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Street Fighter VI vs Tekken 8

Tekken 8 vs Street Fighter VI

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Street Fighter, always and by far. My most anticipated game of the generation.
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I prefer Tekken but can't git gud enough to enjoy it as much as I want, so maybe I'll change my vote to SF, I find SF quite a lot easier once you get the basics.



It's been a long standing issue for years, you can find post about it all the time.

The old netcode made matches outside of your region and with weak connections unbearable so people denied matches all the time. Now you can also ignore wifi players. The complaints probably come from people playing in remote places with bad connections.


The old netcode made matches outside of your region and with weak connections unbearable so people denied matches all the time. Now you can also ignore wifi players. The complaints probably come from people playing in remote places with bad connections.
I have a wired gigabit connection and have since 2015 and the problem persisted. That being said, Dragon Ball Fighterz, Street Fighter 5, Marvel Infinite, Guilty Gear XRD all either came before or after and yet Tekken persist with it's problems


I'm only very casually into fighting games but I've always liked the combat and mechanics in SF more. I also like how the expanded single player is shaping up.

Visually I vastly prefer Tekken though. SF has been ugly as fuck since they went 3D


SF = Boomer
Tekken = Boomer
KOF = Boomer

These series have all been around longer than the people who define things as Boomer or Gen Z.
I remember playing Street Fighter 1 in the early 90s, and Tekken 1 and KOF 94 or 95.
Fighting games were more interesting back then, things got overly complex with time.

This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I would take SF characters, Tekken gameplay and KOF art style (but I would still have more fun playing Body Blows)


Voted for Street Fighter VI.

I grew up with the SF series, and while I also did with the Tekken series, I lost touch with Tekken as the series after 5. I got 7 on sale at one point and tried playing it, but I just felt so bored and not into it, unfortunately.

The Street Fighter series is something I've always come back to, for whatever reason. I'm sure it's because it just made a bigger impact than Tekken in my experience. Hell, so did Mortal Kombat. Anytime I walked into an arcade that was full of folks playing, it was always an iteration of Street Fighter/Capcom fighter, Mortal Kombat , or Killer Instinct. Tekken 2 & 3 always had a good flow of people, but not nearly as crowded. It wasn't until another local arcade at the time (that specialized in imports) got Tekken 5 that I saw crowds as big as I did for Tekken. I think it was primarily because at the time we were one of the few cities in the US that had a T5 board. So it was pretty wild.

The last Street Fighter I loved was IV, and I loved it a lot. During its release I was working at my first game industry gig, and we used to hold tournaments in the office all the time. So it holds an extra special place in my heart. Many great times were had. I bought SFV day 1, but boy did it lose me so bad. I know it apparently got better with time, but I think the damage was already done for me.

VI looks to be something very special, and I hope it is, cause man, do I miss me some Street Fighter.


SF = Gen Z
Tekken = Boomer
SF = Boomer
Tekken = Boomer
KOF = Boomer

These series have all been around longer than the people who define things as Boomer or Gen Z.
Neither of those you listed know how to play Fighting games.
It isn't that hard to use wikipedia or google:
Street Fighter debuted in 1987 (but its popularity spiked in 1991 with SF2), KOF and Tekken in 1994.

Since the average players in the '80s and '90s were kids and teenagers, and later evolved to mainly young aduts, the ones who played or play SF, Tekken and KOF are some Gen X but mostly millenials and Gen Z.

Not boomers.
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I pre-ordered SF6 and will definitely pre-order T8 once it is up. I prefer SF because I prefer 2D gameplay overall (fireballs, AA's, etc...) but I am equally hyped for both.


Gold Member
Both, because they look and play completely different but are both finely tuned (most of the time) in their field.

I mean c'mon, it's kind of a no contest ATM 😂

Seriously though; I'm excited for both, but I'm a bit disappointed that Tekken 8's newer gameplay doesn't look at stellar as the first trailer from last summer. I also think parts of it just look too gaudy aesthetic-wise; I miss the simpler-but-cleaner aesthetics of games like Tekken 3, 4, and 5 DR. Where it felt like they got a great balance of visual complexity but to where things were very "clean" and easy to visually read.

Which is another reason I still want that premier trailer look; the people who were complaining about it didn't make any sense to me. Yeah there were a lot of effects but everything was actually very readable and I liked that the environment actually felt like it had presence within the Jin vs. Kazuya fight. I don't get the same feeling from the newer footage, and that's a shame.

SFVI, OTOH, looks both well-detailed but keeping that same easy-to-read visual style of previous SF games. I'm still iffy on some of the skin texture (though that's from watching certain mod videos with close-ups, TBF), and I wish the actual fighting were faster. I wouldn't mind something between 3S and IV, or even V's speed. SFVI looks like it feels a lot slower compared to those games, even compared to V, which slowed things down from IV. Though I do think IV was almost too fast in terms of hit animations, there was almost zero visual feedback for the one-frame links for example and you needed to do those to compete at top level in that game.

But aside from those two things (and really both are just pet peeves on my end; they could address the 2nd for example by just giving speed options like in the old SF games), everything else about SFVI looks on the money. I'm picking up both it and Tekken 8, but right now on a scale of 1-10 I'd say my hype for SFVI is around an 8.5 and my hype for Tekken 8 is closer to a 7. For SFVI it'd be higher but I'm still concerned they're gonna kind of half-ass the actual story of the game; I want it to clearly move closer to SFIII's timeline if not past it, and I hope all the characters revealed so far have some real weight into the actual narrative. I'm also still holding out for something like a Cinematic Story Mode, if not as its own thing (the World Tour sounds much better mechanically), then at least with cinematic cutscenes interspersed with World Tour missions and storylines. No reason not to.

For Tekken 8 I still need to see some other characters like Yoshimitsu, and hopefully see the visuals get more in line with the reveal trailer's. I like the mechanics they've talked about, for the most part and while I think Nina's guns are a bit goofy, her actual look is nice. But we simply don't know quite as much about Tekken 8 as we do SFVI and that's mainly because Tekken 8 is probably coming a good bit later. Maybe closer to the end of the year, or early 2024 I can imagine.


I have more faith in Tekken delivering the goods but SF6 is probably more exciting because Capcom is really going all-in.

It goes without saying I'll be buying both.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
SF = Boomer
Tekken = Boomer
KOF = Boomer

These series have all been around longer than the people who define things as Boomer or Gen Z.
The term okay Boomer originated from Reddit in 2007.
It's more then likely a millennial come up with it.
Girl Why Dont We Have Both GIF

Seriously... They're 3rd party multiplatform games. If you're a fighting game fan at all, you're buying both. Why even try to make these weird contrived versus threads when it's not platform wars?

Because everything HAS to be in competition with everything else?!?... It doesn't.... well.... I guess unless you're American.


If i had to choose one, it'd be Street Fighter

I don't really have enough space on my PS5 to have more than one AAA fighting game installed at once tbh
Street Fighter looks cooler and finally has a dumbass "press a button to do a special instead of a long input" control mode for idiots like me so I might actually get it.
I have little faith in either. Tekken 7 was dreadful in every imaginable way and I do not think Tekken 8 will improve anything important like movement. I would be curious to see Fei Long and Remy in the new Street Fighter mechanically speaking, but both are unlikely to make a comeback. Mostly I hope Virtua Fighter, Dead or Alive, Soul Calibur, and Injustice get new installments that are improved but not overdesigned or streamlined.
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Girl Why Dont We Have Both GIF

Seriously... They're 3rd party multiplatform games. If you're a fighting game fan at all, you're buying both. Why even try to make these weird contrived versus threads when it's not platform wars?

Because everything HAS to be in competition with everything else?!?... It doesn't.... well.... I guess unless you're American.

I don't think it has anything to do with platform wars; truth is some people are gonna prefer SFVI and others will prefer Tekken 8, even if they're both multiplats.

Especially if someone only has time to dedicate to learning one game; the choice becomes even more important at that point.
I don't think it has anything to do with platform wars; truth is some people are gonna prefer SFVI and others will prefer Tekken 8, even if they're both multiplats.

Especially if someone only has time to dedicate to learning one game; the choice becomes even more important at that point.

You can have a preference and decide to dedicate your time to one game or the other.... that's not my point. My point is you can still buy, play and enjoy both. It's not like one is an exclusive and the other not... so the only restrictions placed on a gamer's decision to buy either are wholly self-imposed.


SF because tekken is annoying to learn.

SF6 is exciting because V was so shit and exclusive to one platform. It’s like we’ve had a decade without street fighter. This is its return, and they seem to care.
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