on that battlefield are the last survivors of their race? So where are the new units being warped in from?

The mission would be pretty hard if you couldn't warp in anybody, so yea it doesn't make sense on a story level but you sacrifice that for gameplay


wheres duran?

he was pretty much the most mysterious guy in sc1
hope hes not scrapped or anything


MrHicks said:
wheres duran?

he was pretty much the most mysterious guy in sc1
hope hes not scrapped or anything

He might be in the game. Dr. Narud (spell that backwards)...this was discussed a little earlier.

It does seem to fill in a bunch of details. Like where that hybrid in the secret mission came from. Like how Moebius Foundation knew where these artifacts that could change Kerrigan were (they were in pieces). How Kerrigan "saw through his pathetic charade".


I can't wait for the big reveal that Duran and Narud don't really exist, and they're just clone sleeper agents controlled by the Hybrid leader himself. :lol


duckroll said:
I can't wait for the big reveal that Duran and Narud don't really exist, and they're just clone sleeper agents controlled by the Hybrid leader himself. :lol

Or they're just infested with whatever the Xel'naga can infest with. :D


Anyone notice jim was acting weird in one of the cutscenes.
In the cantina he was laying against the counter and then stood up, then spazzed back to the counter again.
It happen about 5 times during the cutscene.


HorribleJames said:
yes. hot chick or weird jamaican guy... hot chick wins

Tychus might disagree with that. :D Well, then again, she didn't do him any favors.

But c'mon, Raynor's already got Kerrigan. :D


duckroll said:
I can't wait for the big reveal that Duran and Narud don't really exist, and they're just clone sleeper agents controlled by the Hybrid leader himself. :lol
Of course they exist, they're/he is just a hybrid or an thing created by the hybrids. I thought that was clear way back in Brood War.


Zanken said:
He's an alcoholic, he probably blames himself now.

Unrelated, but killing Duke was one of the most satisfying things I remember about Brood War.
General Edmund Duke was my favorite guy in SC/BW. I was really hoping that there would be a monument or a BC named after him or something in SC2. :lol


Solid, entertaining, but ultimately forgettable stuff. That's how i feel about the campaign and its plot. Storyline was kind of just "there" and mission design was meh with the exception of a few. Loved the adventure-like part of the game though, really impressive stuff and Blizz truly went all out there.

Blizzard should go back to making stuff other than their usual. Where's mah Blackthorne 2!?


Everything is moe to me
Yaweee said:
We never really saw what the characters did between mission briefings in SC1, but there was definitely a sense of regret or remorse in Raynor's actions and words about what happened to Kerrigan, and his role in working for Mengsk at the time.
there was a lot more to it in the books, liberties crusade touched on their relationship and raynor knew that she had been the one to contact liberty and get everyone [including him] off mar sara.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Draft said:
General Edmund Duke was my favorite guy in SC/BW. I was really hoping that there would be a monument or a BC named after him or something in SC2. :lol

Fun fact! Despite what he says when you repeatedly click on him, General Duke had not been a General for 15 years. As a matter of fact, he was only recently promoted from the rank of Colonel, becoming General just after the destruction of Chau Sara.

And how did he get his promotion? Just after Tassadar has incinerated the planet, Duke's fleet showed up as a show of force. His fleet would have likely been crushed into dust if Tassadar had really wanted to kill them, but they warped out instead. The incident is spun as Duke successfully scaring the Protoss away by his threat. He is promoted.


Chili Con Carnage!
So is the next game Zerg or Protoss?

I kinda agree that the story turns out weak, the resolution of the Tychus story is really the only high point, its definitely a shame that they are going down the 'oh look a fourth race we have to work together to kill' storyline. It's also unfortunate that of all the years they had to release this game about a race of 'gods' coming back to cleanse the galaxy by fusing two races together they chose the year after Mass Effect 2 did the same exact story right down to the untrustworthy source of main story missions.

I still feel like the single player story works despite all this though because the universe is so refreshingly ballsy and gruff. They are retreading decidedly well worn paths but they are doing it with characters that have 1000x the personality of even the best characters in the games they are aping (especially WC3, other than being pretty sure one of them was green, I cant tell you anything about the characters in that game).

So I do hope the story diverges from what we are all now expecting in the next game, but even if it doesn't I am 99% sure I will love it anyway.


Ghost said:
So is the next game Zerg or Protoss?

I kinda agree that the story turns out weak, the resolution of the Tychus story is really the only high point, its definitely a shame that they are going down the 'oh look a fourth race we have to work together to kill' storyline. It's also unfortunate that of all the years they had to release this game about a race of 'gods' coming back to cleanse the galaxy by fusing two races together they chose the year after Mass Effect 2 did the same exact story right down to the untrustworthy source of main story missions.

Did you play Brood war? Because all the fouth race stuff was already established there. They couldn't really have gone in another direction if they wanted to.

And that story has been done thousands of time in science fiction anyway. The fact that Mass Effect 2 also used it means nothing.


for a game that has had all the time in the world to develop the story sure come as being weak and lame.


Personally, now that it's been a day or two and I can analyze the story as a whole in Wings of Liberty, I can safely say Blizzard did a damn fine job with it. I mean sure, some things seem like they've been forgotten (Fenix) and some things are cliche', but I'll be damned if I wasn't entertained every single mission, cutscene, and cinematic. The campaign was fantastic!
Looking forward to HotS and LotV.


Nude Kerrigan model exists somewhere :p

Btw, loved the campaign, the next chapter can't come soon enough.


FStop7 said:
So I was wondering how Blizzard might re-tool the lore of SC2 to make an MMO without it being clunky and thin. It looks like Blizzard couldn't figure that out, either - it's a clunky and thin story. And it definitely looks to me like SC is being set up for an MMO.

Bingo! Crazy evil Hybrid "Fallen One" becomes the Arthas for World of StarCraft, releasing 2014 for PC/MAC.
Compared to the original, the campaign is pretty disappointing. On it's own, I think it just stands up as a decent experience.

Where the Hell was Duran? :|


FeD.nL said:
Just finished, have to say that the ending was interesting. I think Heart of the Swarm will be interesting story wise. I think the following will happen.

The story will pick up a couple of months after WoL. Kerrigan is back to mostly her human form. Jim and her are a thing now obviously. Meanwhile Mengsk realizing that killing Kerrigan holds no gain for him since she is human again. This is because he's been saying that the Queen of Blades was no infested human. Therefore he's declaring Raynor and his raiders heroes of the dominion. Jim realizing he cannot play the argument of leaving behind kerrigan and that there is a bigger threat looming then Mengsk accepts this, because starting a civil war amongst the terrans isn't an option right now.

Meanwhile Kerrigan finds out she still has some power over some of the zerg, mainly zerglings. Then the first of the Xel'naga show up. Wiping out a planet. Realizing the threat she's starting to realize that she must try to get control of the swarm once more. There the mutations begin. With every mutation she's gets more control over the swarm while also losing her humanity bit for bit. Jim remembering the words of zeratul that he hold her life in his hands accepts that there is no future for him and kerrigan, because he cannot be seen involved with the queen of blades because then everything he and his raiders fought for becomes useless since Mengsk will just use that against him. Sarah realizing the same thing accepts her fate as the Queen of blades, becoming the Heart of the Swarm.
Amazing analysis. If Blizzard goes this route it would be a very bitter sweet scenario and I think given how Wings of Liberty closed up just a bit too much on a happy-ending/high note this seems like a very plausible scenario.


Compared to the original, the campaign is pretty disappointing. On it's own, I think it just stands up as a decent experience.

Where the Hell was Duran? :|

I feel the oppisite, I really like the campaign and feel it's on par if not better than the original even though it's only the Terran's and Some Protoss but if anything it's got me really excited to see what they do next.
SleazyC said:
Amazing analysis. If Blizzard goes this route it would be a very bitter sweet scenario and I think given how Wings of Liberty closed up just a bit too much on a happy-ending/high note this seems like a very plausible scenario.

Doesn't feel right to me. Raynor already said that he was going to kill Mengsk after he was done on Char. The visions from Zeratul's crystal and the result of the secret mission gives Raynor even more of an incentive to take him down as well. There will be a civil war. Warfield and the fleet that was brought to Char will join on Raynor's side because they got to see firsthand that Raynor is not the person that Mengsk made him out to be in addition to the revelation about the psi emitter.

I think Arcturus isn't the Mengsk that we need to be worrying about though.


I think the expansion will open with Kerrigan on the run. Raynor will probably have explained to her what her role is in the prophecy, and what it all means. He knows that he can't be alone with Kerrigan on some quiet world like he wanted to, and that Mengsk's people will be trying to kill them both once Tychus failed. Raynor probably with Matt to hold off the Dominion, giving Kerrigan a ship and supplies. It's possible she'll meet with Zeratul, and then go on a quest to uncover what it is she must do to save the universe, while regaining control over the Zerg swarm (but retaining her humanity at the same time).


I really liked the way story was presented and actually liked the plot. However unfortunately both script and characterization are so embarrassing, it makes me wonder how is it possible to put so much effort into elaborate cgi and ingame cutscenes to present the story and not realize that the most important thing, the script is awful.

I do have hope for expansions since they probably have to take very different tone with the story since Zerg ain't lame space rednecks. Makes me wonder tho, how are they going to make it interesting since there is only Kerrigan and then.. bugs.. to interact with?


So how to things play out with Dr. Hansen if you opt to fight the Protoss and save Haven? Does she still get infested?


BigAT said:
So how to things play out with Dr. Hansen if you opt to fight the Protoss and save Haven? Does she still get infested?

She's fine. She offers Jim a chance to stay, he declines, and they part ways.
I just finished the campaign and I gotta post my impressions. Overall, it was really good, by far the best RTS campaign I've ever played... But the story was bad. Heavy spoilers follow, so beware.

So I didn't really dislike the ending at all, I could have totally accepted it, I also could totally accept the cliche'd dialogs and shit (because the lord knows it got really corny at some points, but I could have totally buy into them), but my main problem with the storyline is that the plot and every element of the story is just too thin, nothing much really happens, and everything that happens is very straightforward, there aren't many plot twists or surpises, and when the plot developed, we were just like "well, ok, I guess". Let me exemplify, climax of the story is presented before the last 3 missions and it goes "well we will invade Char and try to turn Kerrigan into a human again", and that's exactly what happens, there is nothing more to it, and we begin to feel that something is missing. The major plot development in the entire game is that you side with Mengsks son, and that happens in one cutscene with a few lines of dialogue. And we could totally accept that, but we can't help but ask ourselves, "was that it?". The highlight of the story was the Zeratul stuff, and while it did present something (even if its optional), I don't think it redeems everything or makes the overall plot not suck as much.

This is perhaps best seen in the whole Tychus thing, we know he is working for someone else, this is implied many times in the story, but when it happens, in what could have been the major plot twist of the story, it just goes exactly as we expected it to, and all the build up could be resolved with a simple motive and 15 seconds of a cutscene.

In sum, the story had the epicness, it had the presentation, the cinematics, the room for dialogues, etc. But the story was so straightforward that it feels out of place. I reached the conclusion that the first SC didn't feel like this despite having a similar simplistic nature, its because the presentation was much more sober, it was much more subtle so the thin story had to do more in a more limited fashion, and this made it good. With SC2 you had the all the elements to make an amazing story, but it wasn't there.

The second thing that bothers me is that it felt incomplete, and this is more obvious and has been more brought out. I'm not talking about the cliffhanger ending, which is understandable. But considering we will not have any focus on the Terran side again, except in the form of cameos, makes it all the more disappointing. I bet we won't see the fight between Raynor and Mengsk, we won't see directly what goes on between Mengsk and his son, or with the raynor fight, and since we had barely any exposition at all in this first installment, it left me with a bittersweet taste in my mouth.


ShadowPampers said:
The second thing that bothers me is that it felt incomplete, and this is more obvious and has been more brought out. I'm not talking about the cliffhanger ending, which is understandable. But considering we will not have any focus on the Terran side again, except in the form of cameos, makes it all the more disappointing. I bet we won't see the fight between Raynor and Mengsk, we won't see directly what goes on between Mengsk and his son, or with the raynor fight, and since we had barely any exposition at all in this first installment, it left me with a bittersweet taste in my mouth.

I wouldn't discount revisiting stuff just yet as I wouldn't be surprised if there's another mini-campaign like Zeratul had. As far as Tychus, I'll believe he's dead when I see it.

Jamesfrom818 said:
Either Raynor kills him or Mengsk activates the kill switch for failing. He's dead either way.

It's just a feeling given how Blizzard handles their characters and the offscreen death seemed a very weak out when said betrayal was telegraphed by his actions and the warnings of those surrounding Raynor. Were he so concerned about going free he could've just popped Raynor then Kerrigan and walked away as he had to have known Raynor would've killed him anyhow after he shot Kerrigan. That might just be a consequence of the weak writing though.
Narag said:
I wouldn't discount revisiting stuff just yet as I wouldn't be surprised if there's another mini-campaign like Zeratul had. As far as Tychus, I'll believe he's dead when I see it.

Either Raynor kills him or Mengsk activates the kill switch for failing. He's dead either way.


ShadowPampers said:
So I didn't really dislike the ending at all, I could have totally accepted it, I also could totally accept the cliche'd dialogs and shit (because the lord knows it got really corny at some points, but I could have totally buy into them), but my main problem with the storyline is that the plot and every element of the story is just too thin, nothing much really happens, and everything that happens is very straightforward, there aren't many plot twists or surpises, and when the plot developed, we were just like "well, ok, I guess". Let me exemplify, climax of the story is presented before the last 3 missions and it goes "well we will invade Char and try to turn Kerrigan into a human again", and that's exactly what happens, there is nothing more to it, and we begin to feel that something is missing. The major plot development in the entire game is that you side with Mengsks son, and that happens in one cutscene with a few lines of dialogue. And we could totally accept that, but we can't help but ask ourselves, "was that it?". The highlight of the story was the Zeratul stuff, and while it did present something (even if its optional), I don't think it redeems everything or makes the overall plot not suck as much.
This was my biggest problem with the ending and I suppose the entire story of the campaign. I was extremely disappointed by the ending purely because it was extremely straightforward. Raynor goes to char to use the artifact on Kerrigan and save her and that's exactly what happens. There are no suprises, nothing happens that you don't expect to happen and then the game just ends. I might have been more okay with the straightforwardness of the ending if there was something after it to hint towards what to expect from the next game.

I really enjoyed the gameplay of the campaign, the missions were extremely varied and the way you upgraded your troops and did the research was awesome. The Zeratul missions were also extremely well done. But once I hit Char, I just got less interested in the story because everything that was supposed to happen happened.

I hope in the next two games the story is a little less straightforward and predictable and a little more complex.
Spoilers obviously...

Finished the game yesterday. Zeratul states that Kerrigan must survive for there to be hope in the coming war against the Xel'naga. And she is also now human. So what's the speculation out there? That she's still going to be able to control the Zerg, but for human causes or something?


Narag said:
I wouldn't discount revisiting stuff just yet as I wouldn't be surprised if there's another mini-campaign like Zeratul had. As far as Tychus, I'll believe he's dead when I see it.

It's just a feeling given how Blizzard handles their characters and the offscreen death seemed a very weak out when said betrayal was telegraphed by his actions and the warnings of those surrounding Raynor. Were he so concerned about going free he could've just popped Raynor then Kerrigan and walked away as he had to have known Raynor would've killed him anyhow after he shot Kerrigan. That might just be a consequence of the weak writing though.

What's interesting is that it could really go both ways. The way the campaign was written, I felt that they tried very hard to communicate the fact that Raynor and Tychus share a special bond that no one else will understand. It is something neither of them can actually explain or say to anyone else, but they both know it. No matter what Tychus does on the ship, Raynor still trusts him and lets him stay on. No matter what Raynor says about him or what Raynor did, Tychus won't sell him out.

There are two ways to read the ending. One way is that Tychus tried everything to prevent Raynor from wanting to spare Kerrigan, so he wouldn't have to betray his friend. The other way is that throughout the campaign, Tychus gave Raynor enough information to read his situation and know exactly what he was going to do, and they planned something which would allow Raynor to have saved both Kerrigan and Tychus, without Mengsk knowing.


Well, the artifact destroyed all of the Zerg on Char (that's what it seemed to look like as the intention) so any loose end Zerg I'm sure Kerrigan will control outside of Char.


ElectricBlue187 said:
It didn't look like hair in dreadlocks like Tosh, it looked like she had a human body with the same hair
Yeah, she definitely still has tentacles for hair.


Question: Warfield said the atmosphere on Char burns humans alive or something like that, How Kerrigan survives that final scene then? without any protection I mean.:lol


duckroll said:
What's interesting is that it could really go both ways. The way the campaign was written, I felt that they tried very hard to communicate the fact that Raynor and Tychus share a special bond that no one else will understand. It is something neither of them can actually explain or say to anyone else, but they both know it. No matter what Tychus does on the ship, Raynor still trusts him and lets him stay on. No matter what Raynor says about him or what Raynor did, Tychus won't sell him out.

There are two ways to read the ending. One way is that Tychus tried everything to prevent Raynor from wanting to spare Kerrigan, so he wouldn't have to betray his friend. The other way is that throughout the campaign, Tychus gave Raynor enough information to read his situation and know exactly what he was going to do, and they planned something which would allow Raynor to have saved both Kerrigan and Tychus, without Mengsk knowing.

I'm hoping this. Raynor had quite a debt to Tychus for taking the fall for whatever they did as youths and I don't think he could live with himself if he abandoned yet another friend to Mengsk's scheming.

miladesn said:
Question: Warfield said the atmosphere on Char burns humans alive or something like that, How Kerrigan survives that final scene then? without any protection I mean.:lol

Pretty sure the tentacles for hair hinted at a still atlered biology. Everyone kept popping their helmets open too on Char so I'm assuming cold spots exist on the surface.
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