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Street Fighter X Tekken |OT| Truly, truly outrageous~


Let's not get this shit twisted now! She is MINE! Don't make me smack you around with Hilde! :p

I haven't touched SCV in weeks so I'm probably ass now. :(

I have been so busy with school, I haven't had much time to play. :(

I haven't touched KOF since SC5 came out...and now this game is looking cooler than I thought it would.

So many good fighters. :D

What a great problem to have.
I have been so busy with school, I haven't had much time to play. :(

I haven't touched KOF since SC5 came out...and now this game is looking cooler than I thought it would.

So many good fighters. :D

What a great problem to have.

and I'm gonna be a goddam scrub at each and every one of them

fuck yeah.



Sigh... the wait till April or whenever they officially announce the release date of these characters continues...

And I suppose I'm done with my little avatar collection themed at rivals between franchises, feel free to take any that you like:




These ones are already claimed:

I know I missed a bunch... but I was too lazy to keep going. Been procrastinating way too much LOL

That deserves it's own thread!


I now go to bed knowing that after a long day tomorrow of work and grinding out the evening, I will once again venture to bed and awaken to a full day off work to wrap myself up in the warm goodiness that is this game.

Hype @ 8999 right now.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I have been so busy with school, I haven't had much time to play. :(

I haven't touched KOF since SC5 came out...and now this game is looking cooler than I thought it would.

So many good fighters. :D

What a great problem to have.

I hear you. I have presentations and projects that are due this week among other things. On the plus side Spring Break for college is next week, so I'll be devoting all my time to SFxT.

But yeah, with all these fighters it's both a blessing and a curse.


I hear you. I have presentations and projects that are due this week among other things. On the plus side Spring Break for college is next week, so I'll be devoting all my time to SFxT.

But yeah, with all these fighters it's both a blessing and a curse.



:D <--- me right now.


I totally voted for Dr. B.

Ugh at Chun-Li and Ryu receiving so many votes. Weren't brief animatics of them "leaked" a while back? We already know they'll be in the game.

Ya, those characters will be locked. Voting for them is a waste of time.


Jun currently #2 on the Tekken side (behind Jin). Really surprised they didn't go with the Jun/Jin team for SFxT, but I guess they wanted to work with current chronology.
Ugh at Chun-Li and Ryu receiving so many votes. Weren't brief animatics of them "leaked" a while back? We already know they'll be in the game.
Karin, R Mika, and Q are all getting pretty healthy levels of support.
Unlike a lot of folks I wasn't entirely sold on this game to begin with, but with the dlc shenanigans I'm sorry to say I'm bailing on this one. See ya'll in the fall when the game + the dlc goes for $60 altogether. I'm out.
I just don't like the way this game plays. IMO the Street Fighter/Tekken mechanics just don't mesh well; it's basically SF4 with stripped down Tekken characters. Maybe I just need some more time with it for it to click, but my first impression is not too positive. Plus the last boss just made me roll my eyes.


Does anyone else think links in this game are actually harder? Maybe it is just the links they give you in the trials, but it's a good thing I recently got the hang of double tapping because there are some pretty tight links into jab and short they make you do. Maybe more practical B&B combo links are easier, but from spending time in trials with a bunch of characters I'm not sure I agree that links are easier than SF4.
Sigh... the wait till April or whenever they officially announce the release date of these characters continues...

And I suppose I'm done with my little avatar collection themed at rivals between franchises, feel free to take any that you like:

These ones are already claimed:

I know I missed a bunch... but I was too lazy to keep going. Been procrastinating way too much LOL

That deserves it's own thread!

Could I beg of you to make one of Hugo and King?


I just don't like the way this game plays. IMO the Street Fighter/Tekken mechanics just don't mesh well; it's basically SF4 with stripped down Tekken characters. Maybe I just need some more time with it for it to click, but my first impression is not too positive. Plus the last boss just made me roll my eyes.

This game is nothing like SFIV even if it look like it, just take that out of your head. I repeat: NOTHING like SFIV. :p

Here's a comment from someone at SRK who goes in depth:

Alright, had a session with the game at a friend's house. Incoming long impressions on the game.

First thing we tried was trials. The trials in general are very easy, but trials 17-20 for each character are much tougher and there will probably be one frustrating trial for many characters. Vega has a trial that requires like 4 really annoying links, and then you cancel a standing jab into scarlet terror (lol). Stuff like that. Abel's were pretty easy, though there was one or two that required weird spacing on the screen to work. I couldn't figure out Hwoarang's last few... you have to do a move in a certain stance, and then link stand short in that stance after. The problem is, once you do the first move, it takes you out of the stance... I tried "linking" a stance change before the next part of the combo, but couldn't. There's probably some trick here, just didn't figure it out in 10 minutes.

After that, I played what ended up being a first to 7 against Jozhear (I lost 7-6 ). I used Rufus/Hugo then Ryu/Juri, Jozhear stuck with Vega/King. Here are some random notes.

- The game feels much more... I dunno the word. Deliberate? Because walk speeds are slower, you basically have to always be in a range you like, because it's harder to fix it by walking. Dashes seem to cover less distance, too. That said, jumps seem very quick and very short, kind of like Blanka in SF4. You have to be really on point with your anti-airs, because you have to use them quickly to prevent jumps. Ryu's EX and MP shoryukens felt very reliable as anti-air, but they're very easy to make whiff, or hit the backside of it for a huge air combo.

- Because of the crazy block stun and (what seems like) higher startup on normals, and the slower dashes etc, some characters kind of feel like they have ankle weights on them while playing. I'm sure we all felt like this when we first picked up SF4, though, so I'm sure it'll pass. Rufus has a height restriction on his dive kick, and trying to run standard SF4 mixups didn't really work (Jozhear blocked them all easily). Tried to do stand short, stand fierce xx tornado, but I would always get far fierce? Like I said... things feel more "deliberate" and "heavy" in a way. Have to really know what your character is doing.

- Throws have basically 0 range, and feel like they have higher startup than SF4. We got in a few SF4 moments where you're standing next to the player and mashing throw. At some points, our character models were touching, but both of our throws were whiffing. There don't seem to be any useful kara throws, either (see below for why). Hugo's SPD has basically no range either. Despite this, I still think throws will be an important part of the metagame, they might just be more useful for some characters than others. I was able to do low forward xx fireball release, walk up throw with Juri fairly reliably, for instance.

- Seems like every overhead can be comboed out of, though the links feel tight.

- Speaking of that, links in the game are very slow, and some of them feel like 1 or 2 frame to link jab into jab, or short into short/jab. Some people will be frustrated at how their character walks/jumps/links normals together after playing SF4, because they'll have to retrain a lot of muscle memory. Not a bad thing necessarily, just one I wasn't really expecting to feel so different.

- DP tag cancel seems to be safe if you tag with your back relatively close to the corner. Midscreen or further, I think it's a free punish always (and a big one, because the DP character will fall down into the combo too). You need moves with HUGE block stun (like Rufus's tornado, Juri's pinwheel, etc) to safely tag out. If you try to do Rufus's EX messiah and tag out on the LK flip ender, it's... bad news. lol

- Get used to lots of accidental tagging if you use focus attacks liberally in SF4.

- Get used to punishing LOTS of raw tags in this game. People will be raw tagging several times per match, I think, including times when they're directly in your face, because they just need to get out so they don't die. We need to learn to turn these into a combo video.

- I was getting frustrated watching Cross Assault because people were doing so many substandard combos after tag canceling, but after playing the game for a few hours, I can sympathize. It just doesn't feel very natural at first to tag and then do a huge combo. You basically just tag in and do... DP. Or tag in and do... normal into nothing (kind of like a midair reset in SF4 after Sakura's EX tatsu or something). You just expect them to fall out of it, but they don't. It will take me a good week or two in training mode to maximize this damage, I think. The muscle memory is just not there right now.

- Tekken characters are very, very, very weird. Jozhear was playing King and he tagged him in to do the knee combo, but then... he didn't really know what to do. He doesn't seem to have any real footsies normals, and he walks slow and has bad dashes. If you try to play these characters like SF characters, you won't have any success at all. Of course, people will eventually figure out how to use them, but it was quite an eye-opener to have literally no idea what to press when they were in a match. There was no "trusty ol' low forward" to go to. You probably need to do tons of target combos xx stance changes to keep things safe or mix things up, etc. It's also weird that a lot of the Tekken characters have MP to LP target combos (because that's 2 to 1 in Tekken and makes sense). pretty much all SF target combos go from lighter attacks to heavier attacks. It felt surprisingly weird to have to press MP, LP or MK, LK in combos, AND see your character do a light-looking attack to a heavy-looking attack. Basically, the L, M, and H notations for SF buttons only apply to footsies normals with Tekken characters. All their other strings seem like they were lifted straight from Tekken, and then animated appropriately, without any regard for the SF nomenclature. (This is not a bad thing, it's just weird for a lifelong SF player)

- If you have 40% health, I would consider that "low" in this game. You should tag to your partner when you have 50% health at the least... spend that meter, do what you need to do, whatever. It's very easy to lose 30% to a basic combo, and because you can't really tag as a reversal on wakeup, you have to take the mixup after and it's very easy to just... die, before you realize you should have tagged 10 seconds ago. This ties back in with punishing raw tags. A lot of people will think "ah, I have 60% health, I'm safe", only to get hit by a footsies normal, lose 30%, then lose 15-20% on random pokes following the mixup, and then realize "oh crap I have to tag!!!", so they just do it (they have to, or lose the round) into a full health character. You need to really make these hurt.

- Lastly, I don't know if anyone has said this, but do people know there are MACROS in this game?? If you press jab + roundhouse, your character spends 1 bar and automatically does LMH launcher. If you press short + fierce, your character does a basic BnB for 1 meter (Vega's was scarlet terror, cr.MP xx scarlet terror). Apparently these might be programmable in the menu, too?? This means that kara throw (with Vega, at least) is impossible, because you're pressing roundhouse + jab and the macro overrides all your input. I have no idea what these will be used for... pros will never want to spend the meter, but maybe beginners will use it to spend 1 meter to do a "hard" combo. Maybe you can reprogram the buttons to do tricky OS combinations, or multiple 1 frame link combos or something? Maybe they're not programmable at all, though... we didn't mess around with it enough.

I might make another post as I remember more details about stuff. Initial impressions are good, though. The game is fun and I really want to play more. It's just... VERY different from SF4, in every way. Even the SF characters. Links are different, combos are different, jumps are different, footsies are different. Expect to see 99% shotos online (or shoto + Hugo, etc) because Tekken characters are hard to play without a lot of training mode. You can still mash DP, but because DP trades a lot and isn't safe almost ever (and lead to HUUUGE punishes) I don't think it will really matter that much in the long run. You'll probably mostly feel you deserved to get DPed in 6 months.


I was trying to mess around with the auto-combo thing - it looks like it is built to allow you to program in your own auto-combos, but I could not figure out how to do it.


Setec Astronomer
I can understand defending character DLC on the disk, because it's very likely that more work needs to be done to them as far as balancing.
Yeah, I thought so too, but now it seems Capcom wanted to use them to provide a second launch for the game, so to speak. That is, get people talking about it again some point down the road and also get a bit more money.

But then their strategy got shot to hell.


I just don't like the way this game plays. IMO the Street Fighter/Tekken mechanics just don't mesh well; it's basically SF4 with stripped down Tekken characters. Maybe I just need some more time with it for it to click, but my first impression is not too positive. Plus the last boss just made me roll my eyes.

Yeah. Play more. Come back next week and tell us how you really feel :D
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