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Tekken 7 Announced, Trailer Revealed, PS4/Xbox One, UE4, More At Comic-Con

you just picked alternates, the 1P costume has largely been the same yellow/blue/black Tiger Mask style gear, only exception being Tekken 4 of course:




I see no gloves with black boots > gloved > yellow boots with no elbow pads > elbow pads and unique pants patterns. All different enough to me.

Two Words

If Tekken is going to incorporate a meter, this is how they should do it.

You earn meter from doing attacks and getting hit.
You earn meter from escaping throws and countering.
You earn meter from blocking particular moves that are deemed hard to block.
You earn meter from blocking 10+ straight attacks.
You earn meter from landing item move hits or unblockable hits.

What does the meter do? Meter lets you juggle.

A launcher that hits uses up some meter.
Every hit during a juggle uses meter.
Doing a bound uses meter.

So the point of all this is to allow you to still juggle, but it also forces you to work on other aspects of your game. I don't think juggle haters hate juggles. I think they hate the race to juggling. This would kill the race to juggling. It would also make dropping a juggle more punishing.


subtle differences due to updated design and graphical updates, they are still the same kind of costume

Let's say for arguments sake 1P's have been completely consistent... why haven't they at least changed the 2P outfits?
What? Yes i did. I said rebalance the characters that have bound-like moves. Tekken 5DR is the best Tekken ever made and Revolution is closer to that and should be the way to go with in T7.

As an old school arcade player and a bonafide Tekken addict for 20 years I hope they scrap the bound system.

I love Tekken and play it no matter what. But the bound system turns the simple concept of jugging and makes it to long for the trade off. It's like bound is not worth the risk versus reward. The risk is turning off players, mucking game design, for very little reward of player fun and some players bounds turns off.

I also disagree bound is needed for balance, or for oki balance... just not true. Other ways to get the same effect.

And something that is being missed completely is pacing. Something I did not realize myself, and no one has brought it up, yet it is CRITICAL!

Friends and I played TTT2, then an hour later played T5DR and we compared the differences. The difference in these games are amazing! T5 was so fast! It was serious no mistakes and sweating the opponents attacks, and it felt that way because the pacing was so fast.

No second character, no BOUNDS, just a strait up fight with minor typical juggles.

It was so much fun, and more fun than TTT2 bound system.

Pacing can help keep interest in watching, and make the game flow faster, and more intense, more fun, and makes for a better "experiance". Bounds somehow ruins the experience.


Let's say for arguments sake 1P's have been completely consistent... why haven't they at least changed the 2P outfits?

1 reason is relevance. Why do you have to put so much effort designing a stock costume that would not be seen by many because they keep customizing it?

So basically, if you want to have better costumes, ask for them to delete customization too.


I would agree. In each person's little bubble at home they believed whatever they thought about Tekken. They were just not exposed to the realities of the game. In an era with no online play & the internet still in it's infincy it was easy not to see how Tekken was suppose to be played. In the 2000s that all changed & with it the perception of Tekken to the masses.

Also, how could I miss this? THIS PRETTY MUCH...

And honestly, T7 will make or break the series... with a real bigger chance to break it... like 75/100 chance. There is no way scrubs won't complain even when bounds get removed when they get wall carried by Nina or Lee to the wall, and there is no way some people will not ditch the game when their characters get removed or get simplified so much that they don't play the same or as fun as it was before.
DEATH™;121370500 said:
1 reason is relevance. Why do you have to put so much effort designing a stock costume that would not be seen by many because they keep customizing it?

So basically, if you want to have better costumes, ask for them to delete customization too.
I'm an opponent of customization so this won't do for me.

Part of the allure of Tekken's design is the artwork. It has gotten less and less exciting seeing the same cg designs in different poses.
About the costumes, they can change it up and make it modern but we can't stray away too far from the original design. Classic is classic. Most of us starting playing Tekken as teens. Time for Tekken to grow up a little. I think the slide in sales has something to do with us just out growing Tekken as grown ass men, Panda and Rodger ain't cutting it.

Then again how does one keep the old men and the young kids? Nolan's Batman really isn't for children.

My thing is Tekken is not like Street Fighter in terms of iconic looks. I mean sure Kazuya's and Heihachi's outfits are iconic but the rest? meh.


DEATH™;121370500 said:
So basically, if you want to have better costumes, ask for them to delete customization too.

The default costumes are always visible, so that effort definitely won't go to waste:

The customized outfits will appear secondary so there will always be a choice for outfits.

And honestly as someone who gets the most enjoyment of Tekken at offline gathers... I'm perfectly OK with getting rid of customizations and having them make a few bloody awesome outfits like Dead or Alive. My opinion would have been different before, but at my current understanding of the game the only way I can fulfill the game's potential is playing it offline with other people.

EDIT: and one more thing though... as awesome as some customizations have been, there have been tons of ones that ruin the game for me. I could do without nonsense like this:

About the costumes, they can change it up and make it modern but we can't stray away too far from the original design. Classic is classic. Most of us starting playing Tekken as teens. Time for Tekken to grow up a little. I think the slide in sales has something to do with us just out growing Tekken as grown ass men, Panda and Rodger ain't cutting it.

Then again how does one keep the old men and the young kids? Nolan's Batman really isn't for children.

Hire me! I've been wanting to be scenario/script writer for Tekken for frakkin ever. I'm typically a humble guy but I've never been more sure about something in my creative side of life as I am with this idea.


I think this will occur with Tekken 8. With how they're presenting T7 it seems like they're ready to finish the Mishima feud and move on to something else.

depends, they would have to address a couple other stuff that isnt exactly background material

this seems more like trying to bring heihachi more to the forefront seeing as hes been a bit irrelevant since Kazuya was reintroduced in T4, with the new VA in a cannonical game and all, wonder if Namco is gonna kill off heihachi

My thing is Tekken is not like Street Fighter in terms of iconic looks. I mean sure Kazuya's and Heihachi's outfits are iconic but the rest? meh.

jins outfit is pretty iconic, even more so than those twos outfits, kings mask is also pretty iconic

DEATH™;121370500 said:
So basically, if you want to have better costumes, ask for them to delete customization too.

i would be more than okay with this, rather they had just some awesome costumes
depends, they would have to address a couple other stuff that isnt exactly background material

this seems more like trying to bring heihachi more to the forefront seeing as hes been a bit irrelevant since Kazuya was reintroduced in T4, with the new VA in a cannonical game and all, wonder if Namco is gonna kill off heihachi

jins outfit is pretty iconic, even more so than those twos outfits, kings mask is also pretty iconic
As Iconic as Jin's outfit is, it has gone through some changes though. Red on black > white on black with matching shirt > white on black more akin to T3 > Red on black (again). Rather than seeing the exact same red on black gi, why can't we get a different material bottom with a new design to the flame?What about the flame being one tone instead of gradient? What if his DJin leather pants became his regular pants? The smallest change is still a big change.



Batman... this reminds me:


Some people got pretty damn creative I won't lie haha.


About the costumes, they can change it up and make it modern but we can't stray away too far from the original design. Classic is classic. Most of us starting playing Tekken as teens. Time for Tekken to grow up a little. I think the slide in sales has something to do with us just out growing Tekken as grown ass men, Panda and Rodger ain't cutting it.

Not really, the biggest part of TTT2 not selling well is because of THE ARCADE EXPERIENCE™.

THE ARCADE EXPERIENCE™ happens when a casual player goes to a nearby mall with an arcade on it, then see a clump of people surrounding the machine and out of curiosity, they looked and people are playing Tekken. The casual player then buys a token while thinking of the moves he used to mash when he plays Tekken at his home like a total hotshot. Just after seconds, he gets bopped hard and humiliated with such defeat while questioning his existence on the Earth.

THE ARCADE EXPERIENCE™ is the experience where you go into a crossroads of your Tekken career where there are two paths, either go and improve, or become filled with hatred and evolve into trolls that plagued Tekken Zaibatsu.

Lol, sorry for the lengthy description but you get the point. TTT2 when released showed a very tough AI along with the broken boss ability that many people can't win. Then they go online, and because of the good online, players have a chance to play against murderers. And then the tutorial exposed them to some mechanics of the game and they left completely shocked because "I THOUGHT THIS GAME IS A MASHER'S GAME?". This phenomena is happening even at TEKKEN 5... yes, this isn't something new...

And then they do go to these crossroads. I've seen it a hundred times before on TZ and even around me. These Tekken dissing just happened to be more mainstream now because, hey why play Tekken if I have SF4, Marvel, or gasp, DOA 5...


Remove customization items and give players the option to turn customization on or off. I.e. If you want to play online but don't want to see people's terrible customs, you have should have the option to only see the default costume.

The downside is sometimes people have really good customs that you would rather see.


Sayah, then you risk Namco charging you for customs... Trust me, we don't want Namco to go there, or else they will completely neglect game balancing and go full DOA 5...

But seriously guys... let's stop talking about customizations... Harada hinted about a PC release...


(I still need the TTT2 roster though)...


I was floored when I saw Misty.

DEATH™;121374364 said:
Sayah, then you risk Namco charging you for customs... Trust me, we don't want Namco to go there, or else they will completely neglect game balancing and go full DOA 5...

But seriously guys... let's stop talking about customizations... Harada hinted about a PC release...


(I still need the TTT2 roster though)...

There's still hope for arcades. D&B busters are still around. And the last one I was at had a MarioKart in it. I was super excited when I got to play that xD

Really thought they were only in japan arcades or something. But guess not.
Ya'll know a youtube series (along with that straight to dvd movie sequel) will probably be launched and heavily marketed around/alongside this game, right? Just a hunch based on a trend and hearing American VAs in be teaser.
Please just nerf Paul's Phoenix Smasher on counter-hit :*(

I don't play Paul, but No Way to nerfing the Phoenix Smasher! At mid level to high level play it's not very effective.

But I hella enjoy seeing scrubs using it, or the occasional big time smash! So enjoyable!



Unconfirmed Member
Ya'll know a youtube series (along with that straight to dvd movie sequel) will probably be launched and heavily marketed around/alongside this game, right? Just a hunch based on a trend and hearing American VAs in be teaser.
If it's anything like SF: Assassin's Fist, I'm game.
You think that's bad? I never got to experience it and it was close by all along.
Man, sorry bro. :/ They were some of the best times of my life, it sucks some people missed out on the culture.
There's still hope for arcades. D&B busters are still around. And the last one I was at had a MarioKart in it. I was super excited when I got to play that xD

Really thought they were only in japan arcades or something. But guess not.
Hah, that's kinda cool, actually.

Most of my "local" family fun center type places shun fighters for whatever reason. The only remaining arcade with competitive level players closed down a few months ago. And my home arcade, from when i was like fucking nine, closed down about a month ago, as well. Almost two decades of memories, crouch cancels, oki, shit talking, laughing, spamming, quarters on deck. savoring that .50 win streak with verve....gone. The days are long gone in only in the most populated, top tier cities. Makes me want to cry....


Man, sorry bro. :/ They were some of the best times of my life, it sucks some people missed out on the culture.

Hah, that's kinda cool, actually.

Most of my "local" family fun center type places shun fighters for whatever reason. The only remaining arcade with competitive level players closed down a few months ago. And my home arcade, from when i was like fucking nine, closed down about a month ago, as well. Almost two decades of memories, crouch cancels, oki, shit talking, laughing, spamming, quarters on deck. savoring that .50 win streak with verve....gone. The days are long gone in only in the most populated, top tier cities. Makes me want to cry....

I feel the pain! We had a small scene in Charlotte and Concord, North Carolina. Good times meeting up with people. Now I live in Tennessee an hour and a half away from KiT. To far for me.

Two Words

I don't play Paul, but No Way to nerfing the Phoenix Smasher! At mid level to high level play it's not very effective.

But I hella enjoy seeing scrubs using it, or the occasional big time smash! So enjoyable!

It's so ridiculous on Rage Mode counter-hit. And it's 100% safe on block. I've always been too afraid to try sidestepping it though. In the moment, I always just block it.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Let's say for arguments sake 1P's have been completely consistent... why haven't they at least changed the 2P outfits?

But they did, don't you know? In Tekken Tag Tournament 2, they changed all the 2p outfits into horrible tacky generic customization outfits. It was a celebrated day.


It's so ridiculous on Rage Mode counter-hit. And it's 100% safe on block. I've always been too afraid to try sidestepping it though. In the moment, I always just block it.

Not at point blank range...


But they did, don't you know? In Tekken Tag Tournament 2, they changed all the 2p outfits into horrible tacky generic customization outfits. It was a celebrated day.

Those abominations are and never should be considered "outfits". I have no idea WTF Namco was thinking. I can't unsee Kazuya wearing Austin Powers pants.

I feel the pain! We had a small scene in Charlotte and Concord, North Carolina. Good times meeting up with people. Now I live in Tennessee an hour and a half away from KiT. To far for me.

If you live in Memphis then you're in one of the country's strongest Tekken locals.


Can't the bears punish deathfist with d/f+2,1 even when blocking from a range?

Yeah, bear's twin pistons IMO is the best launch punisher in the game considering its execution, range, damage, and tag bufferable properties. Hwoarang can even launch Paul's death fist with b+3 at that range.

Two Words

Not at point blank range...


Those abominations are and never should be considered "outfits". I have no idea WTF Namco was thinking. I can't unsee Kazuya wearing Austin Powers pants.

If you live in Memphis then you're in one of the country's strongest Tekken locals.
Is that a buffered electric? Can a regular hopkick catch it or is it the buffering that allows you to punish?

Two Words

Wait, is that even the same move? I thought Paul's Phoenix Smasher was QCF +1, his left hand. Do I have it backwards? I also recall the stun on block putting the defender in a more crouched position. You know, that really long stunned block.


Deathfist is qcf+2
Yeah, bear's twin pistons IMO is the best launch punisher in the game considering its execution, range, damage, and tag bufferable properties. Hwoarang can even launch Paul's death fist with b+3 at that range.

Yeah, I made a Kuma/Nina team and the damage and synergy is insane.

The williams are the only ones (from what I know) that can do a bound combo followup from Kuma's d/b+4.

Full combo goes like
Kuma: d/b+4, WS 2
Nina: d+4,1, ivory cutter. voila.


As an old school arcade player and a bonafide Tekken addict for 20 years I hope they scrap the bound system.

I love Tekken and play it no matter what. But the bound system turns the simple concept of jugging and makes it to long for the trade off. It's like bound is not worth the risk versus reward. The risk is turning off players, mucking game design, for very little reward of player fun and some players bounds turns off.

I also disagree bound is needed for balance, or for oki balance... just not true. Other ways to get the same effect.

And something that is being missed completely is pacing. Something I did not realize myself, and no one has brought it up, yet it is CRITICAL!

Friends and I played TTT2, then an hour later played T5DR and we compared the differences. The difference in these games are amazing! T5 was so fast! It was serious no mistakes and sweating the opponents attacks, and it felt that way because the pacing was so fast.

No second character, no BOUNDS, just a strait up fight with minor typical juggles.

It was so much fun, and more fun than TTT2 bound system.

Pacing can help keep interest in watching, and make the game flow faster, and more intense, more fun, and makes for a better "experiance". Bounds somehow ruins the experience.

Mate, Tekken 5 is bloody amazing. Possibly the best fighting game of all time. They did so many things right there. I really wonder what happened.


DEATH™;121371190 said:
Also, how could I miss this? THIS PRETTY MUCH...

And honestly, T7 will make or break the series... with a real bigger chance to break it... like 75/100 chance. There is no way scrubs won't complain even when bounds get removed when they get wall carried by Nina or Lee to the wall, and there is no way some people will not ditch the game when their characters get removed or get simplified so much that they don't play the same or as fun as it was before.

I have to agree. Maybe Tekken 7 in a way that doesn't hurt the series will be Harada's biggest challenge.

After TTT2, more of the same won't cut it, they have to innovate, and innovate in a way that makes a better game while also making it easier to become good. That's a really, really tough challenge.

For this: I think you don't look at the scrubs, you look at mid-tier players/low-end tourney players, and why they lose to better players. Try to help those folks out, except in the area of reads and player knowledge.

My answer would be to try to make the game more about hard reads, and less about using movement to avoid having to deal with things. This comes from my experience with playing stronger players in both Tekken and VF. When I am destroyed by a master in VF, I feel stupid because I know why I'm losing, but I can win if I make the right read. With Tekken against better players, I feel more helpless like I can't do something even if I make a good read, because they can just not allow me to play.

getting blown up in VF feels like playing vs a top tier KOF player- you just got blown up.
getting blown up in Tekken felt like playing Hawk vs Blanka- feels like nothing you can do to win the matchup.
Tekken 6 nor Tekken Tag 2 never interested me, but I was addicted to T5DR. I finally ordered TTT2 for PS3 a minute ago to get in shape for T7 maybe next year. My fightpad came in yesterday. I'll be scrubbing it up with Bryan and Jack against some of you guys in a few days.
jins outfit is pretty iconic, even more so than those twos outfits, kings mask is also pretty iconic

I agree with that but I consider his mask an extension to him like an arm and a leg.
I mean in terms of his clothes like everyone else. Xiaoyu needs a more mature look like in Tekken 4 her TTT2 CG and outfit makes her look younger than her age
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