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Super Monday Night Combat |OT| Time to let loose with the juice!


Fuck this game. Seriously. Why even play something where you have to find for 10 hours just to choose a character? There is so much wrong with the design on every level. It's a horrible game. Done.

lol, see ya (or you could, you know, drop a few bucks and buy the character you want, if you need a specific one that badly. it's not like the game was expensive or anything...).

I just had an hour and a half long game, holy moly was it intense. Wound up winning though, woohoo!


Fuck this game. Seriously. Why even play something where you have to find for 10 hours just to choose a character? There is so much wrong with the design on every level. It's a horrible game. Done.

Someone is a little overreactionary.. I mean I get frustrated at the game from time to time as well, but... come on.


Fuck this game. Seriously. Why even play something where you have to find for 10 hours just to choose a character? There is so much wrong with the design on every level. It's a horrible game. Done.

F2P is the future, you're gonna be a lot angrier come next year and beyond when more games major publishers start/push to adopt the "service" instead of "product" model.


I apologize. I was angry at something else. No excuse. Didn't mean to shit up the thread. Sorry.

I still uninstalled. I'm not mad about the f2p model. But the character selection just isn't there yet for the free rotation thing. There are 6 characters free right now, and 5 people per team, and no character duplication. Not much of a choice. And like people were saying, the price for stuff (CC and $) is wayyyy too high.


Did this game get any more fun since the early beta? I like DotA and all but this game seemed to take all the unfun aspects of DotA and it just didn't work right. Its hard to explain it really.


Did this game get any more fun since the early beta? I like DotA and all but this game seemed to take all the unfun aspects of DotA and it just didn't work right. Its hard to explain it really.

The matches go by so fast, I dont see how its not fun


Did this game get any more fun since the early beta? I like DotA and all but this game seemed to take all the unfun aspects of DotA and it just didn't work right. Its hard to explain it really.

I agree with you (in terms of the beta). I just played the first match since early beta and it was a ton of fun. Definitely going to give it another chance now.
I played a little of the beta and all my interest was completely destroyed, I play a lot of MNC across various platforms and this just wasn't what I expected.

Today though, a friend and I gave it another shot, maybe things would be different.

I LOVE it! I have become less of a fan of direct combat online and the support roles in this game are just so satisfying, can't wait to play more!
I really like the Game.

But the community seems two-sided. Often we have nice players in the team, and then in the next match assholes, who wanna f*** our moms... :(

The only bad side I see is about the money-distribution at the end of each round. I often clear the bot lanes and destroy the towers, but that doesnt give as much money as killing other players. Thats kinda unfair. Other than that, great Game :)


I've actually had several games where people would tell the obvious newbies (myself included) what to do or where to go over voice chat, sometimes even text. People lately though have started spamming the chat commands ("Defend the Annihilator!") etc and it seems to work for pubs, usually they'll at least try, if they have a clue.

The closest I've experienced to someone being an asshat (so far) was someone saying to me "BurningNad, I hope you don't suck as Tank" after all my other usual Pros were locked off. I responded "Me too!" and we all lol'ed, so maybe they weren't being hostile. One guy went off on another over voice for telling the former he sucked, but he did suck. He had 1 kill and 27 deaths, I'd expect people to tell me I sucked if I had a score like that, haha.


I really like the Game.

But the community seems two-sided. Often we have nice players in the team, and then in the next match assholes, who wanna f*** our moms... :(

The only bad side I see is about the money-distribution at the end of each round. I often clear the bot lanes and destroy the towers, but that doesnt give as much money as killing other players. Thats kinda unfair. Other than that, great Game :)

Your playstyle will/should change depending on the hero you pick but typically, early game you want to be focusing on killing bots. Typically, if teams are even and well balance, heroes shouldn't start dying until mid-game.

I try to be nice, but after a few rough games I can get nasty. Usually not until game is over though. If we lost, and most of the team did okay but you went 0-11 with 30 bots killed...I'm gonna call you out. Worst still if you have the fucking gall to type GG at the end. Fuck you.
I always try to play with the assault.

Any tips for it? Mostly I am only using the secondary weapon for the bots, dont really fly much and put the mine somewhere.
Still dont get that much kills, but I can clear the lanes pretty good with that.
since last weekend the game community feels better now, less "gg feeder idiot" and more "gg was fun", at least for what I have seen.

Just won snipers 'blue 33' taunt but I still need to unlock him heh

I always try to play with the assault.

Any tips for it? Mostly I am only using the secondary weapon for the bots, dont really fly much and put the mine somewhere.
Still dont get that much kills, but I can clear the lanes pretty good with that.

if you stick a mine to a bot or a player which is called a headcrab it will do something like 50% more damage, good for hurting those fiji fat bots. Fly is amazing as you learn the maps and float above grappler characters so they can't grapple you.
The Wascot doesn't seem to have much potential as a great character to use unless you have the proper experience.

I'm rolling with Assault for now, since he was my go-to character for vanilla MNC and he has great tools.


The Wascot doesn't seem to have much potential as a great character to use unless you have the proper experience.

I'm rolling with Assault for now, since he was my go-to character for vanilla MNC and he has great tools.

Assault is great in this, I always do well with him. He's good against bots, and good against players.
The only bad side I see is about the money-distribution at the end of each round. I often clear the bot lanes and destroy the towers, but that doesnt give as much money as killing other players. Thats kinda unfair. Other than that, great Game :)

Yeah, I wish killing turrets gave you a bit more money. Sometimes when I play Megabeth, I'll take down 2-3 turrets pretty much by myself, and it pays noticeably worse than killing bots or players during the same time span.

Bot kills can still pay really well, especially if you're keeping up a big bot streak. Bots always pay out the same throughout the match, while player kills tend to be worth less as the level gap widens. And jackbots are worth a good chunk of change, so it's nice to build up a bot multiplier for taking them down.

I always try to play with the assault.

Any tips for it? Mostly I am only using the secondary weapon for the bots, dont really fly much and put the mine somewhere.
Still dont get that much kills, but I can clear the lanes pretty good with that.

For bot kills, your grenade is good for longer ranges and doing splash damage to kill the small bots, but for the bigger bots, you're actually better off using the AR up close. Bomb has good knockback, so it's good for keeping people off the annihilator and knocking people off precarious map points.


I used to be a pretty decent commando. Until I realized the glory of the double grapple. So awesome and unstoppable.. For example as Spark you roll in while simultaneously switching to your pistol and use the stationary grapple(right click), and you've still got the skill grapple(skill 2) waiting to use right afterwards. If you catch most characters alone this is enough to put them close to or nearly at death, giving you the chance to finish 'em off quickly as soon as you finish the chain grabs. Assassin also has two different grapples.. The deadly katana one and the more comedic shuriken launcher alt fire. If you hit them from behind with it you ride their back like a mount, haha.


Earlier today I was about to queue solo but then a full team of 5 invited me so I figured why not? If they are a team they might know what they are doing. 10 minutes later I have 9 kills, 0 deaths, and none of them have a single kill and as many as 8 deaths each. It wasn't much longer until I decided to just idle in the spawn room.


I've played a couple matches. assault and gunner are the classes I like the most, but I do way better with assault. Anyone have any good tips for gunner? It just seems like his gun and all his skills are super weak...

I try to set up in a good spot to take down bots and people but I don't enough damage to really be effective at it.
Are there any chances that I can play with Gaffers? That would be so fun! I've seen the SMNC neogaf group so should I start from there?


Are there any chances that I can play with Gaffers? That would be so fun! I've seen the SMNC neogaf group so should I start from there?

I joined the GAF SMNC group a week or so ago... and everytime I checked to see if anyone was playing, there wasn't a single person doing so. Not sure if it would help much with getting into GAF games, sadly. Would be awesome to have 5v5 all GAF groups going.
I joined the GAF SMNC group a week or so ago... and everytime I checked to see if anyone was playing, there wasn't a single person doing so. Not sure if it would help much with getting into GAF games, sadly. Would be awesome to have 5v5 all GAF groups going.

I'm with you man, maybe with just us we can get some games going if no one else in the thread is interested.


Costcosaurus and I will be starting up a group in a few minutes here, if anyone wants in on it add me on Steam! (BurningNad)



Probably the best game I've ever had as gunslinger. 13-4-16. Get at me, I *AM* the law.


I stopped playing the beta because I found it terrible unbalanced, but the last 3 matches I had were quite fun and balanced, our team even made a sweet comeback. Would you guys say that they managed to balance it a bit more or was it just luck.


I stopped playing the beta because I found it terrible unbalanced, but the last 3 matches I had were quite fun and balanced, our team even made a sweet comeback. Would you guys say that they managed to balance it a bit more or was it just luck.

I'd say a mix of that and people knowing wtf they are doing :p


Hm not sure how the ranking system works or why the kills are still most important for the list. I have like double the average bot kills of my team most of the time, but still come in pretty low. Which is weird because bot kills are really important imo.

I love the Veteran btw.


I picked this up a few days ago due to Giant Bomb, having never played the original, and I'm having a grand ol' time.

I ended up buying Support simply because Combat Girl always gets taken and I figure I can't be too terrible learning if I'm healing people. I'm completely new to MOBA so it's been hard to get the swing of things (grapple is the melee attack! I was scanning the keybinds for ages trying to figure out what the hell melee was) and a fuckton of the store seems overpriced, but despite the long queues I'm enjoying myself quite a bit.


Oh man I just got stomped. My first time playing combat girl and I led my team in bot kills, player kills and assists... and to top it off we had 2 leavers. The other other team had an assault with 20 kills by the end of the match. Total bummer, but I got a +200 hp every kill prize after the match.

I'm really liking the drop system, but the prices on things are a bit weird... during the GB TNT they kept saying Uber is still kind of testing their pricing structure so that was good to hear I guess. Anybody else buying endorsments? I'm only lvl 10 but I've bought a bunch of the 1st lvl speed upgrade endos and will probably continue to do so until all my slots are full.


Anybody else buying endorsments? I'm only lvl 10 but I've bought a bunch of the 1st lvl speed upgrade endos and will probably continue to do so until all my slots are full.

I'm starting to save up for my endorsement set now. Finally unlocked all the Pros with CC (800 games and 350 hours later) and been using all Prods/Ends I got from the Prize system.


Any tips for Megabeth? She's cool but also feels weak.

Kill bots. Lots of bots. Beth is a huge bot killer. Try to jungle if you can hold off Commandos, your splash damage will be better since you don't have to get a direct hit all the time. Use your Disk in tight spots and to stun fujis/bouncers/jackbots. Dervish on grappled opponents.


Yeah she is rally good killing bots. Guess I am used the Veteran when I am against other Pro's - I have a much easier time with him.

Megabeth is OP as shit, you ain't doin' somethin' right!

I thought every class is OP as shit!

edit: commandos still suck, I hate them :-/ I have no chance to counter or kill them. I have no idea what's going on sometimes as they don't seem to lose any health at all too. Frustrating.


So I went ahead and bought the bundle with 6 of the 'new' characters for $15. Been having a LOT of fun playing Captain Spark. Being able to go out in the jungle before any other characters (I guess the assassin could technically do it as well, but her ranged weapon doesn't seem as good as Spark's) and harass the other team with his ray gun seems downright unfair. Add to this that he has a throw that just sends opponents flying, so it is very easy to ambush people and throw them out of the arena, screwing them out of early game experience.

My only complaint with the game so far is that I keep getting these weird 'lag spikes', where my character is suddenly teleported in some random direction, which often results in me committing suicide by falling off of the map.

Edit: Also, Captain Sparks in-game voice work is pretty damn funny.
Yeah she is rally good killing bots. Guess I am used the Veteran when I am against other Pro's - I have a much easier time with him.

I find she's less of a player-killer and more of a pressure class. If you shoot a few rockets into a tightly-packed brawl, you can turn the tides in your team's favor pretty rapidly. And her splash damage is really good at keeping the enemy's health regen from kicking in. If you need to finish someone off, her alt-fire homing rocket can be great at picking off a weak enemy.

I tend to keep my distance as much as possible with her. Her rockets and disk are still great from range, and she has a great escape ability, so as long as you stay out of trouble you can build up some good streak bonuses and a huge bot multiplier.
After really not liking this after my first few matches I gave it another go today and really enjoyed it, played it for about 2 hours without realising. Things just started clicking. There seems to be less stalemates than in the original MNC but maybe that's just my experience. So far my favourite thing to do is to throw people off the annhilator platform in locomoco arena to protect my teammate who's activating it. Very satisfying.
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