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STEAM | April 2017 - Fly me to the Moon

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Some impressions on a few games from last year that I just finished:

Pirate Pop Plus

It's a different take on the classic Pang, featuring random changes of gravity and the novelty of changing the parts of the virtual handheld used to visualize the game. It's not a bad game, problem is that it's very barebones: the whole game is one screen only, no different stages, no different modes, the characters are basically all the same, no intro, no ending. There's a serious drought of content and the only thingsa you can earn in the game, besides the characters, are cosmetic parts that don't change the gameplay at all. In conclusion the game's simply lacking.

SteamWorld Heist

The game starts slow and without many strategic options, it also takes a while to really take off, since the first part lasts way too much, becoming pretty monotone, recycling enemies and settings constantly. Another annoying obstacle to one's enjoyment of the adventure is the inventory box system: you can only keep so many items and weapons at once, and you have to sell the rest for money, until you slowly find the means to upgrade the inventory itself; that, paired with the steady arrival of new recruits to your team, makes it so you always feel you don't have enough choice of equipment for your crew. The story is serviceable, the characters are unique both in personality and skills, so that you'll want to use them all and the soundtrack is top notch (thanks to Steam Powered Giraffe); but what really shines is the tactical gameplay: it works flawlessly and you can't stop playing, wishing for one more level after the other.


A huge step up in tone and graphics from Limbo, even though the themes and the way of conveying them are similar. The animations of the boy are top notch, the world sucks you in immediately and never lets you go (I actually had to finish it in one sitting, couldn't stop), the progression in gameplay is nicely paired with a progression in the understanding of the world around you. The OST is unique, thanks to the fact it's been filtered through a human skull (!!), and definitely appropriate for this kind of misterious and low-profile adventure, where you must constantly hide. The game has many layers of interpretation and meaning, from the most face-value ones to deeper themes, and it loves to play with your expectations since the very beginning, as you think you have to
flee from somewhere, while you're actually trying to get in
. Personally my own favourite interpretation is that the game is
an allegory of birth, as opposed to Limbo being an allegory of death, with the sperm (boy) who tries to reach the ovule (inner chamber) to then become a fetus (the amalgamation of bodies) and get out of the womb (light of the day outside)
Yup, Nest of Eagles is the big test.

For large enemies: if you go up against them with 5 person unions and they aoe, then you're fucked. AOE attacks like breath weapons do <skill damage> x <members hit> to the union. So either split your members up into smaller unions, or keep a single union out of combat (only use long range attacks and don't close) to avoid being breathed and act as a healer.

Yay, I ended up beating Nest of Eagles last night on one of those "just a couple more tries" impulse decisions right before going to bed. The winning strategy was to build AP by taking out the enemy unions across the map from the bosses, and when the rest of the enemies closed in I used Gae Bolg and instakilled all the enemy reinforcement unions. Then I focused down the lady boss because I (correctly) assumed she had less HP than the giant. The giant was still a tough fight and his AoE killed all but 1 of my unions, which was at less than 50 HP a few times, but I managed to barely outheal his damage and chipped him down.

And then the cutscene happened and
died... and then
her identical daughter joined the crew
, and then I unlocked another union/more units... and now it's 6:30 am and I feel like death because I went to bed after midnight. I'm pretty salty about
because she was one of my best union leaders. :|

Now I'm doing sidequests because the Steam guide warns that the next quest is a point of no return. I'm guessing they don't warn you about that, which probably pissed off a lot of completionists lol.
Edith Finch might be the most touching game I've ever played, have found myself tearing up multiple times and I'm not a very emotional person
outside of fear


Yup, Nest of Eagles is the big test.

For large enemies: if you go up against them with 5 person unions and they aoe, then you're fucked. AOE attacks like breath weapons do <skill damage> x <members hit> to the union. So either split your members up into smaller unions, or keep a single union out of combat (only use long range attacks and don't close) to avoid being breathed and act as a healer.
I think the "try to not fight as much as possible" advices for The Last Remnant on PC are a bit overzealous. I did what I wanted and pretty much every sidequest as soon as I came across it and still managed Nest of Eagles just fine (was pretty hard though, but the good kind of hard).

... But i never completed it, so who knows if I would have problems later down the line :p

But I refuse to avoid combat in a game with awesome combat.


I bought Amnesia and didn't play it until after 2 weeks, played like half an hour and was furiously trying to refund it like 5 times and Steam rejected me everytime ):

but at least I'm enjoying SOMA!

and man Soma is super cool

SOMA's an incredible game, I really enjoyed the themes and storytelling. I'm a sucker for any sci-fi tale that touches on the nature of consciousness, and SOMA is a great example of that.


This is a long shot but as seeing I want to continue my character in Terraria without completely starting a new world as my friend didn't back up.

Anybody have an Expert world in hardmode?

If you didn't already, I would recommend asking or poking around the Terraria Steam Discussion board or Terraria reddit. Seems like something that would be easy to find amongst regular players. I'm sure my worlds are sitting on my PC but I think they're a couple versions old


It wont be the prettiest thing but I'll show them up. Some are elemental so they need the right element to cause damage plus buffs and de-buffs on VS mode wont be visible since Im recording solo. Still for the sake of watching them it should be done.

EDIT: Putting together all the videos on Windows Movie maker. The video will be 17:57 mins long. I could have edited the video better if I had the tools I had in college instead of Movie Maker but I hope the result doesnt end fucked up.

Lost Kingdoms 2 card showcase might be easier to record since Im not limited to random encounters and I can just show them off without enemies in a normal stage and I can probably use cheats for infinite health to not die while showcasing them.

This would be great! Now I'm sad that I can't play this on PC. I guess I haven't tried either on an emulator though.
It'd be nice to see SFV news that isn't just more DLC costumes.

Right? I booted SFV up last night for the first time in a while and played for a couple hours online; it’s really a shame Capcom pushed it out so early and tarnished it because the core fighting is a lot of fun and graphically looks great, animations are super smooth and it has a great feel to it. I like the idea of being able to earn Fight Money to purchase DLC but there’s just not enough content to keep it fun if you’re not interested in only playing online.


valve, after hl3, can you do a portable steam machine called steam switch for me? can you plz have android installed in it, please? thank you!


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How far away do you guys think that technology to make a gpd win-like PC that can play current gen games (souls series, fallout 4, resident evil 7, etc) at 720p@30FPS is? And will someone even make such device?
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