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Staying In Sochi Is A Hilarious Adventure in the ass.

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Cakes in ass.

Eat up.

Cakes Putin Ass.

This is messed up though. Remember when people were worried about the games in Beijing? The only big thing I remember people were concerned with was smog. At least they did a decent job at trying to accommodate athletes and their families. This is just pathetic and it should make for interesting stories when this is all over.


Team Canada's hockey team will be staying in rooms like this.....lol


So you're saying the US has a chance....YES!


Maybe I'm alone in this, but a lot of this comes across as entitled bitches whining.

Yes, poor you, you get to get paid for two weeks while you take a vacation and cover some meaningless sports. Yes, some of your hospitality will be compromised because of this massive influx of people they are not used to.

Yea fuck these guys. How dare they ask for water to wash their damn faces and man hole covers. Fucking whiners. Russia should've set up tents....in the snow because it is the Winter Olympics.


Looks like our athletes had won a lottery, they have fantastic rooms in upper Olympic Village (that one in the mountains).

Journalists and media are in for some surprises. In negative way, that is :p

look at this view

And no one will quote your post because there is no funneh


Couldn't happen to a bigger bunch of corrupt, homophobic bastards (Putin and his cronies, I mean).

I feel bad for the athletes who have trained for years to compete (and yes, the journalists who cover it all too), yet have to put up with an Olympic environment more akin to a third-world village than a modern city. Of course, building your Olympic environment in a modern city instead of a third-world village helps...

I just hope the venues themselves have been built to better standards than this - I'd hate to see somebody hurt by a broken bobsled track or faulty ski jump somewhere. It's probably a far more realistic danger to the average athlete in Sochi than any threat of terrorism.


I just hope the venues themselves have been built to better standards than this - I'd hate to see somebody hurt by a broken bobsled track or faulty ski jump somewhere. It's probably a far more realistic danger to the average athlete in Sochi than any threat of terrorism.

I really don't understand what you are complaining about. If Russia decided to do their Olympics in that part of the country is to take advantage of the money to develop that place.

And I don't see what is wrong about the hotels/streets. Everything looks very new and well done. Just because they don't do things like it is common in USA/Europe, that doesn't mean they are doing it in a wrong way.
It's kinda insane that they decided to hold the olympics in one only area in whole Russia that doesn't have proper winter. Had the games been in somewhere like Moscow we would have not these problems.
I see a lot of folks here failing to realize this is the norm for most of the Olympics to have villages like this for athletes. I am surprised why the focus on it now so negatively just for Sochi


It's kinda insane that they decided to hold the olympics in one only area in whole Russia that doesn't have proper winter. Had the games been in somewhere like Moscow we would have not these problems.

We also wouldn't have mountains. That's kind of problematic too.

Funky Papa

I see a lot of folks here failing to realize this is the norm for most of the Olympics to have villages like this for athletes. I am surprised why the focus on it now so negatively just for Sochi

Most countries have barely finished villages by the time the games begin, but I've never heard of crooked stairwells, water too dangerous to be splashed on your face, open manholes or new plumbing unable to cope with toilet paper at a grand cost of $50 billion.

It's fucking ridiculous.


Most countries have barely finished villages by the time the games begin, but I've never heard of crooked stairwells, water too dangerous to be splashed on your face, open manholes or new plumbing unable to cope with toilet paper at a grand cost of $50 billion.

How would you? They never had social networks or twitter to post about it.

Funky Papa

How would you? They never had social networks or twitter to post about it.

I'm not sure if you are being facetious, but journalists have always been very vocal about the state of their quarters and the Olympic village in general. Bitching about them is pretty much a tradition. There are always lots of complains about rooms being unwelcoming or poor signaling (I vividly remember Spanish athletes being scared shitless in Atlanta because there were alligators nearby), but Sochi is something else. And at an indefensible cost.


The "no TP in the toilet" is actually pretty common in mainland Europe.

I would have to disagree with you. Living in the heart of Europe and having spent considerable time in virtually every country west of and including Czech Republic, I've never seen this stance unless there was something seriously wrong with the waste system.


I really don't understand what you are complaining about. If Russia decided to do their Olympics in that part of the country is to take advantage of the money to develop that place.

And I don't see what is wrong about the hotels/streets. Everything looks very new and well done. Just because they don't do things like it is common in USA/Europe, that doesn't mean they are doing it in a wrong way.

The problem is that the development is apparently half-assed at best, which is unacceptable considering that they've spent more at Sochi than any other Olympics, winter or summer, ever. For that kind of price, the toilets should be able to flush paper (and not be set up two to a stall), and hotel rooms shouldn't be spitting out rusty water (or worse). There are multiple incomplete buildings at the Olympic sites (including hotels), with no hope of completion in the next two days!

If the whole show wasn't being run by one of the most corrupt world leaders of modern times, then the cost wouldn't have been nearly as high, and the quality of the facilities wouldn't have been so low. There are estimates that over half the $50 billion price tag was lost to kickbacks, bribes, or other corruption, and nobody should be attempting to apologize for Putin's extremely poor handling of the entire process. (I'd call it 'intentionally' poor, but it's only intentional to the degree that one can expect shoddy work when most of the money is being paid out in bribes and kickbacks instead of actual labor cost).

Between this and Russia's general issues with homophobia, the rest of the world should have just done the right thing and boycotted this farce. But, I do understand that in the end the Olympics are about the athletes (and not the graft-happy thugs at the top), so the best we can collectively do is hold our noses, compete in the events, and then never let Russia have the games again until Putin and his party are gone from power.

Juicy Bob

If this is how Russia treats its international guests, I feel very sorry for the people who live in even worse conditions their entire lives.
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