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STEAM announcements & updates 2013 - Year of the SteamBox

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Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
21 and change. I just did Hard on my first run. The only campaign achievement I had left at the end was the evidence which didn't take too much longer. The contracts stuff can be done in less than an hour.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered




hey steamGAF, I was wondering if one of you could help me out with something. I'm not sure if this is a common problem or if it has been discussed at all but there is something that is irritating the fuck out of me.

Ever since BPM came out I get the random start sound "wobble" will play while is steam is running. What is the cause of this? What can I do to make it shut the hell up?

thanks in advance...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
hey steamGAF, I was wondering if one of you could help me out with something. I'm not sure if this is a common problem or if it has been discussed at all but there is something that is irritating the fuck out of me.

Ever since BPM came out I get the random start sound "wobble" will play while is steam is running. What is the cause of this? What can I do to make it shut the hell up?

thanks in advance...

Just to be clear, are you saying that the BPM start-up sound is randomly playing while Steam is running?


Axel Hertz
Yeah, same thing happen to me but with the last indiegala bundle, Paypal closed my account...and i dont care..those who answer phones for the LatinAmerican sucks

Have you tried skyping to the US support line?

I live in Brazil, and Phone Support down here is horrible. Whenever I'm tired of trying, I fire up Skype and call the US Support line. They're usually much more helpful, they understand what I'm trying to tell them and they usually can help me out. I'm waiting for the upper level Customer Support on EA right now. I don't know about PayPal, since they have an actual presence in Latin America, but it's worth the try, I guess.

Of course, you need to be able to speak English.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Yes that is correct. It plays while I'm in BPM or not, at random intervals, even while a game is running.

Short of opting in or out of the Steam client beta, depending on where you stand currently, try navigating to Steam\tenfoot\resource\sounds and renaming splash_screen_01.wav. (I'm not entirely sure if this will work as it's quite likely Steam will notice the file is essentially missing and just download it again.)


Short of opting in or out of the Steam client beta, depending on where you stand currently, try navigating to Steam\tenfoot\resource\sounds and renaming splash_screen_01.wav. (I'm not entirely sure if this will work as it's quite likely Steam will notice the file is essentially missing and just download it again.)

I've opted out of the client beta. I will try it again as well as the rest of your suggestions. Thanks.


Well, fuck Steam. Just logged in to find 4 identical messages as below.


Yes, I did seem to have a problem buying this DLC and it was resolved after several attempts. I didn't even attempt to make chargebacks as it was resolved after I sent an email to Steam support and presumed linked.

edit - I've just found the email from PayPal acknowledging faults on the date I made the purchase. Sent to Steam
As others have pointed out, I seem to remember PayPal being a really bad idea in association with Steam for this reason. I think they're one of the only payment methods I know of that does chargebacks potentially without letting the account owner know at all.

And as also was pointed out, I think once upon a time a chargeback on a Steam account, even if it's PayPal, was like, your account is locked you can't do ANYTHING and per the agreement you can lose all your games go to jail do not collect $200. So maybe they relaxed that a little?


Midweek - Witcher 2 - 50% off ($9.99) / Alan Wake franchise - 75% off ($9.99)

Daily - Rayman Origins - 66% off ($10.19)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
And as also was pointed out, I think once upon a time a chargeback on a Steam account, even if it's PayPal, was like, your account is locked you can't do ANYTHING and per the agreement you can lose all your games go to jail do not collect $200. So maybe they relaxed that a little?

Valve ceased outright locking/banning accounts in favour of an account restriction system that retains access to one's library and (depending on the infraction) Steam Community features a year ago now.


Buy it, I got it day 1 and have no regrets.

It's DRM free as well.

I pre-purchased Origins solely for Rayman 2, which proved to be a wise decision since it's still not available on the store. Ditto for Worms Revolution and the pre-purchase offer of Worms Armageddon.

Edit: Unlike Rayman 2, though, Armageddon does have a (currently useless) store page, so there's hope yet. Maybe.


Valve ceased outright locking/banning accounts in favour of an account restriction system that retains access to one's library and (depending on the infraction) Steam Community access a year ago now.

Hooray! I don't remeber this mentioned in a GAF thread which is strange considering how many people complained about the issue in the first place.


I pre-purchased it solely for Rayman 2, which proved to be a wise decision since it's still not available on the store. Ditto for Worms Revolution and the pre-purchase offer of Worms Armageddon.

Indeed, it's probably the rarest game on Steam, so glad I got it.




gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Indeed, it's probably the rarest game on Steam, so glad I got it.



So rare, in fact, even Ubi forgot about it: after 11 months the poor thing still lacks a Detail View icon and List View image. :( (Oddly enough, there's a Grid View image.)


I played The Witcher 2 when it came out, before it got the Enhanced Edition. Is there relevant new stuff that justifies playing it again? For the record I liked the game, not loved it.
Also, what's the Director's Cut I'm seeing on the store? It even costs less than the regular edition...


I played The Witcher 2 when it came out, before it got the Enhanced Edition. Is there relevant new stuff that justifies playing it again? For the record I liked the game, not loved it.
Also, what's the Director's Cut I'm seeing on the store? It even costs less than the regular edition...

That's The Witcher 1


How's the combat in Witcher 2? I wasn't too thrilled with the combat mechanics in the first game. Or the way Geralt carried his sword overhead...
Since I'm bored and bomba deals of DmC: Devil May Cry are appearing left and right I thought I could add a short review for you guys so you know what you're getting into:

DmC is the first big release in 2013 and a pretty polarizing title but I want to ignore all the ridiculousness surrounding its release and focus on the game. I want to add that I love the original series, that DMC4 was one of my favourite games of 2008 and that I value combat vastly over presentation, level-design or story, to give you some perspective.

Story, characters and the entire emo/punk/rebel angle they went was heavily advertised (and criticized!) but it's heavily toned down in the finished game. While PR material might have lead to expect one of the most obnoxious protagonists and stories ever, it was a nice surprise to realize that you won't turn blind from rolling your eyes. Of course, the general theme of the world and story can be summarized as a teenager's image of evil politics, media and corporation, it doesn't smack you over the head with it. It is hilarious though that someone actually thought this would be good. Characters or story luckily don't reflect this for the most part. There were two very disgusting scenes in the game though and I don't know what Ninja Theory was thinking. Of course you have some very cheesy (the bad kind) one liners and dialogues and characters are as fickle as the audience they tried to appeal to but it's not offensively bad. Dante, which got the biggest backlash pre-release, is actually rather likable by the end of the game. The female companion Kat is probably my favourite character and also the most consistent. One thing I didn't like at all were the cutscenes. Too many, not all of them are well directed and some are way too long as well. Most should manage the first time around but added to several unskippable gameplay-interruptions and cutscenes during boss-fights I got very annoyed the longer I played. Not comparable to Max Payne 3 but when I think back to DMC4 you could basically miss entire characters if you skipped the cutscenes and I prefer it that way.

As for its looks, DmC is a very pretty game and runs excellently on a decent PC. I got framerates in the 200s on a GTX670, and at 60Hz it is as smooth as butter. Environments are beautifully designed, especially in Limbo (a parallel demonic world to the drab and grey real world), with some of the most imaginative and varied environments I have ever seen in a game, period. It is really amazing how much work they have put in the visual design of the world and one of the game's strong points. Characters are similarly well-crafted for the most part. I haven't touched the standard skin for Dante, going mostly with his classic counterpart but I never felt the designs were out of place. Mundus, the main-antagonist is probably the most boring though. Bosses can be visual spectacles, especially one boss-fight is a visual masterpiece
Bob Barbas
. Enemy designs on the other hand aren't really all that special. Most look like mannequin Silent Hell rejects, others just aren't that interesting but the Dreamrunners (don't forget those) are pretty good.

Level-design from a gameplay perspective is a different matter altogether. While previous DMC games had still some of that Resident Evil DNA, DmC almost completely abandons it for better or worse. There is a single unnecessary but simple puzzle at the very end of the game but the rest is held in a very linear fashion with a lot of platforming. Not good platforming though. I don't know if it was a conscious decision but its neither very engaging nor challenging. The superb visual design can't hide the fact that they were very lazy with the platform layout. While the controls feel good you are basically pulling yourself from platform to platform, sometimes alternating with a longer dash or pulling platforms towards you. In some rare occasions you might struggle with the game's automatic lock-on though. It's mostly in order to show you cool stuff and give you a breather from all the fighting. There are a lot of branching paths though, with many keys, doors to secret missions, items and lost souls for bonus completion points. They aren't necessary to finish the game but give some incentive to come back later to max out your health and Devil Trigger bar and some of the secret missions actually offer cool challenges.

If some of this entices you and you can look past its flaws (maybe you don't even see them as flaws) you will find a very competent combat-system. It is much deeper than God of War, Dante's Inferno or anything Ninja Theory has worked on and most likely the deepest combat-system created outside of Japan. Darksiders II might come close but I haven't spend enough time with that to make a final verdict. It isn't quite as good as DMC3:SE, DMC4 or Bayonetta but for most it comes down to preference since the average gamer will sooner break his hands than notice the limits of either combat system. Where DmC succeeds is in streamlining its controls and making a wide array of tools easily available. It has soft instead of hard lock-on, you launch enemies in the air by a single button-press and it's crazy how long you can stay in the air by abusing enemy step and some weapons. In general, many moves are easier to pull off and the game is more forgiving with timed inputs. It makes up for it with the interesting and well-balanced tools, giving you 5 melee weapons, 3 guns and 2 whips. Your basic weapon is a Sword (Rebellion) and using the triggers as modifiers you can access demon or angel weapons. D-Pad left and right let you switch between two demon and angel weapons each. The modifier also works for dodges but this means that both bumpers are occupied so you can pull off demon dodges with RT+LB and angel dodges with LT+RB respectively. Sounds complicated and needs some getting used to but it's a good and satisfying system.

Where the gameplay falls short are enemies and bosses though. The Dreamrunners I mentioned earlier are really the only interesting enemies to me, running around the place, jumping in and out of dimensional rifts and parrying your attacks even in mid-air. Every encounter with them is like a small event. Everything else on the other hand can be either classified as decent or annoying. The biggest sin are the colour-coded enemies though. Throughout the game you will encounter regular enemies with a blue (angel) or red (demon) coat of colour which can only be damaged with the correct weapon-type. Wrong weapons either get blocked, leaving you open for counters or phase right through them. It limits your combat options by more than half but there are easy strategies to handle them effectively. The boss fights are the biggest disappointments though. If you remember Credo from DMC4, none come even close to looking at its feet with binoculars. They are decent if you isolate them from the franchise or the best in the genre and they are "spectacular" for the most part but otherwise I found them to be very lacking.

All things considered, I gotta hand it to Ninja Theory though. They made a well-paced game with a coherent story and vastly better gameplay than their previous efforts. If you're at least a bit interested in the genre you owe it to yourself to try it.

I've spent 15h with the game so far with 2.5 playthroughs and I expect to get at least another 5-10h.

Verdict: Difficult to say. I bought it for 30€ and regretted it a bit. It's not a bad game but there's just so much I can't look past at my third playthrough. I've In retrospect, 20$ is the price I would have felt comfortable with but you might have more fun with it than me.


Oh COME on. I've been always waiting for Rayman Origins to go at 75% and it never dares to. WTF Ubi?

Hold strong, brother. We'll get it one day.

The funny thing is, I may have actually caved during the winter sales if Valve hadn't changed and decided 66.66 should be rounded down to 66.0%. This is my stand on principle versus that economist they hired. Maybe people won't care if they pay an extra 20 cents, but gosh darn it, I'm making a stand over it. No sale.


I both hate and love days like this. I could quite easily buy Alan Wake, The Witcher 2 and Rayman Origins.

Might go for The Witcher 2.


Oh COME on. I've been always waiting for Rayman Origins to go at 75% and it never dares to. WTF Ubi?
Hold strong, brother. We'll get it one day.

The funny thing is, I may have actually caved during the winter sales if Valve hadn't changed and decided 66.66 should be rounded down to 66.0%. This is my stand on principle versus that economist they hired. Maybe people won't care if they pay an extra 20 cents, but gosh darn it, I'm making a stand over it. No sale.

FWIW, I think Origins is up there with the best classic/sidescrolling platformers I've ever played. People will probably bash me for this, but it's at Yoshi Island levels of greatness for me. I honestly don't think I've ever had as much fun playing a game with friends since the Nintendo 64 days and I don't regret buying it one bit; they really captured the magic of coming home from school everyday with your friends, turning on Mario Kart 64 and spending some good hours laughing out loud.

So if you plan on playing it by yourself on your keyboard, sure, wait it out. But if you have even one person to play it with and a couple of controllers, or if you recognize the kind of "magic" I'm talking about, it's well worth buying ASAP even at full price.

God, I loved this game.

Edit: Here's my steam recommendation for it:
Far and away the best platformer I've played in years, and probably one of the best games in recent memory. It excels in all areas - visuals, level design, gameplay mechanics, sound, music... it's just perfect. The story is as complex as it should be, because the absolute, cheer fun one experiences when playing this overshadows it enormously. Local co-op is about the most fun I've had in any multiplayer videogame in a very long time and improves upon the single-player campaign as if there was no other way to play the game. There are some puzzles here and there but since the gameplay is meant for fun, fast-paced platforming they're not there very often. Some gameplay sections are played within a shmup-like minigame that's often as fun and charming as the platforming parts. The enemies and bosses are well done and the game's an absolute pleasure to look at. Get it. Get it now.


@Glass Rebel- Good review mate, but IMO if you got it on launch for $30-35, well IMO that's a good price for a newly released game on digital distribution, but I get what you mean about wanting it for $20.

Rayman origins is my GotY 2011, but I too may wait for it to go for cheaper by the Summer sale, even tho its tempting at its current price XP.


listen to the mad man
FWIW, I think Origins is up there with the best classic/sidescrolling platformers I've ever played. People will probably bash me for this, but it's at Yoshi Island levels of greatness for me. I honestly don't think I've ever had as much fun playing a game with friends since the Nintendo 64 days and I don't regret buying it one bit; they really captured the magic of coming home from school everyday with your friends, turning on Mario Kart 64 and spending some good hours laughing out loud.

Yoshi's Island is the best direct comparison in terms of the raw imagination that takes place in RO. There's nothing quite like it. I'm not sure I would say it's as good as YI or a few of the other classics, but it's definitely the best 2D platformer in a long time and well worth whatever price.


FWIW, I think Origins is up there with the best classic/sidescrolling platformers I've ever played. People will probably bash me for this, but it's at Yoshi Island levels of greatness for me. I honestly don't think I've ever had as much fun playing a game with friends since the Nintendo 64 days and I don't regret buying it one bit; they really captured the magic of coming home from school everyday with your friends, turning on Mario Kart 64 and spending some good hours laughing out loud.

So if you plan on playing it by yourself on your keyboard, sure, wait it out. But if you have even one person to play it with and a couple of controllers, or if you recognize the kind of "magic" I'm talking about, it's well worth buying ASAP even at full price.

God, I loved this game.

I know I should get it. I tried the Wii version with a couple of friends and it was awesome. Matching it against Yoshi's Island (my childhood's mark) is even more encouraging.
But my Steam library is already large. Consider me picky, but I have a looot of games to get distracted with until that 75% moment comes. And the game is not gonna go anywhere.

I'll have faith...


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Bought the Alan Wake Franchise offer, Rayman Origins and The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut. I played the first Alan Wake on 360 but couldn't resist the promotion with American Nightmare + Extras, and I feel like playing it again with better visuals. I was going to wait on Rayman Origins but I can't pass up on local co-op. These first few weeks will be painful for my wallet.
@Glass Rebel- Good review mate, but IMO if you got it on launch for $30-35, well IMO that's a good price for a newly released game on digital distribution, but I get what you mean about wanting it for $20.


I don't know, I've had more fun with cheaper games but in the end it was worth discussing it in the OT.
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